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rayjj michaelrose: AFAIK, the 'mupdf' app for windows/x11/macosx doesn't have this. Since all of our source is open, you are welcome to adapt the code from the android app (I assume it does this, since you are asking) and build a modified app that includes this. If you do, we would probably be interested in working with you to adopt the enhancement.00:03.23 
Robin_Watts rayjj: You are right.00:21.11 
  rayjj: Mutool has an option to dump the outlines (what you call the table of contents)00:21.42 
  so you can see there that it's possible on the desktop.00:21.52 
michaelrose thanks i will just keep using zathura00:46.13 
marcosw Robin_Watts: what are you doing up?00:46.27 
sebras Robin_Watts: I think there's a key for this in the sample opengl-based viewer too. (has it been merged to master?)00:46.28 
sebras heads to bed.00:46.48 
michaelrose zathura actually has a mupdf backed so there is that00:48.49 
  regarding the android app it is atm quite frankly terrible, but super fast00:51.32 
  the biggest thing is that text that is reflowed is screwy so that feature doesn't really work and its really essential to using it on any device smaller than a 10" tablet00:52.53 
  its actually acceptable on pdfs in non reflowed viewed in landscape00:54.47 
  also when you have it zoomed in and go to the next page the transition where you kind of go up and sideways to get to the top of the next page is super jarring01:00.12 
  it is far less so if it appears the next page is reached by scrolling down since that is how you scroll through the page itself01:00.59 
  also buttons that don't look like they are created by a 12 year old with clipart would be awesome too01:01.42 
  also could use some way to open recently viewed books in the app01:03.48 
mvrhel_laptop argh. I swear I keep finding little issues in gsview06:02.44 
  luckily most are simple to fix06:17.13 
ManDay Hi, I've found a trick how to crop a document with gs on SE and it works all right: gs -o "$outfile" -dFirstPage=$testpage -dLastPage=$testpage -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c "[/CropBox [$max_left $max_bottom $min_right $min_top]" -c " /PAGES pdfmark" -f "$infile"07:02.40 
  It has worked alright for many documents.07:02.55 
kens All you ar doing is adding a CropBox, the contnet is still present07:03.07 
ManDay But now I've got a PDF for which it appears to be ignored.07:03.12 
  yeah kens I understand07:03.17 
kens I'm fairly certain I've posted that on STack Overflow before07:03.22 
ManDay yeah, that's where i found it07:03.35 
  oh i said SE07:03.41 
  i mean stack overflow07:03.44 
  do you have any idea why it's ignored for one pdf?07:03.55 
kens Probably that PDF already has a CropBox, and since you aren't sending the pdfmark after the input file, it overrides the one you set before the input file.07:04.47 
  Move the PostScript to after the input file and it might work07:05.01 
ManDay oh, i didn't realize the order of arguments matters07:05.13 
  lemme try07:05.15 
kens The PostScript is, in effect, another intput file, you would reasonably expect the order in which the input files are procesed to be relevant :-)07:05.49 
ManDay hehe, i figured. now it even matters whether -o or -i comes first and where I put the -dFirstPage 07:07.24 
kens The documentation does say that the argument order matters (somewhere). It mostly matters where the arguments go relating to the input. If you consider anythign in -c...-f to be an input file it should make sense07:08.13 
ManDay I tried -f ... -c ... now but it still appears to be ignored07:08.47 
kens The Switches themselves set PostScript variables, which is why it alters if you stick them between input files, they are set for files *after* the switch is set, but not before07:08.55 
  ThenI'd have to see the PDF fikle to comment07:09.08 
kens Is ths going to be some huge hundreds of pages file ?07:09.47 
ManDay yes. but I'm running it with -dFirstPage=24 and -dLastPage=2407:10.54 
  Oh, is there a problem as in you'd have to read the source?07:11.10 
kens I'll look at it later, I'm doing morning stuff at the moment07:11.13 
ManDay all right07:11.18 
  I'll try around a bit more, perhaps I can find something07:11.31 
kens A command line would be useful too (cos for instance you didn't mention you were only looking at page 24)07:11.55 
ManDay sure07:12.26 
  gs -o "/tmp/tmp.7jcJjYeQpb" -dFirstPage=24 -dLastPage=24 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -f "[Mehran_Kardar]_Statistical_Physics_of_Particles(" -c "[/CropBox [0 0 235 306]" -c " /PAGES pdfmark"07:14.12 
kens That pdfmark looks wrong07:14.32 
  You've used -c twice and left -f back in its previous position07:14.51 
  and there shouldn't be a " -c between parts of the pdfmark operands like that07:15.23 
  It 'might' not cause somplaints, because it introduces new PostScript, but it isn't right07:16.33 
ManDay I've taken that code from here, basically 
  Originally, it was -c ... -c ... -f ... and didn't work. Now it's -f ... -c ... -c ...07:17.15 
  I thought moving the -f forward is what I should do07:17.25 
kens No, ths is document....07:17.41 
  -c means 'treat the following as PostScript' and -f means 'stop doing that'07:18.01 
  You cna get away with -c ... -c because the second one is redundant07:18.18 
  And you can get away with leaving -f around because unless you are already processing input as PostScript , its a no-op07:19.20 
  But its best to get it right07:19.31 
  The command line in that SO answer (which isn't one of mine) is techncially incorrect07:20.03 
ManDay so gs -o ... input.pdf -c .... should work but it doesnt?07:20.36 
kens Should work, but I haven't tried it.07:20.51 
ManDay I ran07:22.40 
  gs -o "/tmp/tmp.7jcJjYeQpb" -dFirstPage=24 -dLastPage=24 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite "[Mehran_Kardar]_Statistical_Physics_of_Particles(" -c "[/CropBox [0 0 235 106] /PAGES pdfmark"07:22.53 
kens Ah, I see the problem.07:23.15 
  You are using a /PAGES pdfmark whch has to come before any page is run07:23.27 
  Because it is intended to affect *all* pages07:23.40 
ManDay so now it should be -c "/PGAES pdfmark" -f ... -c"[/CropBox ...]" ?07:24.14 
kens Running it after the fact has no effect. the PAGE pdfmark has already been set07:24.16 
  Best way to deal with ths, I thnk is to use an EndPage procedure07:24.31 
  Try ths answer:07:25.49 
ManDay i dont understand. it worked well with all other pdfs. what's wrong with this one?07:25.54 
kens Note that you only want the EndPage procedure, not the rest of the command line07:27.34 
ManDay yeah, i think i understand it somewhat now07:28.14 
  the problem is that this document has a cropbox on each page07:28.21 
kens That's the provlem in that file, I suspect yours maybe the same07:28.36 
ManDay well, the first page has a different size in my viewer07:28.50 
kens I haven't had a chance to look yet07:28.50 
ManDay so i suspect that's it07:28.54 
kens That could just as easily be a MediaBox difference07:29.15 
ManDay that answer has the file come after the code07:31.39 
kens Yes, because its a different approach07:31.53 
  You will want to do that07:32.07 
ManDay will this then work for all documents or will i have to distinguih between those which worked so far and the ones which didn't work (this is actually part of a script which prepares documents for my ereader, so I would like to have this work generically)07:33.03 
  or better:07:33.16 
  could you point out where that language with the << >> etc is documented?07:33.29 
  perhaps i could understand it myself then07:33.35 
kens That code should work on all files, creating a file where every page has a /CropBox.07:33.37 
ManDay Wouldn't it be better if the whole document had a single cropbox?07:34.19 
kens The language is PostScript, a Google will find you the PostScript Language Reference Manual, but it will take you some time to learn it, its a little different. Oh, and the << >> are part of the language07:34.25 
chrisl ManDay: you can learn all about Postscript from this: 
  But as kens says, it's a bit "different"07:35.28 
ManDay heh07:36.02 
  would it be an easy thing to make the document have a single cropbox?07:37.03 
kens No07:37.09 
ManDay Thought I could just remove cropboxes :-/07:37.31 
kens You owuld have to modify the PDF interpreter to do so07:37.32 
ManDay Oh, I thought my previous script did that already and only in this case it wouldnt work07:38.19 
kens No, you were adding (replacing) a CropBox there07:38.40 
ManDay Why did it not work with the other document then? I thought your first approach meant to replace an existing cropbox07:40.06 
kens To be honest, I don't have the time for a lengthy explanation of the waqy that the pdfwrite device and the PDF interpreter work right now. If you really want a detailed technical discussion, come back in a couple of hours after I've done my mornign chores and had my first morning coffee, and had time to look at your file and I'll be better able to answer07:41.33 
ManDay thanks. sorry i did not mean to be annoying07:42.18 
  im just happy it works now. thanks07:42.26 
kens SO it does work ? That's good to know07:42.40 
ManDay oh07:43.10 
  kinda. i think.07:43.23 
  at least it does have an effect. i think the calculations are now off because it already had a cropbox before and pdfinfo -box didn't return the right value07:43.51 
kens You cannot rely on pdfinfo, I believe, as it will give you the intersetctoin of the boxes. If you really want to know what's in a PDF file you will have to look inside it07:44.28 
  Much the same as the SO user who thought he could figure out if a PDF file was gray by using the inkcov device07:44.58 
chrisl I think DumpMediaSizes with pdfinfo will give the actual *Box values.....07:46.08 
ManDay According to pdfinfo the *Box'es are all the same. If however, I rewrite the PDF with the same Cropbox that is described by pdfinfo, i get only a chunk of the content07:46.25 
kens chrisl that's our, pdfinfo seems to be something else07:46.41 
chrisl Oh, <shrug> then.....07:46.54 
  Possibly use ours, then?!?07:47.42 
ManDay chrisl: where can I find it?07:49.41 
kens ghostpdl/gs/toolbin07:52.59 
ManDay thanks07:53.37 
  i dont think less deserves the name pager. it just tried to open the ps file somehow instead of just showing its contents07:55.34 
  chrisl: When I try to run it as described I get an Error "/undefinedfilename in (toolbin/"07:57.30 
  (I ran gs -dNODISPLAY -q -sFile=Kardard-Orig.pfg -dDumpMediaSizes toolbin/ as described in the file)07:57.51 
  (Same after I converted it to PS with pdf2ps)08:00.27 
  sorry, I noticed...08:01.01 
  Yeah that works and give completely different numbers from that of pdfinfo08:01.30 
chrisl ManDay: I don't understand the comment about "less"......08:04.38 
ManDay chrisl: /usr/bin/less will not show the contents of file.ps08:05.31 
  that's all i meant08:05.34 
  (At least not on gentoo)08:05.49 
chrisl It shows the bare Postscript, it's not a PS interpreter08:06.26 
ManDay not for me. for me it tries to automatically parse it08:07.10 
chrisl Really?!?! That's, um, bad.....08:07.43 
  Sounds like a bug, tbh08:08.27 
  Oh, less does something similar with PDF for me - ick :-(08:10.33 
  ManDay: maybe instead, do: cat | less08:11.33 
ManDay yeah, i did that08:12.53 
chrisl Cool. That's how I normally use less anyway (old skool!) - but I think it's really awful that it's trying to parse the file. I bet it doesn't try to compile C code, nor run a shell script!08:14.14 
ManDay well, it unpacks .bz2 and .tar files...08:16.09 
  (less /usr/share/doc//rpm2targz- 
chrisl Again, I think that's very bad.....08:16.30 
ManDay hehe, yeah, i agree08:16.35 
chrisl I think I'll tweak to accept FirstPage/LastPage options......08:21.57 
kens If you want to play with it, you could have it apply some sensse about double parsing the file08:22.35 
chrisl Yeh, but that might be hard, whereas FirstPage/LastPage is easy ;-)08:23.13 
kens It shouldn't be enormously hard to loop over the file once and apply all the relevant options, and you'll be playing with the loop code anyway08:23.40 
  At the moment I thnk you might have to apply your changes in 2 places, because there are two places where it loops round hte pages08:24.08 
  But ths is all from (fading) memory08:24.23 
chrisl Yeh, I'll poke at it when I get back from squash training, in a couple of hours08:24.33 
kens 'enjoy' :-)08:24.43 
chrisl Hmm, thanks....08:25.25 
ManDay Now I need different cropboxes on different pages :-/08:42.09 
  hm, the spec is only 900 pages, that's not so bad08:44.26 
  Can anyone explain what "... {0 eq ...}" does? I thought eq takes two operands?08:50.10 
  he kens08:52.34 
  can you explain why in your code {0 eq... eq has only one operand (0)?08:52.55 
kens The other one is passed in by the interpreer08:53.09 
ManDay being what?08:53.37 
  I'm reading through the list of ops in the spec to try to build a way to give different cropboxes for odd and even pages08:53.58 
kens A 'reason' code, you'll need to read teh PLRM on EndPage procedures to find out what it all means08:53.59 
ManDay ok08:54.08 
kens You won't want to change that test08:54.35 
ManDay no, i figured that08:54.44 
  but I want to nest another ifelse into it08:54.50 
kens Feasible, just make sure you test the reason code first :-)08:55.13 
ManDay yeah, i found the section08:55.24 
  so the op takes the missing operand fro mthe stack08:55.35 
kens All operands are fetched from the stack08:55.50 
ManDay yeah, i see. it's like RPL (reverse polish)08:56.10 
kens Indeed it is reverse polish logic, because of the stack08:56.26 
ManDay kens: just why is it {... {...}{false}ifelse} rather than just {... {...}if} ?09:00.03 
  does the false have any significance?09:00.10 
kens Well its putting a boolean for a following operatoin09:00.23 
ManDay i think the boolean or whatever coems from the if goes into the dict, right?09:00.55 
kens Presumably there is a test in the bit you elided which also returns a boolean09:00.57 
ManDay oh yeah09:01.07 
kens So a boolean ends up on the stack and the next piece of code presumably uses it09:01.25 
ManDay i guess that's what setpagedevice requires in the dict then09:01.27 
kens No.09:01.37 
ManDay :-|09:01.42 
kens I suspect you are looking at the return code from teh EndPage procedure09:01.51 
  THe procedure returns a code whcih determines whether the page is emitted or not09:02.04 
ManDay ah ok, i didn't get to the /-syntax yet.09:02.30 
kens "/" introduces a name object09:02.50 
  Dictionaries take pairs of objects a key and a value. Keys are usually (but not required to be) names09:03.22 
ManDay ah now i get it09:04.17 
  it defines a dictionary the first value is the name "EndPage" and the second is the procedure which setpagedevice expects there09:04.56 
kens Yes09:05.06 
ManDay so it will then "register" an endpage procedure09:05.08 
kens Yes, whenever we reach the end of a page, the interpreter executes any EndPage in tehpage device dict09:05.26 
ManDay just so i understand this: Is code then executed kind of "compile time" or will it embed in the PS file so that it's executed every time I'm trying to view the PDF?09:05.40 
  (since I'm planning to read the PDF on a low-on-resources device, I'd have to make sure I write well optimized in case its the latter)09:06.24 
kens You don't put PostScript in PDF files09:06.33 
ManDay oh ok09:06.53 
kens As I said, teh EndPage procedure is executed by the ostScript interpreter when it reaches the end of a page (showpage, copypage etc)09:07.02 
Stijn_ hi, can I ask about an issue with gs here?09:07.32 
ManDay i wasn't sure whether "postscript" interpreter is also the thing that is used when the PDF is rendered. but now i understand. the postscript interpreter will render a PDF file09:07.38 
kens You can ask....09:07.39 
Stijn_ I've got this PDF here, and it wants to draw an image faded in the background, but gswin64 shows the page with the logo at full opacity...09:08.53 
  I've trying to figure out why, the code calls a form that draws the image, but I'm not sure how the 'translucency' (or what's it called) is done, could it be with a /Decode [] on the /Image?09:10.09 
kens ManDay Ghostscript is a PostScript interpreter, the PDF interpreter for Ghostscript is written in PostScript. This has many disadvantages. However it has one great advantage, we can use PostScript as, in effect, a scritping language09:10.16 
  Stijn_ : I would need to see the file to comment.09:10.38 
  Also the command line you are using, and the version of Ghostscript09:10.48 
  If you thnk GS is incorrect you could open a bug report09:10.57 
  I guess I should open a bug report, but this PDF is 'sensitive' as it contains data from the customer I shouldn't disclose09:11.44 
kens Crumbs, you shouldn't have posted a link to it here then, ths channel is logged. Please move it asap09:12.06 
  If you open a report I cna make the attachement private, then only Artifeex employees can see it.09:12.32 
Stijn_ I want to make a new PDF that just minimally makes this opacity thing go wrong, but am not sure what is causing it09:13.16 
kens Transparency in PDF is hard, it might be very difficult to reproduce in a different file.09:13.42 
Stijn_ could it be /Decode on /Image?09:13.59 
kens No09:14.06 
  It'll be the transparency09:14.13 
Robin_Watts MuPDF gets it right.09:14.17 
kens So does Acrobat, and even node.js09:14.26 
Robin_Watts pdf.js :)09:14.37 
kens Its clearly incorrect, and its obviously one for Michael09:14.42 
  Yes sorry pdf.js09:14.46 
Stijn_ this is the bit with the Do in it, where's the transparency? q 71.46999 253.82 m 265.82 253.82 l 265.82 80.92001 l 71.46999 80.92001 l h W n 71.46999 80.92001 194.35 172.9 re W n /Perceptual ri q 194.35 0 0 172.9 71.46999 80.92001 cm /Im2 Do Q09:15.28 
kens The trasnparency will be elsewhere09:15.55 
  Probably in the Form09:16.01 
Stijn_ could it be an /SMask?09:16.16 
kens SMask is transparency09:16.23 
  I cna reduce it to just the background logo09:16.51 
  THe coat of arms09:17.02 
Stijn_ ok, that's what I was looking for, I guess I should be able to manifacture a minimally repoducing pdf with this09:17.14 
  and then file it with the bug report09:17.29 
kens Give me a minute and you cna have ths one09:17.30 
Stijn_ you mean get the text out and replace the logo with something generic?09:17.51 
kens I can remove everything except the coat of arms, is that not sufficient ?09:18.16 
Stijn_ please replace the image itself with something non-privacy-sensitive like a GS logo09:18.39 
kens I don't thnk I cna do that, no.09:18.47 
  There's 26 Mb of mostly image data there it seems09:19.00 
Stijn_ but I can replace the bitmap, so if you remove the text it would be a great help09:19.45 
  (then again, I probably could just drop anything but the /Im2 DO09:20.26 
kens Not so simple, your form calls another form09:20.29 
  The second form also contains text, possibly some text in the coat of arms09:21.14 
  There is no SMask in the file now, and no transparency I can see, interesting.09:22.22 
  I wonder if its somehow interpolation09:23.14 
Stijn_ anyway, I've got what I need to know, I'll rip anything unrelated from the file, replace the bitmap and get a 'generic' pdf to reproduce the bug with so I can file a bug...09:24.17 
kens Yes, its caused by the image havoing interpolation turned on, If you run it with -dNOINTERPOLATE hte problem goes away09:24.22 
  So it looks like a colour management problem to me, still Michael's area, but a different issue.09:25.08 
Stijn_ oh, so is this still a bug?09:25.11 
kens Its some kind of bug, no idea what exactly09:25.24 
  The image is using an ICCBased colour profile, and I'd have to guess that the interpolation is screwing with the colour management, but thats' purely guesswork.09:25.58 
  It defintely *isn't* transparency related though09:26.12 
  My guess is that MuPDF is correct because its ignoring the ICC profile, and using DeviceRGB instead. And possibly ignoring interpolation too.09:26.54 
  Anyway, if you cna make a file which causes the problem, please do open a bug report. All I can tell you is that you will need an image in a particular ICCBased colour space, and it has to have Interpolation enabled.09:28.06 
  If you know how the coat of arms was created, perhaps you can reproduce it. Otherwise you can attach the file and let someone know here and they can make it private.09:28.51 
  Best to check someone here is awake and listening before you open the report, then they'll be able to mark it private quickly09:29.15 
tor8 kens: we (should) respect the Interpolate flag when drawing images in MuPDF09:29.18 
  but we do ignore the ICC profile09:29.28 
kens tor8 I'm only guessing, honest09:29.28 
  Clearly GS shouldn't be getting the colours muddled up when it has interpolation true either09:29.49 
tor8 kens: I would've guessed the same if I hadn't actually remembered adding Interpolate :)09:29.51 
Stijn_ also, I was thinking, since it's for a sign with opening hours... it's probably only officially privacy-sensitive...09:29.54 
kens Stijn_ : If you're happy to leave the logo intact I can send you the PDF file with just that, all other objects removed.09:30.24 
Stijn_ and I guess I could probably chance it of that organisation coming across a copy of their opening sign between the ghostscript bugs...09:30.38 
kens Give me a second, I'll post the modified file on Dropbox09:31.17 
Stijn_ I think that private option is the way to go. I'll post the bug now09:31.43 
kens Oh OK then I'll mark it as private straight away09:31.57 
  In fact, if you just open the report I'll add the reduced attachement09:32.24 
  THat way I cna make it private right then.09:32.32 
kens wonders what he was supposed to be doing ths morning.....09:33.00 
Stijn_ is that for the PS or PDF interpreter?09:33.04 
kens PDF09:33.08 
  But make it colour09:33.15 
  I cna change it afterwads if needed09:33.27 
  I see you've got the email also09:36.16 
kens Yes, give me a second09:36.25 
  Well the attachement is on its way but 5Mb will take a minute or two to upload09:37.14 
  Mayeb longer since Bugzilla doesn't seem to be talkign to me09:37.31 
  OK both attachments marked private09:38.15 
  OK so you should be able to see that the attachments are private, and I've added a few details to the report09:39.57 
  You'll get mail when anythign changes about its status, if that's annoying I thnkyou cna remove yourself from the CC list.09:40.25 
  And that assigns it to Michael who may actually be able to fix it. Thanks for the report!09:41.42 
Stijn_ Should I change the title to 'image not drawing transparently'?09:41.48 
kens Its OK I changed that too09:41.55 
Stijn_ ok, tanks for all the great work09:42.04 
kens You'll get a flurry of emails in a minute09:42.06 
Stijn_ goes whoohoo09:42.25 
ManDay kens: heh, pdfmark has a whole documentation on its own11:02.00 
kens yes it does11:02.15 
ManDay is gs all right with line breaks in the -c argument?11:05.00 
kens Don;t know, use @args syntax to put it in a file if in doubt11:05.15 
ManDay aye11:05.32 
  kens could you tell me which operator provides the current page number?11:07.21 
kens There isn't one11:07.48 
ManDay goddamit?11:08.09 
Robin_Watts chrisl: ping ?11:08.30 
kens One of the args to EndPage is the current count of pages emitted11:08.33 
chrisl Robin_Watts: pong11:08.35 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You'd said a while ago you were considering a Lenovo lappy.11:08.52 
  I'm being very tempted by a T450s.11:09.03 
  Which one was taking your fancy?11:09.10 
ManDay kens: ah, good enought!11:09.27 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I bought it a few weeks ago - Thinkpad x25011:09.31 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Interesting. A smidge smaller than the T450s, but not by much.11:15.03 
  Happy with it?11:15.20 
  which screen did you go for?11:15.58 
chrisl So far, yes. The twin batteries was what swung it for me.....11:16.02 
  I went for the high-res screen11:16.13 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yeah, the T450s has the same battery options.11:16.15 
  1920x1080 ?11:16.19 
chrisl Er, I think so....11:16.37 
Robin_Watts That's full HD (and it's what I am looking at).11:17.17 
  The DELL 13incher has 4 times that resolution in the same space. I just can't conceive of having eyes good enough to use it.11:17.47 
chrisl That 1920x1080 is about as high as I would want to go on a screen that size11:18.26 
  Robin_Watts: I think the choice depends on the primary intended use - I went for the x250 as the smallest (within reason) I could get, because it will be better for the plane11:22.04 
ManDay I would like to write different cropboxes to each page (during EndPage) depending on the page number. Each page number is converted to an index for four dictioniaries, echo containing left, bottom, right, and top edges respectively.11:23.53 
  So the pagenumber is on the stack when the endpage procedure is called. now I need to push [/CropBox and then push the correct index from four dictionaries11:24.54 
  Do I need to swap around on the stack so that I can refer to the pagenumber while [/CropBox is already on the stack?11:25.21 
  or is there an easier solution?11:25.36 
Robin_Watts chrisl: The T450s is the same size as my current macbook.11:25.39 
chrisl Robin_Watts: but it's bigger than the previous Lenovo I was using..... whilst the x250 is slightly wider, but actually less deep11:26.33 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yeah, yours is an inch less wide, and fractionally less deep.11:27.16 
  (oh err, missus)11:27.21 
chrisl For travelling, size definitely matters......11:27.57 
Robin_Watts I find the macbook quite usable. I wouldn't want to go any larger though11:28.36 
ManDay Does anyone understand my question?11:29.10 
chrisl ManDay: look up the index operator11:29.27 
ManDay ah11:29.35 
  that's an easy one11:29.41 
  I don't think RPL has that11:29.46 
  but they have a notion of local vars11:29.53 
  thanks chrisl 11:30.06 
chrisl You could create a transient dictionary for "local" variables, if required11:30.37 
oblo hi all! i have installed ghostscript and finally my print is printing! but i think is using ghostscript fonts and i would use microsoft fonts.. how to do it?11:32.28 
chrisl oblo: that depends on what's in the print job, and what platform you're on11:33.55 
oblo i'm on linux.. in general i copy "WindowsFonts" in /usr/share/fonts/ and i do # fc-cache11:34.54 
chrisl The if the job uses standard Postscript/PDF fonts, we'll use the Ghostscript ones because they are "standard".....11:36.10 
oblo or i need to copy my fonts in /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/ and fc-cache -v /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/11:41.18 
  i have to try11:41.25 
chrisl oblo: Ghostscript would normally be using fontconfig to try to find non-standard fonts, so the location isn't terribly important11:42.07 
oblo ah11:42.19 
ManDay What's wrong in l 128 ?11:42.30 
oblo thx chrils :O)11:42.46 
ManDay oh sorry11:42.58 
  wrong channel11:43.00 
chrisl oblo: if Ghostscript *isn't* finding non-standard fonts in the way you want, you could try adding "-sFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/WindowsFonts" (or whatever) to your command line11:44.22 
oblo uhm i can try11:45.18 
chrisl oblo: finally, if you *really* want to replace the standard fonts, you then need to write your own Fontmap file.....11:47.55 
oblo i think in my firts build i didn't installed fonts and my print is using system fonts correctly, now i did this step but onestly is not a big problem11:53.22 
chrisl Did you build gs directly from source (i.e. not using a package manager)?11:55.04 
oblo yes i'm using lfs.. but i'm not a big expert 11:56.10 
chrisl lfs??11:56.21 
oblo and in effect in lfs 7.6 my print is using microsoft fonts and i skipped the font step in ghostscript11:56.45 
  sorry for my terrible english!11:57.51 
chrisl I don't know how lfs works - the Ghostcript build will not use fontconfig if it doesn't find the libraries it can link to11:58.09 
oblo this time i did.. just a moment11:58.32 
  tar -xvf ../<font-tarball> -C /usr/share/ghostscript --no-same-owner &&11:58.47 
  fc-cache -v /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/11:58.47 
  and i think this is the "problem"11:58.58 
ManDay Can anyone help me with cryptic error messages?12:03.14 
  Do you see a issue in this code? 
kens You have the index and irts parameter reversed in every case12:03.59 
ManDay ouu12:04.21 
  Hm. I still get the "/undefined in --.endpage--"12:05.44 
kens Put (step 1) == flush in at intervals, that will tell you where hte error occurs12:06.15 
  Old school debugging is all thre is i PostScript12:06.31 
  ok, i will try this12:07.17 
chrisl ManDay: "CropBox" probably should be "/CropBox"12:07.52 
ManDay chrisl: That did it!12:08.40 
kens Its almost impossible to debug a PostScript program wihtout comments or some idea what you are trying to achieve. I don't know what you thnk 'get'; is doing, but I don';t think it is doing what you expect. And you are going to end up with an awful lot of arrays on teh stack at the end of ths12:08.43 
ManDay Now I have a "/typecheck" error :-D12:09.07 
  kens: Oh, the way you say that makes me think you're right12:09.26 
kens Which tells you that you executed an operator and one of the operands had the wrong type.12:09.27 
ManDay I thought get consumes an array and an index from the stack and leaves the element back12:09.38 
chrisl I'm guessing that in the "real" code, the arrays are generated from the input.....12:10.24 
kens It does, but I'm not convinced you have an index there12:10.25 
ManDay i'm not convised i have correctly understood the order of operands12:10.56 
  if the docs say array index GET any - that would mean "index" is the last element pushed onto the stack, right?12:11.18 
kens The order 'looks' OK12:11.21 
  You can use pstack to print the stack12:11.43 
ManDay cool, will do that12:11.48 
kens You can also type PostScript at the GS> prompt, and you could tunr your EndPage into a simple PostScript program and debug it immediately without involving setpagedevice12:12.35 
  Ah, andyou haven't got the index correct :-)12:14.59 
  You do a 2 mod, that gives you either 0 or 1 depending on the count of pages12:15.17 
  Then you do [12:15.28 
  which introduces a mark onto the stack12:15.34 
  So now there are two objects on the stack12:15.44 
ManDay yes?12:15.57 
  here is what I think I'm doing:12:16.04 
kens THen you do /CropBox, so now your stack has 0/1 [ /CropBox12:16.06 
  Then you put another array on the stack containing [0 0]12:16.21 
  Now you have 4 objects on the stacK, eg:12:16.31 
  0 [ /CropBox array12:16.48 
  Then you do 2 index12:16.52 
ManDay oh12:17.01 
kens ) index would get you the array, 1 index would get you the /CropBox, 2 index gets you the mark12:17.09 
ManDay i didn't realize the [ was an own object12:17.10 
kens Its in the PLRM :-)12:17.24 
  [ and ] are operators12:17.44 
  [ puts a mark object on the stack, ] consumes the stack up to the last mark and puts the elements into an array12:18.08 
ManDay yeah, i see it now in the pdfmark spec aswell12:18.10 
kens Then pushes that array onto the stack12:18.15 
ManDay i was just confused because there was no closing mark12:18.18 
  i thought that "[" in that case was a pdfmark internal which simply check wether an object begins with a "["12:18.35 
kens pdfmark does the same as ']' and addtionally makes it into t aPDF 'thing'12:18.42 
  No, [ is a mark, in PostScript it can't be anything else, and pdfmark syntax has to be valid PostScript12:19.08 
ManDay it worked! \o/12:19.11 
kens Note that pdfmark won't work in normal Postcript interpreters, its a PDF-specific extension to the language12:20.26 
ManDay yeah but gs does it :)12:20.45 
kens It does, but only if the output device is pdfwrite12:20.58 
ManDay sure but otherwise cropbox wouldnt make sense anyway, would it12:22.29 
kens No, that's why it doesn't work (and will throw an error) if you try to use it with a device other than pdfwrite12:22.56 
  You just need to be aware this isn't something 'universal' you can use with Ghostscript, its only vlaid for pdfwrite12:23.28 
ManDay hm. so i don't get any more errors but it doesn't crop the pdf either :-/12:23.33 
kens Then you're back to debugging12:23.46 
ManDay was it (step 2) == flush (tmux crashed, i lost that)?12:24.10 
kens Put a pstack immediatley before pdfmark and you can see what;s on the stack just before you try to set it.12:24.11 
ManDay What do the ( ) do?12:24.16 
  all right12:24.22 
kens () are string delimiters12:24.24 
ManDay heh12:24.54 
kens == prints certain kinds of objects (in particular strings) to stdout12:24.55 
ManDay so... i wanted to put a pstack before the pdfmark12:25.07 
kens Yes12:25.13 
ManDay turns out i couldnt.12:25.14 
  there is no pdfmark :-D12:25.21 
kens Then your problem is solved....12:25.30 
ManDay ^^12:25.33 
  kens: I've lost the link you gave me and I don't remember what has to immediately preceede pdfmark. Was it /PAGES like in my original code?12:32.02 
kens Check the irc logs12:32.21 
ManDay good12:33.02 
  Here, it's done :) 
kens Well I don't read bash, but OK as long as you're happy with it :-)13:03.50 
ManDay it even has a usage description and uses getopts :-P13:04.09 
  It crops pdfs to a minimum area keeping an optimal ratio (like DIN A4)13:04.28 
  if you have an ereader you may appreciate it13:05.39 
kens Nope, no e-book reader. Tor8 has many though :-)13:05.58 
ManDay i programmed it fully generally. if they ever start publishing books where not just the odd and even pages differ in alignment, it can handle that! :-D13:06.12 
  like every 3rd page or so13:06.18 
  (dunno what such a book would look like, but it's best to keep it general, a'ight?)13:06.33 
  tor8: well, if you like :P13:06.43 
kens suspets Tor has his own arcane ritual for hacking PDF files13:07.09 
ManDay not anymore he has, with this great new script :-P13:07.25 
chrisl Just one thing: "-r" is usually for resolution, not for width and height.....13:07.35 
ManDay well, it's for ratio. what else should i call it13:07.57 
chrisl I'm just pointing that could be confusing for other folks....13:08.50 
ManDay so could be -v :-P13:09.10 
  everyone would expect that to be --invert-match, right?13:09.37 
  oh, i found a bug :-D13:10.40 
chrisl Well, not in this context.... my point is, when doing stuff with PDF and Postscript etc, "-r" is usually the resolution13:10.57 
ManDay come on man, if you criticize it you must have an alternative solution!13:11.16 
chrisl Possibly "-a" for apect ratio?13:12.02 
ManDay brilliant. this will be in version 2.0, coming out next hour 13:12.19 
tor8 ManDay: I like margins... nothing worse than text butting up straight against the edge.13:26.56 
ManDay tor8: I've got a 13 inch ereader and I'm still annoyed by margins taking up screen space13:27.29 
malc_ tor8: i'm still wondering how to properly configure them with the css style you've commited recently (epub)13:27.31 
ManDay tor8: not completely remote them, of course13:27.46 
  but some pdf ship with a a 30% to 40% total margin13:28.09 
tor8 ManDay: now, *reducing* margins for ereaders is something I can see the value of13:28.11 
ManDay tor8: there we go13:28.18 
tor8 but eliminating, not so much :)13:28.20 
  malc_: configure what?13:28.30 
ManDay of course, my program does whatever you desire: reduce, remove, you can even INCREASE them :-D13:28.33 
malc_ tor8: margins13:28.37 
tor8 malc_: I still need to figure out how to parse (and represent) @page selectors for per-page margins13:29.02 
  once that's done, I want to introduce user stylesheets so you can set defaults and/or override book styles13:29.33 
malc_ tor8: oh, great13:29.40 
ManDay what are you guys talking about if I may ask?13:30.03 
tor8 malc_: or just add a 'nuke the damn style from orbit, it's the only way to be sure' option13:30.05 
  ManDay: the EPUB reader in MuPDF. It has hard coded 1-em top and bottom page margins, which is what I assume malc_ is wondering about how to change.13:30.47 
ManDay MuPDF has an EPUB reader?! o_O13:31.00 
  ill be damned13:31.02 
tor8 it does, as of fairly recently13:31.09 
ManDay just when i ditched it13:31.13 
malc_ tor8: :)13:31.25 
tor8 so still a bit dodgy in many areas, but it works well enough on simple books13:31.30 
ManDay that's pretty awesome to hear. though I now have to decide between zathura and mupdf again13:31.51 
  sleepless nights13:31.56 
tor8 :)13:32.02 
  ManDay: I take it that it's the UI you dislike?13:32.20 
ManDay have you tried zathura? it's far more advanced (as in complex - configurable and extensible and such) and plugin based13:33.15 
  i actually wanted to write an epub renderer plugin for it but didn't get around doint it yet13:33.30 
malc_ ManDay: zathura has epub plugin13:33.54 
ManDay i don't remember why exactly i changed but there was a particular reason13:33.57 
malc_ ManDay: but it's slow and doesn't perform13:34.03 
ManDay malc_: i'll be damned...13:34.04 
malc_ zathura itself13:34.07 
  not the epub plugin13:34.11 
ManDay i haven't noticed any performance problems. but I think I'm going to find out soon cause I'm installing mupdf again13:34.48 
malc_ ManDay: depends on what your baseline is13:37.14 
ManDay what do you mean by that?13:37.30 
malc_ ManDay: to notice performance problems you either have to be dissatisfied or know of something that does the same job better13:39.24 
  if your baseline (comparison) is with xpdf based stuff.. then uh...13:39.44 
ManDay as I said I've tried both, but i haven't noticed any problems in either13:39.48 
malc_ good for you13:40.15 
ManDay tor8: I think I was lying13:46.57 
  I think it's not able to create margins :-/13:47.13 
  could have expected that. the name is CROPbox after all...13:47.28 
kens Making teh CropBox bigger than the MediaBox has no useful effect13:47.35 
ManDay can i simply replace [/CropBox by mediabox ?13:48.00 
  ah well, that would be ADD mediabox13:48.10 
  (since you told me i can't remove the crop box)13:48.16 
kens You can also modify the MediaBox, and you can even translate the content to a different part of the page. But you will need a /BeginPage procedure for that13:48.21 
ManDay for both?13:48.40 
kens You can also achieve cropping by changing the MediaBox to make it smaller of course, and you cna use negative starting oc-ordinates to move the page13:49.07 
  Note that ths is only likely to work with *extermely* recent Ghostscript sources.13:49.50 
ManDay can I not modify the mediabox in EndPage ?13:49.52 
kens You can, but you can't translate the content13:50.05 
  And the origin is always bottom left, so you can only add margins at right and top13:50.23 
ManDay why would I want to translate the content? Isn't that equivalent to just moving the media vox in the opposite direction?13:50.28 
  ah, ok13:50.33 
kens People usually want increased margins all round or in pairs top/bottom, left/right13:51.14 
ManDay yes. so bleeding edge gs will interpret negative values for the left/bottom of the mediabox as moving the content and the mediabox remains with 0 0 at the left/bottom?13:51.59 
kens Not exactly, but it has that effect13:52.16 
ManDay could you give me a hint as to what operators i will have to look into for moving the content?13:52.51 
kens translate13:53.03 
ManDay thanks13:53.06 
kens Remember you will now need a *BeginPage* routine, not an EndPage, you have to move the origin before you begin drawing13:53.37 
ManDay yeah i understood13:53.46 
  i think such a change to my program warrants calling it v3.0 now13:55.21 
  also, i'll release a enterprise version which will be charged a premium13:55.46 
kens ManDay : See :13:56.41 
  At around 16:2313:56.47 
  And t works with EndPage too, because I'm cheating by setting the MediaBox negative after creating the output13:57.35 
ManDay i'm afraid i don't understand that code yet14:01.52 
  what does the stack start off with?14:02.08 
kens Its an EndPage procedure, so the same as always14:02.31 
  Its starts off by exchanging the two top items on the stack and throwing the new top one away14:02.55 
ManDay If it is an endpage proc, why does it not start with << /EndPage ... ?14:06.00 
  does the stack contain that name obj?14:06.17 
kens read furrther14:06.59 
ManDay oh14:07.18 
kens IRC ate my /14:07.26 
ManDay so there is no operator that would be, say, 15 when the 3rd page with -dFirstPage=12 is processed?14:21.14 
chrisl It wouldn't be an operator, it would be a value - and no, there isn't14:22.39 
  You can work it out - the /FirstPage value (if set) is should be available to you14:23.27 
kens The way FirstPage currently works, the earlier pages are *never* read, so there's just no way to know14:23.41 
  FirstPage is set in (I thnk) systemdict14:24.00 
  That won't be true if I ever finish my code.14:24.29 
rayjj kens: that file with the screwy "fake transparency" is due to the funky (or at least unusual) Decode array. If I set it to [ 0 1 0 1 0 1 ] then mupdf (and gs with -dNOINTERPOLATE) show the full intensity colors14:26.14 
kens rayjj well its still 'something' to do with colour and interpolation14:26.35 
  Turning off interpolation makes the problem go away14:26.46 
rayjj kens: so, most likely, the interpolation code isn't handing the Decode properly14:27.03 
kens Yeah coudl be, not really my field14:27.17 
rayjj kens: thanks for the legwork on putting together the bug14:27.40 
kens I didn't really, the reporter was on here, and he opened it I just made teh attachments private14:28.05 
chrisl ManDay: kens is correct, the FirstPage (and LastPage) values are available to you (if they were set) in systemdict.14:29.15 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Wow. These laptops are dollars == pounds in the states.14:29.41 
ManDay yeah but i decided to check it outside of the PS in bash and then hardcode the correct value in PS anyway14:29.49 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I know - sh*t, isn't it :-(14:30.07 
Robin_Watts but you only get US english keyboards and they don't offer the fat back battery.14:30.09 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the keyboard doesn't surprise me, but the battery pack does - do people in the US spend less time away from power??14:33.17 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I bet you can buy it as an aftermarket mod.14:33.58 
chrisl Probably, yes14:34.15 
Robin_Watts Wossa difference between 8.1 and 8.1 Pro I wonder.14:38.53 
  Remote desktop is probably the only thing I care about, and that's hackable.14:39.21 
chrisl "Horrible", and "Professionally Horrible"?14:39.36 
Robin_Watts chrisl: mmm. And 54 quid that will pay for an 8Gig SODIMM.14:40.00 
chrisl I tend to ignore stuff like the Windows versions.....14:40.38 
Robin_Watts Well, you're going to cripple it with linux, right? :)14:40.53 
  Which processor did you go for?14:41.13 
chrisl Ahem, "set it free".....14:41.17 
henrys cripple? Robin_Watts hasn't used 8.1 obviously.14:41.34 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Mine's an i514:41.42 
kens They tell me 8.1 is better than 814:41.48 
Robin_Watts I have a choice of 2 i5's and an i7. Same choices that chrisl had I think.14:42.08 
chrisl Mine's the i5 5300U14:42.42 
Robin_Watts henrys: I've used 8, and I've used linux.14:43.05 
  And much as I hate 8, I'd hate to be stuck with linux more.14:43.19 
kens would probably rather use Linux than Windows 814:43.25 
  OTOH I have been using Unix like systems for 30+ years14:43.47 
Robin_Watts The linux desktops have not improved since I used X at uni 20+ years ago.14:43.49 
  And frankly, I'd rather use VMware and Xming.14:44.14 
henrys If there were some way to just do away with all the charm stuff I'd be okay14:44.25 
Robin_Watts henrys: AIUI, 8.1 brings that goal a lot closer.14:44.41 
chrisl Hmm, depends.... if it had to choose between Win 8 and Ubuntu Unity, hmm, I might go back to a text terminal.......14:44.48 
kens I looked at Unity and ran away14:45.23 
Robin_Watts henrys: My objection to 8 was the way it'd keep kicking you into the tiled view at every possibly opportunity.14:45.27 
  8.1 has the start button back, so that happens a lot less.14:45.41 
henrys Robin_Watts: that's what I mean ... and my trackpad has all these gestures to get me there... I guess I could disable that.14:46.00 
Robin_Watts henrys: Are you using 8.1 or 8 ?14:46.15 
henrys 8.114:46.19 
kens chrisl that bug looks like a typical 'do my work for me' Stack Overflow type of request14:46.35 
chrisl kens: the new one? Yeh, but it's clearly not "critical", so......14:47.05 
kens Indeed, I'd reset that as well, and commented on it in my reply :-)14:47.20 
Robin_Watts And if I get 8.1, I can get MSVC 2013 and start prodding gsview.14:47.21 
  I can get 8.1 Pro and then downgrade to 7, but I'm not sure that's worthwhile.14:48.09 
kens I'm holding out for 10 before I upgrade Stella and Melanie's computers14:48.38 
  Oooh, we could put GS in the Microsoft Store:14:54.31 
  Though I doubt they will approve a console app14:54.56 
ManDay perhaps if you swipe and pinch14:55.33 
henrys looks like this will help a lot, I never much looked into it until now: 
kens The 'fix WIndows 8' thngs have been around pretty much since it launched :-)15:09.59 
Robin_Watts laptop ordered.16:20.34 
ManDay Here, it's so abstract and complicated now that no one will ever be able to fix a bug. Also, it can work on arbitrary dimensional pages (defaults to 2) 
henrys oh I17:21.47 
  'm glad marcosw got that one ;-)17:21.58 
Robin_Watts The performance change one?17:22.14 
henrys Robin_Watts: right17:22.52 
Robin_Watts That's PCL -> PDF17:22.54 
  isn't the short answer 'that didn't work in 9.10' ?17:23.03 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I hope you don't mind that I stole bug 695973 from you ;-) It looks like the check in image_render_interpolate_icc is wrong for:17:23.47 
  need_decode = !((penum->device_color || penum->icc_setup.is_lab) && (penum->icc_setup.need_decode == 0) || gs_color_space_is_CIE(pcs));17:23.48 
henrys it worked in 9.10 I'm betting they're seeing what norbert saw but we'll see.17:23.56 
Robin_Watts I wonder if it's the same 'check every new object against every existing object' thing before.17:24.07 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: I am neck deep in blending spaces right now so have at it17:24.17 
Robin_Watts s/before/as before/17:24.19 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: that's what I thought17:24.28 
  Robin_Watts: yeah, that can be a killer on file with lots of objects if the check isn't really quick17:25.41 
  OTOH, we don't want multiple copies of bitmaps that are for things like the letterhead logo being put in the PDF more than needed17:26.36 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Absolutely.17:26.48 
ManDay Is no one interested in a script which can crop higher-dimensional books?17:27.04 
  I've added a commandline argument so that the dimension can be freely chosen:17:27.19 
Robin_Watts ManDay: We're all very 1 dimension characters.17:27.20 
rayjj ManDay: script in what language ?17:27.27 
  here, if you pass -d 4 you can crop hypercubes17:27.36 
  Robin_Watts: it also works in one dimension17:29.17 
  chrisl: also, it now has -a instead of -r, as promised17:33.21 
chrisl I did see that. I'll save your script, in case I ever have a need for it...17:34.40 
ManDay great :) if you want any changes done let me know17:35.36 
rayjj Robin_Watts: do you have time for a question about when to ignore the Decode of an image ? (I'd chat with mvrhel_laptop, but he's hip deep in the blending/color_space transparency issues for Altona pages)17:55.36 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Sure.17:55.49 
  rayjj: ooh, one of those need_decode lines has a fixme in from me.17:57.17 
kens Regarding the PCL performance questoin, the change that Norbert tripped over was dpone nearly 5 years ago, and 9.10 is only 20 months old, so I doubt its the same thing exactly. It might well be related, in whch case I'm inclined to say 'faster processing, or less efficietn output, your choice'17:57.19 
rayjj Robin_Watts: looking at image_render_interpolate_icc in gxiscale.c line 917, it calculates 'need_decode' and it is setting need_decode to false, even though penum->icc_setup.need_decode is true. That doesn't seem right17:57.54 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Yes. See my note in the landscape version.17:58.55 
rayjj Robin_Watts: but I'm not sure about the other cases as well. I can see that for Lab colors, we may want to ignore the Decode, but device color and ICC color spaces seem OK17:58.59 
Robin_Watts The condition is !((a || b) && c || d)17:59.56 
  which seems nasty to me.18:00.05 
  X && Y || Z is a minefield.18:00.19 
  Let's think of it as 'can_skip_decode = ((device_color || lab_color) && doesn't_have_a_decode || CIE_color)18:01.56 
rayjj Robin_Watts: in image_render_interpolate_landscape there is: need_decode = !(penum->device_color || gs_color_space_is_CIE(pcs) || islab); which will also set need_decode to false because gs_color_space_is_CIE() returns true18:02.20 
  for an ICC sapce18:02.25 
  Robin_Watts: how can you skip Decode for a device_color ?18:03.07 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Presumably the only way we can ever skip the decode is if 1) there is no decode that needs doing, or 2) it's been done elsewhere already (or will be done in a later step)18:03.24 
rayjj oops. I chased Robin_Watts away :-(18:04.15 
Robin_Watts what happened there?18:04.25 
rayjj you 'left' and came back (from what I saw)18:04.46 
Robin_Watts yeah, no idea why. other network connections are fine18:05.02 
rayjj anyway, I don't follow that it's OK to skip decode for device_color or ICC color18:05.11 
  for Lab cs, fine -- since the Lab cs has a required "Range" that is used and doing funky things like trying to "adjust" or invert colors in Lab space doesn't make sense18:06.17 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Presumably for a lab space the decode is done later then?18:07.26 
rayjj with PS input, CIEBased colors are risky because they don't have to be at all similar to a "standard" colorspace (i.e. the Alternate space of PDF ICC cs)18:07.48 
Robin_Watts rayjj: If it's a device color, maybe the decode is done earlier as part of the icc handling?18:08.27 
kens The Decode is supposed to map the samples into an appropriate range for the colour space18:08.45 
  Which is why it *is* important for Decode to apply to CIEBased spaces I think18:09.00 
rayjj note that when we are not interpolating, AFAICT, decode is always done18:09.14 
kens You have to map, say 32757 to +1 for example18:09.19 
  I htnk you always need to apply the image /Decode18:09.44 
Robin_Watts kens: Yes, I believe the question is not "do we need to apply the Decode at all", it's rather "do we need to decode it HERE".18:10.23 
kens Hmm, OK I misunderstood then :-)18:10.41 
ManDay kens: if you have missed it, my oeuvre is done18:10.46 
  thanks for everything18:10.51 
kens I would guess that the Decode should be applied after interpolation18:11.11 
Robin_Watts If we have a linear color space, then it's reasonable to do the interpolation first, and THEN apply the decode afterwards.18:11.12 
kens ManDay, I saw in the logs, congrats18:11.17 
rayjj kens: Robin_Watts: that wasn't quite my question. For interpolating, I think we need to Decode *before* interpolation18:11.22 
kens rayjj I htnk you can argue it either way18:11.37 
Robin_Watts rayjj: If you're downscaling, then doing the decode after the interpolation is more efficient.18:12.05 
rayjj Robin_Watts: Robin_Watts doing the decode after interpolation that upscales means we are decoding more pixels18:12.10 
kens But I'm inclined to suspect that applying Decode before interpolation is going to be faster18:12.11 
  and what Robin says18:12.21 
Robin_Watts If you're upscaling, then (as you say), we want to do it before.18:12.25 
kens I tend ot thnk of interpolation only for upscaling18:12.32 
rayjj Robin_Watts: well, the need_decode doesn't have anything about up/down sampling18:12.51 
Robin_Watts If we are dealing with non-linear colorspaces, then we must colour convert to a linear space before we interpolate.18:13.03 
  And that means the decode must have been done before we get here.18:13.11 
rayjj kens: we do interpolation for downsampling as well18:13.19 
kens rayjj I know, but I tend to forget18:13.31 
Robin_Watts kens: Interpolation is arguably more important for downscaling.18:13.40 
kens Robin_Watts : I'm unconvinced, but I'm too tired to visualise it at the moment18:13.59 
rayjj Robin_Watts: right, which is why I can see that Lab would be handled separately (or Decode ignored, altogether)18:14.17 
Robin_Watts rayjj: I think the condition is malformed.18:14.38 
kens Also, I think it may be neccesary to turn off interpolation for /Indexed spaces, do we do that ?18:14.45 
Robin_Watts kens: You can interpolate indexed spaces fine - you just convert them to non-indexed first.18:15.13 
rayjj Decode is supposed to map sample values from the image data to the colorspace values, and mapping Lab is not needed (Range does that) and is non-linear18:15.18 
kens I was about to say that18:15.21 
  rayjj Eh ? Are you suggestng you don;t need to apply /Decode to an Lab sapce ?18:15.58 
Robin_Watts rayjj: I bet the decode handling is rolled into an earlier Lab phase.18:16.00 
  i.e. it will be applied, just not here.18:16.10 
kens THt's possible, but I'm doubtful18:16.23 
Robin_Watts But the fact is that "a && b || c" is just wrong18:16.32 
  it's not clear whether thats "(a && b) || c" or "a && (b || c)"18:16.54 
  Now, if the input is a device color, then it will be being fed through an ICC process before it gets here, right?18:18.05 
  hence I bet that has the decode rolled into it.18:18.11 
kens As I underatand it a device colour has been transfromed into an ICC space yes18:18.24 
Robin_Watts That's why we can skip the decode if penum->device_color.18:18.24 
kens You would have to apply the /Decode before conversion to ICC I thnk, you certainly can't apply it afterwards18:19.14 
Robin_Watts so, the skip_decode = ((device || lab) && icc_setup.need_decode == 0) makes sense to me.18:20.16 
  It's the last term that doesn't.18:20.22 
  rayjj: In the case you are seeing, what sort of color is it?18:20.33 
kens Assuming that the Lab has also had the decode applied, yes18:20.35 
  Robin_Watts : the colour is an ICCBased space18:21.02 
  Admittedly with a DeviceRGB alternate18:21.16 
rayjj Robin_Watts: Bug 695973 -- The color space is ICC with 3 components (Alternate is RGB) and the Decode is [ 0.8 1.1 ... ]18:21.32 
Robin_Watts so the is_CIE is true ?18:22.10 
rayjj so that maps the range of RGB values 0->0xff to .8 for 0 and 1.1 for 0xff, thus lightening the image18:22.18 
kens Hmm, I thnk that only applies to 'real' CIE coours ?18:22.25 
rayjj yes, is CIE include ICC spaec18:22.36 
kens Oh OK18:22.42 
Robin_Watts Maybe the condition should be ((device || lab || CIE) && need_decode == 0)18:23.07 
rayjj gs_color_space_is_CIE has the 4 "real" CIE spaces and ICC space18:23.27 
  oops. I have to run the lunches to the kids. Sorry. back in a bit.18:23.52 
kens If what Robin_Watts speculates is correct, then doesn't that mean that we apply the Decode to CIE colours when converting into ICC, but (perhaps) not to colours actually defined in an ICC space ?18:23.55 
Robin_Watts kens: I think the icc_setup.need_decode might mean "we still need to do the decode"18:24.31 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I think we want need_decode == 0 for Lab18:24.39 
kens Yeah that would make ense to me18:24.40 
Robin_Watts rayjj: That's what my modification would do.18:24.58 
kens Looks plausible to me18:25.27 
rayjj Robin_Watts: if you are computing 'can_skip_decode', not need_decode18:25.39 
kens Though I wouldn't rely on me at this time of night18:25.43 
  well need_decode = !can_skip_decode ?18:26.01 
rayjj have to run...18:26.21 
kens bye18:26.27 
Robin_Watts kens: yes.18:26.40 
  rayjj: Yes, my mind can't cope with too many negations, so I removed it :)18:26.58 
kens So, making the test "...&& can_skip_decode ==1" is the same18:27.24 
Robin_Watts Aha. Look at 6aa157b418:27.57 
kens Can you give me a URL ?18:28.11 
Robin_Watts - /* Decide here if we need to decode or not. Essentially, as18:28.31 
  - * far as I can gather, we use the top case if we DON'T need18:28.33 
  - * to decode. This is fairly obviously conditional on18:28.35 
  - * need_decode being set to 0. The major exception to this is18:28.37 
  - * that if the colorspace is CIE, we interpolate, THEN decode,18:28.39 
  - * so the decode is done later in the pipeline, so we needn't18:28.40 
  - * decode here (see Bugs 692225 and 692331). */18:28.42 
  - /* It is possible that islab should be moved out of conjuction18:28.43 
  - * with need_decode below, but in the absence of a test file,18:28.45 
  - * I'm leaving it where it is. */18:28.46 
  Not immediately. I have it in gitk.18:28.48 
kens No problem, I@ll lookat the source18:29.00 
Robin_Watts 6aa157b4 is mvrhel's introduction of that line. The bit I pasted there is part of what he removed.18:29.31 
kens Ah!18:29.38 
Robin_Watts hehe. And that comment was mine :)18:30.24 
kens :-D18:30.32 
  Oops, back in a while18:30.51 
Robin_Watts Aha.18:31.34 
  The commit where I introduced that comment was: 73c09fa018:31.44 
  and the code before I fiddled said:18:31.56 
  - if ((penum->device_color ||18:32.10 
  - gs_color_space_is_CIE(pcs) ||18:32.12 
  - islab) && (penum->icc_setup.need_decode == 0)) {18:32.14 
  And that was to fix 69222518:33.29 
  so, ray, any fix you try should be sure to make sure that you don't break bug 69222518:33.51 
  and bug 69233118:35.49 
  rayjj: If you do gitk -- gs/base/gxiscale.c you get a view of the changes in the area.18:36.21 
ManDay I'm afraid I need your help again :-/18:55.54 
  I wanted to implement the BeginPage procedure but get a typecheck error I can't make sense of18:56.18 
  oh, i fixed it18:57.59 
  but I don't understand one thing and I'd like to understand it: I'm writing a PS program now and executing that requires actually computing power of some sort. But this is only computed when I run gs. When I view the PDF later, this is not computed again? But a PDF is also PS, so there is still some PS computation going on, just not the one I wrote? Could one say that the program I write write now and19:00.54 
  pass to GS is kind of "baked" into another code which needs less computing power?19:00.55 
kens PDF si NOT (and normally doe snot contain) PostScript19:04.18 
  THe origianl graphcis model of PDF was the same as PostScript, ths is no longer the case19:04.41 
  PDF, unlike PostScript, is not a programming language, it is a pure description19:05.08 
ManDay hm, so what happens is that GS takes both the PDF and my PS as input, converts the PS into presentation and adds it into the PDF?19:05.36 
kens The output of PostScript is markign operations. PDF files only contain marking operations, so when you run a PostScrip program, the output of thqt program is the markign operations. To create a PDF file from that we simply record the marking ops19:06.29 
ManDay hm19:07.04 
kens For instance, PostScript contains the rand operator, so you can have a PostScript progra which produces different output every time it is executed, you can't do that in PDF19:07.09 
  In the case of your PDF example, Ghostscript runs a PostScript program which reads ytour PDF file, takes the PDF operators and operands and converts those to equivalen tPostScript marking operations, then 'draws' those.19:10.07 
ManDay ah19:10.18 
  that i understand19:10.20 
kens Then it runs your PostScript, and does the same with that program19:10.23 
  FOr a rendering device, you then get a bitmap (or series of them)19:10.39 
ManDay um do you know which key goes with MediaBox in pdfmark?19:10.43 
  was /PAGE for CropBox, but I can't find anything for MediaBox19:10.53 
kens FOr PDF output, you get a PDF file which captures the marking operatiosn that were excuted19:10.59 
  THe /PAGE and /PAGES refer to the type of pdfmark, either /PAGE (for this page) or /PAGES for all pages19:11.38 
rayjj kens: Robin_Watts: I've looked at the logs, and will investigate that comment, and why the Decode is ignored (i.e., not done later) in this case19:11.40 
  Robin_Watts: thanks for the bug #'s to look at19:12.00 
kens All the *Box operands are either /PAGE or /PAGES pdfmarks19:12.13 
  ManDay a '/' doesn't make a key, it makes a name, you cna use a name as a key in a dictonary, but you can use other things too19:13.13 
  So don't thnk of '/' as a key, it isn't19:13.28 
ManDay i know, I meant type19:17.33 
  does it make sense to use /PAGES in /EndPage or /BeginPage?19:19.11 
  i think not19:19.25 
kens Not really, because that will apply to all pages.19:19.29 
  SO only the last one will take effect.19:19.36 
ManDay yep19:20.30 
kens Don't forget. if you want to modify /MediaBox you will need to use source no older than 17th April19:20.45 
ManDay and i understand that if the pages have a /PAGE pdfmark they will overwrite whatever /PAGES say19:20.46 
kens Err, no, I htnk not19:20.56 
ManDay kens: I will use translate19:20.58 
rayjj think of PAGES as the default if an individual PAGE doesn't override it19:21.05 
ManDay but i need to use both, MediaBox and translate to get all margins right19:21.28 
kens what rayjj said19:21.41 
ManDay that's what I said19:21.47 
kens Its late, and its been a liong day.19:22.02 
  Right I really am off for the nght now, good luck with the interpolaton stuff Ray19:23.26 
rayjj kens: OK. Thanks. 19:25.36 
  too late :-(19:25.40 
ManDay I'm trying to understand the script, because I want to get the current MediaBox from within a /EndPage proc, but I'm too stupid19:33.09 
  could anyone give me a hint how can I obtain the current MediaBox19:33.21 
rayjj ManDay: if you are talking about toolbin/, then I wrote that19:47.34 
  ManDay: it uses a lot of the internal procs used by the pdf interpreter. We generally are lazy (intentionally) about documenting those since we don't intend them to be (ab)used by those outside.19:49.32 
  ManDay: <int> pdfgetpage <pagedict> is one of them, and <pagedict> <key> pget <value> -true- is another. Together they let you get the MediaBox19:52.54 
  ManDay: but of course, you also need to 'load' the PDF using: File (r) file runpdfbegin19:54.01 
  ManDay: where "File" is the path to the input PDF file. If you have a <file> object from somewhere else, then just use it: <file> runpdfbegin - Note that this sets 'pdfpagecount' to the number of pages in the PDF19:58.42 
  ManDay: generally, for any unknown PS object (like pget), I use: grep /pget Resource/Init/pdf*ps19:59.45 
  since the /pget will be the definition of the pget procedure in the Resource/Init/pdf*.ps files (which is the PDF interpreter)20:00.24 
  ManDay: the nice thing is that runpdfbegin will do any "repair" on the input PDF file that is needed20:01.56 
  ManDay: from within an EndPage proc, you _should_ (untested) if you know that this is a PDF file, runpdfbegin will already have "loaded" the PDF, and you should be able to get the <pagedict> using # pdfgetpage and then /MediaBox pget (which should return <array> -true-) with the MediaBox array20:05.47 
  ManDay: note that mixing internal GS PDF interpreter stuff and a (more or less standard) EndPage proc, is ***SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE***20:06.58 
  ManDay: the only part we generally provide for 'users/customers' is runpdfbegin that lets you load the PDF as a "dict" and drill down into the Trailer dict (that contains the /Root element, etc.) and find what you need. But if we change somethnig, it will be mentioned in our git commit logs20:09.50 
  ManDay: and note that 'oget' and 'get oforce' and '.knownget' are our friends to handle the variety of ways a PDF can provide information (you will see those liberally used in Resource/Init/pdf*.ps files that comprise our PDF interpreter built in PS)20:12.16 
rayjj expects that ManDay will soon run away screaming :-)20:12.48 
ManDay i kinda feel like it, yeah20:24.50 
  maybe someone is stil here, though it's late20:26.53 
  I used the "translate" operator in /BeginPage but now the text is kind of cropped on the right (though the document goes on)20:27.18 
  any idea why?20:28.16 
  on the right is the original document: on the left the document translated by 200pts to the right (In /BeginPage) and the mediabox and cropbox increased (in /EndPage) 
  It seems like increasing the media and cropboxes still crops the content, but not the page20:32.26 
  anyone? It's the last thing i need to fix20:35.30 
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