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godd_fella Hi, guys!03:36.05 
  Wanna leave some gratitude for mupdf developers.03:37.35 
  Men, you are the best!03:37.44 
  One question...03:38.23 
  You've implemented JPG, PNG, XPS, CBZ and even EPUB support in mupdf.03:40.01 
  But how about DJVU, would it be sometime supported by mupdf? That would be great.03:41.02 
chrisl godd_fella: djvu will almost certainly not get into mupdf as long as the patents that it involves are current06:51.09 
godd_fella sad...06:51.59 
chrisl It's the primary reason djvu support (and use) isn't more wide spread06:52.43 
godd_fella But here stated:06:59.52 
  With this source code release, developers around the world have permanent access to the DjVu specification, as well as critical parts of the technology. Developers can build on this foundation to create DjVu viewers, create translators to other file formats, integrate DjVu with other open source tools, and use new technological advances to improve image quality or the compression ratio.07:00.03 
chrisl Doesn't change the fact that it's patent encumbered. Don't forget, mupdf is also available under a commercial license07:02.13 
kens Making the source code open souirce doesn't get round patents07:02.15 
godd_fella "mupdf is also available under a commercial license" so that's the reason?07:03.13 
chrisl godd_fella: no, but it feeds into the decision making process07:04.17 
kens No, because its patent encumbered. The same reason we don't (for example) have JPEG2000 output in Ghostscript07:04.28 
godd_fella Okay07:05.29 
  So, if I will ever be an entrepreneur, to spread MuPDF in my company's environment would require commercial licensing?07:08.23 
kens That depends on how you use it.07:08.36 
godd_fella Watching documents, etc.07:09.02 
kens You should read the Aferro General Public LIcence. If you are ciompliant with that then you don't need a licence.07:09.32 
  I hsould say, you don't need a *commercial* licence07:10.14 
godd_fella I suppose that commercial licencing is necessary if I will emmit my product which uses or based on MuPDF, right?07:11.42 
kens Broadly speaking, if all you do is use a AGPL piece of software, you don;t develop any applications which depend on it and you don't seel it, then you don't nbeed a commercial licence. If you create a product which uses MuPDF then you are more likely to need a licence.07:12.14 
  It is possible to use AGPL software in a commrrcial product without having a commercial licence, there are people using GS like that, but those of us who make our living that way don't like it, and you can forget support if you try that :-)07:13.09 
chrisl godd_fella: the conditions are the same as any (A)GPL software. The GPL and APGL are (especially for legal documents) quite easy to read and easy to understand, so are worth reading if you plan to push almost any open source software in a business setting07:14.34 
kens The main difference with AGPL as opposed to GPL is Software-as-a-service, where clients provide you with 'data', you run applications on your own hardware, and return 'something' to the client. In tat case under the AGPL you would still need a commercial licence (or have to open source the entire process)07:14.55 
godd_fella Thanks for clearing the things up for me.07:15.06 
  And if I would like to make a donation to support MuPDF developent, where do I go?07:16.14 
kens Currently we don't work that way :-)07:16.28 
godd_fella damn :-D07:16.40 
kens All our work is funded by our commercial activities at the moment07:16.43 
chrisl godd_fella: and for completeness, our commercial arm also offer support contracts, so again, in a business setting, you might not need a commercial license, but many companies stipulate that user/technical support must be available07:16.57 
kens So kind words are reward enough :-D07:16.59 
godd_fella I just have no words of how awesome MuPDF is... After so long times of suffering in a Adobe Reader cave, it's like breath of fresh air.07:19.01 
  Thanks for everyone of you involved!07:19.13 
  I have some feature requests, can I post them here?07:19.56 
kens The people who do the real work will read the logs, thans for the kind words. You can post feature requests here, but it might be better to do so in a bug report, as that way they won't get lost.07:20.23 
chrisl godd_fella: it would be preferable if you put them in our bugzilla tracker: 
godd_fella OK, I'll dublicate them there.07:21.02 
chrisl The main mupdf developers tend to be around here from a little later in the day - two/three hours from now07:21.39 
godd_fella How do you print PDF on Windows? Going throug mudraw export and printing images degrades quality of output. So it would be nice to have something like printing dialog like in Adobe Reader.07:23.34 
chrisl godd_fella: we have a more fully featured viewer in development right now, it might be worth trying that: 
kens Good grief, apparently RackSpace have opened a data centre just down the road from me, I had no idea.....07:24.55 
godd_fella chrisl: Have tried it, but got ugly print output :-)07:26.37 
chrisl Hmm, you shouldn't..... perhaps with mudraw you need to try a higher resolution?07:27.31 
kens I thought Micahel would pick up the resolution form the device spec07:27.55 
  But its undoubtedly not well tested07:28.07 
chrisl Since it's using XPS for printing, the resolution *shouldn't* matter....07:28.41 
  Unless there's transparency..... etc07:29.00 
  But I was meaning using mudraw to dump image files to print07:29.27 
kens Don't forget there are caveats with the XPS output and it *defintely* isn't well tested :-)07:29.43 
chrisl Very true07:29.53 
godd_fella Yep, right now I'm using mudraw's 600 dpi PNGs for printing, but it's a pain.07:30.19 
chrisl What resolution is your printer?07:30.35 
kens Better yet, what *is* your printer ?07:30.47 
godd_fella Xerox_532507:31.30 
kens Hmm *big* printer07:31.56 
  OK so its 600 dpi07:32.22 
godd_fella I'm at work, right now)07:32.36 
kens You can almost certainly get decent output by usign lower resolution bitmaps07:32.44 
godd_fella Yes, decent.07:32.59 
  But I would like perfect :-)07:33.16 
chrisl You could try running mudraw without anti-aliasing.....07:34.09 
kens Since the printer will have to halftone/dither you are essentially throwing up to 75% of the data away. Its not going to be 'perfect' starting fomr a continuous tone bitmap and printing to a halftone07:34.12 
godd_fella And increasing resolution isn't an option, 'cause printer got much time receiving this megabyte load...07:34.13 
kens Increasing resolution definitely won't help, that just increases the amount of data to be discarded07:34.34 
  It accepts TIFF didrectly, so you could render to TIFF and send that.07:35.09 
  It also (apparently) accepts PDF so you should be abl;e to send the original PDF to it.07:35.47 
godd_fella So there is no way for MuPDF to support direct PDF printing?07:36.10 
kens To print you have to hook into the underlyign OS printing system. That is (of course) OS-depenendent and MuPDF does not currently do so, at least on WIndows.07:36.49 
  chrisl I thought you were out today07:38.23 
chrisl kens: I'm just faffing around until my ride turns up - which, it turns out, won't be until 10......07:41.28 
kens Ah07:41.34 
chrisl I'm going to collect the new car :-)07:41.51 
kens Cool07:41.59 
  Have fun07:42.03 
chrisl Thanks. Shame it's Friday - visions of wafting around the South Downs to put a few miles on it rather wilt in the face of Friday traffic......07:43.00 
kens Mmm, yes, not the best day probably07:43.17 
chrisl Still, I'm sure I can find a suitably indirect route home!07:43.57 
kens :-D07:44.03 
  Grrr kicked off gs-devel for 'excessive bounces' again07:49.37 
chrisl Yep, me too - I think the errors are incorrect.07:50.04 
sebras doesn't mailmain keep a whitelist?07:50.19 
kens I'm sure they must be, I don't believe I'm bouncing mails07:50.20 
kens has no clue about mailman07:50.42 
chrisl I'm not sure about a whitelist. I did poke around in the logs quite a while back, and I couldn't find any hint of bounces07:51.21 
  Plus, given that kens and I were both kicked off the list this morning, that's too big a coincidence - I doubt we'd both be bouncing mails at exactly the same rate07:52.22 
kens Yeah its more like a timeout or something07:52.36 
chrisl Ah, actually..... A mail went through gs-devel earlier which is *clearly* spam (html message with nonsense in it, and a .wav attachment). I bet gmail "bounced" that.....08:04.33 
kens Hmm, that's probably it08:08.27 
  But 'one' mail ?......08:08.35 
chrisl Well, probably more than one, but I only looked at the last few days.08:09.13 
  And the mail in question doesn't appear in the Spam "label" in gmail, so <shrug>08:09.40 
kens Well if gmail bounced it I guess it won't appear in the spam box08:09.56 
  Grr gmail is spam filtering gs-regression again08:10.22 
chrisl gmail is so sh*t about these things - bemoning the loss of spamcop :-(08:11.13 
kens I know :-(08:11.22 
  I keep on marking the gs-regression mails as 'not spam' and a few weeks later, it starts deciding theyt are spam again08:11.43 
chrisl Yes, I find that as well. And now it seems to be silently bouncing (what it judges to be) spam mails, without any chance for the user to intervene.....08:13.53 
kens Which is even worse....08:14.08 
chrisl I think another coffee......08:15.26 
kens Haven't had my first one yet :-(08:15.40 
chrisl Good grief! How can you function......?08:16.50 
kens Badly ? :-D08:16.57 
godd_fella Have a nice day, guys!08:17.51 
kens bye bye08:17.58 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl: gs-devel kicked me too this morning.08:29.48 
kens So its probably the same reason all round, I suppose that's something08:30.05 
chrisl Something we should bitch at google about, then?08:31.59 
kens I doubt we'd get any joy there08:32.14 
chrisl I'd sort of hoped as a paid customer, they'd at least *pretend* to listen......08:32.52 
Robin_Watts Your email is in a queue...08:33.18 
kens Google wants you to talk to The Machine, no matter who you are. Oh, maybe paid advertisers get better treatment08:33.27 
chrisl Off now! Bye....08:59.25 
kens have fun08:59.29 
chrisl :-)08:59.35 
kens bibbity-bobbity, bibbity-bobbity, bibbity-bobbity-doo14:08.25 
  And Isee someone feels the same way in the comments14:09.58 
sebras kens: new no new age advanced ambient motor music MACHINE!14:17.03 
kens :-D14:17.41 
sebras kens: somehow I dropped out after you mentioned that google wants you to talk to "The Machine", but I noticed that I missed a few messages today.14:21.02 
kens I've been kicked off a couple of times too14:21.21 
  Wow, C stack overflow, excellent error14:24.02 
  I wonder what I broke :-)14:24.11 
Laurenceb__ hi14:27.41 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.14:27.41 
Laurenceb__ gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf14:27.58 
  im using this to build fonts into a pdf file14:28.22 
  but i worry there is an issue14:28.28 
  i see a lot of YTBXNU+f-0-0 TrueType yes yes yes 2343 014:28.35 
kens And ?14:28.42 
Laurenceb__ where previously there was Helvetica in the origionsl file14:28.51 
  is it poissible ghostscript is included the font multiple times?14:29.10 
kens There may have been a request for Helvetica, but no font14:29.12 
Laurenceb__ right14:29.19 
  Helvetica is in embedded graphics14:29.29 
kens You are seeing multiple subsets.14:29.32 
Laurenceb__ ill pastebin14:29.39 
kens THats what the XXXXX+ prefix means14:29.44 
  Clearly you have a TrueType substitute defined for Helvetica14:30.00 
  my file size has grown by 3.5M14:30.22 
  im trying to reduce it14:30.27 
kens Not much I can say without seeing the original file. Note that GS+pdfwrite is not intended as a font embedding tool14:31.02 
Laurenceb__ yeah14:31.21 
  origional file14:31.26 
kens When you run a file through GS+pdfwrite the goal is that teh visual appearance of the PDF should match the visual appearance of the original input14:31.31 
  Those 2 pastes look identical to me14:31.53 
Laurenceb__ first is smaller14:32.07 
  yeah looks like the font isnt in there multiple times14:32.20 
  something else is causing file size growth14:32.33 
kens Like I said, I'd have to see the original file14:33.19 
Laurenceb__ its confidential lol14:33.33 
kens Well, not really a lot I can say, there could be *lots* of reasons14:33.50 
  There are multipe subsets of Helvetica in the new file, and Helvetica is not present in the original. My first suggestoin would be to sort out whatever is causing a substitution with a TrueType foint instead of a type 1. TrueType font embeddding and subsetting isn't as good as type 1.14:36.34 
Laurenceb__ is there any way to work out how much of the sizesize is due to fonts?14:37.31 
kens Acrobat used to be able to provide such information14:37.46 
  I htnk it got dropped in the more recent versions.14:38.02 
  That's Acrobat Pro, not Reader14:38.14 
  Yeah its in Acrobt Pro 9, not in X14:39.37 
Laurenceb__ i see14:47.29 
  any idea if there is a way to simply add Helvetica?14:47.45 
  maybe make a new pdf container, add the previous pdf and include the font?14:48.01 
kens I cannot think of any easy and reliable way to do this with Ghostscript and pdfwrite its never been a design goal for that device14:50.10 
Laurenceb__ yeah14:50.17 
  is there a sane way?14:50.26 
kens Well I would have thought what you were doing woudl work if you din't have Helvetica substituted with a TrueType font.14:50.53 
  You could try setting -dSubsetFonts=false, which might help, maybe.14:51.10 
Laurenceb__ ok14:51.17 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab14:57.42 
Laurenceb__ nah its even larger15:00.09 
  ill trade non embedded fonts for file size15:00.24 
kens Like I said, its probably caused by using a TT substitute15:00.30 
kens2 Hmm Robin_Watts ping15:32.02 
Robin_Watts pong15:32.11 
kens2 BUg #695954 does appear to be a real problem15:32.23 
  I created a direcotry with an accented character d:\Tést and I can't us it on the command line15:32.46 
  wchar_to_utf8 does produce 2 bytes for eh eacute15:33.12 
Robin_Watts as it should.15:33.19 
kens2 But it seems the OS can't read it15:33.20 
  I'm not really sure why15:33.33 
Robin_Watts Breakpoint gp_open_file15:33.42 
kens2 OK 1 sec15:33.47 
  Didn't get there15:34.06 
Robin_Watts gs_open_file_utf8 ?15:34.18 
kens2 ah could be15:34.24 
Robin_Watts (I'm pulling these names out of my memory, so...(15:34.29 
kens2 Doesn't seem like VS likes wither of those15:35.39 
  Good grief *either*15:35.51 
Robin_Watts gp_fopen15:36.55 
kens2 Ah, at least I can set a breask there :-)15:37.14 
Robin_Watts Hmm.15:37.52 
kens2 Didn't get there with that filename though15:38.11 
Robin_Watts kens2: Assign me the bug. I'll look at it as soon as I get out from under my current panic project.15:41.11 
kens2 I'll poke it a little more, I got to where the file gets opened15:41.26 
  Seems we open it using the libfile syntax15:42.34 
  And abort because file_status says it doesn't exist15:42.51 
Robin_Watts kens2: OK. If you look in gp_mswin.c you'll see gp_fopen15:43.19 
kens2 Uh OK one moment15:43.31 
Robin_Watts We assume the fname coming in is in utf8.15:43.41 
  we therefore convert it to wchars from that, and feed it to _wfopen.15:43.58 
kens2 Oh yeah, I have a breakpoint in there already, we never got there15:44.03 
  The file-_status call failed before we get that far15:44.19 
Robin_Watts I'm guessing that the libfile thing is missing that logic.15:44.23 
kens2 I'd guess os yes15:44.30 
Robin_Watts so if you can walk through and find out where it's going wrong, it might be an easy fix.15:44.49 
kens2 Yeah I'm doing that now15:45.00 
  THough there are (of course!) at least 3 different routiens for ths....15:45.18 
  Yeah we're just doing a 'stat' in fname, which is the wchar form15:45.55 
  Err I mean UTF8 of course15:46.59 
Robin_Watts kens2: Where is the stat call (if you know offhand)15:48.10 
kens2 gsiodev.c, os_status, at around line 22915:48.30 
Robin_Watts right. I see that.15:48.43 
  I think we should call gp_stat, probably, and define that as appropriate for the platform.15:49.01 
kens2 But I'm not sure where is the best place to alter ths. We get here from lib_file_open_search_with_no_combine... Yeah that was what I was thinking, more or less15:49.20 
  It obviously needs to become platform dependent15:49.37 
Robin_Watts kens2: yeah.15:49.49 
kens2 Let me write htis into the bug15:49.51 
Robin_Watts Thanks.15:49.56 
ManDay Hi, I'd like to parse only a subset of pages. I found in google that gs -dFirstPage=... -dLastPage=... would allow me to do that. What kind of class these identifiers fall into and why is it not listed in the manpage for gs? Is there a manpage which covers that?15:54.31 
kens2 We don't do man pages. Look at our documentation for details on how to use GS. They aren't 'classes' they are command line parameters15:55.27 
ManDay kens2: well gs does have a manpage and it does document certain -s and -d special names. so i suspected "-dLastPage" falls into a different "class" which is not document there but elsewhere16:00.58 
kens2 THe GS documentation isn't really in the man pages, its in the HTML which we supply with Ghostscript. The command line switches are extensively documented.16:01.43 
  So basically, don't use man pages, use our documentation16:02.13 
Robin_Watts ManDay: We do not supply a man page. It's possible your distribution has added manpages, in which case you should report the bug to them.16:02.17 
kens2 Robin_Watts : Actually, I thnk we *do* supply a (very simple) set of man pages16:02.33 
Robin_Watts kens2: Crap. Delete it now :)16:02.43 
kens2 I could be mistaken but I thnk chrisl said that at some time in the past. My opinion concurs, we should either make it a full set of docs or kill it. As far as making it into full docs, finger on nose right now16:03.35 
ManDay I see, /usr/share/doc/ghostscript-gpl-9.10-r2/html/Use.htm has it16:07.08 
kens2 If that's where you installed Ghostscript, then yes16:07.26 
  Robin_Watts : the directory ghostpdl/gs/man seems to have the sources for the man pages. No ideas how to use that stuff though16:08.17 
  And *I've* never updated any of it, so whatever's in there for pdfwrite is likely wildly out of date16:08.42 
  Seems the last update was for 9.15 in September 201416:09.27 
  Personally I think the man page should simply say 'for Ghostscript documentaton see....'16:10.24 
Robin_Watts kens2: I am inclined to agree.16:11.17 
kens2 Anyway, I'm off, have a good weekend all16:11.52 
Robin_Watts I could understand the argument for it having a basic set of information, but it should say "This documentation is incomplete and not definitive. For proper documentation see...."16:11.55 
  kens2: Have a good one.16:11.59 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: how do we want to do help doc for gsview16:12.21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Write a PDF document with instructions, bundle it, load that as the startup doc.16:13.15 
mvrhel_laptop that is a good idea16:13.27 
Robin_Watts That would work best if you could share the doc between your version and freds, but ... :)16:15.59 
ManDay well thanks16:16.40 
henrys we supply a set of man and we've accepted a german set from a contributor. I hate to say that's all bogus.16:23.40 
  we should probably be looking at pandoc or something similar to generate the man pages from the html.16:25.35 
fredross-perry we could share it by stashing it in the mupdf tree, which we both use.16:58.58 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Better to have a gsview_doc.git, probably as a submodule that both of you can include.17:28.06 
fredross-perry that’s fine too17:28.19 
Robin_Watts henrys: I suspect that to use pandoc or something, we'd need to completely rewrite the html to be the right structure.17:35.39 
  henrys: Probably just amending the man pages with a note saying: "This documentation is just an introduction. For more in depth/complete documentation see ..."17:36.21 
henrys Robin_Watts: yeah I'm sort of curious what the default output looks like. I might just try it and see.17:36.39 
Robin_Watts henrys: not sure how pandoc would cope with links between pages.17:37.01 
henrys Robin_Watts: I'd rather remove the man pages that say something like that, but yes we could do it. The problem is it's not an introduction, a lot of it is wrong.17:37.53 
Robin_Watts henrys: Oh, if it's wrong that's bad...17:38.24 
henrys to the agenda...17:41.28 
mvrhel_laptop I finally think I see what the issue is with this altona file on page 718:20.32 
  at least part of it18:43.18 
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