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fggt Hello, everyone!05:48.54 
  I hava a question about MuPDF.05:49.37 
  What is the meaning of this yellow speech bubble and "unsaved changes" message box?05:51.14 
  And how to get rid of them?05:51.22 
kens fggt the yellow speech bubble look slike an annotation, though its hard to be sure from a screenshot. I suspect MuPDF is offering to save changes because your PDF file does not conform to the specification, and MuPDF has fixed it for you. Of course its not possible to tell without a copy of the original PDF file. Whenever asking questions about a PDF file its best to share the file itself.08:33.47 
fggt kens: 
  Here's the file.08:42.02 
kens 1 second08:42.09 
  which page am I to look at ?08:42.44 
  2338 is a little many to just flip through08:42.56 
fggt 1st page.08:43.11 
kens OK well there is an annotatoin on page 108:43.20 
  It says 'About this document...'08:43.41 
fggt Why MuPDF shows only bubble?08:44.38 
kens THere is clearly a problem in MuPDF< its drawing the annotaion icon *way* too big :-)08:44.39 
fggt How to clear PDF of annotations?08:45.23 
kens I suspect that MuPDF simply doesn't support showing the text in ths kind of annotation08:45.24 
  You can't clear 'MuPDF' of annotaons, you would have to remove them from the PDF file.08:45.41 
fggt That's what I asked :-)08:45.56 
kens Sorry, so you did08:46.11 
  I was looking at another monitor08:46.17 
  You would have to use a PDF editing package, bascially, I don't htnk MuPDF has any means for removing annotatoins.08:46.36 
  I'm guessing that MuPDF wants to add an Appearance stream for the annotaon on page 1, whihc is why it wants to 'save changes'.08:47.17 
  I have to say I'm not a MuPDF developer, you'd be better to come back during UK office hours and someone may be better able to help you08:47.44 
fggt Are they working today?08:49.02 
kens Probably not, its a weekend08:49.12 
  Yeah the annotation in object 1288 has no appearance stream, MuPDF will have generated one (the huge icon) and it wants to save the PDF file with the Appearance stream embedded.08:50.12 
fggt Can you fill a bug for me, please? :-)08:51.01 
kens Not me, I'm kind of busy, but feel free to do so08:51.14 
  Offering to save changes isn't a bug anyway, its deliberate design.08:53.45 
  As is generating an appearance stream for an annotaion which is missing. THe only nbug would be the size of the icon08:54.07 
  And since the appearance is missing, teh spec says that a conforming reader can do anything, including doing nothing. So techncially its not incorrect, though it is very silly.08:54.45 
fggt That's a bad behaviour to suggest to save changes that user didn't did.08:57.17 
kens Acrobat does exactly the same08:57.29 
fggt Bad Acrobat.08:57.44 
kens And it is *offering* to save the changes, not saving them08:57.46 
  Personally I owul dprefer it to explain which changes it wants to save, but as I said, I'm not a MuPDF developer08:58.16 
fggt But all I want is to just press Q and get away with the PDF, not reading saving messages and pressing 'no'.08:59.40 
kens <shrugs>08:59.55 
fggt Thanks for help, though.09:00.52 
kens You're welcome, feel free to come back nad talk to the real developers09:01.09 
fggt They'll read my wrathful bug-report.09:02.12 
fggt just kidding.09:02.17 
kens :-D09:02.19 
  Nothing I say is definitive, its not my project. The MuPDF developers may well take a different slant on thngs09:02.45 
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