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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/05/02)20150503 
xace does someone have a way of making mupdf remember which page was last viewed?19:34.50 
  I've found a script which requires the users input, to save which page it was. but i'd rather have it be automatic19:35.20 here he requires the user to input19:37.27 
  for now ill have mupdf print the last page before exiting, and have the script capture that22:29.56 
sebras xace: hi23:12.13 
xace sebras: hi23:12.27 
sebras xace: most mupdf developers are here during european working hours in weekdays.23:12.38 
  xace: so it may take some time before they see your messages.23:12.48 
  xace: the channel is logged though so someone will likely read it tomorrow. :)23:13.06 
xace sebras: i, umderstand, ill be back then. thank you.23:13.47 
sebras xace: btw, are you talking about the android/ios-clients?23:13.51 
xace linux23:14.00 
sebras xace: ah. ok.23:14.12 
  xace: as far as I know there are no files saved where pages can be remembered for each pdf.23:14.42 
  xace: I think there might be for android/ios though.23:14.50 
xace i made a patch. i can upload it tommorrow if youre interested. (im in bed and my workstation is powered off)23:15.06 
sebras xace: patches are always welcome. is likely the best place to upload it.23:15.45 
  xace: it's 1am over here so I'm going to bed now. good night!23:16.39 
xace goodnight :) 23:16.58 
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