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mvrhel_laptop ok I have the links always active now, and the button only highlights them00:01.18 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: That's the simplified english way :)00:01.25 
mvrhel_laptop I have ctrl mouse wheel doing zoom00:01.32 
Robin_Watts Nice.00:01.37 
mvrhel_laptop ctrl mouse wheel doing shift00:01.38 
Robin_Watts ?00:01.49 
mvrhel_laptop shift mouse wheel doing shifts00:01.59 
Robin_Watts shift mouse wheel doing horizontal scroll? right.00:02.13 
mvrhel_laptop yes00:02.17 
  I actually needed that yesterday00:02.25 
  looking at some drawings of property lines zoomed in00:02.40 
rayjj you added CUPS to the mupdf printer output (which I didn't know it did, at least not mudraw) and you took it out of GS, which is definitely does00:03.15 
  Robin_Watts: ^^^00:03.25 
Robin_Watts I added a paragraph that says both do it.00:03.46 
  (I intended to take it out of MuPDF)00:03.56 
rayjj yes, later00:04.13 
Robin_Watts yeah, we can lose the 'and CUPS' from the MuPDF line.00:04.42 
rayjj Robin_Watts: after the Banding section you added some blank lines. I generally prefer not having this, but if this was intentional, fine by me00:08.01 
Robin_Watts It all gets normalised when rendered.00:08.49 
  I prefer blank lines before each secton delimiter, personally.00:09.07 
  but it all looks the same in the end, I think.00:09.33 
rayjj Robin_Watts: having to modify the code to get mupdf to do multi-threading is not what I read into "slightly more integration"00:09.40 
Robin_Watts rayjj: It's pretty trivial.00:10.09 
rayjj OK, I guess. But it isn't documented -- I see everyone asking you (or maybe tor) how to do it here on IRC00:10.57 
Robin_Watts But don't take my word for it. Michael has done it for gsview.00:11.01 
  That *is* documented.00:11.08 
  see docs/multithreaded.c for an example.00:11.39 
  and docs/overview.txt for information on how to do it.00:12.07 
  We have customers who have used it for multi-core rendering on ipads etc.00:12.29 
rayjj Robin_Watts: sorry -- I had out of date docs00:12.48 
Robin_Watts np.00:12.53 
  I'm quite pleased with the way the threading stuff works in MuPDF.00:13.37 
rayjj Robin_Watts: should we mention in the PDF Manipulation that both allow a password to be set when creating a PDF ?00:13.43 
Robin_Watts MuPDF does not allow passwords to be set.00:13.58 
  Cos we don't write encrypted files.00:14.09 
  That could be a tick in the gs column.00:14.21 
rayjj Robin_Watts: oh, so I'll add that for the GS section. That's was a commonly needed function00:14.28 
  it used to be done by a PS post processor program ( until kens added it to pdfwrite00:14.57 
  Robin_Watts: OK, I added that statement.00:18.12 
  Have to run an errand. bbiab. Feel free to wordsmith my quick addition.00:18.36 
  what a mess. I've gotten the transfer function sorted out except for the need for the transfer function in the pdf14_put_image call to the device proc. Not sure how to solve that one without changing the params to dev_proc_put_image. mvrhel and I have discussed it briefly and may do just that04:16.16 
  but now I've discovered that if PDF sets a page level transfer function using the 'gs' operator (the /TR key to an ExtGState). Then we fail to apply the transfer function because the pdf14 device resets to the default transfer functions *BEFORE* the put_image04:21.41 
  if the page is banded, then the bands that skip the pdf14 compositor have the transfer function applied and the bands that use transparency don't04:22.24 
  I can fix (hack) the clist case by not updating the transfer function in the clist upon POP_DEVICE, but for the page mode, the imager state (gstate and ExtGState) is popped by the final 'Q' on the page (I think) so that when the pdf14_put_image is called the pis is different to the one that had the changed transfer function04:43.21 
  hmm... actually, it isn't the final 'Q'. It's in the PDF interpreter doing a grestore or restore. Even worse.04:45.44 
  Well, a workaround is to force clist mode :-/04:46.17 
  mvrhel_laptop: (for the logs) Are we _sure_ that the pdf14 compositor should ignore the pis->effective_transfer in its cmap_procs ? If it applied it during rendering, it would avoid much of this tomfoolery (and we would reset the transfer function during pdf14_put_image and wouldn't have to change the device call)04:54.08 
  in any case, I'm running a test with my current approach04:55.01 
  and since it's "after hours" marcosw's systems are offline so it takes longer04:55.51 
  BTW, I'm pretty sure that the HEAD code applies transfer functions, if set as the default prior to starting the PDF, twice to color images and only once to monochrome images (if so, that's the same as bug 695904)04:59.26 
  or maybe it's once for color images and other graphics and not at all for monochrome images. Either way it's not right05:01.57 
  like I said, it's a mess05:05.40 
  just a reminder to whoever gives the newsletter info to Scott, make sure and mention 9.17 (not 9.16)05:32.19 
  that'll make the customer think they are getting something better (which they are since it includes Luratech decoders)05:32.59 
  of course some of our customers will probably request 9.16 since it is a day or two more stable ;-)05:33.51 
Robin_Watts tor8: We forgot to update the docs based on the context changes.10:09.12 
  I'm looking at that now.10:09.18 
tor8 ah, oops.10:10.52 
  maybe we should add the examples to the makefile...10:11.13 
Robin_Watts the examples are fine, I think.10:11.49 
  It's the textual docs.10:11.54 
tor8 docs/example.c doesn't build10:12.17 
Robin_Watts no, the examples are borked too :(10:12.19 
  The examples will never build on windows either :(10:13.01 
tor8 I'll fix the examples10:13.06 
  and add a 'make examples' makefile target so we can test them easily10:13.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ok.10:13.39 
  All the declarations of variables should be moved to the top of blocks.10:13.52 
  tor8: Documentation update on robin/master.10:23.09 
tor8 examples update on tor/master10:24.30 
Robin_Watts lgtm. will push yours.10:32.19 
  Do you want to tag that as 1.7-rc1 ?10:32.42 
  I'll do the windows builds when I get back from running.10:32.58 
tor8 need to update docs/thirdparty as well10:33.58 
Robin_Watts oh.10:34.23 
chrisl tor8: Sorry, I didn't get around to that yesterday.... I'll leave it to you10:34.38 
Robin_Watts oh, right yes.10:34.40 
tor8 which version of openjpeg are we on?10:35.06 
Robin_Watts tor8: How would you feel about us changing the binding for backspace in the mupdf viewer?10:35.21 
  Instead of doing 'back one page', it should do 'back 1 history' (or back 1 page if there is no more history).10:35.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I should backport the history handling from my opengl-based viewer...10:36.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: there is already history handling in the viewer.10:36.46 
  see the code for 'm' and 't'.10:36.52 
tor8 yeah, but it's funky and has odd corner cases10:36.54 
Robin_Watts yeah, I could believe that.10:37.02 
tor8 which have been fixed when I wrote the opengl based viewer10:37.03 
Robin_Watts OK, that sounds like something for the next release then?10:37.16 
tor8 I'm hoping to get the opengl based viewer in by next release10:37.29 
  but my holiday may make a mess of that plan...10:37.37 
Robin_Watts runs. bbs.10:38.48 
chrisl tor8: it looks like mupdf is still using openjpeg 2.0.0 (with patches)10:40.25 
tor8 chrisl: thanks.10:40.40 
  so only the freetype version needs updating since last release10:40.50 
  jbig2dec looks like it's a few commits behind jbig2dec.git10:41.06 
chrisl The openjpeg is a commit behind openjpeg.git, but I wouldn't change that right now - IIRC, there are build changes needed for the change to 2.1.010:42.01 
tor8 yeah, not feeling the need to upgrade that now10:42.20 
  jbig2dec should be a simple update though10:42.29 
chrisl The important thing is removing v8 and putting in mujs....10:42.58 
tor8 v8 is still optional, but I suspect it's bit-rotted to the point that it's even more trouble to get to work than before10:43.35 
chrisl Well, at least put mujs in as the *highly* recommended default..... and move v8 somewhere off the bottom of the page10:44.27 
tor8 I'll just nuke mention of v8 and add in 'mujs' to the note at the bottom next to jbig2dec10:45.08 
chrisl I'm going out for some fresh air - maybe I can shake this headache before it grows roots.... back in a half hour or so.10:57.11 
kens chrisl that's a right muppet you are dealing with there.....12:51.30 
chrisl kens: I was beginning to wonder if it was you under a pseudonym having a laugh at me12:52.50 
kens Cruel thought :-)12:53.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: So, any more code changes to come?13:09.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I got a jbig2dec update on tor/master but other than that, I hope not13:09.34 
Robin_Watts ok. looks good to me.13:10.43 
  did you cluster test it?13:10.48 
tor8 I have not13:14.18 
  but I am now13:14.39 
Robin_Watts I just did. It's fine.13:17.34 
  So I'll push.13:17.51 
tor8 thanks.13:17.57 
Robin_Watts OK, so I'll tag that as 1.70rc1 and do the windows builds ?13:18.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay13:19.27 
Robin_Watts crap.13:33.36 
  windows builds are broken with epub. Trivial fix.13:34.10 
  Fix on robin/master13:35.34 
tor8 ah, oops.13:36.15 
Robin_Watts OK. Pushed, and I moved the tag.13:36.48 
tor8 make sure to git fetch --tags to get updated tags13:37.33 
Robin_Watts Hmm.13:42.14 
  mudraw, mupdf and mutool are all over 9Meg.13:42.25 
  I thought you'd tweaked mutool so that it didn't pull in the data again?13:42.54 
tor8 the dependencies are too pervasive now, with the forms and annotation synthesis, to be easily cut13:43.21 
Robin_Watts ok.13:44.46 
tor8 I can give it another bash, but I am not hopeful13:44.58 
Robin_Watts no, that's fine. I don't think it's a big deal.13:45.13 
  just didn't want to ship something that we thought we'd fixed.13:45.31 
tor8 I think pdfclean pulling in the interpreter is the biggest culprit13:45.48 
  we could probably excise some of the contortions we did to separate the dependencies now13:46.17 
  the pdf-xref-aux.c file etc13:46.24 
  and the _no_run functions13:46.27 
  this is sort of why I asked if we should merge mutool and mudraw13:46.46 
Robin_Watts ok. windows builds done. uploading to casper now.13:48.15 
  Android builds next I guess.13:48.27 
kens This muppet is about to get his buig closed as 'worksforme'13:53.20 
Robin_Watts OK. and are in my home dir on casper.13:57.31 
tor8 kens: muppet still can't spell to -sDEVICE14:01.11 
  he went from -dEVICE to -sDEVIC14:01.19 
kens Oh God.....14:01.21 
  I must have missed that, thanks tor814:01.32 
  How he can manage to get a simple command line wrong three times is beyond me.14:01.55 
Robin_Watts kens: Just close the bug with "3 strikes and you're out".14:03.52 
kens I was pretty close to that before tor8 pointed out this last blunder14:04.12 
chrisl "Dear Sir, it is with regret that I have to inform you that you have proven too stupid to permitted to use our software. Please uninstall it immediately, and go stick your head in a bucket full of very cold water for at least 45 minutes"14:05.16 
kens These people do medical devices, I'm tempted to mail them and say 'your developer should not be permitted anywhere near any kind of medical device'14:06.12 
Robin_Watts chrisl: "If you wish to complain about this judgement please feel free to phone us up while your head is in the bucket"14:06.14 
kens Hmm, his name's not Marvin.....14:06.27 
chrisl He certainly does *not* have a brain the size of a planet.......14:06.50 
kens Not even a dwarf planet14:07.08 
chrisl I seriously hope this guy is not a developer!14:07.36 
kens I suspect he probably is <shudder>14:07.49 
  That's 4 failed attempts.....14:13.56 
  Robin, a weirdness for you. If I use ctrl-wheel to zoom MuPDF 1.7, then the keyboard does nothing until I refocus the window by cliking on it. SO I can't zoom and then use left/right arrows for instance.14:16.13 
  Using just the mouse wheel I cna continue to scroll thorugh the document however.14:16.43 
Robin_Watts kens: hmm. I think I've seen that too, but hadn't quite isolated the chain of events.14:16.59 
kens I get the same just by using the mouse wheel14:17.12 
Robin_Watts ok, will look into it. ta.14:17.39 
kens I can use left/right, then I scroll through with teh wheeel, then I try left/right and it doesn't do anything14:17.43 
  But he executI wouldn't have noticed it except that I knew the zoom was new so I tried it14:18.18 
rayjj morning, all14:39.40 
kens Morning14:39.54 
Robin_Watts morning rayjj 14:40.00 
  tor8: I am confused by some code in win_main.c14:40.12 
  in handlekey.14:40.20 
  We call 'GetCapture' to get the handle of the window that has the mouse focus.14:40.40 
  And if that's our window, we bale. WTF?14:40.51 
xace does mupdf have support to open a pdf and jump to a specific page? i've seen some pdf readers handle example.pdf#page=3 14:41.08 
Robin_Watts xace: not currently.14:43.11 
tor8 xace: the x11 viewer can take the page number as an optional command line argument14:44.58 
  but nothing for the mobile or windows viewers14:45.14 
Robin_Watts stands corrected.14:45.14 
xace tor8: that's fine, im linux... checking the man page once more14:45.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts: trying to understand the GetCapture stuff14:45.37 
xace tor8: how do you invoke mupdf with a page number? mupdf example.pdf 3 ?14:46.19 
Robin_Watts Normally it seems cap returns NULL.14:46.30 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I suspect it's to do with event cascading through the window hierarchy14:46.50 
xace yeah, mupdf example.pdf 3 worked. tahnks14:46.52 
Robin_Watts if (cap != NULL && cap != hwndview) return; would make some kind of sense to me.14:47.16 
rayjj xace: congratulations on finding the answer yourself14:47.19 
xace rayjj: my first attempts where on a single page pdf, realised my error after a while14:47.57 
rayjj xace: yeah, it's a bit hard to got to page 3 of a 1 page file :-)14:49.10 
  hurray! Good morning, mvrhel_laptop14:49.53 
xace yeah, confused file names: test1.pdf vs test.pdf 14:49.58 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I need to chat about PDF and transfer functions some more. Do you prefer here or on the phone ?14:50.46 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: here is better. kids are sleeping right now due to spring break and I would likely be too loud on phone14:51.16 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: yeah, same for my house14:51.29 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I honestly have no clue, and git blame isn't helpful :(14:51.43 
  the change is hidden in commit 93cb0dacf164ac3e9d3e7089fc7d2f0beb7715b414:52.12 
  Robin_Watts: try just removing the line completely and see if anything breaks?14:53.06 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: so the problem with the current code is that transfer functions don't get applied to everything during during pdf14 compositing. I /thought/ the problem was that the pdf14 device really doesn't want the transfer function applied so that blending isn't borked14:53.58 
tor8 if (cap != NULL && cap != hwndview) we wouldn't be called in the first place14:54.14 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah, I'll fiddle. On the whole it seems to work without that line, but I get some wierdness with the mouse which may or may not be related.14:54.18 
tor8 it might be that the function is called twice for every event if there's a capture14:54.56 
  once for the containing frame, and once for the view14:55.21 
Robin_Watts I wondered that, but page up/page down is only being triggered once.14:55.22 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: if I disable transfer functions if the pdf14 device is in place, and it gets applied during the 'image' processing of pdf14_put_image, then things work somewhat14:55.23 
tor8 do we redirect some mouse events to handlekey? there's also the difference between regular and special keys in the windows message queue14:55.58 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: but the cluster shows lots of problems with that.14:56.05 
Robin_Watts tor8: We used to redirect mouse wheel events to keys. We don't any more.14:56.53 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: _and_ if the transfer function is not the default, but one set by and ExtGState /TR then it goes away before the pdf14_put_image14:57.03 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: just reading the spec about transfer functions and transparency14:58.37 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: and, BTW, as we discussed, relying on the transfer function to be applied during pdf14_put_image means that the dev_proc_put_image needs to get the pis or at least the pis->effective_transfer14:58.48 
mvrhel_laptop very interesting14:59.04 
  and it sounds very tricky to do what they say15:00.38 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: yeah, I see that even a SMask has an optional TR, so clearly disabling TR during pdf14 composition won't work15:00.39 
mvrhel_laptop page 573 of pdf vers 1-715:01.00 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I'm reading 7.6.4 now15:01.10 
mvrhel_laptop in section 7.6.415:01.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ok, so button down and button up 'SetCapture' and 'ReleaseCapture'.15:02.14 
  And my mouse wheel changes cause a button down with no corresponding button up.15:02.36 
  So that's the issue there.15:02.40 
  ok. I have a fix then.15:04.09 
mvrhel_laptop so each rect fill could potentially have a different transfer function but they are only applied if they are opaqe15:04.37 
  so we really need to be applying at the time of drawing15:04.51 
  but only if the object is opaque15:05.05 
  so doing the transfer function at the time of put image is not going to work15:05.31 
  we need to somehow turn that one off I am afraid to tell you rayjj15:05.52 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: right, I've come to that conclusion as well. Right now, we _sometimes_ get the transfer function applied twice doing it during put_image15:06.23 
mvrhel_laptop sounds odd.15:06.48 
rayjj it's easy to turn off the transfer function during put_image, AND that means we don't need it for the dev_proc_put_image15:07.01 
mvrhel_laptop right15:07.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: 1 commit on robin/master then.15:08.09 
rayjj is re-reading 573-574 "Halftone and Transfer Function" ...15:08.31 
mvrhel_laptop so what is interesting is that we need to do the application if the elementary object is opaque 15:09.43 
  but not otherwise15:09.53 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: That's an interesting titbit.15:10.08 
mvrhel_laptop not sure what if means if I have a softmask gradient thrown in there15:10.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: LGTM15:10.31 
mvrhel_laptop I suspect that is treated as not being opaque15:10.41 
  otherwise you would have an odd effect15:10.46 
chrisl So are we applying the transfer pre-blending?15:11.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'll update the tag and rebuild for windows.15:11.15 
  the android apps will be unchanged.15:11.24 
mvrhel_laptop where at the points of opaqeness (is that a word) do you apply the transfer function15:11.30 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: the SMask must be None according to the third bullet15:11.48 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok good15:11.56 
rayjj (second bullet on p 574)15:12.13 
  mvrhel_laptop: the word is opacity, I think15:12.58 
mvrhel_laptop yes ;)15:13.24 
  rayjj: to me it looks like there is some work to do in the interpreter for these conditions15:14.24 
  item 4 seems like it would be difficult to know otherwise15:15.19 
  about the conditions at the time of the Do operator15:15.34 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: OK, so first I'm going back to the master branch and disable transfer function during put_image15:15.35 
mvrhel_laptop right. that def. needs to be done15:16.05 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: so we _could_ reset the transfer function to identity every time one of the no-no conditions occurs 15:18.29 
mvrhel_laptop rajj: we need to construct some cases with different transfer functions on different elementary objects with different opacities including patterns and overprinting, as well as having different alpha values at the time that the groups are created15:18.40 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I suppose so.15:20.03 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: that could work. we would need to be able to restore it though?15:20.04 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: now, I have a concern about: For portions of the page whose topmost object is not fully opaque or that are never painted at all, the default halftone and transfer function for the page are used.15:20.36 
mvrhel_laptop oh crap15:20.59 
  missed that 15:21.04 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: if there is a non-identity xfer function for the page, we need to use that (that is the case for 1-bit devices and cust 532's device)15:22.18 
mvrhel_laptop that implies we need to do something at the time of put image15:22.21 
  and it is going to be ugly...15:22.31 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: so that means we have to have a mask telling us where to apply the transfer function ???15:23.08 
mvrhel_laptop that is the way I am reading it15:23.18 
  and thinking why did they do it this way15:23.24 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: probably because they forgot about transfer functions when spec'ing transparency :-/15:24.06 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: if put image still has the alpha channel, we could perhaps use that as our mask15:24.43 
  but it implies that we need to do a special pixel by pixel process right before the begin image15:25.27 
  but no that wont work15:26.00 
  due to the soft mask15:26.09 
  so we really need a separate mask15:26.18 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: when pdf14_put_image is called, the top most alpha channel still exists, but as you say, if we have an area that had SMask with alpha 1.0 it would fool us15:26.56 
mvrhel_laptop yes15:27.00 
  this sucks15:27.23 
rayjj ya think ?15:27.40 
mvrhel_laptop brb15:28.04 
rayjj needs to learn some curse words in French so I can say "pardon my French" ;-)15:28.27 
  merde is about the only one that comes to mind15:28.46 
kens "Va te faire foutre, trouduc"15:29.31 
Robin_Watts recommends Braquo and Engrenages.15:29.33 
  tor8: New windows builds uploaded.15:30.15 
henrys Robin_Watts: ron's lookin' for ya on skype15:30.31 
Robin_Watts Are you going to do the news update for ?15:30.33 
rayjj google recommends C'est des conneries15:31.49 
Robin_Watts henrys: Thanks.15:32.24 
  tor8: the question about the news update was for you, in case that wasn't obvious.15:32.43 
  henrys: I need to make ron an account on casper.15:35.06 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: I am on the hook to make breakfast for the natives. bbiab15:38.22 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: thanks for the discussion15:39.51 
  mvrhel_laptop: at least it simplifies things a bit in that for bands where we skip the transparency compositor, we can apply the transfer function normally since we know there are no "special" conditions in those bands15:48.37 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: yes16:39.37 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: interestingly, _some_ of the pdf14 device cmap_procs used gx_map_color_frac(pis, cm_comps[i], effective_transfer[i]) which takes the transfer function into account (deviceN and separation)16:47.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: I have all the mupdf-1.7rc1 archives in place on 
  tor8: And I've updated the news as well.17:51.26 
  All that remains, I think, is for the archives to be copied to other download sites, and I don't know how to do that.17:51.50 
  mvrhel_laptop, rayjj: That transfer function vs transparency stuff sounds like a nightmare.18:09.33 
  I've been considering a revamp of MuPDFs transparency stuff, and this completely throws it all up in the air again.18:10.00 
mvrhel_laptop yes. it is horrid what they did18:10.14 
Robin_Watts It sounds like we need to keep track of what transfer function is in use at every possible pixel position.18:10.33 
  (and if overprinting is in use, for every single component at every single position)18:10.45 
mvrhel_laptop well, no we really just need to know at the end, if we need to apply the page transfer function to certain pixels18:11.15 
  so we will need to keep a map18:11.20 
Robin_Watts Is that your understanding? Or is there a simpler way of looking at it that I'm missing?18:11.22 
mvrhel_laptop but each pixel would need to be touched18:11.38 
  or checked in the map18:11.45 
  and then if it needs the transfer function applied it would be applied18:12.09 
Robin_Watts Ah, so when an object is opaque, we apply the current transfer function to it immediately.18:12.27 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:12.32 
Robin_Watts and for all other opacities we set pixels in the map and apply the page transfer function to it later?18:13.07 
  Suppose I have a solid shape A in the background.18:13.39 
  then an opaque shape B on top of that.18:13.48 
  Then C on top of that.18:14.09 
mvrhel_laptop and what is C's opacity?18:14.18 
Robin_Watts Solid.18:14.24 
  The only one of those that should have its local transfer function applied is C, right?18:14.52 
mvrhel_laptop yes. C would have the local applied. and the map should be set so that the page one is not applied18:15.29 
  when the group is popped18:15.36 
Robin_Watts OK. Now think about a pixel that is covered by A and B, but not C.18:15.49 
mvrhel_laptop at least that is my understanding18:15.51 
Robin_Watts A should be plotted without use of a transfer function, right?18:16.07 
mvrhel_laptop well, is A the initial back drop or was it draw in the group?18:16.30 
Robin_Watts In the group.18:16.38 
mvrhel_laptop it if was opaque, it has a transfer function applied to it18:17.03 
  if one was defined18:17.08 
  but when B is drawn, B does not, which seems wrong18:17.24 
Robin_Watts but it's not the topmost object in the group.18:17.27 
mvrhel_laptop as it is going to be blended18:17.30 
  oh right. its not the top most18:17.36 
  but you don't know that when you draw it18:17.46 
  thats messed up18:17.53 
Robin_Watts indeed. That's what's hurting my head.18:17.59 
chrisl Rather worryingly, these rules apparently apply to halftones as well - I can't imagine how that's supposed to work.......18:18.04 
mvrhel_laptop ok, so the blending is going to need to account for the transfer function18:18.18 
Robin_Watts I think a test file is called for.18:18.55 
Robin_Watts walks dogs. bbs.18:19.16 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: isn't this going to have *horrid* side effects if you have a highly non-linear transfer function??18:19.54 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:20.34 
  luckily this only is valid for the normal blending case18:20.55 
chrisl agrees with Ray - whoever wrote the transparency spec didn't consider transfer functions and halftones properly.....18:21.07 
mvrhel_laptop no they did not18:21.13 
  they should have had it turned off and applied to the whole group 18:21.24 
chrisl In the Postscript world, transfer functions and halftones are really applied at the device level, so only applied to the final page canvas18:22.34 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:22.39 
  that is why I was a bit shocked to read what I read in the pdf spec18:22.55 
  or one of the reasons18:23.01 
  the other is that it is just dumb18:23.09 
chrisl Well, it *is* PDF..... ;-)18:23.22 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl have you read the office spec?18:23.37 
chrisl I have avoided that!18:23.49 
mvrhel_laptop I would suggest you keep doing that18:24.03 
chrisl But I thought the office spec was not originally for public consumption, which is not an excuse, but is a reason18:24.29 
  It *would* be interesting to see if Acrobat (and CPSI) actually applies these rules18:25.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks! I had to pop out for dinner, so missed your message about updating the news.18:48.13 
  we usually wait for the real release before mirroring the downloads on download site18:48.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: So... the rc1 is done?18:51.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I would say so. just need to poke people to try it out.18:52.53 
  the 32-bit version ran fine on my WinXP virtual box18:53.04 
fredross-perry was there any unanimity on keystrokes for page historry? I am using command-[ and command-] (control for non-mac) to step thru the history, along with enu items called Back and Forward. This follows Preview. Adobe does command-arrows.19:05.53 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: No unanimity, no.19:06.21 
fredross-perry It would be easy enough to add backspace to what I’ve got. Also, in AR, command-right arrow, when it reaches the end of the history, takes you to the next page, and extends the history. That seems nice.19:07.50 
  Perhaps command-arrows are more intuitive than command-[ and command-]19:08.27 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl the office spec is an ECMA spec19:35.59 
  it is just insanely large. part 4 is 5000+ pages19:36.27 
  and it is so badly written19:36.36 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: Yeh, I do have it here, somewhere. I just assumed it started life as an MS internal only document, and morphed into the ECMA spec. Whilst the PDF spec was always intended to be publicly available.19:40.37 
mvrhel_laptop well that could very well be19:40.53 
  I suspect the EU pressured MS to open things up to avoid some monopoly fairness fine and they threw everything in there making it almost unusable19:41.34 
chrisl IIRC, the EU planned/threatened to standardize on the format that OpenOffice uses - whatever that's called....19:43.59 
mvrhel_laptop hmm maybe I am mixed up open office is the ecma spec19:46.58 
chrisl Office Open (OOXML) is ECMA 37619:51.37 
  OpenDocument is an ISO spec19:54.22 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok20:06.45 
fredross-perry I just uploaded 3 new gsview installers with the above-mentioned page history changes.20:11.16 
mvrhel_laptop oh great a customer overprint bug21:22.11 
  there went the rest of my week21:22.18 
  and this file really really stinks I can tell already21:50.59 
  with its 27 spot colors21:52.00 
  Acrobat is even doing banded rendering drawing this thing21:54.38 
  at 17% zoom factor21:54.59 
  fredross-perry: are you there?22:00.41 
  hmm This may be as simple as abandoning our overprint simulation on additive devices. That really wont work the way it is done and we should disable it22:06.18 
  ok with overprint simulation off it looks ok22:12.51 
fredross-perry yes i am here.22:19.54 
  mvrhel_laptop: I am here.22:21.08 
mvrhel_laptop Hi fredross-perry 22:37.05 
  silly question for you22:37.09 
fredross-perry â€˜sup?22:37.13 
mvrhel_laptop I was finally getting the linux installer 22:37.20 
  but I am not sure what to do with it :022:37.37 
fredross-perry give it execute permissions and launch it22:37.52 
mvrhel_laptop ah!22:38.03 
fredross-perry 32 or 64?22:38.15 
mvrhel_laptop 6422:38.19 
fredross-perry ok22:38.24 
mvrhel_laptop ok that worked thanks fredross-perry 22:41.46 
fredross-perry good22:41.53 
mvrhel_laptop marcos: for the logs, bug 695916 works fine for me23:11.47 
  fredross-perry: I may have a few comments on the viewer that I will write up later tonight23:12.07 
fredross-perry ok thank you23:12.19 
mvrhel_laptop fighting with some zoom update issues with the windows viewer23:12.26 
  very painful23:12.39 
  due to the way the scroll position information of the ui object is not really getting updated properly23:13.03 
  off to the baseball game now though. bbiaw23:13.33 
fredross-perry batterrrrrrup23:15.34 
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