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Log of #ghostscript at

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Robin_Watts tor8: (For the logs) 1 fix commit on robin/master00:25.51 
sebras Robin_Watts: that 1+ceil(x/64) are for the newlines, right?08:31.50 
  Robin_Watts: if so you patch looks good to me.08:31.57 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes.11:08.44 
halabund Is it possible to use GhostScript to outline all fonts in a PDF document? I would like to convert all glyphs to simple curves.18:22.10 
  My use case is similar to what LaTeXit! does. I believe LaTeXit uses GhostScript for outlining too (??)18:22.37 
  I was looking through the options at but didn’t find the right one yet18:23.21 
  Is GhostScript capable of doing this at all, without round-tripping the document through PostScript?18:41.18 
  Can anyone help with this? —> 
pipitas halabund: Use the parameter '-dNoOutputFonts'. This will convert all glpyhs to outline shapes. It is available since Ghostscript 9.15 (the latest released GS version). For older versions of Ghostscript, use the method described here: or here: 
halabund pipitas: Great! It works well. I needed to upgrade from 9.10 to 9.15.19:48.27 
  pipitas: Thanks to this now I can use LaTeX-generated labels in Mathematica figures :-) 
  It was the last missing piece.20:00.02 
pipitas Good then :-)20:06.16 
halabund pipitas: I used the following convoluted command line, modelled after one of the scripts that come with Ghostscript: -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNoOutputFonts -sOutputFile=output.pdf -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -c save pop -f input.pdf So then most of this can be simply replaced with -o output.pdf ?20:09.53 
  As you wrote in your StackOverflow answer.20:10.08 
pipitas halabund: Yes, '-o out.pdf' is a shortcut for '-sOutputFile=output.pdf -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE'. This is true for recent versions of Ghostscript (sorry, cannot name the specific one). Older versions do not yet know about '-o …'. But they will complain if you try :-)20:44.05 
kens For the record; "-c save pop -f" is also entirely unnecessary.21:14.54 
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