IRC Logs

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kens Good grief, the gx_device_finalze routine calls the device finalize before it calls closedevice......09:20.27 
chrisl That sounds counter intuitive.....09:22.52 
kens It certainly tripped me up09:23.02 
  Because I'm unsubclassing in finalize (the 'final' part made me think it was the last thing to hjappen) and then my device's close routine gets called.....09:23.32 
chrisl So, in this case "finalize" isn't final.... of course, there could also be an implicit finalize method from the memory manager, too09:24.11 
kens It is essentially coming form the memory manager, in response to a restore (the end of job restore). Its just annoying nomenclature that the 'finalize' routine is not final.09:24.50 
chrisl I mean you could also define the device struct descriptor with a finalize method, called before the memory is freed09:25.56 
kens I thnk its the same method in each case.09:26.23 
  At least in tat case the finalize would actually be final.09:26.48 
chrisl The device finalize is stored explicitly in the device structure09:26.58 
kens Ah I se what you mean09:27.16 
chrisl I rather feel the finalize method in the device should be deprecated (and subsequently removed).09:29.49 
kens I'm not at all certain that any devices actually use it.....09:30.09 
chrisl In which case.....09:30.29 
kens Yeah but I'd have to go check, it would take a while.09:30.50 
chrisl I'll add it to my list of things to discuss in June09:31.31 
kens Ah you have a list ? Excellent :-)09:31.39 
  At least now I've stopped the crash by rejigging the order I do things.09:32.01 
  io devices seem to use it.09:33.12 
  pattern accumulator device uses it too09:34.47 
  In a horrible clist way09:35.04 
chrisl In which case, I assume it's not being called immediately before the device is freed?09:35.25 
Robin_Watts tor8: Hi.09:35.31 
kens No it isn't09:35.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: morning09:35.42 
Robin_Watts We have 2 problems with the android build of the rc, I believe.09:35.46 
chrisl So, it's not a finalize method, then - what nonsense :-(09:35.53 
tor8 okay...09:35.56 
Robin_Watts Load an image, tap the screen, boom.09:35.56 
  and I'm not sure epub is hooked up.09:36.06 
kens Actually, I can't tell from inspection how its beign used. Its decrementing a gx_device_clist_writer so it may be just before the pattern accumulator is freed.09:36.32 
chrisl If that's the case, then it should use the "proper" finalize in the struct descriptor09:37.24 
kens The eprnfs.c file contains an eprn_finalize routine that doesn't seem to be a finalize routine09:37.33 
  Weird comment in gdevcmykog.c:09:38.24 
  "/* Even though cmykog_device_finalize is the same as gx_device_finalize, */09:38.35 
  "* we need to implement it separately because st_composite_final */09:38.35 
  "* declares all 3 procedures as private. */09:38.35 
  Seems a *lot* of devices say something like that09:39.30 
chrisl Possibly should be using gs_public_st_composite_final09:39.52 
kens And although the tiffsep device says that, it isn't true, it actually does do some other stuff09:39.56 
  chrisl yeah I'd say that was correct.09:40.10 
  SO it looks like tiffsep at least does do stuff with the finalize method.09:40.35 
pipitas Short question about GXPS: is it still maintained?09:41.48 
chrisl Short answer: yes09:41.59 
kens But not much used.09:42.16 
pipitas chrisl: but probably not top priority?09:42.21 
chrisl pipitas: no, not top priority - nobody really cares......09:42.52 
kens Nobody really uses XPS09:43.05 
  Although bizarrely there is a SO queston about producign 'searchable' PDF form an XPS file.09:43.29 
pipitas I've looked at this StackOverflow question: and concluded that there is a bug in its ToUnicode mapping of fonts09:43.42 
kens Oh he's actually supplied files now.09:44.03 
pipitas kens: Oh, *I* use it from time to time :) [But then, I'm a "nobody" :-) ]09:44.23 
kens I bet even you don't use it much. I can't recall the last tmie we had a bug report on it09:44.48 
pipitas kens: Feel free to tell me off if I'm wrong in my analysis (I'm always willing to learn)09:45.06 
kens IDK I haven't looked, for some reason SO didn't tell me he'd added the files09:45.22 
chrisl I thought there were known to be issues with the way gxps passes glyph information into the graphics library?09:45.22 
pipitas Oh, there is even a bug already addressing the ToUnicode stuff: #69394509:45.54 
kens Ah well, there you are then. You can get brownie points by directing the poster to that bug report09:46.33 
  I see I even attached a minimal patch09:47.53 
chrisl heads out - back shortly......09:48.36 
pipitas kens: in the process of acquiring your brownie points :)09:58.07 
kens Consider it payment for editing my posts10:02.55 
pipitas KenS: If you mind me editing your SO posts (mainly to improve formatting), do tell. I'm sorry if you feel insulted by this, and will stop doing it. (I also most of the time upvote your posts…)11:07.36 
kens pipitas, I didn't mean it that way. Like I said, payment for improving the posts11:10.37 
  Because I'm lazy with formatting11:11.02 
  M network is not happy today, I keep falling off.11:11.57 
tor8 chrisl: which commit did you make the jbig2dec 0.12 release from?12:02.24 
  chrisl: I think we're missing a git tag for it12:02.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'm buried in SOT stuff at the moment. Any chance you can look into those 2 problems?12:03.01 
chrisl tor8: erm, that's possible.....12:03.50 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'm still waiting for my android tablet to charge...12:04.21 
  Robin_Watts: I will take a look and see what I can do12:04.38 
Robin_Watts Ta.12:05.08 
tor8 chrisl: or should I just tag the oct 31 commit?12:05.18 
chrisl tor8: oh, I meant to ask you and forgot.... I didn't know how to apply a tag, as I don't think I can push to the jbig2dec repo....12:05.45 
  tor8: yeh, f2af865a would have been the one the release came from, so you can tag that12:06.13 
tor8 ah, right. I think I've set it to read-only except for me (so we don't get any accidents)12:06.15 
chrisl Is there a way to make just master read-only?12:07.11 
tor8 chrisl: not that I know of12:08.32 
  the crontab job runs git-subtree in /home/tor/src/jbig2dec and then does a git fetch to pull that into the /home/git/jbig2dec.git12:09.05 
chrisl tor8: okay, how about if we make a "jbig2dec-git" user on casper? And only that user can commit?12:09.24 
tor8 chrisl: or a git-admin group?12:09.49 
chrisl tor8: that would work, I suppose.12:11.01 
tor8 or just a jbig2dec-git group with you and me in it12:11.11 
chrisl That's a better idea, yes, that'll work12:11.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: poop. google's not making life easy...12:51.35 
  android-ndk-r10d-linux-x86_64.bin: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found12:51.40 
pipitas KenS: So I take it you don't feel uneasy seeing your SO posts spell-checked and pimped by me on occasions?13:21.48 
rayjj morning, all14:13.39 
kens Mornign rayjj14:13.46 
rayjj oops. Did chrisl really leave ?14:14.00 
kens Yeah seems you scared him off.14:14.11 
rayjj I was going to ask him if he looked at parse and render times for the cust 532 timings he collected14:14.40 
kens Or, given the way people are droppig off the channel today, possibly we have a limit of users and you just pushed us over it, meaining someone has to fall off14:14.42 
rayjj I've been on for about 35 minutes, so I didn't push him off AFAICT from my chatzilla that shows join/leave noise14:15.47 
kens was joking....14:16.04 
rayjj kens: Oh, sorry14:16.15 
  kens: more likely he did leave because he didn't want to be queried about cust 532 :-)14:16.47 
kens That I would understand :-D14:17.13 
rayjj hi, chrisl: I was going to ask you if you ooked at parse and render times for the cust 532 timings he collected14:26.49 
chrisl rayjj: I timed the entire process14:29.25 
rayjj chrisl: so you didn't capture the -Z: output (with 871 it goes into /temp/z.out, with 906 it's on the console window)14:30.27 
chrisl rayjj: no, I did the timings at the windows command prompt14:31.02 
rayjj chrisl: that's what I use since it skips a lot of their start up/shut down time which is variable14:31.11 
chrisl rayjj: I was getting a lot variations running from the VS gui, so I wanted to run direct. I could redo the timings with -Z: but I doubt it will change my conclusions14:32.46 
kens I admit I didn't read the thread too closely, but I was under the impression that Chris' timings on the two simulators didn't really show that great a difference between 8.71 and 9.06 anyway14:32.47 
rayjj chrisl: but at this point, we are still waiting to hear about your suggested experiment (using the 871 FAPI code on 906) on the target14:33.18 
chrisl rayjj: TBH, there should be not practical difference in using the 8.71 FAPI code on 9.06, with the patch I gave them on Friday.14:34.14 
  rayjj: baring in mind that what they are using on 8.71 is really the 9.0x FAPI code anyway.......14:35.58 
rayjj chrisl: my timings were without your changes, but _did_ have the changes/enhancements I'd given them for 906 to speed up 1-bit rendering. Only after looking at what they sent you did I realize that the 906 sim they poster for you did not have those changes14:36.07 
  chrisl: right, since the fapiufst stuff you had given them along the way was incorporated even in 87114:37.04 
kens Chris's timings (over multiple runs) indicated a difference for page 4 between 8.71 and 9.06 of 0.7 seconds, out of an average time of 14.97 seconds,so less than 5%, whereas page 5 was faster with 9.06.14:37.56 
chrisl rayjj: what they had right from the first use of UFST was the later FAPI code, ported back to 8.71 - they *never* used the FAPI code that shipped with 8.71, since it didn't work14:38.06 
kens Because that was hte FAPI code before Chris and I worked it over :-)14:38.44 
chrisl rayjj: my intention is to leave this with Len now..... I'm fairly well convinced that there isn't an issue in the FAPI code, and I don't want to waste our/my time stabbing around in th dark just because they can't do proper profiling :-(14:42.12 
  On the other hand, if you feel there might be useful data in it, I'll rerun my timings with the -Z: output instead of the end-to-end execution times14:44.31 
rayjj chrisl: no, don't bother. I agree that we need to get timing from Len on the target14:58.42 
chrisl Heading out.....15:01.04 
leot hello to the entire ghostscript community16:14.55 
  curious regarding the new mupdf-1.7rc1 release I read the changelog and tested it... It works good and more curious I saw that now mupdf also supports epub... Trying it (e.g.: this epub is freely available under a CC license: ) I get the following error when trying to open it:16:17.36 
  error: css syntax error: unexpected character (OEBPS/Styles/style001.css:6)16:17.41 
  mupdf: error: cannot open document16:17.44 
  (I'm on NetBSD-current and pkgsrc-current)16:18.06 
  the 6th line of style001.css contains that: «src: url(../Fonts/DejaVuSerif.ttf);»16:18.34 
Robin_Watts leot: Hi.16:19.05 
  I suspect it's the krazy « character.16:19.34 
leot the "«" and "»" are mine :)16:19.49 
Robin_Watts It's really a question for tor8... tor8?16:19.51 
  oh, right.16:19.55 
leot (for completeness this is the entire file: 
Robin_Watts Ah. I suspect the problem is that we dislike being asked to fetch fonts from url's.16:22.08 
  Do you have the font locally?16:22.22 
leot Robin_Watts: yes, the .epub contains it16:22.28 
  and the relative path is correct16:22.36 
Robin_Watts ok. I wasn't involved in the epub stuff, so this is all guesswork on my part :)16:23.00 
leot NP :)16:23.09 
Robin_Watts What happens if you remove url(blah) and replace it with "blah" ?16:23.18 
leot let's try!16:23.25 
  Robin_Watts: I can confirm that it works :)16:30.12 
Robin_Watts excellent. Thanks.16:30.19 
leot Robin_Watts: should i fill a bug report or will you take care of that?16:30.33 
Robin_Watts If you could, I would be very grateful.16:30.43 
  I'm buried in other stuff.16:30.50 
leot NP16:30.51 
  Robin_Watts: i'm filling the bug report... Can I mention you and maybe the IRC log?17:46.32 
Robin_Watts leot: Please do.17:49.32 
leot thank you :)17:49.40 
Robin_Watts Please attach the file to the bug.17:50.09 
  It's always a pain when people give URLs of files, cos murphys law says that they will then get moved :)17:50.34 
leot heh, ok... Wu Ming is a famous italian (group of) author and when they share their books usually the EPUB will be available forever... But in Murphy's laws probably there are not words like "forever". So I will attach it. :)17:52.48 
  thank you very much Robin_Watts18:01.01 
Robin_Watts Looks great, thanks!18:01.08 
mvrhel_laptop this wpf vertical scrolling business with rescaling is driving me crazy. basically the last thing holding up the beta19:13.57 
  as far as I am concerned19:14.03 
  marcosw: for the logs. did we ever hear back from the customer about bug 695845?19:14.42 
pipitas Robin_Watts: Are there any special targets to make in order to get the mupdf EPUB viewer built from current Git (on OSX Mavericks)?20:53.47 
jrgifford howdy ghostscripters - does anyone know how to compile a portable binary? i need it to live in a path that will change depending on where the application is deployed (might be /opt, might be /home/user/app, who knows).21:31.56 
rayjj jrgifford: first, which product ? gs or mupdf ?21:54.14 
  jrgifford: in general gs is "self contained" although on many distros, they build with shared libs (which we haven't convinced them to abandon), but gs _can_ easily be build without shared libs. The other files (fonts, cmaps, iccprofiles, etc.) are always built into gs by default, so there should not be any CWD or installation location dependency21:56.37 
jrgifford rayjj: gs itself21:57.18 
  Ok. So if I build it myself from source, I should be able to move that directory around without any issues?21:57.46 
rayjj jrgifford: as far a 'which' gs you pick up depends entirely on you $PATH variable and which one it finds first. To find out: which gs is your friend21:57.51 
  jrgifford: you need the files in the 'bin' directory only, AFAIK, just 'gs'21:58.53 
jrgifford (I can't use the prebuilt binary, our auditing team doesn't like binaries of unknown origin being loaded into production.)21:58.59 
  rayjj: ok. I'll give that a shot.21:59.06 
rayjj jrgifford: in the interest of full disclosure, some libs are not dynamically linked (because they aren't supported or because they have known, documented, flaws -- security or otherwise). 22:00.19 
  jrgifford: or because we are the "upstream" maintainer anyway, such as jbig2dec22:00.49 
  (although I understand that some distros even dynamically link that and are at least two revs "down" from out releases due to ?laziness?)22:01.43 
jrgifford Fair enough22:02.46 
rayjj jrgifford: the most contentious at the current time (AIUI) is openjpeg since we've sent important patches upstream and they seem to be slow to be incorporated in that project. ISTR, some of those were important.22:04.41 
  jrgifford: basically, if you build it with the '' and your system police don't notice a static lib that is linked in, you're good to go. For specifics about the build, known dynamic lib problems that persist with distors, etc. contact "chrisl" here (he's at GMT +0,, so asleep now) 22:07.03 
Robin_Watts pipitas: No special targets. Building on macos for macos ?23:40.05 
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