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kens Well for me 695916 does not render correctly on current master, when rendered to the Windows display device. I was cutting the file down yesterday, but its slow going, it decompresses to 320 Mb.07:01.02 
tor8 chrisl: "plain text switch" reading comprehension fail...08:46.41 
  I wonder if the error isn't related to which font actually gets picked up, considering that it's using /Identity-H08:47.34 
  [<00310044>-13.3<0050>19.5<0048>-1.2<001D>-10.6<0003>]TJ in your cut down example, the <00310044> string looks like it could very easily go wrong08:48.08 
kens Hmm, I'm not picking this up as a CIDFOnt at all, that's kind of bad08:49.18 
chrisl tor8: it is related to the font subsitution. On linux we substitute a TTF, which ends up a CID Type 2, on Windows (by default) we fall back to using one of the URW Type 1 fonts08:49.19 
kens Well, when txtwrite sees the text_process, the font type of the current font is type 1, so its NOT a CIDFont as far as txtwrite is concerned.08:50.45 
tor8 the ToUnicode map looks complete enough though. I'm not sure whether that's used in txtwrite?08:50.53 
kens I wonder what pdfwrite makes of it08:51.00 
  tor8 yes it is08:51.06 
chrisl tor8: the problem is that with the Type 1 descendant, twtwrite is treating as a single byte font08:51.36 
kens But if we process the font as a type 1, its 1 byte character codes, and the ToUnicode map has 2 byte codes08:51.37 
tor8 kens: yeah, I vaguely remember talking about this when I added using a reversed ToUnicode map to handle this case of missing fonts with Identity encodings08:51.52 
  kens: that sounds like a plausible explanation, if the gs machinery loads up the substitute as a type1 where it's expecting a type4208:52.37 
kens tor8 I'm not at all sure what's happening yet.08:52.56 
  But when txtwrite sees the font, its not seeing it as a CIDFont/composite font at all08:53.17 
  Even the 'text_begin' routine isn't seeing it as a CIDFont08:53.51 
  And indeed pdfwrite is seeing the same thing08:55.40 
  Ah, but later pdfwrite sees a type 0, so it must be doing something clever08:56.41 
chrisl kens: I think in txtwrite_process_plain_text() you'll have to call the font's next_char_glyph() method, and if the fstack.depth >= 0 , then call txtwrite_process_cmap_text() instead - or something like that......08:56.47 
kens chrisl possibly, I'm just going to track thorough pdfwrite and see how it deals with iut, apparently it does.08:57.17 
chrisl That seems to be how the "normal" code differentiates, in these cases08:57.22 
  In fact, I think not using the next_char_glyph() method is not good, anyway08:58.19 
kens Hmm, the first call is a stringwidth08:59.31 
  Odd. When I use pdfwrite there is one stringwidth followed by a text_begin with a type 0 font. WHen I use txtwrite there are 2 stringwidth calls, then a text_begin with a type 1 font09:01.58 
  It kind of looks like the PDF itnerpreter is dealing differently with the devices.09:02.28 
chrisl I'd be surprised.....09:03.09 
kens I wouldn't be necessarily09:03.58 
  Ah, it seems to be because there is no current point at the time the stringwidth executes, which txtwrite treats as an error. Instead it should set an arbitrary point (at least, that's what pdfwrite does)09:07.46 
chrisl kens: the stringwidth is probably down to the scaling we do during subsitution09:17.25 
  You probably want to focus on the ashow call09:17.42 
kens Possibly, its definitely screwing up the font handling, because txtwrite is returning an error code09:17.45 
  Resolving teh stringwidth problem means I now get a type 0 font in the text_process09:18.06 
  And teh result of txtwrite is now 'Name:'09:18.29 
chrisl Yay!09:18.34 
kens Which I think means its fixed09:18.36 
  So that's an oversight in the original txtwrite code, I should be handling stringwidth as a 'default' operation, if I do that, its all OK.09:19.19 
  I'll commit that in a minute09:19.25 
  Well, I like our text output *much* better than Acrobat's09:29.54 
chrisl Acrobat's is pretty dumb09:31.46 
kens Yeah and with this file it really shows. The fiueld names end up with the wriong field data next to them09:32.14 
  Whereas ours comes out nicely lined up09:32.33 
chrisl As I said, Acrobat just dumps the contents of the text operators as they are encountered in the input. There's no spacial ordering at all09:33.12 
kens I cna understand that, its simple and easy to do. But I think that anyone dealing with forms should vastly prefer ours.09:33.46 
  IUnstead of complaining that our output isn't the same as Acrobat.09:33.59 
chrisl Hopefully, with the character codes sorted out, he'll go away......09:34.46 
kens Not for long probably. He definitely looks like a free-loader, want to bet they are planning to use GS to do automatic text extraction from medical forms ?09:35.40 
chrisl Very likely - good luck doing that with the Adobe output!09:36.29 
kens Exactly!09:36.36 
  I'm going to put a pointed reminder in the bug thread about the licencing.09:36.57 
chrisl Anyway, if he does pop up again, hopefully it will be not really a bug, and we can let Ray reply to it again ;-)09:37.21 
kens LOL09:37.31 
  I htought I was getting pretty pointed in my replies.....09:37.51 
chrisl Well, I must admit, I was pretty p*ssed off when it turned out there really was a problem09:38.14 
kens Well I can't claim the txtwrite device is terribly well tested.09:38.43 
chrisl No, hence why I thought it worth looking at, rather than leaving to fester09:39.37 
kens Yeah, thanks for looking, I would have got there myself eventually. I was worried the monster customer file would take longer to reduce than it did.09:40.40 
chrisl It was a "pleasant" distraction from Windows installer and sprintf stuff.....09:41.30 
  Now I have to head out for some supplies - back in ~1/2 hour.......09:42.10 
kens Well I think I may actually be back to the point I was last Thursdat, ready to tackle device subclassing again. I'll probably just about manage to get it rebuilt and another customer bug will pop up09:42.19 
sam__ hi need to know anyways to speed up pdf to jpg conversion using ghostscript09:50.38 
kens sam__ : Perhaps you shold first tell us why you think its slow09:51.13 
  As well as which version you are using, on which OS< and with what command line09:51.31 
sam__ GPL Ghostscript 9.16 , OS RHEL ,09:53.09 
kens Good start, current code :-)09:53.25 
sam__ basically i have two option either to use graphicsmagik or using gs directly but may be i'm using simple gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=<output file> -dLastPage=1 <input file>09:54.52 
  my objective to get thumbnail image 09:55.00 
kens Well you haven't specified a resolution09:55.13 
  or image size09:55.19 
  Is there a reason you want JPEG ? JPEG compression will likely cuase visible artefacts in a thumbnail, have you considered PNG ?09:55.46 
  You could also (as I'm sure Robin_Watts will point out, use MuPDF instead, provided you only want to deal with PDF as an input09:56.30 
sam__ yes png format will still do fr me but i can see a clear difference of speed when i generate from image file and from pdf file of same size09:56.52 
kens Not sure what you mean there.09:57.13 
Robin_Watts sam__: "When you generate from image file and from pdf file of same size" ?09:57.23 
kens Perhaps you could put a file or tow publicly and we could look at those.09:57.47 
sam__ I mean while providing input from pdf i takes more time09:58.12 
kens PDF ahs to be interpreted and then rendered. If you start with an image file, you just save the image. Naturally that's faster09:58.43 
sam__ k got the point09:59.31 
  so what prefereble to go with Graphicsmagik that internally delegates the job to ghostscript or go for ghostscript directly ,are there any performance benefit 10:01.24 
kens If you use Ghostscript directly it will be faster, provided you tell it to create the image at the size you want. Otherwise you will have to resize it ,and GS won't do that, you will need to use ImageMagick or similar10:02.14 
sam__ are there any JAVA wrapper library for GS mine is a JAVA system I can spare the job of writing JNA/JNI implementation10:03.58 
kens Hmm, there might be.....10:04.15 
  Have you googled ?10:04.22 
  *we* certainly don't supply any such thing10:04.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I've also uploaded a source tarball for 1.7rc110:04.38 
kens sam__ : THere's something called Ghost4J10:04.56 
sam__ thanks buddy let me check that out10:05.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: I had done that, I think.10:10.20 
kens embarks on a hunt for roasted coffee beans10:11.08 
tor8 Robin_Watts: "make tarball" on unix will assemble a clean tarball from git, regardless of how much junk is in your working directory10:12.34 
  but I already did that and uploaded it10:12.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: I did a clean git clone, and removed the .git files from it.10:13.11 
tor8 ah, I see you have one in downloads/archive just not on the downloads landing page10:13.14 
  Robin_Watts: that should be equivalent10:13.50 
Robin_Watts Go with yours (as long as it has all the submodules stuff in etc)10:14.02 
tor8 as long as you don't end up with windows line endings :)10:14.11 
  Robin_Watts: it does. the 'make tarball' builds out of the box.10:14.34 
Robin_Watts great.10:14.43 
tor8 it's in scripts/, with a lot of hackery to make 'git archive' recursive10:14.59 
  and give the output a proper version name automatically, etc10:15.11 
  Robin_Watts: ah, I think I see the problem. the symlink in downloads/ points to a non-existent file so it doesn't show up in the listing10:18.37 
  all fixed now10:18.52 
kens MuPDF Stack Overflow question:10:30.43 
Robin_Watts Not touching that with a bargepole.10:31.23 
kens I don't even know where to start10:31.45 
Robin_Watts clearly, neither does he.10:32.23 
kens He's not alone, the question references another question where a whole herd of them are milling around aimlessly10:32.54 
Robin_Watts If he is so obviously incapable of neatly defining the question he wants to ask, he is going to be incapable of understanding any reply he might get.10:34.52 
paulgardiner A bit odd. The referenced question says alter measureView. He says "I tried that but I think I also need to alter measureView".10:35.12 
kens THis is not unusual on Stack Overflow.....10:35.13 
Robin_Watts Ok, printing landscape pages via gsview does not work well.10:48.32 
paulgardiner What is "fit to screen"? We currently look to be making the page as large as possible while still all being visible.10:52.07 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Exactly.10:55.07 
  He's asking us to magically guess what he wants, and to produce some code that will do it for him.10:55.26 
  It's a can of worms, don't open it.10:55.35 
paulgardiner There's one simple guess I could try10:55.52 
chrisl There are sometimes two options: fit the page to the screen, or fit the marking operations to the screen - generally just means selecting the "box" from the PDF11:07.06 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Or they might mean fit width.11:09.21 
  I went through this with someone on here at length a few weeks back.11:10.21 
  and just trying to get a straight answer about what he wanted was soul sapping.11:10.41 
chrisl Oh, I agree, leave well alone - it's like trying to give a Ghostscript command line to relative of Kermit the Frog....11:11.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: Mail from customer last night has lead me to see that we (I) had the sense of the tests inverted in windows mupdf.11:16.49 
  commit on robin/master to fix it.11:16.54 
  The question is, is the behaviour of fz_meta sane, or should be alter it?11:17.15 
Robin_Watts runs.11:17.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fz_meta is in need of an API overhaul11:37.37 
  it's way too tricky to explain and use11:37.46 
  for starters I'd add a separate fz_has_permission call11:42.07 
  secondly, I'd make a specific metadata (title, author, etc) string -> string lookup, int fz_meta_data(doc, const char *key, char *value, int value_size)11:43.05 
  or fz_meta_info rather11:43.19 
  and I'd possibly use that for the 'crypt' and 'format' selectors as well11:43.47 
  or have separate functions for those as well11:43.58 
  or use a separate syntax for the FZ_META_INFO, maybe "info:author", "info:title" to go with "crypt" and "format" string selectors11:44.53 
  I really don't like the inout buffer for passing and reading keys for FZ_META_INFO11:45.51 
kens Hmm, looks like a cluster network problem, how annoying12:34.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: I kinda like the idea of offering friendly API functions that map down to fz_meta underneath.12:56.41 
kens Robin_Watts : do you have any idea what's wrong with the cluster, or how to fix it ?12:57.30 
Robin_Watts kens: I suspect AWS glitches.12:57.58 
  it should restart itself after a few minutes. How long has it been down?12:58.22 
kens Yeah, I guesses that, but it doens't seem to want to recover12:58.27 
  : Robin_Watts Not exactly sure, several minutes htough12:58.43 
Robin_Watts clustermaster is still running.12:59.33 
kens I guess I just need to wait longer then12:59.41 
Robin_Watts have you tried abort ?13:00.22 
kens Hmm, no I can try that now13:00.28 
  Or actually no I can't because I can't run Perl13:00.55 
Robin_Watts ooh, something happened.13:00.56 
  It's restarted.13:01.06 
kens I guess it recovered all by itself13:01.08 
kens should have more patience13:01.23 
mvrhel_laptop kens so 695916 does not render correctly for you? I tried ppmraw (marcosw command line) and tiff24nc and it looked fine15:40.53 
kens mvrhel_laptop : No, using current master code, 32-bit debug build, the 'greenish' area is rendered incorrectly15:41.18 
mvrhel_laptop oh 32 bit15:41.26 
  hmm let me try that15:41.31 
kens Yeah I think I said that in the thread15:41.33 
  I have not tried 64 bit15:41.39 
  The Earth image is fine of course15:41.50 
marcosw mvrhel_laptop: it fails on 64 bit for me.15:42.09 
kens Also,I was using the Windows display device, I can try ppmraw15:42.19 
mvrhel_laptop does it go away with a 64 bit builed?15:42.46 
kens I have no tried15:42.56 
  I may have one, just a moment15:43.03 
  No, for me the relelase Windows 64-bit binary, going to display device renders the file incorrectly15:44.01 
mvrhel_laptop ok this fails for 64 bit for me too15:44.54 
marcosw valgrind does report an issue with uninitialised variables in gs_state_update_pdf14trans (gstrans.c:169)15:45.00 
mvrhel_laptop weird that the other one rendered fine15:45.02 
kens ppmraw doesn't work for me either15:45.15 
  If its an unitialised variable that could explain the variation15:45.38 
mvrhel_laptop ye15:45.47 
  marcosw: can you add the valgrind report15:46.03 
  to the bug15:46.07 
marcosw sure, it’s not very long (unsual for valgrind :-) )15:46.21 
mvrhel_laptop oh its just the above15:46.31 
kens If you need to you can probably simplify the path, I stopped there because I would have had to go to ahnd-editing the PDF content stream after that15:46.32 
mvrhel_laptop ok15:46.33 
  line 169 would be an odd one to have uninitialized parameters....15:48.03 
kens says 292 of gx_enum_image_being for me15:50.16 
  gs_state_update_pdf14trans is the ultimate parent isn't it ?15:50.35 
mvrhel_laptop I am going to dump the transparency stack images as they are created to see if I can find where it is going wrong15:51.40 
  have not had to this in a while15:52.03 
kens FWIW removing the overprint made no difference to the output16:01.14 
  OOps maybe not16:01.38 
  Ah, if I remove the /op instead of the /OP the problem does go away16:02.08 
mvrhel_laptop so def an overprint issue16:03.06 
kens I can, however, remove the image (manually) and the problem still exhibits16:03.10 
mvrhel_laptop oh please do that 16:03.19 
kens So yes, its overprint and a page Group causing the problem16:03.24 
mvrhel_laptop that has the soft mask in it16:03.27 
  transparency dump did not revel anything in particular16:03.48 
kens mvrhel_laptop : Its easy, just look for Im0 in the onctent stream and replace /Im0 Do with spaces16:03.49 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:04.02 
kens Rather than me uploading a 4Mb fikle with practically no differences :-)16:04.22 
mvrhel_laptop :)16:04.26 
kens There's still a bunch of 'HiddenLayer' rubbish in here, look s like its all from Adobe Illustrator16:05.34 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: getting close on the transfer function fix. The file I created with the TR in the PDF works now. Now I have to fix the case where the default transfer function is non-identity16:06.13 
mvrhel_laptop_ I have to step out for a bit. will beat on this more when I return. Thanks so much for cutting down the file kens16:08.35 
kens NP, I'm off now too, got to move some furniture16:08.47 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj that is great16:15.10 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: there is a comment in pdf14_cmap_rgb_direct_group (gdevp14.c ~line 5226) that mentions CIEcolor, CRD's and says "We will fix these issues with the ICC based color architecture" Can I get rid of that comment ?16:20.27 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj yes16:25.25 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: thanks16:25.37 
  mvrhel_laptop: I'm inclined to do the "fix" first, separate from the "enhancements" for section 7.6.416:32.42 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj yes17:00.31 
rayjj mvrhel: (for the logs): please review the fix for bug 695904 on my repo17:57.27 
  mvrhel: This is just the fix for the customer issue, and does not alter the behavior w.r.t. the business of ignoring the xfer function under the condition discussed in 7.6.417:58.40 
  now I have to back port the fix to the customers older/odder code (mostly 9.06 based)...17:59.17 
fredross-perry gsview - fixed two bugs (1) Linux: files not opened via command line. (2) all: files opened via command line have badly-sized window.18:29.34 
henrys first batch of soylent ordered ;-)18:29.38 
fredross-perry I hear it’s peo— oops. I’ve said too much.18:30.02 
  mvrhel_laptop: any gsview feedback?18:31.07 
henrys I already feed on this pond scum ... this might actually be an improvement...18:31.39 
mvrhel_laptop ok, so I have found where the overprint stuff is going wacky and it has to do with the attempt at simulating overprint of the spot colors23:26.18 
  when we dont really have that spot color23:26.28 
  something that I really think I should pull out of the code23:26.44 
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