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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/05/17)20150518 
henrys Robin_Watts: thought you'd like this one: 
Robin_Watts very good!14:02.39 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I tracked down the memory leak17:43.44 
  InitializeCriticalSectionEx allocates some debug information. That needs to be released17:44.56 
rayjj mvrhel: I've dug into the order stuff enough to see what needs to be done. Now I just have to do it :-) I've managed to find where that funky equation came from in gsht.c and(sort of) understand what you were trying to do.17:45.09 
mvrhel now windows 7 leaks no more. I need to clean up a couple things then I will get it committed and off to Jung17:45.18 
rayjj so now I have to do it right.17:45.25 
mvrhel rayjj: oh great!17:45.33 
  Also, Robin_Watts you have to have windows 8.1 to use the memory diagnostics in vs 2013. It is grayed out in windows 7 for me too17:46.55 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Fab!17:54.50 
  fredross-perry: Morning.17:55.53 
  Firstly, I moved your sot.git from repos to private-repos.17:56.06 
  Having it in repos is bad, cos we don't want the source to be publicly accessible.17:56.26 
  Secondly, I can't see any new commits in there.17:56.38 
fredross-perry robin_watts: thanks, I forgot to push. there now.18:12.20 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: ok now I will get rid of pdf_clean....18:41.04 
  then think about how to generate the winrt projects more easilty18:41.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: The best I can think would be to have a script that copies the .vcproj files, and tweaks their insides a bit.18:45.19 
  Then have someone load that into VS201x to do the upgrade.18:45.35 
  The tweaking would be changing the lib type, preprocessor definitions, paths etc.18:46.16 
  All a bit of a pain though :(18:46.22 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: yes a pain. 18:47.33 
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