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rayjj I rue the day when google or siri does code generation based on voice input. I'm sure you've asked questions and gotten really ???? responsed00:00.54 
  you think debugging is hard with human contructed, and somewhat readable code (except of perl and APL) ?00:01.38 
  not that some perl doesn't try to be understandable. It's sort of like ANSI M in that regard00:02.26 
  marcosw: does quite well in that regard in our cluster regression code (even I, who am a perl hater, can follow it)00:04.13 
  I sure would hate to have to go back and debug M code I wrote in 197500:05.18 
  (at that time we called it MUMPS)00:05.32 
  and I treat all sh and bash scripts longer that 3 lines as 'throw away' (for awk, my threshold is 10 lines)00:06.51 
sebras bkboggy: 
bkboggy sebras, args.Add("-empty"); // this one will not be used but it must be here00:12.21 
sebras bkboggy: I wonder why.00:12.31 
bkboggy Yeah... it'd be nice if he mentioned.00:12.41 
sebras bkboggy: I had to do some digging after looking here: 
  bkboggy: on line 7600:13.05 
  bkboggy: your best option is probably to ask josip why he thinks that it's important.00:14.22 
bkboggy Yeah... that's odd.00:14.31 
  quired and harmless00:15.29 
ray_phone bkboggy: arg[0] is the program name for an exe invoked by the shell. gs ignores it.00:50.27 
bkboggy ray_phone, so that's what -empty is?00:51.02 
  it's just a filler?00:51.13 
ray_phone right, dummy, placeholder, ignored. for some programs that behave slightly differently depending on what program name invoked the executable, it is used.00:57.11 
bkboggy cool, thx00:57.35 
ray_phone for instance, egret. fgrep. grep ...00:57.56 
  sorry it took a bit for me to figure that out.00:59.49 
bkboggy ray_phone, no worries, thanks for the help :)01:08.29 
kens chrisl thanks for fixing up that image bug. I had looked at it last night but didn't feel like tackling it. It does make you wonder what the point of warning messages is though, when the customer thinks tghe problem is the blank page output....07:16.05 
  Its also biz\arre that the only indirect object in the image dictonary is the Height.07:16.21 
chrisl kens: I was surprised as I was convinced that we'd de-referenced the value by that point.... but clearly not07:20.52 
kens Yeah obviously not :-(07:21.02 
  Never occured to me that someone would have the Height as an indirect object, seems daft to me but it stood out pretty obviously when I looked at the PDF07:21.38 
chrisl Obviously it's pretty rare07:22.02 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw17:50.09 
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