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Robin_Watts tor8: For the logs: There is a new version on robin/merge_csi with an alternative approach to the resource handling that I prefer.01:18.59 
  Identical results.01:19.11 
KunMyt Hi everybody, when i read pdf by buffer, the topbar function only copy text, i using MuPDF for android. help me plz!08:34.42 
kens You're probably too early for anyone to help with MuPDF programming, however your query is in the logs and someone will respond when they are online, probably in a couple of hours.08:35.41 
KunMyt @kens tks,08:36.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, that's the other option I thought about using but resisted (since it meant passing resource dictionaries to some of the ops)09:47.30 
  it's probably the best solution in the long run though09:47.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah, you mentioned it the other day. It's the way that feels right to me.10:07.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: Yeah. Let's go with that.10:07.31 
Robin_Watts I need to test for leakage before we commit it though.10:08.01 
tor8 some of the refcounting looked strange10:08.17 
  you don't keep when you first store it in the structs, but when you push/pop the gstates it gets kept and dropped10:08.36 
  the 64-bit changes, you changed fz_buffer and the mallocs to use size_t10:09.10 
Robin_Watts I did.10:09.23 
tor8 but I don't see any change for the overflow check10:09.44 
  the UINT_MAX should be SIZE_MAX10:10.21 
Robin_Watts ok, ta10:10.51 
tor8 in the printf, you use "%Zd" and "%zu" ... wouldn't it be more foolproof if it were just %Z and %z?10:13.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: That's what I had originally.10:13.20 
tor8 ah, but you ran into the __printflike warning system?10:13.35 
Robin_Watts If I do that, then all the format strings warn on unix.10:13.39 
tor8 bah.10:13.47 
Robin_Watts This way, we have an (almost) C99 compliant printf.10:14.02 
tor8 %lld %lu?10:14.13 
Robin_Watts %lld and %llu10:14.27 
tor8 isn't 'long int' the same as 'size_t' on 64 and 32-bit platforms?10:14.30 
  lld would be for fz_off_t and other 64-bit known entities10:14.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: long int = int on 64bit windows.10:14.50 
tor8 and %lu for size_t10:14.57 
  oh, rubbish :(10:15.00 
Robin_Watts fz_off_t can be 64bit on a 32bit machine.10:15.21 
  That's why we need a new length specifier for it.10:15.32 
tor8 yeah, which is why I suggested lld (long long d)10:15.34 
  but we still have the problem of size_t10:15.52 
Robin_Watts but it can also be 32bit.10:15.55 
  C99 says z for size_t10:16.05 
  The only 'dodgy' one is Z.10:16.17 
tor8 MSVC use %Iu and %Id for size_t10:16.26 
KunMyt Hi everybody, when i read pdf by buffer, the topbar function only copy text, i using MuPDF for android. help me plz!10:16.33 
jogux in some of the iOS stuff, clang just gives up and suggests you add a explicit widing or narrowing cast to fix various printf issues.10:16.36 
  KunMyt: I don't understand most of that sentence. which top bar function? what did you expect it to do? and this works if pdf is read from a file?10:17.31 
tor8 right, and fz_off_t depends on MUPDF_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT #define?10:17.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: it does.10:17.51 
tor8 would it be possible to always use large file support, or will that break everything for everyone?10:18.17 
KunMyt jogux: i read by buffer, i lost last stage and more funtion as Underline, Draw, ...10:18.40 
jogux KunMyt: you are missing some buttons from the top bar?10:19.46 
KunMyt jogux: yes,10:19.56 
Robin_Watts I can only imagine they must be disabled for some reason.10:20.42 
jogux KunMyt: and if you read the pdf file a file instead the buttons are there?10:20.54 
tor8 #define FZ_FMT_OFF "%lld" vs "%ld", but that makes all printf format strings ugly10:21.28 
  so better as we have it then, I guess10:21.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: Indeed.10:21.39 
tor8 now that I understand the why it's easier to swallow :)10:21.57 
KunMyt jogux: yes, the button appear on topbar10:22.01 
Robin_Watts The alternative is to upcast every fz_off_t to an int64_t before printing.10:22.07 
tor8 another alternative is to use 64-bit fz_off_t independent of largefile support10:22.28 
jogux KunMyt: I'd imagine Robin is probably right then, the code is deliberately disabling them.10:22.34 
tor8 but that feels even more awkward10:22.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: But that expands all the xref tables.10:22.45 
tor8 ouch. yeah, that could get nasty.10:23.00 
KunMyt jogux: i'm not change something, i just add buffer for file when getData10:23.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: bah, we have (but don't yet use) %q and %( for string printing. that'll also run afoul of the __printflike stuff once we start using it10:24.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes, but it's worth the pain, I think.10:24.58 
tor8 but I'll worry about that when it happens10:25.02 
Robin_Watts Likewise the ones for rect, point, and matrix.10:25.07 
tor8 could do %qs and %(s or something like that10:25.29 
  ah, yes. those didn't register when I was looking through the list. worth the pain.10:25.54 
jogux KunMyt: I can't immediately see anything in the code that does this. PaulGardiner might know when he appears online. It might be worth you sharing a diff of what you have changed in the mupdf code.10:27.09 
tor8 jogux: KunMyt: a wild guess here, but could it be because it knows there's no underlying file to save the changes?10:28.01 
KunMyt jogux:how i can share for you, post here or use email10:28.21 
Robin_Watts KunMyt: Which icons specifically are disappearing ?10:28.26 
jogux to8: that was my suspicion, but I can't find the code that does it (though I'm not overly familiar with Android)10:28.41 
  KunMyt: if you put the diff into then share the url here that would be best.10:28.58 
KunMyt Robin_Watts: only show Copy icon, every icon lost10:29.09 
Robin_Watts On the top bar, I have: "Links, reflow, search, More"10:29.14 
  There is no copy icon.10:29.19 
  Once you hit 'more' you get 'close, print, copy, annotate'10:29.49 
  and on the annotate menu you get: "close" and then 4 anotation options.10:30.23 
KunMyt Robin_Watts: yes, onCreate i change 
Robin_Watts KunMyt: I can't afford the time to go digging into this at the moment. I'm neck deep in stuff.10:32.51 
KunMyt Robin_Watts: i just add method convert pdf to byte[] and read it by buffer10:32.57 
Robin_Watts sorry.10:32.58 
  (You're a free user, not a supported customer, right?)10:33.23 
KunMyt Robin_Watts: yes, i free user....10:33.36 
Robin_Watts right. Sorry, but we are desperately trying to put all the pieces back together for a release at the moment...10:34.20 
KunMyt Robin_Watts: ok, i'm waitting for next release, Thank you! if you have free time, plz check problem for me.10:35.36 
Robin_Watts KunMyt: I am confused by your report though.10:35.58 
  The initial topbar you get should have the title of the file, then "links, reflow, search, more".10:36.21 
  If none of those items appear, then I don't see how you can get to the 'more' menu to see the copy icon.10:36.55 
KunMyt i'm don't know why 10:37.45 
jogux KunMyt: can you take a screenshot?10:38.00 
KunMyt wait a few minute10:38.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, memento is showing leaks.10:39.27 
  in "Don't pass interpreter context to pdf_processor opcode callbacks"10:39.50 
  specifically pdf_xobjects are being leaked.10:40.16 
  previous commit does not leak.10:41.40 
KunMyt jogux: screenshot : 
Robin_Watts KunMyt: And that's what you see when you first start the app up?10:43.37 
  You haven't clicked anything at this point?10:43.43 
KunMyt i have click on More button10:44.31 
Robin_Watts Oh, ffs.10:44.37 
kens Incase anyone else is having trouble, bmpcmp isd not working for me, all the results are 'bmpcmp: /dev/fd/62: Unrecognised image type'10:46.18 
Robin_Watts kens: I have been seeing that too, but not for all results.10:46.39 
  I assumed that it was something I'd broken :)10:46.47 
kens I only have 3 results....10:46.49 
  I've tried 3 times and had teh same result in each case10:46.59 
Robin_Watts I wonder what machine has run the tests...10:47.30 
kens I couldn't tell for certain10:47.44 
Robin_Watts Run it again, let me watch the dashboard carefully.10:48.18 
kens OK one moment10:48.25 
  OK its off, I'll watch too10:48.37 
  Oddly the report also comes back with some other errors like 'cp: cannot stat...' and .gzip:.... No such file or directory'10:49.54 
  The gzip errors match the bmpcmp problem fiules10:50.24 
Robin_Watts I suspect one of the cluster nodes is borked. Possibly a full HD due to the release testing?10:50.27 
kens It seems likely to me10:50.36 
Robin_Watts Looks like i7 to me.10:50.52 
kens i7 is at least one of the node used10:50.54 
Robin_Watts So let's disable i7 and try again.10:51.00 
kens OK I'll turn it off and try again10:51.02 
Robin_Watts I've already turned it off.10:51.17 
kens Yeah fortunately I saw :-)10:51.26 
  looks like kilometers won this time10:52.32 
Robin_Watts leagues. I think.10:54.41 
kens Yeah seems to be10:54.51 
  kilmeters said it was 'starting cluster job' but I think it may have been lying10:55.06 
Robin_Watts "starting cluster job" comes before "fetching source from kens", I think.10:55.28 
kens COuld be :-)10:55.39 
Robin_Watts And the bmpcmp is working.10:55.45 
kens yeah seems OK this time, thanks!10:55.53 
Robin_Watts so we'll leave i7 turned off until marcos arrives.10:55.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: makefile dependencies are broken for mupdf/pdf/name-table.h11:01.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: Are they? I thought I had them working :(11:01.47 
tor8 make -j10 fails11:01.55 
  source/pdf/pdf-xref.c:557:9: warning: comparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always false11:02.05 
  scripts/../source/fitz/stream-open.c:73:8: warning: comparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always false11:02.16 
jogux oh, KunMyt left. but I reckon his problem is this like in Iif (core.fileFormat().startsWith("PDF") && core.isUnencryptedPDF() && !core.wasOpenedFromBuffer())11:04.46 
  {..} else { mAnnotButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); }11:04.47 
Robin_Watts I lost all interest in his problem when it became clear that he couldn't give a coherent bug report despite direct questions.11:05.37 
jogux I guess the likelyhood is that even if he changes that the core will fail to cope when you click save though.11:05.38 
tor8 Robin_Watts: shouldn't the name-table header be part of 'make generate' and live in $(GEN)?11:06.13 
Robin_Watts tor8: Please feel free to tweak the makefiles as you see fit.11:06.40 
  The only problem I can forsee is that cmapdump etc will depend on name-tables.h11:07.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hm, no, name-table.h is part of the public API so we can't hide it in generate/11:08.11 
  which makes me feel we should add the generated name-table.h to the git11:08.38 
jogux Robin_Watts: tbf I don't think English was his first language :)11:19.04 
  Robin_Watts: I also vaguely suspect for what he's trying to do he's going to ultimately need a commercial license...11:19.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: could do, but it's a shame.11:20.28 
  jogux: yes.11:20.32 
  tor8: OK, it's SMask xobjects that are being leaked.11:24.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hm, in stream-open.c, next_file11:25.41 
  we ignore the size_t n input argument, then reuse the variable to store the return value of fread11:26.03 
  but fread returns a signed int11:26.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: Want to make me a patch to fix it, and I'll squash it in.11:26.51 
tor8 oh wait, no, fread returns a positive int forces us to check ferror() for errors11:26.57 
  a change on how FILE* works as opposed to file descriptors11:27.13 
  Robin_Watts: I'll patch them up11:27.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: That'll make it harder for me to get them into this branch.11:27.38 
  a fix commit would be easier.11:27.43 
tor8 I mean, I'll make patch commits and let you handle them11:28.25 
  I'm working on top of your branch for these fixes11:28.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: ah, cool, thanks.11:28.44 
tor8 tor/csi has a makefile fix for the name table files11:28.51 
  fread doesn't set errno :(11:29.16 
  I'm not convinced of the FILE* commit yet, could we hold off on that one for a while?11:30.36 
Robin_Watts sure.11:30.44 
  Though I think that moving to FILE *'s rather than fd's is a good move.11:31.10 
  tor8: OK, I have a fix for the SMask leakage online.11:48.30 
  When is the meeting today? at 2 or 2:30 UK time?13:26.16 
kens I think 14:30 ?13:26.24 
Robin_Watts cool.13:26.29 
tor8 meeting in one or two hours?13:31.43 
Robin_Watts 113:33.38 
  If you're happy with my alternative resource fix, and the softmask object leak fix we can squash those two into 'Don't pass' and push that much ?13:34.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: go for it!13:35.15 
  clang barfs on %Zd as well... maybe we should just scrap the printflike warnings and use plain %Z and %z as you first did13:36.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Given that we have it working, going for something as much like C99 as possible seems best to me.13:40.52 
  OK, so next commit is the names one.13:44.52 
  Did you want to try an alternative formulation of that?13:45.06 
tor8 I do want to try using global objects for that and the null/true/false ones13:51.27 
  okay, we'll still need to disable the printflike warnings though :(13:51.49 
rayjj good morning, all14:04.52 
  I *think* we are going to have a meeting. It's been so long, I'm out of the habit14:12.05 
  I'll find out for sure in 18 minutes :-)14:12.27 
Robin_Watts marcosw1: i7 is failing bmpcmps. We've disabled it from the cluster.14:28.07 
kens no henrys means no meeting I guess14:30.12 
marcosw1 Robin_Watts: i7 had a drive failure and I decided I'd take the opportunity to move from Ubuntu 10.04 to 14.10 by starting from scratch. i'm still missing some packages...14:31.26 
fredross-perry Is Hanry away?14:32.32 
kens Should be back afaik14:32.42 
Robin_Watts texts henry.14:36.32 
henrys ha sorry about that14:37.14 
kens :)14:37.35 
mvrhel_laptop morning14:37.47 
Robin_Watts Morning.14:37.51 
henrys really freshly out of bed!14:38.12 
chrisl Still recovering from the travelling?14:38.45 
kens Hmm tha't sodd, 10 files started timing out14:39.21 
henrys chrisl: no I'm fine ... just had the idea I'd sleep a little longer ... ;-)14:39.22 
chrisl henrys: sounds like a good plan ;-)14:39.52 
mvrhel_laptop So I am still plugging away at gsview. Planning this week to see if I can replicate the issues that ken was seeing on windows 7 and making a simpler interface to create image files, similar to the export feature on Acrobat pro. Should have another one for testing by the end of the week14:40.05 
  Plus I need to follow up with the color customer on one item14:40.20 
kens I'll give it a try when its ready, I'll try and test out Fred's 32-bit Linux binary today14:40.35 
mvrhel_laptop thanks kens14:40.44 
henrys I did want to say a few things about the trip and I'll do that on skype at the hour if you want to hear that stuff.14:41.00 
mvrhel_laptop cool14:41.07 
chrisl wonders if his skype client still works.......14:41.42 
fredross-perry re: the 32-bit binary - you may fine one or more shared libs missing. I built it on Fedora, and it runs fine. I ran it on Mint and it’s missing libssl, and others.14:41.51 
henrys I know about the gs release ... mupdf? tor8?14:42.02 
kens I'l be running on Fedora14:42.04 
fredross-perry ok14:42.17 
mvrhel_laptop has anyone run it on ubuntu?14:42.29 
kens Kind of an old version, btu it has a decent amount of stuff installed14:42.33 
Robin_Watts kens: What laptop do you have? (vaguely looking. Interested in ones with swappable batteries)14:42.39 
chrisl Mint is effectively Ubuntu, but I'll try it when I get time14:42.48 
kens Err, one from PC Specialist14:42.48 
mvrhel_laptop ok14:42.53 
Robin_Watts henrys: tor and I almost have mupdf back together again :)14:42.56 
kens Robin_Watts : Dell do one with a backlit keyboard, I'd still like that myself14:43.06 
henrys Robin_Watts: good timing.14:43.14 
Robin_Watts We should have a release candidate before the end of the week.14:43.17 
henrys fredross-perry, mvrhel_laptop: we never talked about this but should we do a debian package or something that installs deps? 14:45.28 
kens Hmm, so I'm missing libpng as a shared library14:45.32 
fredross-perry I can look into that.14:46.13 
kens I'm just isntalling it now14:46.26 
  Oh, it says I already have it, but not it seems14:46.40 
henrys should mupdf require that?14:47.00 
kens gxview this is14:47.05 
jogux supplying a linux binary that's not statically linked sounds like it would be fraught with problems. :-S14:47.13 
Robin_Watts yeah, can't we statically link everything ?14:47.28 
chrisl We can't statically link glibc14:47.41 
kens I admit libpng being shared was a surprise14:47.47 
rayjj jogux: yeah, but some distros are really keen on dynamically linked libs14:47.52 
jogux rayjj: then let them package it :-)14:48.03 
henrys rayjj: that's irrellevent here14:48.08 
chrisl I doubt we'll make inroads into the Linux world with a binary anyway14:48.31 
rayjj chrisl: probably not14:48.45 
Robin_Watts distros will want to build themselves.14:49.00 
henrys chrisl: you might be right but I think for the first release we should try.14:49.10 
Robin_Watts but for supplying an installer, statically linked sounds like the right move to me.14:49.16 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yeah, with who knows what libs :-(14:49.18 
chrisl If we really want to, we'll have to package up deb and rpm packages14:49.29 
  And unless we keep it (A)GPL few distros will consider it14:49.57 
rayjj I'm all for statically linked apps. It avoids a lot of screwy problems14:50.08 
  the old gsview was Aladdin, right ? (AFPL) ?14:50.53 
tor8 henrys: I expect a late mupdf release this spring.14:51.03 
chrisl rayjj: yeh, and no Linux distro has included it14:51.18 
tor8 we've got several big changes in the pipe just committed and I want to let the dust settle a bit first14:51.28 
kens Looks like I have lioobpng1214:51.35 
Robin_Watts chrisl: zlib, pnglib, freetype, lcms, etc should all be static, IMHO.14:51.36 
henrys we still have 4 blockers all belonging to rayjj for ghostscript release. Are those marked properly?14:51.47 
kens Or even libpng1214:51.48 
  henrys I think not14:52.02 
  IIRC at least one is XPS14:52.07 
henrys blockers for the next release now?14:52.14 
rayjj oh, I've been working on cust 532 issues and haven't looked14:52.16 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I don't know where those dependencies are coming from14:52.16 
jogux possibly from qt? (gsview uses qt iirc?)14:52.48 
henrys chrisl: they could be qt14:52.53 
chrisl I thought we'd decided only the one "blocker" was actually a blocker?14:52.55 
  And rayjj committed the agreed work-around for that14:53.19 
fredross-perry could be Qt since it uses PNG files for icone14:53.20 
kens I'm not getting anywhere fast with libpng, Fedora insists that I have the latest version, but I don't think I do. I'd have to go and fetch it manually and rebuild14:54.12 
chrisl kens: you've probably got the most recent version available on your distro14:54.42 
kens Yeah that's what I suspect14:54.49 
  Or at least the latest available for this version of Fedora14:55.00 
chrisl It does *seems* that Qt can be statically linked, at least on some platforms14:55.01 
kens TBH this is the sort of thing I exepcted for a Linux binary14:55.35 
rayjj I just added the comment and downgraded bug 695771 (commit 949e2de694cb5464a26794b7679d8f74ad2fe02b)14:55.35 
fredross-perry I could just run the set of required libs to ground, and supply them in the installer, in a folder adjacent to the app. Already doing that for the Qt libs themselves.14:55.36 
kens It would make my life easier, certainly14:55.52 
henrys jogux: the distros package ghostscript and won't take our packaging. The issue is updating shared libraries for important security fixes.14:56.26 
jogux nods at henrys14:56.39 
henrys we either have to do static or a package that checks for dependencies.14:58.09 
  anything else for this meeting. I apologize for being late and barely awake...14:58.46 
fredross-perry Qt can be statically linked, but I’m not sure that creates an executable with no deps14:58.51 
henrys fredross-perry: a few is fine clib for example.15:00.42 
chrisl It's not practical to statically link glibc15:01.06 
Robin_Watts yeah, even if we could, we shouldn't.15:01.21 
fredross-perry I am going to look into static linking next, but keep with the installer approach for now.15:01.30 
marcosw1 I prefer static; I just upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 to 14.10 and much of the code I built and installed from source (i.e. ImageMagick, gnuplot, xli, ...) had to be recompiled because the version numbers of the libraries had changed (i.e. -> 
chrisl fredross-perry: the ideal would be a monolithic Qt library against which the executable was linked, but that's almost certainly not practical15:02.40 
fredross-perry I’ll see what other Qt devs are doing.15:03.11 
henrys fredross-perry: good idea15:03.42 
Robin_Watts So, are we swapping to skype now?15:03.43 
chrisl fredross-perry: I suspect to get that it would mean building Qt, and we shouldn't have that as a necessary part of the build!15:03.55 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes to skype, I just want a cup of coffee so I'll be a minute15:04.17 
marcosw1 sigh. after dealing with a disk failure last week, a failure of the replacement disk, now I'm getting kernel errors related to disk i/o ("ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED" and "ata1: hard resetting link")15:04.51 
  I guess it's time to stop using seagate, like everyone else (too bad, I like the ssd/hd hybrid and I don't think anyone else makes one).15:05.48 
fredross-perry Not sure I agree with that, ias long as what to do is well-documented. And I think building Qt is the way its done.15:05.56 
henrys for those that didn't hea I was going to talk about the trip on skype.15:06.20 
jogux marcosw1: :-( is that all the same machine?15:06.34 
chrisl fredross-perry: it shouldn't be required to build the entire gui toolkit just to build an app15:06.50 
Robin_Watts chrisl: If fredross-perry has to make a static Qt lib that he can drop into the build in order to make an installer for statically linked binaries, that seems fine to me.15:06.55 
  As long as other people can still build the thing without needing that.15:07.07 
henrys skype is a spinning ball you guys must've talked a lot ;-)15:07.38 
fredross-perry if the Qt licence allows it. 15:07.51 
jogux fredross-perry: errr. good point.15:08.10 
  fredross-perry: doing it your dll shipped alongside way may still work and fix the issue though?15:08.31 
  possibly one huge dll with qt and all the deps?15:08.44 
  (Qt is LGPL iirc)15:08.55 
marcosw jogux: yes, but I’ve the two previous failures are clearly the disk themselves, i.e. one of them makes strange noises and the other one no doesn't spin.15:09.18 
jogux marcosw: nasty :( sounds unlucky15:09.48 
fredross-perry Right now I am installing the Qt libs aongside (app is linked with -rpath). Adding more libs to the alongside works just fine. So it’s just identifying the minimum set of libs.15:09.55 
rayjj marcosw: just curious, but what brand/type disks ?15:10.10 
chrisl marcosw: if you are using seagate, you get no sympathy from me!15:10.16 
Robin_Watts rayjj: sounds like seagate momentus XT?15:10.26 
marcosw chrisl: I know.15:10.34 
  guess I’ll look into bcache…15:10.52 
rayjj I've got seagate hybrid 1Tb on peeved15:10.53 
jogux fredross-perry: I presume it's essentially most of the qt deps excluding libc15:11.06 
Robin_Watts I have a 750Gig one in my macbook.15:11.13 
rayjj but they're in a RAID-5 so at least I'm somewhat protected15:11.24 
jogux hybrid is, imho, not worth it anymore, 1TB SSDs are well into affordable category.15:11.45 
fredross-perry yes, I think so.15:11.51 
marcosw i had a 2tb seagate hybrid fail on my other machine (x6) three weeks ago, but no drama. started seeing SMART warnings, dd’d the data to a spare drive and swapped it in less than a day.15:12.04 
rayjj jogux: that's what I have on my laptop15:12.12 
marcosw jogux: I can’t live with 1 TB. All of my machines have 4 TB (2x2TB SSHDs). 15:12.36 
  speaking of which, i moved both scones and muffins to SSDs but toast has too much stuff.15:13.32 
  any thoughts if we need the mailserver VM? It’s really big and growing.15:13.48 
jogux growing significantly?15:13.59 
  I think we're technically routing mail through it, but don't really need to.15:14.14 
  there was some big hiccup with email recently, btw last night I got about 200 emails from ATS ranging back at least a few weeks15:14.39 
marcosw jogux: that was because all the mail is routed through my i7 and that was the machine with the sequential double disk failure. 15:15.16 
jogux ahhhhhhh :-S15:15.26 
marcosw the mailserver VM is 550G.15:17.17 
jogux I think lots of stuff falls down without it - it's also the primary LDAP machine for all the machines I think. (and I did actually need to get some data from it not so long back.)15:18.13 
  fredross-perry: I'd imagine we should also being very careful to complly with the LGPL, so make sure to keep an archive of all the source you built QT etc from, remember to include the LGPL text in the final archive, etc...15:20.19 
fredross-perry yes15:23.38 
marcosw jogux: the directory /opt/zimbra/logger is 131G and /opt/zimbra/store is 97G. Is zimbra still being used for anything?15:24.24 
jogux marcosw: just the mail and the ldap :-)15:25.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: come to skype...15:26.47 
marcosw must be a different zimbra the, google suggests it’s a collaboration platform.15:26.49 
kens 20 minutes struggling to reset my Skype password, and now it wants to install updates.....15:27.23 
jogux marcosw: marketing ;-)15:27.24 
  marcos: it's email and IM15:27.35 
  marcosw: that is the right one you've found15:27.44 
marcosw most of the space seem to be taken up by undeliverable mail for people who no longer work for picsel.15:29.32 
  is it keeping them for logging or just in case the account comes back online?15:29.54 
jogux for us, the former.15:31.27 
marcosw maybe i’ll move toast to an SSD but keep some of the larger VMs (i.e. mail) on spinning media…15:35.27 
jogux sounds okay. on our toast, used an SSD for / but had all the VMs on a spinny disc.15:37.07 
chrisl marcosw: Can you put individual directories onto spinning disks, and the main VM on SSD?15:37.35 
marcosw I can get all of the VMs on a 1TB SSD except for the mail server15:38.28 
jogux that sounds fine to me15:40.10 
tor8 Robin_Watts: could we please stop using skype?15:51.44 
  I've gone through three machines trying to find a skype installation that works15:51.57 
  the one that starts, can't connect to Skype headquarters15:52.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: I can't think of anything else that would do the job and be less of a pain.15:52.34 
chrisl tor8: you need Windows ;-)15:52.57 
tor8 chrisl: Robin_Watts: in that case, henry should pay for a dedicated skype laptop running windows... :/15:53.36 
rayjj just run it on a tablet15:53.53 
jogux it works nicely on OS X too15:53.54 
Robin_Watts Joseph manages to run skype all day on a mac with no problems.15:53.56 
marcosw chrisl: skype on mac actually works quite well, not sure why microsoft allows that.15:54.03 
jogux and, yeah, the iPad client is pretty usable too15:54.09 
tor8 I don't own a mac...15:54.12 
jogux albeit sucks battery iirc.15:54.19 
tor8 but I guess my iPad could work?15:54.26 
rayjj marcosw: probably because it pre-dated the acquisition15:54.32 
marcosw you can run windows in a VM :-)15:54.33 
rayjj a windows VM on an ipad ???15:55.06 
  that's just wrong15:55.30 
tor8 marcosw: well, the linux skype client seems to have stopped working. I guess it's too old or some crap like that.15:55.36 
jogux MS is pretty cross-platform these days. it's a bit scary.15:55.38 
rayjj their trying to take over the world (again)15:55.58 
jogux there's even a beta of the new office for Mac that almost brings feature parity with windows office.15:55.59 
chrisl I do wish the Linux Skype client was a little less sh*t.....15:56.39 
rayjj hurray! tor8 finally got skype working15:56.50 
tor8 wow, is skype supposed to have a big fat ad-banner over half the screen!?15:57.23 
  rayjj: safely quarantined in a windows xp VM15:57.42 
rayjj tor8: good plan15:57.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: If your screen is sufficiently small :)15:58.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it's a VM in as tiny a window as I can get away with ;)15:58.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, so as far as I can tell merge_csi tests out on the cluster properly now. Phew.15:59.06 
henrys tor8: perhaps a chromebook is a bit underpowered for a full time developer ;-)15:59.10 
chrisl tor8: I wonder if it would run on wine.....15:59.19 
Robin_Watts Did you have some fix commits?15:59.20 
marcosw henrys: speaking of the cluster, is there a reason your macpro is disabled as a cluster machine? It’s nice to have a non-linux box in the mix.16:00.22 
henrys marcosw: no I didn't do it.16:00.38 
rayjj I did it because someone said the disk was full and henrys was out of town16:01.08 
  but then I forgot to re-enable it16:01.21 
  henrys: please go ahead and add it back in16:01.37 
Robin_Watts rayjj: done.16:01.57 
rayjj Robin_Watts: thanks16:02.02 
  back to regular work...16:02.31 
  (optimizing clist code for customer 532)16:02.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: makefile fix, and pdf_obj rework on tor/csi16:04.21 
Robin_Watts grabbing those now, ta.16:04.45 
  I can't see the latter...16:05.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ah, sorry. need to force push.16:08.16 
  Robin_Watts: try now.16:08.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ta.16:08.37 
tor8 the makefile commit needed some revising; the one you got just before was broken16:08.47 
Robin_Watts right.16:09.03 
tor8 I ran into one issue with the global pdf_obj_name tables; I had to change the char n[1] to a char *16:09.27 
  but I still alloc only one chunk for non-standard names (I just alloc enough to hold the string the struct, and point the char* to that)16:09.58 
  so we waste 4 or 8 bytes per name, but I don't think that's going to be huge16:10.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: ick.16:10.22 
  You also changed pdf_namecmp16:10.33 
  if (a == b) return !a;16:10.40 
tor8 basically obj->n = ((char*)obj) + sizeof(pdf_obj_name)16:10.41 
Robin_Watts has become if (a == b) return 0;16:10.47 
  the point is that NULL should not compare equal to NULL.16:10.58 
tor8 null compares equal to null if you use pdf_objcmp16:11.50 
Robin_Watts null == null, but NULL != NULL, IIRC.16:12.07 
  PDF 'null' objects compare equal, but pdf_obj's that happen to be NULL never compare equal to anything.16:12.56 
tor8 Sorry, bad habit of all lowercase typing bit me there. NULL == NULL as well.16:13.04 
  we don't have NaN behaviour for NULL objects16:13.20 
  though I don't think it matters either way, nothing we do should rely on that behaviour16:13.43 
Robin_Watts In pdf_objcmp... if (!a || !b) return 1;16:14.11 
tor8 ... after if (a == b) return 0;16:14.29 
Robin_Watts Bah. That bits hidden off my diff :)16:14.53 
tor8 personally, I'd change pdf_namecmp to pdf_name_eq and invert the return value16:16.44 
  makes for easier code everywhere we use it16:16.59 
  or just 'obj == PDF_NAME_Foo' but that might bite us if we decide to go back on any other implementation16:17.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think we sort using pdf_namecmp in the dictionary sorting stuff.16:17.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: no, that just uses a hardwired strcmp16:18.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: Does namecmp resolve ?16:18.12 
tor8 given that we *know* dictionary keys are names16:18.15 
  ah, yes. it does, and that's why we need it!16:18.28 
  if the a == b test fails, it does a pdf_resolve_objcmp16:18.40 
Robin_Watts right.16:18.48 
tor8 how do you feel about pdf_name_is or pdf_name_eq? it's an easy search/replace job if we want it16:19.28 
Robin_Watts I would prefer pdf_name_eq to pdf_name_is.16:19.58 
  As long as we aren't sorting using it, then I think I prefer that.16:20.11 
tor8 done :)16:20.48 
  let me just make sure it still works!16:21.19 
mvrhel_laptop I will be out for a bit. need to help out at school16:22.38 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, namecmp rename on tor/csi16:26.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: I dislike the extra pointer. That really bothers me.16:33.51 
  There must be a nice way around that.16:34.01 
  And is this going to cause problems on DLLs on windows?16:34.20 
  This will be slower than my version, I suspect.16:36.11 
  load register with small integer value (which is what mine ends up doing) is always going to be less effort than load register with pointer to global data (which is what yours does)16:37.25 
  It seems that we're trading a minor aesthetic point for extra memory use, problems on windows, and (potentially) slower speeds.16:46.48 
  There *is* a way around the extra memory use.16:48.56 
  I can't see a way around the problems with windows DLLs.16:49.16 
  tor8: Actually, what was the global static data problem again?16:54.07 
  the windows DLL thing?16:54.17 
henrys marcosw: can you create a bug for the ghostpcl customer problem and I'll look at it. I was hoping tiffscaled would work for that but it doesn't, sigh.17:07.41 
marcosw1 henrys: will do17:09.57 
kens night all17:13.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: Urgh.17:17.20 
  Every call to pdf_dict_get now resolves to a pdf_dict_gets. So we're strcmping like mad again.17:17.53 
henrys ugh I think norberts problem is a real bug... the interactions just dawned on me, now to fix it. double ugh...17:41.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: The more I look at this commit, the less I like it.17:49.42 
tor8 the strcmp'ing could be gotten rid of18:02.36 
  we could make the pdf_obj_name data live in the array, and then we could compare pointers for < and >18:03.12 
  and whether they are in the array at all18:03.22 
  else fall back to a strcmp18:03.29 
  Robin_Watts: ^18:03.46 
Robin_Watts tor8: I've just got rid of the extra pointer here.18:03.59 
tor8 how did you manage that?18:04.09 
Robin_Watts I'll put the commit up in a mo.18:04.18 
tor8 windows DLLs have problems exporting non-functions18:04.55 
Robin_Watts tor8: From what I just googled, windows DLLs can export global variables, but you get one set of global vars per process.18:05.35 
tor8 the pointer magic that you used bothers me, what is the guarantee do we have that the allocator won't use that range?18:05.36 
Robin_Watts Between 1 and 200?18:05.45 
tor8 right, so there should be no problem?18:05.49 
Robin_Watts I know we run on some small OS, but you find me one that lets us access zero page :)18:06.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I know it's extremely unlikely, but it still bothers me :)18:06.28 
Robin_Watts You generate a PDF_NAME_TABLE array, that has pointers to all the objects in, right?18:08.43 
tor8 yeah. I'd be perfectly happy to put the data in the array, and the objects point to inside the array18:09.02 
  that would let us have sorted pointers for the standard names18:09.38 
Robin_Watts The objects could all be #define PDF_NAME_BLAH ((pdf_obj *)PDF_NAME_TABLE[2])18:09.43 
tor8 that's also a possibility18:10.02 
  then there's only one global to worry about exporting as well18:10.29 
Robin_Watts Yes.18:10.34 
  Let me try and work towards that.18:10.46 
tor8 okay. and if this doesn't come to any good, I'm not going to gripe too loudly about your first solution18:11.09 
Robin_Watts Even if it does come good, I prefer my solution :)18:11.26 
tor8 but I do like being able to dereference the pdf_obj pointers in gdb and have actual objects at the end18:11.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, I get that.18:11.34 
marcosw sigh, turning off ncq didn’t help. so I’m giving up on seagate and setting up a HGST drive.18:12.12 
Robin_Watts Ah... tor8, you know that you won't be able to look at the content of a pdf_obj * any more, right?18:32.38 
  pdf_obj * will tell you the type, but not the contents thereof.18:32.55 
  (in gdb, I mean).18:33.22 
  You'll need to do something like: call print_obj(x)18:33.39 
henrys marcosw: yes you are right, additional information for the customer in the bug18:35.24 
marcosw henrys: so uncommenting the define DEVICE_RES_PATTERNS makes it similar to what the customer wants?18:37.22 
Robin_Watts OK, tor8. 2 commits on the end of robin/merge_csi18:37.56 
  The first removes the extra pointer.18:38.06 
  The second puts everything into a single array.18:38.17 
  but the cost for doing that is that I have to expose the definition of pdf_obj to the world.18:38.38 
  Currently it's as 'pdf_obj_internal' which I'm not a massive fan of.18:39.11 
  On balance, I still prefer my commit, given that you're desired goal of being able to print objects in gdb has already been lost.18:39.43 
henrys marcosw: I've only verified it uses a higher resolution pattern on the HP. with your command line I doubt it would matter since you said 300. Do you have their command line?18:39.49 
Robin_Watts s/you're/your/. bah.18:39.53 
henrys marcosw: I thought tiffscaled was used by the customer but not sure.18:40.10 
marcosw henrys: the example tiff file they sent is 72 dpi, so presumably that’s waht the they are using18:40.18 
  i’ll ask the customer18:40.26 
Robin_Watts urm..18:42.02 
  getting tiffscaled to output at 72dpi would be tricky18:42.14 
marcosw 288/4 ?18:42.32 
Robin_Watts And rendering PCL at anything other than a multiple of 300 is doomed to failure, right?18:42.52 
henrys Robin_Watts: yeah I think I saw 200 dpi and assume 600 and downscale 3.18:42.53 
marcosw yeah, so why is 72 tricker with tiffscaled than with any other device?18:43.16 
Robin_Watts 200 would make sense. 75 would make sense. 72... not so much.18:43.18 
marcosw 300/72!=int(300/72)18:43.24 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Rendering PCL at anything other than a multiple of 300dpi is doomed to failure on ANY device.18:44.00 
marcosw the comparison raster file the customer sent is fax resoluton (204x198, or something like that).18:44.01 
  Robin_Watts: you’d think so, but it generally works fine.18:44.24 
Robin_Watts henrys: I have no beverage available to splutter all over the keyboard at this point. Would you might doing the honours?18:44.49 
  Jeez, fingers betraying me today.18:45.11 
marcosw of course some pcl files don’t work but I’ve seen plenty of PostScript files that only work at a particular resolution.18:45.11 
Robin_Watts marcosw: AIUI, you *can* get PCL that works at any resolution, but really, you'd be mad to rely on it.18:45.46 
  And if the customer was rendering at such a strange resolution and was getting bad results, we'd generally just say "don't do that, it's not supported".18:46.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. this is getting hackier and hackier :(18:47.06 
Robin_Watts (Of course, my knowledge of PCL is minimal - I'm going by the memory of what Henry told me, so I'm quite prepared to be told that I'm wrong)18:47.09 
tor8 let's go with your version (but please do take the pdf_name_eq patch)18:47.24 
Robin_Watts I will gladly take that patch.18:47.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: one thing I noticed, a few inconsistencies in the PDF_OBJ__LIMIT comparisons18:47.50 
henrys we really want to using 600 and downscale 3 - that is consistent with the tiff they sent which says resolution 204x196... Not sure how Robin_Watts got that but close enough...18:47.55 
Robin_Watts (and I've already taken a couple of stylistic fixes from your one)18:47.56 
tor8 you use <= in a few places that should be < 18:48.05 
  or vice versa18:48.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: will check, ta.18:48.16 
marcosw Robin_Watts: being the customer has another product that does support this and produces output he likes would you like to take bets on their response? You’ve been hangning around with Ken too much, he feels we should fail to read any PDF file that is out of spec, never mind what everyone else does.18:49.00 
Robin_Watts marcosw: My memory from discussing this with Henry was thinking that it was probably possible to support this properly, but it would involve reevaluating some design decisions made right back at the start of the PCL interpreters development.18:50.43 
henrys marcosw: no the solution is tiffscaled.18:51.14 
Robin_Watts henrys: How I got 204x198 ?18:51.15 
henrys Robin_Watts: that's what the customer sent, I'm guessing it's from your device.18:51.41 
Robin_Watts Ah, right.18:51.53 
henrys Robin_Watts: argh don't know how the customer got that you get 200x200 in the current code.18:52.53 
Robin_Watts henrys: right :)18:53.06 
  tor8: Where is the pdf_name_eq patch?18:54.12 
  D'Oh. trypewriting, sorry.18:54.55 
henrys marcosw: also right next to where that define is they can hardwire the pattern resolution to 600 instead of 300 and not use the #define. That might be best for them ...18:57.30 
marcosw okay, will let them know.18:57.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: you found it?19:04.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yup. testing now.19:05.05 
  bugger. stuff broke.19:05.47 
tor8 :(19:06.02 
Robin_Watts It'll be something silly. I'll find it.19:06.17 
  tor8: found it.19:42.06 
  So, let me look for <=19:42.36 
  tor8: OK, latest version on robin/master19:52.33 
  just retesting now for sanities sake.19:52.41 
  I believe everything should be ready to go now, except for the last one (FILE * stuff) that you said you wanted to think about some more.19:55.10 
  tests passed.20:05.27 
rayjj I reduced the number of large pattern reads from 560 down to 74 (on J10 page 2 when the BandHeight is 128 and there are 40 bands at 600 dpi). It was a lot less painful than I thought20:22.47 
  now to run a regression test on it20:23.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: a few warnings remain20:56.56 
  lseek64 is not defined21:02.13 
  something wrong with the header define magic21:02.22 
  Robin_Watts: everything up to and including 'Update our printf to cope with various useful extensions' LGTM21:05.00 
  the MUPDF_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT is broken on my linux21:05.08 
  I'll see what I can do about that tomorrow21:05.17 
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