IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/03/20)20150321 
Robin_Watts tor8: For the logs, I have my stuff rebased onto the top of your stuff in a form I'm happy with.17:33.46 
  It's on robin/merge_csi17:33.57 
  The cluster is still showing 750ish differences though.17:34.20 
  I wonder if the path problems in your stuff are as simple as you not closing paths...17:47.30 
  op_s and op_f were being called incorrectly.18:18.39 
  down to 237 diffs now.18:33.54 
  op_w was not flushing text.18:57.17 
  crap. The remaining problems (or at least some of them) are down to us not having the right pdf resources when processing a softmask.23:55.08 
  I suspect the correct solution to this will require us to pass a pdf_obj *resources to every op function.23:55.41 
  This means that every op function is now taking (as a minimum) fz_context, pdf_processor *proc, and pdf_obj *resources.23:56.12 
  At this point I wonder whether it's not worth putting those into a structure and passing a single pointer to that.23:56.34 
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