IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/03/05)20150306 
henrys hope ya'll had a good flight00:18.13 
robin_watts_mac henrys: yes, thanks.00:19.43 
  Are you driving down tomorrow morning?00:19.55 
henrys yes, I'll be there at 8:30 am I guess, I didn't see anything from Miles so I assume the "usual"00:20.32 
  sabrina and I will be there and sabrina will pick up the Linda and Helen, right?00:22.38 
robin_watts_mac cool.00:24.46 
  sounds perfect.00:24.49 
paulgardiner great00:25.14 
henrys sabrina made me clean my car for the event ;-)00:25.36 
robin_watts_mac hehe00:25.48 
  hi tor5. you at the hotel?00:37.37 
chrisl Miles mailed.... said 7pm in the lobby for dinner.00:40.54 
tor5 robin_watts_mac: yes, just arrived00:44.55 
robin_watts_mac Good skiing?00:45.10 
tor5 and just read miles email00:45.14 
kens best day was today IMO00:45.22 
tor5 fantastic! I even remembered how to ski!00:45.24 
kens has not yet read email00:45.32 
  Michael may not make it by 700:46.31 
  he's gone to drop off thefor him'll wai00:46.50 
kens tries again to type00:47.01 
tor5 kens hates hin touchpad...00:47.05 
kens Michael has gone to drop off the van. If he's not back by 7 I'll hang around for him00:47.27 
robin_watts_mac tor5: We haven't updated the examples with the API changes :)00:47.58 
tor5 robin_watts_mac: oh... I guess I can do that during the meeting (if I'm not passed out from exhaustion and jet lag...)00:48.29 
  robin_watts_mac: have you peeked at the tor/csi branch?00:49.08 
robin_watts_mac not yet.00:49.25 
tor5 I've got the filter processor almost working on the airplane. not committed yet.00:49.27 
robin_watts_mac I have various commits on robin/master.00:49.46 
  some of which will make you go 'ew!'00:50.03 
tor5 uh oh...00:50.11 
  robin_watts_mac: I found a bug in the pdf clean -s option... the filtered stream length isn't updated00:51.23 
robin_watts_mac oops.00:51.36 
  tor5: Fix for that looks easy enough (and nice). Will do that tomorrow.03:51.29 
halabund Is it possible to use Ghostscript to rescale a PDF file? I don’t want to change anything about it, just rescale by a constant factor. This means that if I open it with Acrobat, it will show the exact same way after scaling, but it will display a different size in centimetres for the page dimensions.04:04.41 
robin_watts_mac halabund: You don't want gs. You want to fiddle the UserUnit.04:08.56 
  And no, I don't know a tool to do it for you.04:09.11 
halabund OK04:09.33 
kens Or you cou use GS to rescale the file....04:21.28 
AntumDeluge Hello, I am getting an error when trying to build Ghostscript 9.15 on Win32 under MSYS2/MinGW-w64...05:54.01 
  make --version: "GNU Make 4.1"05:54.25 
  ${CC} --version: "gcc.exe (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 4.9.2"05:55.29 
  The error is: "make: *** No rule to make target 'obj/', needed by 'obj/'. Stop."05:56.06 
  Make command: make CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -DJMAKE_ENUM_LIST -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1 -DHAVE_DIRENT_H=1"05:57.16 
  Config log: 
  As a side note (not sure if related) I had to patch some of the .mak files because the include statements (CPPFLAGS) weren't getting passed to the compiler.06:00.03 
AjayK I was wondering if someone could explain me what this command means: -c "{ 0.2 sub 0.6 div }" settransfer09:37.13 
AntumDeluge AjayK, those looks like arguments to a command, without the command itself. Is that supposed to be arguments for ghostscipt?09:38.57 
AjayK this is the entire command: gswin32c -dSAFER -dNumRenderingThreads=2 -dUseCropBox -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dBATCH -r300 -sOutputFile=output\%04d.tif -c "{ 0.2 sub 0.6 div }" settransfer -f D21901.PDF09:42.41 
AntumDeluge I can't find any information on the "-c" switch. Sorry I'm not any help. I'm new to Ghostscript.09:47.02 
  Oh, I did find the documentation on the "-c" switch here: 
  Sounds like everything after "-c" is interpeted as ghostcript code. I would probably have to look through the API: 
  Excuse me, I mean everthing after "-c" until the next dash (-) is interpreted as ghostscript code.09:51.41 
jogux ajayk: the guys that would know are all in Denver for a meeting just now; you might get an answer in 6 hours or so (hang around, or check the logs later)09:54.03 
  the 'settransfer' bit is a postscript command. my best guess would be that it's mucking about with colors somehow.09:54.33 
AjayK this basically does is that it maps anything below 20% to black and anything in the top 20% to white. I am just not sure if it should be 20% to white or 40% to white09:57.03 
AntumDeluge I uploaded some patches that I created to get past some of the issues I was having on my system: 
  Not sure if the changes that I made were necessary or if I was just doing something wrong to begin with.09:58.35 
  Also, the "Notes" section of the README file on that page describes some of the other things I did.09:59.18 
ente hi10:13.35 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.10:13.35 
ente I'm digging into the mupdf code. I really like mupdf, thank you for writing it10:13.52 
  I'm amazed by how fast it is and by the code quality10:14.09 
  just wanted to say that :)10:14.45 
jogux ente: the guys that worked on mupdf are probably asleep just now, but they'll see your comments when they wake up. on their behalf, many thanks for the kind words, they're glad you like it :)10:16.57 
sebras jogux: I'm pretty sure that tor5 is not asleep. he complains about jet leg some times... ;)12:57.24 
kens sebras the jet lag is probably relatively past. I suspext that at 5 am Tor was indeed still asleep13:44.08 
  AjayK, for the logs. settransfer is a PostScript (not ghostscript) operator. PostScript is a programming language, and to undestand settransfer fully you will need to read the relevant sectionof the PostScript Language Reference Manual, which is available in PDF form on the web13:45.23 
  antumdeluge (again for the logs) I would suggest you try the current master code from our Git repository. Although MingW is not officially a supported platform there have been some recent changes which you probably need. As Irecall there have been a couple of recent bug reports, but GS is known to build on MinGW, though I'm not certain that includes 64-bit13:47.48 
henrys kens: oh this should be a good meeting you guys will be more lively ;-)13:47.49 
kens Morning henrys13:47.56 
  Yes, some of us will be more awake than usual ;-)13:48.07 
  You still at home Henry ?13:48.34 
henrys kens: yeah I'll leave in an hour or so.13:48.52 
kens great, we'll see you for breakfast then ?13:49.08 
henrys kens: yes he did say 8:30 right?13:49.19 
kens Not sure f Miles is planning on breakfast hereor in the diner at the end of the road13:49.24 
  yes he did say 8:30, but I've no idea how long it will take you to get here13:49.43 
henrys kens: I know that piece ;-)13:50.00 
kens Its the only place to eat near this hotel13:50.17 
  Well, Tor and I did walk up the road on Monday, but its a good 20 minutes each way and no sidewalk13:51.02 
henrys kens: the restaurant in the hotel doesn't look so good?13:52.29 
kens Ihave no idea, we ate at the diner last night, and the 4 of us didn't get here till comparatviely late13:53.40 
henrys kens: anyway I'll get to the lobby around 8:15 and look for folks, I have a car and a phone, I'm sure I'll be okay13:54.02 
kens Especially because Michel and ray went to drop off the hired van13:54.04 
  I'm sure you'll find us henry, we'll all be on foot after all :-)13:54.23 
henrys kens: oh I though you could all pile in robin_watts_mac van.13:55.20 
kens He doesnt pick it up until Saturday, and Michael returned the one we had13:55.47 
robin_watts_mac henrys: breakfast in the hotel at 8:30. lunch at the diner. dinner at the italian place.13:55.58 
  indeed, no car til tomorrow.13:56.07 
kens Dinner is Italian ?13:56.25 
  The one up the road ?13:56.35 
  And good morning Robin13:56.48 
kens is sending an email home with some pictures13:57.03 
robin_watts_mac Ajayk: For the logs, that's bottom 20% to black, top 20% to white.13:57.29 
kens Morning Paul13:57.53 
robin_watts_mac It's basically doing x -> (x - min ) / (max-min) sub <max-min> div13:58.47 
  so the numbers are min and max-min respectively.13:58.55 
  kens: yes, the one about 1km away.13:59.28 
henrys should I bring an extra car sabrina and I could drive separately?13:59.32 
kens OK I thnk Tor and I passed it on Monday on the grounds that we wold be eating Italian at the meeting13:59.57 
  henrys I think we might still need a taxi or 214:00.18 
henrys still wouldn't be enough for everyone without shuttling.14:00.28 
kens THre are (I think) 11 of us plus you and Sabrina, oh and Scott14:00.37 
henrys I guess denver meetings will require a van rental henceforth ...14:05.05 
  we'll drive separately better to have an extra car. at least 15 can fit in my subaru.14:07.04 
kens O.O14:07.37 
robin_watts_mac henrys: Miles was going to talk to the manager about us using the hotel shuttle bus.14:08.30 
  god knows it's not busy going to and from the airport.14:08.43 
chrisl robin_watts_mac: we should probably consider taking down the public subversion repo now.14:24.51 
robin_watts_mac Maybe, but that class of bug report really ticks me off.14:26.05 
  Monkeys run a port scan, post the results without thinking about it, and a couple of days later say "is this a bountiable bug?"14:26.39 
kens Iagree, and we get a load of them, but its probably time to kill svn anyway14:28.30 
chrisl Yeh, I agree entirely with your response, it just reminded me. The guy asking PCL questions on gs-devel last week was getting his information from the old svn repo - I meant to mention it then.14:28.45 
kens TBH Robin beat me to it on the response, I was going to do much the same14:29.21 
chrisl I saw it last night, but I was too tired to even be vaguely polite.....14:30.18 
kens I'm getting less polite with them as time goes on14:30.56 
chrisl I still try to keep four letter expletives off of bugzilla ;-)14:32.04 
sebras tor5: are you still asleep or was kens right a few hours ago?17:02.07 
  tor5: are you guys doing after ski now?17:02.23 
  tor5: my colleagues told me that this is an essential part of skiing, but since I don't ski myself...17:02.46 
tor5 sebras: morning!17:08.57 
  I'm sleeping through the meeting ;)17:09.16 
jogux :-)17:12.59 
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