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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/05/09)20150510 
ManDay I'd like to remove some content from a page (a 6 megabytes plot which makes the file unusable). I don't know any editor which can do that so I thought I convert the PDF to something readable, remove the chunk in the resulting code and then convert it back. Which device would be best for that?05:57.10 
  would it be possible at all? I tried PS and the output is just as inreadable as the original PDF06:02.34 
uebera|| ManDay: Depends on your PDF editor, I'd say... you can easily let Acrobat do the job for you including the conversion.06:28.24 
ManDay uebera||: But I don't have any editor.06:29.59 
  I don't know any, either. I'm currently compiling Inkscape but I've got little hope that it will do06:30.17 
  (Also, I'm on Linux)06:30.23 
uebera|| I see. (Acrobat 8.x runs flawlessly using wine on Linux, btw)06:33.34 
ManDay getting proprietary software to run on anything that is not debian or redhat is always a bit difficult :-/06:39.17 
uebera|| ManDay: The only tip I can give you (unless it's a file you can share) is to have a look at which also provides you with hints on editing PDFs (using tools available on Linux).07:01.32 
ManDay i can share the file no prob07:10.16 
  inkscape just finished compiling, having a go at it07:10.24 
  uebera||: sorry but what about that slideshare?07:10.56 
uebera|| The presentation contains a list of PDF editors/tools (on the last slides)07:11.50 
ManDay Ah, ok07:13.44 
uebera|| If you /msg me a download URL of the file, I can spare 5 minutes to try to remove the plot07:13.54 
ManDay I'll keep that as a last resort. I should get this done myself and be able to do it again in the future. I greatly appreciate the offer!07:14.29 
  Inkscape loads... kinda slowly... given the page is 6 megabytes in size, not a surprise07:15.00 
uebera|| yw07:15.26 
ManDay it's started swapping...07:16.21 
  that's no good sign07:16.24 
  now it's stopped working and is still confsuming about 3 gigs s07:17.24 
  uebera||: could you check somewith with acrobat, though?08:07.20 
uebera|| sure08:07.32 
ManDay I tried to extract fonts from it, trying both GS and the first google result. in both cases I only get Type1 - but according to inkscape there are more fonts in there which I'm missing08:07.52 
rayjj ManDay: left before I could recommend: mutual clean -d in.pda out.pda 16:00.34 
  stoopid auto complete. mutool clean -d in.pdf out.pdf16:01.39 
  then just edit the contents to remove the part you don't like/want and run mutual clean out.pdf New.pdf16:03.36 
  or ps2pdf out.pdf new.pda16:04.49 
  the latter is a script that uses gs 16:05.26 
  I need to turn off the auto complete.16:06.58 
sebras tor8: for the logs -- you already know about this one, right..?22:12.12 
  tor8: and this one for epub2 
  tor8: seems like there might be one or two that needs looking into in the latter one (run svn, cd into Scripts run "perl ../Tests" and then find all the .epubs in ../Tests)22:21.39 
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