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kens Robin_Watts : Seq The PDF interpreter converts annotations into pdfmarks which it passes to pdfwrite to reconstruct the annotation, it doesn't render them. For annotations that the PDF interpreter understands.08:11.28 
Robin_Watts kens: So annotations like stamps will stay as annotations?08:40.38 
kens Robin_Watts : yes, provided the PDF interpreter knows how to convert them into pdfmarks08:41.44 
  It knows about quite a lot of stuff these days08:41.56 
  IIRC< if the original annotation lacks an appearance stream, running it through pdfwrite will produce an appearance stream in the pdfmark, so the resulting file will work on all PDF consumers (except Acrobat, which *always* ignores apperance streams and generates new ones)08:43.11 
Robin_Watts nice08:43.59 
kens This Cambodian text 'problem' turns out to be an example,the text is an annotation with no appearance stream. SO Their 'pdf form' application, Ghostscript and Acrobat all render the result differently. And the erporter thinks its a Ghostscritp bug.08:45.07 
chrisl kens: Presumably if you have the Cambodian language pack, Acrobat gets it as intended?08:49.14 
kens chrisl, no08:49.23 
  The BBox is insufficient for the width of the text , which is what the reporter is seeing I believe.08:49.52 
  But because we generate a slightly different appearance to Acrobat, its not quite the same (a different glyph gets truncated). However, neither Acrobat nor Ghostscript matches what he posted as the 'correct' result08:50.27 
  I'm busy cutting the file down to a minimum to try and demonstrate08:50.48 
  Of course, and 8 page acrobat form is not a great place to start08:51.07 
chrisl Oh, I hadn't realised he'd uploaded another test.....08:51.12 
kens Yeah :-(08:51.19 
  If you open the file in Acrobat and look at the section '14' you may see what he means08:51.41 
  There are (I think) 4 glyphs there, but the BBox is only wide enough for 3 when Acrobat draws it, and 2 when we draw it08:52.03 
chrisl Frankly, I'm finding it hard to care: if you can't upload the right test file, you go to the back of the queue..... and if the eventual test file is pointlessly big, you go way behind the back of the queue!08:53.20 
kens Thinking about it, I beleive Acrobat rewrites its generated appearance stream, tha'ts why it offers to 'save the changes'. So I'll upload that too. That will render the same in GS as Acrobat I expect08:53.28 
  chrisl, I got this far figuring out what was wrong, so I figured I'd finish it up08:53.55 
  Hmm, actually the annotations *do* have an apperance stream, but of course Acrobat ignores those :-(08:59.24 
chrisl kens: I guessing it *might* be okay if the font were embedded?09:03.51 
kens The font is embedded.09:03.59 
  The problem is that the declared clip/bbox/width is insufficient for the full width of the text (I htink)09:04.16 
  I'm having trouble getting the remaining text out atm09:05.07 
chrisl Oh, I thought we were substituting for KhmerOSSiemreap but it must be just the messages being jumbled together09:05.35 
kens Hmm, I didn't see a substitution message, just a minute09:05.50 
  No, not getting a substitute with the cut down file09:06.18 
chrisl Using 9.10:09:07.55 
  Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/9.10/Resource/Font/KhmerOSSiemreap.09:08.00 
  Can't find (or can't open) font file KhmerOSSiemreap.09:08.00 
  Querying operating system for font files...09:08.01 
  Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/9.10/Resource/Font/KhmerOSSiemreap.09:08.01 
  Can't find (or can't open) font file KhmerOSSiemreap.09:08.01 
  Didn't find this font on the system!09:08.01 
  Substituting font Courier for KhmerOSSiemreap.09:08.02 
  Loading NimbusMonL-Regu font from /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/n022003l.pfb... 4085220 2563290 11106568 6761291 3 done.09:08.02 
kens Oh well I'm using current code....09:08.16 
  Why are you using 9.10 ?09:08.37 
chrisl I didn't have a build of master, and 9.10 is what's installed on this system09:09.09 
kens Fair enough09:09.16 
  Mine's the current master and the font is OK for me09:09.31 
chrisl The executable I had is from my build consolidation project, and I'm not sure I'd trust that right now.....09:09.58 
kens Well he claims to be using 9.15 (though the report says master), and its OK for me, so....09:10.53 
chrisl Hmm, yes, current code gives no warnings.... I don't understand that....09:11.00 
kens I don't understand why changing the clip, bbox and rect makes no difference to what's rendered, even using Ghostscript :-(09:11.38 
  Oh wait, I think the rect may be wrong, let me check the spec09:12.01 
  Hmm, no, still no difference.09:13.47 
kens smacks head09:14.55 
  Of course, this is a file I cut down using Acrobat, and Acrobat has added the apperance stream. Idiot!09:15.20 
jo-tud hi09:24.29 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.09:24.29 
jo-tud I have a weird problem for which i was not able to find a solution by googling (a lot)09:25.11 
chrisl jo-tud: that's probably not enough information for us to help - if, indeed, we can help09:29.18 
jo-tud sorry09:33.09 
  i was still thinking how to explain09:33.17 
  here is an example file: 
kens Can you at least tell us which product this is about ?09:34.02 
jo-tud I used gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="min-pdfa.pdf" "min.pdf"09:34.21 
kens OK so Ghostscript, then. WHich version ?09:34.38 
chrisl I gotta go out for a while.....09:35.08 
jo-tud GPL Ghostscript 9.14 (2014-03-26) 09:35.12 
kens And the problem is ?09:35.27 
jo-tud when pasting some text from the page letters from a-j are replaced by 0-909:35.41 
kens Well that's not entirely surprising09:36.02 
jo-tud there are some copy+paste problems that i found while searching - but never this09:36.06 
kens Did you try copy and paste from the original file ?09:36.58 
jo-tud it works09:37.03 
kens No it doesn't, I just tried it09:37.10 
jo-tud it works from the original file09:37.23 
kens If this isn't the original file, then what is it ?09:37.32 
jo-tud should I upload it, too?09:37.33 
  ok, wait a second09:37.40 
kens This file is produced by pdftk, so where does Ghostscript come in ?09:37.50 
  Actually produced by itext, modified by pdftk09:38.09 
jo-tud original: 
  the examples are page 50 from a large file to give an example. The behaviour is the same09:39.31 
  p50 was extracted with pdftk09:39.45 
  the original is produced by latex and works fine (copy-paste)09:40.07 
  after processing with gs the number replacing occurs09:40.18 
kens Hmm, well there's a TopUnicode CMap, so that should work, and clearly doesn't. Your best bet is to open a bug report09:41.09 
jo-tud the gs prosess is done to make the pdf compatible with publication rules (-dpdfa)09:41.36 
kens Odd, the output file also contains a ToUnicode CMap09:42.08 
  advice is the same though, open a bug report09:43.07 
jo-tud ok - I don't really know how to explain the problem though... I'll try09:43.33 
kens Your explanation her was perfectly fine09:43.47 
jo-tud ok09:43.57 
kens Attach the original file, and give the GS command line, then simply say that the output file doesn't copy/paste correctly09:44.14 
jo-tud ok, thanks09:45.05 
kens You're welcome09:45.17 
kens ok10:11.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: why does fz_page_presentation take both a float *duration and return the duration in the struct?11:24.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: Can't remember offhand. Let me look.12:31.07 
  duration is page duration.12:32.57 
  the duration in the fz_transition struct is the transition duration.12:33.13 
  So... show this page for 10 seconds, then fade over 1 second to the next page.12:33.29 
tor8 right13:17.00 
henrys with yesterday's new discoveries we are going after NVA again with the lawyer, trying to get a take down.14:23.45 
kens take down would be good14:24.12 
henrys I have mixed feelings about implementing NVA it could give the impression we support it, OTOH it undermines the business model ...14:24.32 
kens I don't think we should, it contaminates us in any argument, and I wouldn't really want to be complicit in the copyright theft.14:25.05 
Digit_ Anybody here can help me with question about a commercial license in a private chat?14:25.13 
kens If anyone asks we can point them to the available script to convert .nva back to .pdf14:25.25 
henrys kens: I lean that way too.14:25.33 
Robin_Watts Digit_: No one here can help with a commercial license.14:25.47 
  But we can tell you who can :)14:25.55 
Digit_ only the email provided on the website?14:26.12 
Robin_Watts You need to mail scott.sackett at (or sales at 
  Tell him as much about what you are doing as possible.14:26.42 
kens If you sent an email and didn't get a reply we can chase it up, or find out why (could be Scott is on the road)14:26.48 
Robin_Watts He'll get back to you with a long list of questions (many of which may not apply to you). Just answer as best you can.14:27.11 
  He'll then get you a customised quote.14:27.19 
  In general Scott is very good at replying to people.14:27.36 
barq malcolm16:38.17 
Robin_Watts barq: I fear I got it wrong. APV is by maciej, not malc.16:40.06 
  I haven't seen maciej on here in a while.16:40.21 
barq hmm :'(16:41.18 
Robin_Watts But he should be emailable.16:44.11 
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