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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/02/02)20150203 
rayjj Finally have some sensible (mostly) numbers for gs and pcl6 RAM usage. There are a few PDf files that seem "out of the park" on RAM that need investigation, but out of 10,000+ ATS pages that's not bad07:39.34 
  I sent (to tech) an email with the .csv files that hopefully allows you to sort and/or grep to get the data you want. Excel loads it, so SO should as well :-)07:41.09 
  time to sleep before the meeting in ~ 8 hrs.07:42.11 
clmates hi10:47.05 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.10:47.05 
clmates I have a question regarding the usage of ps2pdf.bat with concurrent calls 10:48.04 
  I'm using ghostscript in order to generate pdf output from a reporting system10:48.30 
  this system can hadle several reports at the same time so it can call ps2pdf.bat concurrently for several reports10:49.03 
  I'm having problems to generate the pdf sometimes, and I think this is because the _at and _at2 files being generated in TEMP folder for all calls, so they get locked or mixed10:50.03 
chrisl clmates: it won't work - don't use ps2pdf.bat just call Ghostscript directly and that should work just fine10:50.23 
kens chrisl beat me to it10:50.37 
clmates so my question is if this is possible to make these bat files to generate inside TEMP a subfolder with the process number $$ 10:50.47 
  so each call has his own temp10:51.04 
kens You can alter the batch files if you insist on doing it that way, but as chrisl says, don;t bother10:51.15 
clmates and then remove this process folder at exit10:51.18 
chrisl I refer my esteemed colleague to the answer I gave earlier..... ;-)10:51.42 
clmates just another question then, because I'm not sure how to integrate with the rport software with direct call , sorry10:52.17 
kens If you can call a .bat file tehn you can call a .exe10:52.46 
chrisl clmates: so you'll call gswin32/64c.exe (instead of ps2pdf.bat) and use the parameters: -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -o <output file>.pdf <input file>10:54.07 
kens I'd dump the COMpatibilityLevel, if you use 1.4 it limits 'something', I forget what, but I recently changed the default level to 1.510:54.44 
  I didn't bother changing the scripts10:54.59 
clmates ok, I will try that, many thanks10:55.30 
chrisl NP10:55.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: two commits on tor/master11:12.55 
  the mujs bugfix and the new URW fonts11:13.02 
Robin_Watts So we have no CJK fallback?11:14.32 
tor8 no change for the CJK fallback11:14.45 
  this is only affecting the non-CJK fallbacks11:14.51 
Robin_Watts Gotcha.11:14.58 
tor8 thousands of regression diffs11:15.09 
Robin_Watts of course.11:15.17 
tor8 most due to the replacement of droid sans with the base14 as a substitute11:15.25 
  but also several glyphs that have changed shapes slightly in the new URW fonts11:15.38 
  Robin_Watts: thanks. pushed.11:15.45 
  I've been messing with the embedded context in fz_document and the *_document subclasses11:17.19 
  not really come to a compelling solution11:17.29 
  we obviously want to keep the pdf_document, xps_document etc as fz_context substitutes11:17.57 
  or at least that's what I've assumed11:18.43 
  currently I've got the fz_ functions calling the rebind function and then calling the real callback11:20.15 
Robin_Watts Hmm. So we'd still bind context to doc?11:20.16 
tor8 another approach would be to do the rebind inside a pdf_ wrapper function11:20.49 
  and a third approach would be to not embed the fz_context in the document types at all11:21.02 
  as my drop branch stands at the moment, the document structs are the only remaining fz_context embedders11:21.30 
Robin_Watts I might be tempted to use explicit contexts for fz_docs too.11:22.05 
  Consistency etc.11:22.17 
tor8 the pdf_op_processor stuff is a bit messy with all the structs around it, but that's not as externally visible so I'm saving that for last11:22.19 
  yeah. if we're breaking a lot of APIs with the next release, might as well go the full way11:22.34 
  I'll take a stab at that after lunch. thanks. it might turn out better than I expected.11:23.10 
  if we keep the pdf_doc as a context-type, the split with pdf_ functions taking a ctx and a doc will drive me nuts11:23.36 
vtorri_ hey11:42.47 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.11:42.47 
vtorri_ i'm aplnning to udate mupdf from 1.2 to 1.611:42.59 
  there are a lot of changes11:43.04 
  is there some doc about how to update ?11:43.14 
  i remember that in some releases, there was a script which changed the names from a version to another11:43.44 
  but i can't find that script anymore in mupdf 1.611:43.58 
clmates chrisl just to confirm that this seems to work much better, I'm not getting any kind of error about locked files and also seems to be faster, many thanks again11:52.10 
tor8 vtorri_: might be better if you wait for 1.711:52.31 
chrisl clmates: cool, glad to help11:52.36 
tor8 there are significant changes incoming11:52.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: Are you intending to get your drop stuff into 1.7?11:54.08 
vtorri_ tor8: ok, thank you11:54.08 
  tor8: any idea when 1.7 will be out ?11:54.23 
Robin_Watts This month, or early next month, I think.11:54.51 
vtorri_ ok, thank you11:55.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I am still hopeful.12:21.12 
  Robin_Watts: most of the changes are pretty mechanical12:21.31 
Robin_Watts coo. Found an interesting tool, and look at the author...13:21.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ooh. that'd be interesting to try out on our new URW fonts.13:22.34 
kens Err, TrueType outlines, our new fotns are CFF outlines13:22.51 
Robin_Watts That works on ttf, which are ... what kens said.13:22.58 
tor8 kens: we've got them in TTF as well, no?13:23.04 
kens has no idea13:23.10 
  We have old ones in TTF13:23.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: We really want to only be standardising on 1 format.13:23.28 
kens I htought Henry wanted 'a singel deliverable' so I assumed we just got OTF with CFF outlines13:23.37 
Robin_Watts Possibly extending the code to work with cubics rather than quads would be possible.13:23.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: kens: I just assumed based on the in henrys home directory that contains TTFs of the new base-12 fonts with greek and cyrillic glyphs13:25.05 
  but I agree, OTF for one deliverable is ideal13:25.17 
kens didn't know that13:25.18 
tor8 kens: the OTF is half the size of the TTF though13:26.22 
  okay, so try it on the droid sans fallback font?13:26.39 
kens Yeah, I think we established that the CFF outlines were the smallest possible set.13:26.40 
  It would be interesting to try it on DroidSans13:26.51 
Robin_Watts tor8: That sounds a good idea.13:26.54 
tor8 kens: I've extracted the CFF table from the OTF and used that for MuPDF13:26.55 
Robin_Watts but then you might assume that they've already done that :)13:27.04 
tor8 saves us a few 100k of pointless 'cmap' table cruft that mupdf doesn't use anyway13:27.10 
kens tor8 yeah, but we'll need to keep them as OTF for GS, in order to share them with GhostPCL, unless CHris decides that we can add CFF loading to GhostPCL instead.13:27.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: Is that CMAP cruft used by gs and/or pcl ?13:30.26 
kens I think Zoltan can forget his latest request. No way I'm changing setpagedevice to work differntly to the specification13:30.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'd assume it's used by PCL13:30.48 
  mupdf uses the glyph names to build its encoding tables13:31.04 
Robin_Watts If not, we could strip it out of the otfs.13:31.08 
  fair enough.13:31.14 
tor8 if you strip out the cmap from the OTF you've pretty much just got a raw CFF :)13:31.30 
  the 'hmtx' table is pure redundancy13:32.21 
  the 'cmap' in the OTF may actually add something of value, as well as the kerning and GPOS etc tables13:32.40 
kens CMAP is used by GS I believe, when using a TT as a font substitute13:32.48 
  Of course, that's not hte same as OTF+CFF13:33.28 
chrisl kens: the thing from Zoltan.... couldn't he get what he needs by calling putdeviceparams directly?14:38.45 
kens No, I don't think so, he wants it to track gsave/grestore14:39.18 
Robin_Watts If he needs to track gsave/grestore, then he needs to understand gc.14:39.39 
kens Since the device parameters are not affected by grestore, it won't work14:39.44 
Robin_Watts and if he really understood gc, I suspect he'd just amend the graphics state itself.14:39.59 
kens Robin_Watts : I believe he needs to store his params in his own dictioanry, and hook grestore so that if any of the parameters have changed he updates his device.14:40.17 
chrisl With a bit of Postscript hacking, it could be made to work14:40.38 
Robin_Watts Possibly we should mail him back and get him to tell us exactly what he wants to achieve.14:41.04 
kens I understand what he wants, I believe, I don't think his method is a good plan.14:41.25 
  Breaking setpagdevice to achieve his goals is a Bad Idea, especially the way our setpagedevice is implemented14:41.43 
  But its the wrong thing to do anyway14:41.55 
  As you said, he could do it by altering the graphics state14:42.20 
  But that would be hard, and would need to be kept up to date, he doesn't want to have to do that14:42.37 
chrisl But using putdeviceparams should get him the communication with the device without erasing the page, and a bit Postscript hacking would get the parameters obeying gsave/grestore etc14:42.47 
kens chrisl that's what I'm suggesting above14:43.04 
  He needs to store his parameteres in a dict, giving him save/restore, and hook grestore so that if his params have changed, he sends them to the device14:43.29 
  Ideally he would want to store his redefinition in systemdict of course14:44.20 
chrisl Yeh, I just felt that if we point him at putdeviceparams that gives him the (main) tool he needs to get where he wants14:44.23 
kens I think he already knows that exists, from his mail14:44.35 
  When I get some time I was going to have a go at implementing it, but I'm lost in a twisty maze at the moment14:45.58 
chrisl TBH, if he knows about putdeviceparams he has everything he needs to do what he wants, and in a way that won't need to updated regularly with new gs releases14:47.11 
kens Yeah, I just wanted to present him with a solution, when I tell him to get knotted14:47.33 
Robin_Watts The new noto fonts from google weigh in at 15Meg+ for CJKV.14:49.17 
  Anyone want to guess what the bitstream fonts weighed in at for the same?14:49.33 
chrisl Does bitstream use it's own format?14:51.50 
Robin_Watts yes.14:52.36 
  uses strokes to make glyphs.14:52.49 
chrisl Could be any size then.......14:53.06 
Robin_Watts Not great for print quality, but quite good for screen use.14:53.09 
  less than 1Meg.14:53.11 
chrisl I bet the shapes are pretty poor - like the Microtype fonts.....14:54.06 
kens Well, I think I just came across a major problem with pdfwrite and the device subclassing. pdfwrite maintains a pointer to the device in its font_cache elements. If we move the location of pdfwrite around, then the pointer to the device will be invalidated. It works OK for the first/last page code, because that gets installed right up front before pdfwrite sees any fonts, and never gets removed.14:54.34 
Robin_Watts kens: Can you have them keep a pointer to something that doesn't move, and that contains a pointer that does?14:58.27 
kens2 Robin_Watts : I think I can just do without the pointer anyway, it seems to be slightly pointless. I can pass in the device pointer from the callingfunction.15:01.41 
Robin_Watts even better.15:01.51 
kens2 WHich will also save (very slightly) on storage too15:01.54 
  I'm just trying to figure out if that will work right now15:02.13 
  Being pdfwrite its ahrd to tell15:02.24 
  Yeah there's even a comment tghat says we only use it for removing the font cache element, Dumb!15:03.15 
tor8 Robin_Watts: are these the Noto Han fonts that adobe made?15:06.25 
Robin_Watts Yes.15:06.40 
tor8 they're pretty nice, and have variants for all glyphs that differ between traditional, simplified, korean and japanese scripts15:07.07 
Robin_Watts yeah. I'm having problems with them in SOT at the moment, which I think is due to stuff not working properly for fallback.15:07.40 
tor8 I have considered using them, since we know which script to select based on the CID ordering used15:07.45 
  but they're pretty massive compared to DroidSansFallback15:08.05 
Robin_Watts yes.15:08.20 
tor8 we might consider creating a subset of glyphs based on the most common code pages and see how small we can get that15:08.57 
kens2 OK turns out that there are a slew of other places that pdfwrite holds on to a copy of the device pointer, and in a lot of them, it needs too. Basically this isn't going to work I don't think.15:20.15 
  It'll be OK for devices that get pushed at the start and persist, but that's all.15:20.35 
henrys nothing like a little zoltan ;-)15:21.57 
  meeting in 10 minutes15:22.06 
rayjj kens2: you could just make pdfwrite "immovable" -- it's probably just about large enough to usually be in its own chunk anyway15:32.18 
marcosw morning15:32.38 
kens2 rayjj I can't do that, the whoel method of working for the device subclassing involves copying devcies around15:32.50 
fredross-perry morning15:32.53 
henrys if everyone could take a look at rayjj email and weigh in if needed say in the next 2 hours that would be great. We need to get that out.15:33.01 
rayjj henrys: the concern is what to say about the files that take a lot of RAM -- and not just clist.15:34.41 
henrys kens2: have you had a chance to look at the performance issue with forms, enough so we could give scheduling information or tell them what parts we intend to address, if any?15:35.52 
kens2 henrys, I have done nothign further with it, all my thoughts are in the bug report. Its up to you if you want me to look into it. We can do one of 3 things:15:36.39 
  1) DO nothing15:36.42 
  2) Implement a full form cache15:36.50 
  3) Implement a form cache look-alike for high level devices15:37.05 
  1 is easy15:37.11 
mvrhel_laptop morning. sorry I am late15:37.21 
kens2 2 would take a long time, and probably has little benefit15:37.24 
tor8 henrys: which exact license do we have for the new URW++ fonts?15:37.27 
henrys kens2: okay I got the impression there were minor improvements that could be done.15:37.36 
kens2 3 I;m guessing would be a couple of days work, and would only work for high level devices15:37.41 
tor8 and is it the same license for the OTF and the TTF formats?15:37.49 
chrisl rayjj: do those aberrant PDFs share any common characteristics? (transparency, shadings etc)?15:38.15 
henrys GPL or commercial only for the 3 fonts15:38.24 
rayjj kens2: for 3, does the resulting high level output render faster ?15:38.36 
tor8 which version of GPL? 2 or 3?15:38.37 
kens2 henrys I cna fix the problems with the /Pattern colour space and pdfwrite. That would resolve the multiple form caching and ouwl get a smaller output file, but would not address the performance15:38.55 
  rayjj yes, that one gets performance benefits, for high level devices only15:39.15 
chrisl henrys: how do those OTFs differ from the Type 1s from a couple of weeks ago? (other than being OTF)15:39.41 
rayjj kens2: I meant, does rendering the resulting PDF (created from the #3 changes) get any benefit15:40.22 
henrys tor8: good question ... they know nothing about the GPL, they want it to be the same as the fonts they gave last to the community and this is really an upgrade for those fonts - so that must be the original GPL given the timeframe.15:40.23 
kens2 rayjj no, I wouldn't think so, we would already have spotted the duplicatws and removed them.15:40.43 
  Note that this is something I haven't yet tested, due to the problems with the /Pattern colour space definition15:41.04 
tor8 henrys: I'll drop in the GPL2 license file then. I'm planning to upload these font files to a separate repository for the community to use.15:41.10 
rayjj kens2: that's what I thought, I just wanted to confirm it15:41.11 
henrys chrisl: there intended to be compatible but I believe you shouldn't have to fool with encoding to reach all the glyphs, right? Weren't the type 1's just a standard15:41.23 
kens2 You can only have 255 glyphs in an Encoding. Type 1 fonts may contain more glyphs and you have to change the ENcoding to get to them15:41.54 
  StandardEncoding is just a default15:42.10 
chrisl That'll be true of OTF/CFF as far as Ghostcript is concerned15:42.25 
henrys kens2: right the type 1 fonts should have exceed the 25515:42.26 
rayjj henrys: the whole point of having Encodings is for other languages to pull in / exclude glyphs needed by a language (into the base 255 or low 127)15:43.11 
henrys chrisl: the beziers and metrics should be identical.15:43.16 
chrisl henrys: so we expect the last lot of Type 1 fonts we got to have the new glyphs in them, too?15:43.27 
henrys chrisl: yes15:43.36 
chrisl Cool, I don't need to do anything more for now, then15:43.50 
rayjj chrisl: to your earlier question (that I missed): I haven't looked at the aberrant files yet. I've been focused on collecting the data for now15:45.08 
henrys chrisl: I'd like to get them in the build soon is there some reason not to?15:45.41 
chrisl henrys: which?15:45.53 
henrys chrisl: the 3 fonts we just received15:46.09 
chrisl henrys: the Type 1 versions can go in immediately15:46.24 
rayjj I found it interesting/alarming that tests_private/pdf/PDF_1.7_ATS/AIX361DC_Save.pdf only used 40Mb of compressed clist, but needed 850Mb of RAM15:46.45 
kens2 henrys ps2write won't pass all the CET tests with these fonts in CFF format15:46.51 
henrys chrisl: no I meant the others.15:47.05 
chrisl There's no way I'm making that kind of change a month before a release15:47.21 
henrys 3 fonts geez .... okay15:47.58 
  with what kens2 is saying though right... I didn't realize that.15:48.24 
chrisl Er, the three most often used of the built in fonts.....15:48.33 
henrys chrisl: tor8 just checked in his ;-)15:49.01 
kens2 I put in a quick hack to avoid the seg fault, I didn't attempt to fix the problem properly, its several more days work to address it15:49.02 
tor8 in chrisl's defence, they are 3 pretty crucial fonts...15:49.59 
henrys rayjj: then we need different files for this report.15:50.17 
  rayjj: and bugs for the memory issues15:50.38 
chrisl tor8: and Ghostscript and Postscript can do considerably more heinous things with fonts that mupdf would ever do......15:51.04 
tor8 chrisl: exactly15:51.19 
  I'm pretty confident nothing will break badly with mupdf with these fonts15:51.35 
chrisl henrys: we also have a small issue to decide what to do about: we are the de-facto upstream source for the URW fonts: we *will* get complaints if we stop "shipping" the Type 1 versions15:52.27 
henrys chrisl: well a clusterpush and a bug with results would be good.15:52.49 
chrisl henrys: the only problem is the ps2write one - I've fixed the others I found (on a branch)15:53.19 
henrys we do have a potential customer, the customer has licensed these fonts we need to be ready.15:53.58 
rayjj henrys: What files do you suggest ? The JEITA files are reasonable (the worst case is J12 which is < 40Mb15:54.11 
kens2 suspects the customer doesn't need ps2write15:54.21 
henrys kens2: yes that is a very good point.15:54.33 
chrisl henrys: throwing a release over the wall without proper testing does not count as "being prepared"15:54.47 
rayjj chrisl: are you sure we will get complaints? The free users almost all use freetype, so why would they demand Type 1 vs OTF ?15:55.40 
kens2 Of course, if we are to ship OTF-CFF fonts as standard, then the weird case in ps2write (TYpe 0 font with two descendants, one type 3 and one built-in font) *does* need to be fixed before we do a release with these fonts built-in15:55.47 
  rayjj someone will complain.....15:56.08 
  Pretty much guaranteed15:56.17 
rayjj kens2: yeah, true. Some people just live to complain15:56.39 
henrys I guess I didn't perceive the change as that great a deal if it passes the cluster test. and yes somebody will complain ...15:56.43 
chrisl rayjj: I'm sure - I've had complaints that glyph names have changed in the charstrings dictionary, that stuff in the FontInfo dictionary has changed etc15:56.59 
kens2 henrys I'd be reluctant to do such a major change just before a release. A cluster test is great, but its far from exhaustive.15:57.20 
henrys sorry to take up the whole meeting with this again but it is rather important.15:57.26 
  fredross-perry: are you getting along okay?15:57.32 
rayjj chrisl: yeah, we want new glyphs, but we don't like the fact that the MD5 sums have changed :-)15:57.43 
chrisl rayjj: exactly that kind of nonsense, yes15:58.25 
fredross-perry yes I am. Wrapped up the print dialog work. Moved everything into a new repo at, with mupdf and ghostpdl as submodules. 15:58.34 
  working through some iOS framework tutorials now.15:58.54 
  I have to step out now for anther call.15:59.15 
henrys anybody else have other stuff for the meeting. I have a lot more stuff but I can just stick it on the agenda and we'll get to it as time permits.15:59.47 
chrisl henrys: I think we need to talk about hosting for our downloads at some point - the problems with silently aborted downloads don't seem to be going away16:00.48 
henrys rayjj: I don't know a list of files that don't make us look like a POS and bugs for files that do. Probably just send it to the customer and support.16:01.04 
  chrisl: yup that's on the list.16:01.16 
chrisl Thanks16:01.20 
henrys tor8: jeong claim to have pretty good coverage of XFA in his product and we can have it if we want it. Do you want to look at it or reasonable probability we can't use it?16:03.32 
  other meeting be back in a bit.16:04.14 
rayjj henrys: OK, for now, the JEITA files, and maybe the Altona Visual. Are there any other suggestions for inclusions.16:04.32 
henrys rayjj: that seems fine. we really do want to collect the problems you found in bugzilla too!16:05.20 
chrisl rayjj: what about the Ghent tests? They're freely available aren't they?16:05.22 
rayjj chrisl: they're mostly junk, IMHO -- not "real world"16:06.00 
chrisl rayjj: I'd agree, but being openly available means they would be tests almost anyone could repeat16:06.38 
rayjj henrys: yes, I'm pulling the list of aberrant files together for a bug. I'll start with one bug, then if we find groupings after analysis, we can close that and open separate bugs based on the nature of the problem16:07.38 
  chrisl: well, any printer company will have the JEITA, and they are pretty inexpensive if not16:08.18 
  chrisl: unfortunately, most printer companies will also have the QL tests and will use them16:08.43 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: just one thing. I am wrapping up a few minor issues on the gsview installer. Then I will hand it to chrisl to put on the website as a beta version. The same installer will work for 32 or 64 bit. After that, I need to answer the color questions that one customer brought up about spot colors in gs last week and then on to SOT16:08.46 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I don't recall the decision on gsview. Is it going out as GPL or more restrictive (AFPL or other)16:10.30 
mvrhel_laptop the issues that I am having with the installer have to do when a user with non admin account does the install. I am being prevented from making the needed registry changes to ensure all the icons are correct and all the "open with.." options are populated. . I am thinking about just making it that you have to do the install as admin. for now. likely this is an issue that we are not signed 16:10.47 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: and does the installer have a 'click to agree' that mentions the license ?16:10.59 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: yes. miles gave me a EULA to stick in there16:11.13 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: I've got some stuff for handling non-admin installs that I'm going to stick in the gs installer......16:11.39 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: will you be around in a 1/2 hour or so I had a bunch of stuff on my list for you?16:11.49 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: great. Just checking in case it got overlooked in getting things to work :-)16:11.55 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: great we can chat more about that later. also the gsinstaller is installing as win32 on 64 bit machines16:12.35 
  the installer code for gs needs a view changes16:12.54 
  I can show you what I did in gsview16:13.02 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: if you take a look at the "nsis-updates" branch on repo, it has the revisions on it16:13.09 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: ok16:13.18 
chrisl s/on repo/on my repo16:13.22 
  mvrhel_laptop: what do mean by "installing as win32 on 64 bit"?16:13.50 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I am supposed to run my car in for a 9am appt. when they put in the new control board for the lock they mucked up something. the trunk release opens the window!16:13.58 
  chrisl. on my 64 bit machine. doing the install of ghostscript, installed the 32 bit version16:14.22 
  it did not properly detect that it was a 64 bit machine16:14.36 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: there are separate installers for 32 and 64 bit installs - you have to download the right now16:14.54 
mvrhel_laptop oh. looking at your nsis code, it looked like it was doing the decision. I compiled the nsis code in the current repos and ran it assuming it did both16:15.36 
  I have a single installer for gsview that detects and installs the proper dlls in the right folder 16:15.57 
  we should do the same for gs16:16.02 
  and only have 1 windows installer16:16.10 
  but I guess16:16.13 
  that some people want 32 bit on 6416:16.19 
  so maybe not16:16.23 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: there's that, and there are complications because of the way the Windows gs build works which I haven't found a solution for yet16:16.56 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I will be back on line about 9:15 or so after I drop the car off, if that will be OK16:17.07 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I'll catch up with you at some point.16:17.31 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok16:17.37 
chrisl If I get the build issue sorted, I'd have a check box for forcing the install of 32 bit exe on a 64 bit system16:17.49 
mvrhel_laptop oh good idea16:18.02 
chrisl The single installer is on my radar (there may even be a bug for it), but it's not exactly a priority16:18.29 
mvrhel_laptop I really like the flexibility of nsis. you can do pretty much anything. including shooting your self in your foot16:18.40 
chrisl Yeh, but it also has some crazy restrictions which drive me up the wall sometimes16:19.10 
mvrhel_laptop a bit of pain to debug16:19.14 
chrisl You're not kidding!!16:19.31 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I hope you don't mind me jumping in with that customers questions.16:21.35 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: not at all! I meant to tell you thank you16:21.51 
Robin_Watts no worries. Please do correct me if I say "Michael probably hasn't done XXXX in the .net" and you have.16:22.21 
mvrhel_laptop will do. 16:23.07 
  fredross-perry: do you want to stick up the installers that you have for linux and the mac on also? not sure where we are with those16:30.06 
  as a beta version16:30.14 
  need to head out. back on line in about 3016:34.08 
jogux I'll happily try any mac installer16:40.36 
Robin_Watts .quit16:57.09 
henrys kens2: I would lean to option 3. Do we know that for sure that form cache is the source of adobe speedup? (i.e.) you've studied the adobe output?17:00.06 
fredross-perry I can post some installers. But is there still an open question around whether some version of gsview will be sold?17:06.22 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Well, the source code is currently available for anyone to download off, so that'd be more of a problem than some installers being up there :)17:09.35 
fredross-perry true enough17:10.40 
kens Goodnight all17:14.08 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I am back. 17:31.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: hey.17:35.28 
  you free to talk for a mo?17:35.36 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes17:35.43 
Robin_Watts So, I just got another mail from the customer about .net17:35.53 
mvrhel_laptop he seems to be full of questions17:36.05 
Robin_Watts Would it be fair to say that your current .net stuff just gives enough access to the core to do what you want, rather than being a consistent exposure of the C API to .net ?17:37.03 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: that would be fair to say17:37.21 
Robin_Watts OK, so similar to what I have currently in android.17:37.31 
  so, he seems to be asking if we have any plans to do a consistent API reflection into net.17:37.57 
  and I would say that no, we have not got that planned.17:38.08 
mvrhel_laptop It is straight forward to add more but I would agree with you that that is not what we have planned17:38.28 
Robin_Watts How would you feel about exposing more as he wants it?17:38.49 
  I suspect it'd be hard, cos even if we could get him a list of the fz_images on a page, he'd then want to be able to actually do things with those images.17:39.18 
mvrhel_laptop I don't have an issue with doing more, but I would think we would need to understand $ and what else it is going to get us. I don't know what their situation is as a customer and us doing special work17:41.12 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: this is part of what I wanted to ask about. Anything extra we need to charge them.17:41.20 
mvrhel_laptop ok17:41.24 
  I was thinking the same thing17:41.33 
  I had to debug his project and the issues that he had were, how should I put it....17:41.58 
  I really can't here since this is a public log17:42.45 
Robin_Watts I'll send an email back saying "no, we have no plans" and mentioning that if he wants NRE work, we can involve Miles in the discussion.17:43.21 
  Seem reasonable?17:43.23 
mvrhel_laptop anyway, I think the gsview project provides a nice demo of what can be done. Robin_Watts yes sounds good17:43.38 
  I would like to add more capabilities as time moves on but I think for now it is done in terms of capabilities. otherwise my other pots are going to boil over17:44.35 
Robin_Watts yeah, I hear that.17:44.45 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I also wanted to talk to you about nsis but you already discussed it. How much time are you anticipating with the color customer?17:45.47 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: maybe 2 days at most17:46.21 
  I might be able to figure it out doday I hope17:46.39 
  henrys: you have me nervous. is there some pressing issue on the horizon?17:48.35 
  other than what I know17:48.45 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: nope just wanted to ask about the .NET and nsis business.17:49.12 
mvrhel_laptop ok good deal. 17:49.28 
mvrhel_laptop_ hmm network at this deli (as I wait for the car) is not so good17:51.24 
  breakfast sandwich was good though17:51.37 
Robin_Watts helen is teaching small child downstairs. parent of small child is waiting for lesson to be over with smaller child. smaller child is a noisy little oik prone to screaming.17:56.43 
  Must. not. touch. shotgun.17:56.53 
mvrhel_laptop hehe18:15.12 
  chrisl; you still there?18:15.17 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: for a very short time, yes18:16.35 
mvrhel_laptop ok I am going to stick the installer in the gsview directory on casper18:16.53 
  if you want to grab it later and put it on the web stie18:17.04 
  I just need to stop and say enough is enough with this 18:17.29 
  and take the brunt of comments....18:17.39 
chrisl Sure, do we want to get everyone (using Windows) in the company to try it, before making it public?18:17.53 
mvrhel_laptop that would be a good idea18:18.00 
Robin_Watts Gimme a location and I'll give it a whirl.18:18.22 
mvrhel_laptop ok hold oon18:18.28 
  pushing it up. network is slow here...18:21.14 
  installer is good sized since it is for both win32 and x64. Another reason to do 2 different ones18:22.20 
  ok its in ~mvrhel/gsview/setup.exe18:22.36 
  so I would recommend you are in your admin account when you install18:22.53 
  There is something going on with it not being signed and UAC stuff that is causing issues in getting the open with options populated in the registry otherwise18:23.47 
chrisl That's on Win8?18:24.21 
mvrhel_laptop I installed on a 32 bit win 7 machine last night18:24.40 
  but from a user account18:24.45 
  and it had the same issues as in win818:24.52 
  from a user account18:24.55 
  I am going to try the admin account on the win 7 machine when I get back home18:25.06 
  to see if the behavior is the same18:25.16 
chrisl As a non-admin user you can basically only install for the current user only, because you can only write to HKEY_LOCAL_USER, not HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE18:25.39 
  Ugh, too many "onlys"....18:25.59 
mvrhel_laptop yes the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is the issue18:26.04 
  but I am forcing run as admin18:26.13 
  and it still does not work18:26.19 
  lots of discussion about this in 
chrisl Okay, nsis has some features to switch between LOCAL_MACHINE and LOCAL_USER - that's some of what my changes to the gs installer do. But it is a pain18:27.08 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: I need to look at what you have done. also I need to get this stuff committed18:27.44 
chrisl Erm, we really should be sending out a beta with uncommitted code.... even for the installer18:28.19 
mvrhel_laptop well it will be committed shortly18:29.13 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: it should really be tagged as a release18:29.36 
mvrhel_laptop ok. well lets beat on it internally first18:29.56 
  at some point we need to peel the project out of the mupdf repos18:30.35 
  tor8 had started that18:30.41 
  perhaps this would be a good time to do that18:30.47 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: so, (first complaint!) can you call it something other than "setup.exe", like gsvsetup.exe or something?18:30.57 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:31.06 
  let me do that now18:31.26 
Robin_Watts gsview_setup.exe. These are not 8+3 days :)18:31.29 
mvrhel_laptop even better18:31.43 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Sacrilege!18:32.07 
mvrhel_laptop ok fixed that18:32.45 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: I'll have a proper play with it tomorrow, but I'll hold off putting up for public consumption for a few days.18:32.58 
marcosw Robin_Watts: "gsview setup.exe" (if we've moved past 8.3 we can have spaces too).18:33.05 
mvrhel_laptop yes. good idea18:33.07 
Robin_Watts aargh. No. spaces are a bad thing.18:33.30 
mvrhel_laptop yes no spaces18:33.36 
chrisl marcosw: I *will* hit you - spaces... hmph!18:33.42 
mvrhel_laptop the yes good idea was for chrisl about holding off18:34.19 
chrisl Right, have to go..... goodnight all!18:35.17 
mvrhel_laptop night chrisl18:35.24 
  Robin_Watts: I have the installer changes in my repos on casper. If you can have a look18:42.20 
Robin_Watts Is platform/windows/gsview/LICENSE a text file for human consumption? Or does it get read in and used by nsis?18:43.30 
mvrhel_laptop read in and used18:43.38 
Robin_Watts If the former, wordwrapping it would be good.18:43.39 
  ah, ok.18:43.42 
mvrhel_laptop I spent a bit of time spacing it so that it was readable in nsis18:43.56 
  I should move it to the nsis folder18:44.21 
Robin_Watts gsview_setup_$VERSION ?18:44.26 
  Does that work?18:44.27 
mvrhel_laptop that would work18:44.36 
  good diea18:44.49 
Robin_Watts ok, I can't claim to understand much of it, but it seems plausible :)18:45.52 
mvrhel_laptop :) ok. you found a couple things. I am going to move the license file to the nsis folder and I will make is to that installer name has the version number18:46.24 
  then I will push to golden18:46.31 
  bbiaw. need to check on car19:02.06 
kens henrys I missed your question at 17::, sorry about that.19:54.50 
fredross-perry sview install question: do I need to present a license to end users? What license? thanks.19:55.48 
kens Studying the Adobe *output* won't, unfortunately, tell us anything about how its handling the input. However, given that the input is nearly 5000 pages, with 3 different forms, and Distiller runs in 16 seconds, it clearly cannot be executing the form PaintProc that many times19:55.55 
  Also, that is where the bulk of the time goes even for pdfwrite. Actually determining duplicates is quite quick, because we hash the streams as we go. SO if we did not execute the form PaintProc thousands of times, we would also not need to write the acumulated form stream and then throw it away when we discover a duplicate.19:57.33 
  Obviously I don't know for sure without trying it what this would win us in performance terms for pdfwrite, but I'm willing to bet its a *lot*.19:58.02 
  And now, back to TV......19:58.15 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: The same license as michael does I guess... hold on...19:59.09;a=blob;f=platform/windows/gsview/LICENSE;h=4fd64b191152d9661e14e9f734a225a3ee51efb6;hb=647210a7a8bdad10948c07415c9701e03201665019:59.33 
fredross-perry what URL do things in public_html get?22:45.53 
  OK, I see it now.22:47.24 
  I put gsview installers for mac and linux in - have fun23:01.23 
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