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Log of #ghostscript at

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jhabjan kens: ping09:41.52 
kens pong09:41.56 
jhabjan if you recall the setdash from the other day09:42.54 
kens Yep09:42.59 
jhabjan well.. after explaining the problem to the user.. i just got response back09:43.34 
kens OK09:43.38 
jhabjan he claims it works with other devices09:43.48 
kens Possibly it does, but that doesn't make it correct09:44.02 
jhabjan I did try png256 device09:44.18 
kens Acrobat for example is well known for ignoring illegal PDF files09:44.22 
jhabjan and it does not report any errors09:44.28 
  png is produced09:44.33 
kens Oh you mean other GS devices ? Really ?09:44.33 
jhabjan yep09:44.37 
kens I'm... surprised....09:44.43 
jhabjan only display device reports that error09:44.44 
kens I can't think why that would be.09:44.56 
jhabjan right, that's why I want to tell you that :)09:45.13 
kens Best thing to do probably is open a bug report, I'm in the middle of something else at the moment09:45.16 
jhabjan no worries09:45.23 
chris_away jhabjan: what was the name of the PDF?09:47.58 
jhabjan chrisl: 
chrisl jhabjan: that's odd - if I use -dNODISPLAY I get the "/rangecheck in --setdash--", but a whole bunch of other devices see to work fine.....09:51.58 
kens Strange, probably the simplest thing is to break in setdash and see what's throwing the error.09:52.27 
jhabjan yep09:52.43 
kens I must admit I thought that [0] was illegal, because its setting both the 'draw' and 'gap' sizes to 009:53.00 
chrisl Well, as the current code doesn't throw an error with any device I can see, I'm not inclined to spend much time on it09:53.17 
kens The current code does drop the annotation as illegal though09:53.34 
  on the display device, I didn't try any others09:53.41 
chrisl It does give a warning, I suppose, so.....09:53.46 
kens Just did a quick check, on my branch code it doesn't throw an error with tiff24nc09:54.33 
kens OK I'll look at it when I have a moment free.09:56.22 
jhabjan sure, no worries09:56.29 
chrisl Baffling: the error comes from line 186 in base/gsline.c - and I see nothing there, or in the call tree, that is device dependent.....09:56.37 
kens Well, that code looks like I'd expect.09:57.09 
  I'll reduce the file to just the annotation when I have the time.09:57.30 
  And I can have the PDF itnerpreter print the parameters its sending to setdash09:57.55 
chrisl Duh, with ppmraw, zsetdash isn't being called.......09:59.18 
kens Hmm, that's peculiar09:59.33 
  I htought we would draw the annotation at least.09:59.48 
chrisl There is a redefinition of /setdash in, but I'm not clear how that would be device dependent10:01.40 
kens Its a Link annotation, so possibly we shouldn't be drawing it i any device (except pdfwrite)10:02.32 
  Hmm, looks like we do call drawborder for link annotations10:04.12 
  and drawwidget apparently10:04.22 
chrisl With ppmraw, /annotvisible returns false so we don't try to draw it, but with -dNODISPLAY it returns true, so we do try to draw it10:06.47 
  Oh, ick, I see.....10:10.16 
  We decide whether or this is a "Printer" device depending on the existence of the "OutputFile" key in the page dictionary10:11.50 
kens Well, I can't say I'm surprised10:15.20 
  Probably better to check if its a HighLevelDevice10:15.46 
chrisl That would change the behaviour, though10:16.07 
kens Yes, but its inconsistent now10:16.18 
  And thining about it, it will change pdfwrite too10:16.39 
  RIght now display, bbox, and maybe the inkcov devices won't render the annotations, which is wrong for the inkcov devices10:17.34 
  Its all pretty icky in there. actually10:18.22 
chrisl jhabjan: so, it looks like, for now anyway, you can enforce consistent behaviour by adding to the Ghostscript parameters: -c "userdict /Printed true put" -f <input file>10:18.48 
jhabjan chrisl: gr8, ill do that10:19.24 
kens TBH doing different stuff based on whether its a printer looks wrong to me. THat would potentially mean that the bbox device would give incorrect results when compared against the rendering of the tiff device.10:19.48 
chrisl That way the display device will behave the same as ones like png where these annotations are concerned10:19.48 
  kens: I'd agree with that....10:20.53 
kens Ugh, it seems to be something to do with annotationflags.10:22.21 
  Some annotations only redner if printed, not to a viewer (!)10:22.51 
  In any event, I think we should be consistent, no matter what the device. I'll change it at some point10:23.36 
chrisl I still think it's a very poor way to tell whether it's a printer device10:23.38 
kens Its a *terrible* way to tell.....10:23.50 
  A customer's device (for a printer) may well not have a /OutputDevice key set10:24.12 
jhabjan chrisl: is userdict /Printed true put a same as: -dPrinted ?10:27.07 
chrisl jhabjan: Erm, not quite, but the effect will be the same: -dPrinted I think will put the value in systemdict rather than userdict10:27.46 
jhabjan ok10:28.04 
chrisl I hadn't noticed it before, -dPrinted will be just fine10:28.16 
jhabjan gr810:28.51 
kens Huh, its even documented. We have too many options.....10:29.28 
jhabjan both solution works .. with -c or -dPrinted.. thanks10:30.16 
chrisl jhabjan: that should see you through until we can look at the setdash thing properly10:32.24 
kens The setdash parameter is genuinely illegal. I could, of course, 'fix' it in the PDF interpreter10:33.03 
chrisl I take it Acrobat just ignores it, as if setdash had never been called?10:33.43 
kens Not absolutely sure to be honest, it either ignores the setdash or doesn't draw anything, I'd have ot reduce the file to check10:34.18 
  I think it simply drops the border silently though10:34.41 
chrisl kens: Okay, if you want me to look at it, just let me know10:34.54 
kens Not a problem, I'll get to it, just trying to sort out these forms10:35.10 
  Now that I've got rid of Zoltan again, for the moment10:35.23 
chrisl Back to fonts hell.....10:35.31 
  Or possibly coffee first10:35.41 
kens I have that yet to come :-(10:35.45 
  coffee, oh yes I knew I was forgetting something.....10:36.00 
jhabjan any idea why tiff devices would not work when output is set to pipe ?12:22.17 
  other devices works well12:22.27 
kens because they need to be able to seek in the output file12:22.42 
  I'm reasonably sure pdfwrite won't work if you try to pipe it, and it definitely won't if you try to Linearise the output12:23.31 
kens lunches12:23.44 
jhabjan pdfwrite device also works12:24.15 
chrisl IIRC, pdfwrite "cheats" by writing the entire output to a tmp file, and then redirecting that the stdout12:24.57 
jhabjan ok, got it12:25.28 
chrisl We could do something similar for TIFF, but at the time it came up, no one had time to spend on it, so throwing an error when we couldn't write a valid file was the next best thing12:26.15 
  It also *can't* be made to work with tiffsep(1), so it's arguable we're better being consistent across all the tiff devices12:27.13 
jhabjan no worries12:28.49 
kens While its true that pdfwrite writes all the stream content and external resources to temporary files, and then creates the output file from those, I have a sneaking suspicion that there are some cases where it writes 'emoty space' into the file and then goes back and fills it in later when it knows what's supposed to be there. For Linearised output, it rewrite the PDF file completely *after* its been created, so that really won't work with a pipe.13:00.27 
chrisl Yeh, I remember it *definitely* doesn't work for Linearised13:09.30 
hyper_ch hi there, I have some issue with using ghostscript to combine multiple files and provide a layout with a pdfmarks file. It seems when I use: gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="new.pdf" *.pdf "pdfmarks", then GS will use the existing pdfmarks in the last file selected by the glob and then add the info from pdfmakrs instead of replacing it14:21.15 
  so I wonder how I can remove existing pdfmarks14:21.37 
chrisl You could possibly redefine pdfmark as a null op whilst processing the pdf file14:26.00 
  It would depend on exactly how pdfmark is incorporated into the pdf interpreter - a lot of stuff used by the pdf interpreter can't be redefined like that14:27.38 
hyper_ch chrisl: not sure what you mean... I thought by providing the pdfmarks file it would use that and replace the stuff14:29.47 
chrisl hyper_ch: no, that's not how it works at all14:30.10 
hyper_ch well, what do you mean then by redefine pdfmark?14:31.20 
chrisl pdfmark is (at least partly) implemented in Postscript, so it can be redefined14:31.48 
  You need to understand Postscript and some Ghostscript internals to do it, *if* it's possible at all14:32.23 
hyper_ch what do you mean by that?14:32.27 
  I mean if I can tell it to add pdfmarks, why can't I tell it to remove existing stuff?14:33.31 
chrisl I'm not aware of a pdfmark operation for removing stuff14:34.20 
hyper_ch :(14:34.29 
chrisl So, the only way to do it would to prevent the original pdfmarks (strictly speaking not pdfmarks, but that's another matter) from having any effect on the output14:35.53 
  But that could result in unwanted side effects14:36.09 
hyper_ch and how would I achieve that and why isn't it pdfmarks?14:36.29 
chrisl pdfmark is a (non-standard) Postscript operator, your input is PDF, so cannot actually contain pdfmarks. It *happens* we use pdfmarks to preserve certain metadata content from pdf input to output.14:37.36 
  But that metadata wasn't pdfmarks in the original PDF14:37.57 
hyper_ch adobe calls it pdfmark... so if it's integreated in a pdf I fail to see why it's not pdfmark14:38.23 
chrisl It's not integrated in a pdf, pdfmark is Postscript14:38.49 
hyper_ch ok, you got a point there14:40.19 
  but still, how can I remove existing metadata then?14:40.40 
chrisl As I said, there's a small chance you might be able to redefine the pdfmark operator to be a null op14:41.17 
hyper_ch I don't know what you mean by taht14:41.31 
chrisl Like I said, you'd need to understand Postscript and (some) Ghostscript pdf interpreter internals14:42.03 
hyper_ch iieeks14:42.10 
chrisl Even then, I'm not totally sure it would work....14:42.41 
  hyper_ch: is this is one-off, or is this something you'll need to do regularly?14:42.59 
hyper_ch regularly14:43.44 
chrisl Like I said, even if it did work, you may well get unwanted side-effects - stuff going missing you don't intend14:44.38 
hyper_ch maybe pdftk has a solution to remove metadata14:45.27 
chrisl It may do - don't forget that Ghostscript's pdfwrite is intended to produce as accurate (in display terms) as possible a representation of it's input - it is *not* intended as a way to manipulate pdf files.14:46.47 
hyper_ch ghostscript is great14:48.11 
  but I just need to remove the original info14:48.20 
chrisl At what it does, yes14:48.37 
  And certain types of that kind of manipulation of the output content has become possible over the years, but it's not its core function, nor intent14:49.47 
hyper_ch I found a way in pdftk to remove some metadata but not the bookmarks14:51.32 
chrisl hyper_ch: aha, try doing "-dDOPDFMARKS=false" on your gs command line14:53.19 
hyper_ch can it be that simple?14:53.40 
chrisl Maybe......14:53.52 
  That's why I said to try it14:54.00 
hyper_ch let's try14:54.12 
  no, still has them14:55.16 
  gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dDOPDFMARKS=false -sOutputFile="new.pdf" *.pdf14:56.18 
  gs v9.1414:57.01 
chrisl Oh, I see, that's really annoying - the code checks for the existence of the DOPDFMARKS key, but ignores it's value :-(14:57.18 
  hyper_ch: okay, try this: gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dWRITESYSTEMDICT -sOutputFile="new.pdf" -c "systemdict /DOPDFMARKS undef" -f *.pdf14:59.35 
hyper_ch no luck15:01.17 
  why did you add the -f ?15:01.54 
chrisl When use use "-c" to inject Postscript, you need to add the -f to tell gs that the postscript has finished and the next argument is a file15:02.39 
hyper_ch I see15:03.00 
  I think I have a work around15:03.26 
  I dump the data with pdftk15:03.54 
  then I remove all lines with Bookmark15:04.12 
kens chrisl you can try redefining pdfmark as {cleartomark}15:04.26 
hyper_ch then I use pdftk to update_info to create a pdf without bookmarks15:04.37 
  and finally re-use gs with the pdfmark file15:04.46 
chrisl kens: yes, the problem is, the pdf interpreter may have already bound to the original definition before we get there15:05.08 
hyper_ch it's not pretty but it can be done :)15:05.27 
kens Hmm, possibly, I thought I'd used the construct, but of course I can cheat and stick it in gs_init15:05.37 
chrisl kens: the problem is, I don't have a good test case that I can try, and know what to look for in the output to see if it worked15:06.15 
  It may be possible with -dDELAYBIND15:06.47 
kens DOPDFMARKS is really intended to be set to true when you have a non-high-level device that you *do* want to be sent pdfmarks, rather than turning them off for high-level devices15:06.48 
hyper_ch chrisl: you need pdf files?15:06.57 
chrisl kens: Looking at the code, I see that now15:07.06 
kens chrisl any metadata will do the job, so any file which has a Creator, Title etc.15:07.12 
chrisl Okay, give me a few minutes, and I'll try it15:07.29 
kens yes, sorry I wasn't around, my mother and sister are visiting.....15:07.40 
chrisl OKay, so removing the metadata can done15:12.08 
hyper_ch what's the magic word?15:12.34 
chrisl -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="new.pdf" -c "/pdfmark {cleartomark} def" -f *.pdf15:12.38 
rayjj morning, all15:14.01 
kens Morning....15:14.08 
  rayjj do you have any idea what's causing the memory inflation with those files you posted ? Is there good reason to think its the PDF interpreter ?15:14.30 
hyper_ch chrisl: that doesn't seem to generate a new.pdf file for me15:15.41 
rayjj chrisl: Do we have a number (estimate pending fonts with more glyphs) for URW 136 OTC/CFF fonts (compressed with romfs) ? IIRC, you munged the fonts into CFF15:15.43 
hyper_ch lol, my mistake15:16.00 
chrisl rayjj: no, I haven't done that yet15:16.10 
rayjj kens: well, I know it's *not* the clist, and not openjpeg (since it is the same for luratech JPX), but I haven't looked further.15:16.40 
  kens: I did note (in the bug) that the worst file is designed for a larger page size and -dFitPage reduces it15:17.25 
kens Well, I'm not at all sure how to go about investigating it..... It seems unlikely to be the PDF interpreter (unless it was something like creating a huge bitmap for a JP2K image)15:17.30 
hyper_ch chrisl: great, works :) I just need to pass gs twice... first combine without any meta and then again to add pdfmarks15:17.48 
kens The PDF interpretger doesn't create *that* much in the way of intermediate stuff, I didn't think15:17.53 
rayjj kens: that's the one that is almost 900 Mb15:17.54 
chrisl hyper_ch: yeh, I was hoping it might be viable to do it in one pass - still looking.....15:18.15 
kens rayjj I don't really think a large page size and FitPage can be causing the problem, that just alters the CTM I think15:18.39 
hyper_ch chrisl: it's already better than my approach using pdftk to extract metadata, use grep to filter out the Bookmark lines, use pdftk again to create a new pdf with no boomarks and then us gs to combine pdfmarks again15:19.08 
rayjj kens: no, it just means that there is lots of stuff on the page.15:19.22 
kens Well that is true, but there's very little that would be created persistently by the PDF interpreter.15:19.45 
  Fonts are one caus,e large images could be another, most everything else just marks the page.15:20.01 
hyper_ch gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="noBM.pdf" -c "/pdfmark {cleartomark} def" -f *.pdf "pdfmarks"15:20.03 
  gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="new.pdf" "noBM.pdf" "pdfmarks"15:20.04 
  that works fine now :)15:20.08 
kens rayjj I'll look at it when I finish this forms stuff15:20.59 
  Ah good, looks like I've solved getting the stored form marked as a resource used on teh current age. So, lots of tidying up to do in the PostScript, but first, lets check the original input file.15:23.54 
chrisl hyper_ch: okay, I *may* have something that work for one pass, but the command line is a bit long so I'll use pastebin.... give me a sec15:24.08 
hyper_ch geez :)15:24.48 
chrisl hyper_ch: see if you can make sense of this: 
  hyper_ch: you'll note there are now two "-c" options and two "-f" options15:26.10 
hyper_ch it works... no idea why... but it does15:26.34 
kens First he defines a 'holder' for the original definition of pdfmark, then he redfeines pdfmark to discard all the pdsfmark arguments and do nothing, then runs the PDF files. Then, using the stored definition, redefine pdfmark back to what it started as, then run your pdfmarks.15:27.54 
chrisl kens types faster than I do.....15:28.13 
kens But wiht lots of typos15:28.21 
chrisl For the records, the command line is: -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="new.pdf" -c "userdict /opdfmark systemdict /pdfmark get put /pdfmark {cleartomark} def" -f *.pdf -c "/pdfmark userdict /opdfmark get def" -f pdfmarks15:28.36 
  Just in case someone finds this in a search, follows the conversation, and finds an expired pastebin link15:29.23 
hyper_ch chrisl: kens: thx, need to adjust my two script and push it to git15:30.01 
chrisl hyper_ch: I'm glad (and surprised!) it worked!15:30.21 
kens chrisl did all the hard work15:30.28 
chrisl TBH, our pdf interpreter is renowned for *not* allowing that kind of flexibility......15:31.02 
hyper_ch line 53 and line 3915:31.54 
chrisl I love it when a plan comes together ;-)15:33.00 
hyper_ch and a few people did actually try it: 
kens Ecellent teh customer's file is now 4.3 Mb instead of 81 Mb and processes in ~16 seconds (same as Distiller) instead of 20 minutes.15:33.16 
hyper_ch chrisl: second time you've helped me on that bundle ;)15:33.17 
chrisl hyper_ch: glad to help15:33.46 
hyper_ch it was nagging me15:34.09 
  I created those scripts because I make a lot of electronic submissions15:34.26 
  so I need an fast way to manipulate the pdfs15:34.40 
  stamping them for numbering, combining, exctracting pages etc :)15:34.54 
Robin_Watts kens: Nice.15:37.24 
kens I'm pretty pleased, just need to tidy it up and run a cluster psuh to make sure I didn't break anything15:37.47 
rayjj kens: WOW! 15:37.58 
kens Well, almost all the content is forms, so if you don;t rerun the form PaintProc several times you get a lot of performance benefit .....15:38.28 
  Of course, I just broke the PostScript while cleaning it up. I wonder what I did wrong this time.....15:39.52 
chrisl rayjj: for the rom footprint, how did you get the sizes of the individual resource directories?15:42.04 
Robin_Watts freenode seems unhappy for me today. Anyone else seeing disconnections?15:46.12 
kens Only seeing you disconnect15:46.27 
chrisl It's been okay for me15:46.35 
kens The few disconnects I've had have been my end15:46.58 
chrisl I'm connected to leguin.freenode.net15:47.10 
hyper_ch works all fine here15:47.43 
kens No idea which server I'm on, is there a command for that ?15:47.50 
hyper_ch SSL15:48.18 
chrisl Don't know, smuxi has a separate window with the server interactions in it - I looked there15:48.45 
Robin_Watts none of my other connections die, so it's not my internet connection disconnecting.15:48.51 
hyper_ch kens: I just checked in my server tab to which I connected15:48.55 
kens Oh yeah I have a separate network windo, I'm on hitchcock15:49.28 
Robin_Watts I've been kicked off 3 different servers so far I think.15:49.45 
hyper_ch I connected through znc to sinisalo... not sure when it got the last time kicked there15:50.28 
chrisl Robin_Watts: You're obviously just a trouble maker.....15:50.38 
Robin_Watts chrisl: New lcms release.15:50.52 
chrisl Robin_Watts: is that down to me now?15:51.09 
Robin_Watts Actually, this is just rc1.15:51.26 
  chrisl: Dunno.15:51.33 
kens chrisl who else is going to do it ? :-(15:51.52 
Robin_Watts I haven't got bandwidth to look at it for the next few days at least.15:52.00 
chrisl I've got it noted as being on mvrhel_laptop's desk15:52.07 
Robin_Watts When are you planning the gs release?15:52.26 
chrisl Next month15:52.36 
Robin_Watts I think it's usually me that does it.15:52.41 
  ah, march? I may have time before then.15:52.48 
kens After staff meeting I presume15:53.08 
chrisl Yes, after the staff meeting. It's been in March since, erm, last March......15:53.29 
  Robin_Watts: I can handle pulling in a new lcms release, it's not a big deal, but when we discussed it way back when, henrys wanted mvrhel_laptop to do it since he'd be best placed to pass judgement on the inevitable differences that arise15:56.01 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right. Our lcms has optimisations/customisations in from me.15:57.12 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I thought they'd all been pulled into the "real thing"?15:57.36 
henrys chrisl: inevitable? can we clusterpush it and see what we are in for, then decide?15:57.47 
chrisl henrys: if there aren't any changes, why would there be a new release?15:58.44 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Bugfixes, yes.15:59.29 
  optimisations, I don't think so.15:59.34 
chrisl Oh, okay15:59.48 
henrys progressions speedups ...16:00.07 
kens My WIndows seems to be locking up, I think I'd best reboot while I can16:00.07 
chrisl henrys: even a crash fix can result in rounding differences somewhere in the transform16:00.54 
rayjj chrisl: I didn't get all the Resource directories since some are required (Init) or small. I did break out the CMap, CIDFSubst and Font directories since those are the big ones16:16.13 
chrisl rayjj: I just have some sizes of the entire romfs object file with the 136 fonts in it.16:17.08 
rayjj chrisl: For the potential customer, I'd like to get the estimate for the 136 CFF compressed (even if all the glyphs aren't there) and let them know that we will provide the updated numbers as soon as we get the remainder of the fonts with the extra glyphs16:17.34 
  chrisl: that'll work since I know how much the other stuff (besides the 35 fonts that I used) was16:18.12 
chrisl So, with the fonts in pfb: gsromfs1.o was 11Mb16:19.10 
  Compression made no appreciable difference16:19.22 
  With the fonts in OTF/CFF: gsromfs1.o was 8.2Mb16:20.00 
  With the fonts in OTF/CFF compressed: gsromfs1.o was 7.1Mb16:20.25 
  With the fonts in Type 2: gsromfs1.o was 7.8Mb16:20.55 
  With the fonts in Type 2 compressed: gsromfs1.o was 6.8Mb16:21.18 
henrys rayjj, chrisl:they've already licensed the fonts from URW so providing the font size estimate seems like a bad plan to me, because you may be way off, but whatever you want to do.16:24.30 
mvrhel_laptop so what exactly do you need me to do with regard to lcms? You want me to bring in the new version?16:25.16 
chrisl henrys: how can we give them an estimate of the gs rom footprint without including the fonts?16:25.26 
  mvrhel_laptop: Robin_Watts mentioned to me there was a new lcms release pending, but I have lcms noted down as being yours to handle....16:26.21 
henrys chrisl: take the gs compile init size and subtract the fonts?16:27.12 
Robin_Watts It's just rc1 at this stage. Proper release won't be for a week.16:27.20 
henrys rayjj: didn't we agree to do with and without fonts ?16:27.44 
chrisl henrys: but that's not going to be an accurate number - it'll be underestimated by the size of the fonts16:28.02 
henrys chrisl: right and we will tell them to add their urw font release which we really don't know anything about. URW is not allowed to tell me.16:29.15 
kens is puzzled why we spent time worrying about CFF/OTF/Type 1 fonts, if the customer isn't going to use the fonts we ship anyway16:29.46 
chrisl henrys: they'll need to add it into our romfs to get a number, in which case, why did we bother with any of this exercise?16:30.13 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I will look into it16:30.33 
henrys kens: we know that they are getting the 136 he won't tell me specific glyph coverage or if there is more to the order beyond that like a CJK which could be quite a hit.16:32.22 
kens Do we even know what format their fonts are being delivered ?16:33.10 
  Because if not, this exercise with OTF seems to have been somewhat redundant16:33.23 
  Good for future requests though16:33.40 
chrisl So, the potential customer is going to have to repeat a bunch of stuff Ray has just done to arrive at their own numbers.16:34.23 
  kens: there's one thing (so far) about switching gs to OTF/CFF that worries me.....16:35.56 
kens Just the one ? :-)16:36.09 
chrisl We specifically check for Type 1 fonts, and load those into global VM16:36.20 
henrys chrisl, rayjj: I don't see what we can do about that if they won't tell me what they are getting from URW. They've specifically asked for the ROM and RAM numbers and we are way overdue with an answer. Something needs to go out today.16:36.42 
chrisl kens: At least three QL test files rely on that or they fail (not just fail tests, the files error out)16:37.51 
kens Well, I guess we cna do the same for CFF font16:38.10 
chrisl That's what I've got at the moment.16:38.25 
henrys I'm already beating myself in the head for not making sure we had this available in the documentation - 2 weeks to get answers to this stuff is *really* bad for a new customer.16:38.53 
kens chrisl I can't think of another solution, if the CET tests expect the fonts to be in global VM16:39.23 
chrisl kens: But changing a whole class of fonts to be forcibly loaded into global VM may have unforeseen side effects16:39.34 
  henrys: as we can't give them accurate ROM numbers anyway, it all seems a little futile.....16:40.08 
kens Probably, but no worse than changing to TT fonts would heva been..... And I can't believe its too terribly bad, since Type 1 fonts were already like that, and we mainly only see CFF in PDF files, whiich will be more tolerant16:40.23 
chrisl kens: that's what I'm worried about: loading embedded CFFs into global VM16:41.10 
kens Well, there's only really one way to find out isn't there ? :-)16:41.40 
chrisl Remember, we rely on the fonts being restored away at the end of the page.....16:42.06 
kens I'm going to assume the "33444 regression file(s) had differences but matched at least once in the previous 25 runs" is something to do with the font changes......16:42.28 
henrys chrisl: we are giving them accurate rom numbers ... they will respond that they aren't sure how to add in the font numbers and we continue.16:42.44 
kens chrisl but surely that's no worse than the case we already have with type 1 fonts ?16:42.45 
chrisl kens: we don't get type 1 fonts embedded in PDF files.....16:43.11 
kens Really ? I thought we could16:43.22 
chrisl Well, possible, but they're almost always Type 1C16:43.38 
kens I'm reasonably sure some of our test files have type 1s and they 'seem' to work.16:44.05 
  I can't think of any solution other than 'put it in and we'll try and resolve any problems as they arise'16:44.28 
chrisl I'm sure you are right, it's just a nagging doubt I have16:45.00 
kens Well, we already have the ps2write problem to look at. But all of these are good reasons not to do this change right before a release ;-)16:45.30 
chrisl There's been a few other pitfalls with the OTFs, but they seem to be working for non-high level devices, now16:46.05 
kens Hmm, you have more problems than just the weird type 0 and ps2write ?16:46.32 
chrisl One was that when we parsed a CFF font, we didn't mark the FontBBox array as executable - a couple of files failed on that16:47.19 
kens Oh yeah, I remember that one, another daft requirement16:47.38 
chrisl Another was that the font file pre-scan code returned a type of 42 for an OTF/CFF font, when it should be 216:48.19 
kens Yeah I guess that is not too surprising16:48.33 
  I was thinkingof problems specific to high-level devices though16:48.54 
henrys chrisl, kens : the rationale for the fonts is the compressed format and being able to build a language switch build that shares fonts. Clearly this is a very good change for us, I don't understand what you mean by an exercise.16:49.11 
chrisl kens: I've not been testing high level devices with OTF (yet)16:49.43 
  I've been focussed on getting the interpreter end working16:50.02 
kens henrys I understand the desire for a single font format. But if the customer isn't going to use the fonts we bundle, it seems we were 'panicking' somewhat needlessly over getting the OTF/CFF working. We can take our time16:50.05 
chrisl And why the discussion couldn't have happened at the staff meeting, rather than over IRC16:51.13 
henrys chrisl: in person meeting?16:52.15 
chrisl henrys: yeh, I sort of felt there was quite a lot of confusion, given the heated nature of the argument, on IRC16:52.55 
rayjj chrisl: I'd like to say: "the 136 fonts we have from URW are ___, and the compressed size after we put them in our ROM file system is ___"16:53.41 
  chrisl: can you give me those two numbers ? (just the romfs size with the other stuff is enough since I know how big that is)16:54.31 
chrisl rayjj: the romfs sizes I listed above16:55.08 
rayjj chrisl: but I want to make sure that you've enabled romfs compression for fonts (since the default build has fonts with '-b' 16:55.13 
henrys chrisl: as things are now I'll be flying to see the customer before the next meeting. If it could have waited I would have certainly put it off for in person discussion.16:56.01 
rayjj chrisl: sorry -- I had a phone call and it was so far back, I missed it (since it wasn't tagged as 'ray'). I think I have what I need.16:56.37 
chrisl henrys: but the customer won't be using our fonts so, as kens pointed out, what we ship is moot as far as they are concerned16:56.52 
  rayjj: do you want the size of the normal font files on disk? Or is that no necessary16:57.29 
rayjj chrisl: but as long as we tell them what *we* got from URW and how we magically compressed it, then they can estimate based on their original font sizes16:57.47 
kens rayjj not if their fonts a re a different format16:58.10 
rayjj kens: I will be specific about that16:58.27 
  (about what our numbers are based on)16:58.41 
kens If we want to be thorough we shoud quote all possible options; type 1, OTF, plain CFF etc16:58.57 
henrys rayjj: indeed for the pcl fonts the romfs total and total for just a tar.gz of the fonts is very similar. They can simply compress their font set and be in the ball park right?16:59.29 
rayjj chrisl: kens: I'll mention that "we started with Type 1 from URW, converted them (losslessly) to CFF, and then compressed the CFF" Does that sound accurate17:00.16 
kens Nope17:00.25 
  As far as I'm aware we started with OTC/CFF from URW didn't we ?17:00.41 
rayjj kens: I wasn't going to mention OTF since, iirc, chrisl said it didn't hurt much17:00.47 
  kens: I didn't think we had CFF for the 136 from URA17:01.10 
henrys rayjj: I'm suggesting give them the numbers without fonts then tell them to tar.gz their release from URW and add it up.17:01.16 
kens From chrisl's figures it seems that OTF added about .4 MB to the total17:01.17 
  I give up, I no longer recall what we had, or what we did, since I didn't do it....17:01.41 
rayjj kens: right -- not really serious amount17:02.10 
henrys rayjj: objections?17:02.15 
rayjj chrisl: is romfs compressed fonts total the same size as tar.gz of the set ? 17:02.48 
chrisl rayjj: the numbers I listed above were, indeed, for the 136 type 1 fonts, converted to OTF/CFF or Type 2 (CFF)17:02.49 
kens Well, its 5% bigger.17:02.49 
chrisl rayjj: I've no idea....17:03.11 
rayjj chrisl: can you do the tar.gz on your Resource/Font directory (if the 136 CFF) ?17:03.45 
chrisl rayjj: that, or whole Resource directory?17:04.29 
henrys rayjj: it is for pcl well 5.5 vs 5 meg romfs is a bit bigger.17:04.29 
rayjj henrys: IME, compressing a tarball is different than compressing individual files as romfs does, but for fonts I have no idea17:04.30 
  chrisl: just the fonts17:04.42 
chrisl rayjj: that comes to 2.6Mb17:05.06 
henrys rayjj: I just gave you the numbers from pcl.17:05.27 
chrisl It does seem to be a similar ballpark17:06.29 
  So, that seems to be Ghostscript with OTF/CFF fonts running the entire test suite to raster device(s) with no errors thrown.....17:08.05 
  I think that's fairly encouraging17:09.53 
henrys chrisl: that is good really good17:10.25 
chrisl I'll do a full test just to check that the high level problem we know about is the only one, and then I'll this to one side until after the release17:11.37 
henrys chrisl: release after meeting right?17:12.08 
chrisl henrys: yes. I'm not going to try to rush out even an RC before the meeting - especially with taking time off after the meeting17:12.52 
rayjj chrisl: so the 6.8Mb replaces 5.4Mb I had in my build (for the entire romfs), so the 136 fonts should be (6.8Mb - 3.6Mb) = 3.2Mb (since the other stuff was the 3.6Mb)17:12.53 
chrisl rayjj: so, how did you get to the separate numbers?17:13.33 
rayjj chrisl: and the Type 1 set you started with (uncompressed) = (11Mb - 3.6Mb) = 7.4Mb17:14.16 
  chrisl: taking out the 3.6Mb that makes up everything except the Type 1 Fonts (1.8Mb) in my tests of "standard" builds. i.e., 5.4Mb - 1.8Mb = 3.6Mb (where the 35 fonts are 1.8Mb)17:15.27 
henrys chrisl: I just wanted to make sure. I completely agree.17:15.33 
chrisl rayjj: so did you just do a build with the font files removed to get the "everything else" size?17:16.46 
rayjj chrisl: yes, but my 3.6Mb does include the DroidSansFallback as well as the CMaps and everything else17:18.02 
chrisl rayjj: okay, thanks.17:18.19 
rayjj chrisl: I've identified that the fallback font accounts for 1.8Mb17:19.04 
chrisl rayjj: yeh, unfortunately, we can't switch to a different format for that, because I'm fairly sure it will break the CIDFont substitution if it's not a Truetype :-(17:19.57 
rayjj chrisl: yes, but at least the DroidSansFallback does compress: len=3727996, compressed size=187748917:21.45 
  chrisl: hmm... I did make a mistake. The "everything else" is 3.9Mb *not* 3.6Mb, so the original 136 Type 1 is 7.1Mb and the compressed Type 2 is 2.9Mb17:23.41 
chrisl Type 2 does seem to be the sweet spot for size17:24.30 
rayjj which is still reasonable given your compressed tarball was 2.6Mb (just slightly better)17:24.35 
kens henrys commit 17131c7a7fdf9d8537c4715e538c49b29c8945a8 should resolve the Forms problem raised by the customer if you want to let them know.17:25.11 
rayjj chrisl: so all we (not me) have to do is to get PCL to work with the Type 2 fonts :-)17:25.17 
  kens: AWESOME17:25.28 
henrys rayjj: I notice that adding up the compressed size of the pcl fonts individually as reported by romfs durinng the build is smaller than the total reported by romfs. AFAIK pcl only includes the romfs so that's something of a mysteryu17:25.53 
chrisl kens: crikey, it's not nearly as horrific as I expected17:25.53 
kens rayjj it wasn't so hard, fortunately I'd already done half the work just getting FOrms detected in high-level devices. But this way is *much* nicer, I'm quite happy with the result17:26.06 
  chrisl, I did say I didn't exepct it to be too bad. Though that's always a dangerous statement with pdfwrite involved....17:26.48 
henrys rayjj: nvm the I didn't count all the fonts hang on.17:26.55 
chrisl kens: pdfwrite factor was what I was worried about17:27.12 
kens Ah, I even remembered to add the customer number when I opened the bug, so that will get properly accounted for by Marcos.17:27.29 
  chrisl, yeah that was the worrying part ;-)17:27.37 
  Worked out not too abd in the end.17:27.52 
henrys kens: you sure you don't want that to sit for a while or are you good with telling them now?17:27.55 
chrisl Damn, there are some rendering differences with the OTF/CFF fonts I'll need to investigate :-(17:28.25 
kens henrys I don't plan to review it, it works wellon their file and causes no problems with a regression test. FOrms aren't that common but we do have a couple of examples in the suite, so I reckon its as good as its going to get17:28.35 
henrys kens: I'm thinking about the overnight and weekly testing marcosw does, but maybe that's irrelevant.17:28.36 
kens henrys, I do;t mind waiting if you want to let Marcos' scripts bash on it.17:28.54 
  Tomorrow I'll try and look at these ATS files, but now, off to cook.17:29.37 
  Goodnight all17:29.40 
chrisl I think I'll also finish now - I have to brave the supermarket.....17:33.58 
henrys kens for the logs awesome speedup wow!17:36.49 
faLUCE hello, pdftops -paperw 493 a.pdf <--- the output ps file doesn't have a 493 points width, why?18:12.46 
henrys faLUCE: your best bet is to come back during GMT business hours and ask "kens" about that one. He may know off the top his head. Did you search stackoverflow? That's a good source for ghostscript answers too.18:28.14 
faLUCE henrys: already googled18:28.36 
henrys oh faLUCE pdftops is not ours - poppler.18:29.25 
faLUCE henrys: anyway, how can I change the canvas size of a pdf with gs, without rasterizing it?18:30.00 
henrys faLUCE: I don't think gs is what you want. ghostscript will completely decompose the pages and rebuild them. you might what to check pdftk.18:36.25 
Robin_Watts henrys: If he's converting from pdf to ps, then he needs to completely decompose the pages, right ?18:42.18 
henrys faLUCE: that said you can do something like: without knowing what exactly you want to do.18:42.37 
  Robin_Watts: that wasn't how I read his last question.18:42.48 
Robin_Watts henrys: Ah.18:43.12 
  faLUCE: What is your input format? And what output format?18:43.34 
henrys faLUCE: sorry didn't complete the sentence: without know exactly what you want to do kind of difficult to suggest other stuff.18:44.43 
  Robin_Watts: have you watched the Americans tv show... just started it, not bad.18:45.34 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes, have seen the first 2 series.18:45.46 
  The broadcaster has dropped it for S3 in the UK :(18:46.03 
henrys Robin_Watts: you've seen everything...18:46.06 
Robin_Watts ITV18:46.28 
henrys yeah FX has been demanding money from providers here some paid, others were dropped.18:47.29 
Robin_Watts I think it was just a question of ITV showing it on saturday night here, and the ratings didn't justify the cost.18:48.14 
henrys ah18:49.12 
Robin_Watts There have been a lot of shows changing channels here recently. Supernatural was dropped by Sky and has gone to E4.18:49.46 
  so someone else may pick it up.18:49.51 
rayjj henrys: I just send the "cleaned up" and hopefully more understandable email for final review -- let me know if you have questions and if you want me to send it.18:51.22 
henrys rayjj: yes reviewing now18:51.33 
rayjj henrys: If you want to add/edit it and just send it, please feel free18:51.39 
  (I sanitized out the potential customer name)18:52.07 
henrys rayjj: the only problem I see is you would never get pcl by itself with 136 fonts, but I think this is what we need to get the ball running. Send it privately once we get some feedback (if we do) we'll bring in support.18:55.59 
faLUCE henrys: nm, np, solved with pdftops18:56.23 
henrys faLUCE: okay18:58.20 
rayjj henrys: I thought the 136 was a superset of the 80 that we usually ship19:05.54 
  henrys: or are you saying that we should have stripped it to just the 80 ?19:06.29 
henrys rayjj: it is but if you were making a pcl-only printer you wouldn't need 136... but like I said it's really fine, let's just get them talking to us.19:06.56 
rayjj henrys: I'll add a comment in the PCL section that if they include less than the 136, for example fonts corresponding to the 80 that is usually seen on PCL only printers, the total will be reduced.19:08.23 
henrys rayjj: great19:08.40 
rayjj henrys: I'll cc you and Miles. Scott also ?19:12.24 
henrys rayjj: yup19:12.37 
rayjj OK19:13.02 
  henrys: sent. FINALLY!19:14.02 
  henrys: the nice thing is that the sanitized version is pretty much usable as is for others (the one I cc'ed to tech)19:15.13 
henrys rayjj: 
rayjj henrys: ha ha19:27.35 
  I have to run an errand. bbiab19:27.55 
mvrhel_laptop henrys:22:04.31 
  the stuff with Stefan is going to take me a bit longer than I though22:05.33 
  hopefully just a few more days 22:05.46 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: not that you need to get involved in it, but one of the really large RAM usage seems to be due to ICC profiles being collected (bug 695813). Either kens or I will track it down.22:06.58 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: take your time with that I would like the CM to be good and they can really exercise it. Good use of time IMHO22:08.11 
mvrhel_laptop ok. that is good to know22:08.27 
  rayjj: weird22:08.53 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I thought "that is good to know" was a response to me saying "not that you need to get involved" ;-)22:09.25 
mvrhel_laptop the good to know was to henry22:09.45 
  the weird was to you22:09.58 
  I wonder why they are not getting released22:10.08 
  over 1000!22:10.27 
  somewhere there is an rc_decrement missing22:10.55 
  does the file have transparency by chance?22:11.09 
  anyway I wont get involved, but I will be curious to hear what you find rayjj22:11.37 
  back to deviceN fun22:11.52 
  doh. I see what is going on with this now22:34.08 
  the alternate color space is getting invoked even if the direct replacement has happened. Should not be too hard to make this work the way we want22:35.29 
  famous last words when playing with DeviceN colors22:36.49 
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