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ManDay I repeat my question from yesterday, perhaps someone knows09:09.52 
  Here is a PDF file which I've created on an ereader. The software on the reader allows to add textual and handwritten annotations (like sticky notes). I can view and modify them on the reader but I haven't found any application for Linux which can display them (when I click on it, nothing happens). I've read MuPDF does support annotations but with version 1.7a clicking on them doesn't do anything:09:10.04 
  hm, no one?10:50.37 
tor8 ManDay: we draw annotations in mupdf, but we don't support extra actions when clicking on them10:54.00 
  the 'handwriting' annotation is a FileAttachment annotation, which we don't support10:54.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: Morning.10:54.30 
  1 commit on robin/master10:54.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I saw, LGTM10:54.43 
  I got one from sebras that's reviewed on tor/master10:54.56 
Robin_Watts I still need to look at the cluster to figure out how to do the mutool/mudraw thing.10:54.58 
  Could we maybe still build both mudraw and mutool (from the same source) ?10:55.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so do we want to do the mutool/mudraw thing? I think I'm in favor, it seems reasonable to gather all the command line tools together.10:55.37 
  Robin_Watts: does the cluster run 'make install'?10:55.56 
  because we could add a symlink to that10:56.02 
  maybe make install prefix=wherever10:56.14 
  otoh, mudraw deals with all sorts of file types, whereas mutool is very pdf specific10:56.49 
  so in that way I want to keep them separate10:56.56 
Robin_Watts no, the cluster does: make build=release HAVE_X11=no NOX11=1 XCFLAGS="-DCLUSTER" -j 12 all10:57.56 
ManDay tor8: thanks. do you know any FOSS reader which does support that?10:58.06 
tor8 however, the sanitise option to mutool clean means we do need to pull in the whole font data set which is what causes the bloat10:58.17 
  ManDay: try evince10:58.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: Could we add mudraw to mutool, but still keep mudraw ?10:58.38 
ManDay ok, ty tor8 10:58.45 
Robin_Watts That way people who want small size can just take mutool and symlink.10:59.04 
  Certainly that'd be easiest for the cluster :)10:59.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: if you only need it for the cluster, 'cp mutool mudraw'?10:59.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: There is already cruft in the cluster to cope with the rename from pdfdraw to mudraw.10:59.56 
  but I can add more cruft.11:00.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: what does the current cruft do?11:00.36 
  I like the idea of mutool having a 'draw' option.11:02.20 
  but then I also like the idea of keeping mutool for pdf stuff, and mudraw for all formats.11:02.37 
  hence I like the idea of adding mutool draw, but not removing mudraw.11:03.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, I hear you and my thinking is along the same lines. though I disapprove of duplicate functionality and longer build times, due to linking twice.11:05.33 
Robin_Watts Ah. Will mutool cope with being invoked as pdfdraw ?11:05.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it will11:05.59 
  it copes with being invoked as 'mudraw' 'pdfdraw' and 'mupdfdraw'11:06.13 
  with the patch I have on tor/master at least11:06.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, try clusterpushing that patch now...11:07.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: trying11:08.09 
  Robin_Watts: that was a bit too quick11:14.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: the mupdf tests are very quick nowadays :)11:18.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: what happened to them?11:18.53 
  did we prune a lot of crap or get more machines?11:19.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: ClusterPower++, I think.11:19.06 
kens The cluster is very qquick now. Even GS tests in < 20 minutes I think11:19.28 
Robin_Watts so tor8, push away.11:21.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: updated commit on tor/master with integrated manpage changes11:22.45 
Robin_Watts lgtm11:23.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks.11:23.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: 1 commit on robin/master11:29.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: LGTM, I've pushed it11:51.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: Thanks!11:52.00 
HD Hi all,12:54.49 
  Good morning12:54.56 
kens Hi12:55.05 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.12:55.05 
HD @paulgardiner: I had tried with live sample(from play store), App getting restarted when I am saving edited pdf form.12:56.21 
  Before app gets restart it stuck on "Document is edited,save theme?" dialog 12:57.18 
paulgardiner Is it a very big file?12:58.10 
HD No. its only of 238.96 kb12:59.10 
Robin_Watts HD: Can you open a bug and attach the file please?12:59.32 
HD but it has more than 100 editable field.12:59.44 
paulgardiner Is it a file you can share with us? Could you open a bug and upload the file to bugziila12:59.47 
  Ah. What Robin_Watts says12:59.55 
HD Actually I can not share that file as its non disclausable. :|13:00.27 
Robin_Watts HD: Without a file that we can reproduce the problem with, we can't help you.13:01.24 
  If you can share a file, we can mark it as private so that no one else can download it.13:01.37 
  but we do need an example file.13:01.44 
HD Yes. You are right.13:02.02 
Robin_Watts kens: Does your laptop have a power supply that needs a lead with three circles in a triangle shape?13:08.42 
kens Yes that's right13:08.51 
Robin_Watts do you have a US cable for that?13:09.09 
kens centre one is very slightly larger than the other 213:09.14 
  Yes, I have a US cable for it, I lend it to Tor sometimes13:09.25 
  If you want to not bother getting one I'm happy to share13:09.41 
Robin_Watts I was cleaning my office the other day, and I found such a cable.13:09.58 
  It's useless to me, so I wondered if it would be useful to you.13:10.18 
  I will put it back in the drawer :)13:10.31 
kens I'd be grateful for it, especially since I can't locate mine at the moment13:10.31 
Robin_Watts oh, then I will bring it :)13:10.40 
kens Thanks, it could be very handy for me :-)13:10.47 
  Ah, I did just find my existing one, but a spare is always nice, and Tor might not have one13:11.26 
Robin_Watts It's in my rucksack.13:12.06 
kens Thanks!13:12.12 
Robin_Watts Ah. It came with my NAS.13:12.42 
  I'm unlikely to be taking that to the states.13:12.55 
kens I guess you won't be carrying that to the US :-)13:12.55 
Robin_Watts foods.13:13.36 
HD @Robin & @paulgardiner please check out posed bug : Bug 69601013:17.47 
kens HD do you need that attachment made private ?13:18.32 
paulgardiner HD: please can you add to the bug report an exact description of the procedure that triggers the bug?13:19.36 
HD nop13:19.44 
kens assumes that's in answer to my question, not Paul's :-)13:20.02 
HD :) Yes.13:25.46 
  @paulgardiner: I had just added more description13:26.27 
  @paulgardiner: regarding to signature issue, I have updated prev. bug 695986. Added new attachment and description13:53.14 
  @paulgardiner: Last question- Is it possible to save editable form as flat pdf?14:13.46 
  Mean to say after saving form. You can not edit it again.14:14.21 
paulgardiner No. We have no support for that.14:15.11 
HD ok.14:15.21 
  Have you checked that pdf which contains signature field?14:15.46 
bencc what is the format of this animated image?14:16.14 
  the source show it is created with ghostscript14:16.23 
  can I convert it with ghostscript to animated gif?14:16.32 
paulgardiner HD: sorry no. I can't look at this just now. I may get a chance tomorrow.14:18.43 
Robin_Watts Thats a png14:18.51 
  bencc: ^14:18.56 
  You can generate pngs from gs. pngs are not animated.14:19.14 
HD ok. Thank you14:19.33 
bencc Robin_Watts: it is animated in libreoffice14:19.34 
Robin_Watts pngs can represent things that gifs cannot (easily)14:19.43 
  Then it's not a plain png :)14:19.52 
bencc Robin_Watts: 
  this is the ODP with this PNG. if you open it with LibreOffice you can see the animation14:20.20 
  so the PNG somehow has animation14:20.37 
  you can also create a new LibreOffice presentation and just drag the PNG to it14:20.56 
Robin_Watts Hmm. I wonder if the google drive thing has converted it to a png.14:20.57 
  png's do not have animation in them. MNGs do, but...14:21.12 
bencc Robin_Watts: google drive didn't conver it. you can download the original file (press on the down arrow)14:21.41 
kens GS doesn't make MNG and it certainly cannot create an animated output of any sort.14:21.53 
bencc if you'll drag it to LibreOffice and play the presentation it will be animated14:21.54 
kens If I open the PNG with the WIndows viewer it is not animated14:22.44 
Robin_Watts nor with chrome. Nor does pnginfo say anything out of the oridinary.14:23.33 
  Ah. It might have a GIF embedded in it though.14:24.13 
kens OpenOffice, however, does show it as a movie14:24.14 
  In any event, I don't believe Ghostscript created this file.14:24.48 
Robin_Watts kens: gs outputted the frames using pnmraw14:25.11 
  but we didn't have anything to do with generating the animation from the frames.14:25.27 
kens That's possible, certainly, but it didn't create the PNG14:25.28 
  Anyway, you cna't process it wit Ghostscript because Ghostscript only handles PostScript or PDF as input, and ths is neither.14:26.26 
  Potentially you oculd write a PostScript program to do what you want, but I rather suspect you will find it easier to use an image editing applicaoin of some kind.14:26.51 
bencc can you please try to embed it in LibreOffice presentation and open it there?14:27.33 
kens Why ?14:27.39 
bencc because than you'll see the animation14:27.47 
kens I already do14:27.53 
bencc I couldn't see the animation with any other program14:27.56 
  kens: where do you see the animation?14:28.02 
kens OpenOffice14:28.07 
bencc cool14:28.10 
  how can I convert it to animated gif?14:28.19 
kens I have no idea14:28.24 
Robin_Watts bencc: I suspect the png has an animated gif embedded in it.14:28.31 
bencc do you know what format is it?14:28.33 
kens Yes, its a PNG14:28.39 
Robin_Watts No idea how you extract that easily though.14:28.43 
bencc animated gif embedded inside png?14:29.24 
Robin_Watts yeah, I've extracted the animation here.14:29.42 
bencc how?14:29.56 
  is there a way to see where the png ends and the gif starts?14:30.09 
Robin_Watts I just chopped the start of the file off until the gif header :)14:30.38 
  There may well be data after the end of the gif.14:30.44 
bencc Robin_Watts: where is the GIF header?14:30.59 
bencc nice14:34.58 
  it starts with GIF87a or GIF89a14:35.06 
  now I just need to split the file with python14:35.12 
tor8 looks like the PNG has an ancillary chunk of type 'msOG' which then starts with 'MSOFFICE9.0' followed by a GIF file14:45.02 
  my guess -- msoffice has converted a gif to png and embedded the original gif file14:45.50 
bencc tor8: I think you are right14:46.13 
kens That would seem likely14:46.13 
bencc now trying to delete the png prefix in python or the command line14:46.26 
tor8 bencc: reading PNG chunks in python is trivial with the 'struct' module14:47.12 
bencc tor8: will it help me to remove the PNG from the file?14:47.34 
tor8 each chunk starts with a 4-byte int saying how long it is, then a 4-byte string with the type, then N bytes of data and finally a 4-byte int checksum14:47.45 
  so if you want to extract the 'msOG' chunk, just read all the chunks until you find the 'msOG' chunk and save the data14:48.07 
  oh, and there's an 8-byte PNG signature you have to skip before the chunks start14:48.42 
jhabjan hi, I just saw that couple of days a go a question was raised about the "-empty" arg in Ghostscript.NET14:54.19 
  well, that's actually argv[0] which is ignored by the native ghostscript library.. user supplied arguments are argv[1] to argv[argc-1]14:55.59 
kens Indeed, I thnk we worked that out14:56.18 
jhabjan seems that I commented that part of code poorly.. as people usually sets argv[0] with some value they want to use and then asks why it's ignored14:58.45 
kens Its a subtle point I guess14:59.19 
Robin_Watts argv[0] = "ThisValueIsIgnoredSoDontSetItToAnythingImportant"15:00.59 
jhabjan in .NET it's a List<string> which is commonly used15:01.34 
  and when you add to list, it starts from index 015:01.45 
  so when List is converted to array, array starts with index 015:02.41 
sebras kens: ah.. I never noticed that the index was 0 in that case.15:06.59 
kens I don't remember the discussion that well, but I seem to recall someone giving an answer15:07.39 
jhabjan no worries15:08.03 
sebras kens: I think it was me and rayjj that saw the question a few days back. and rayjj mentioned that gs ignores any unknown flags, which -empty would be. but I guess in this case gs doesn't even see argv[0].15:09.05 
  kens: so basically it is ignored at an earlier stage.15:09.19 
kens Well, it doesn't *use* argv[0] as that's usually the applicaiotn :-)15:09.35 
jhabjan yep15:11.53 
bencc tor8: if I'll just search for GIF89a I can get false positive, right?16:31.19 
Robin_Watts bencc: Yes, but you'd be unlucky :)16:31.37 
  Are you doing this for a single animation or for an arbitrarily large set of them ?16:31.57 
bencc Robin_Watts: ppt saves animated gif this way PNG+Animated-GIF16:33.57 
  so large set of images16:34.02 
  there must be a way to see that it's not just random part of the PNG16:34.22 
  maybe it's a comment?16:34.30 
Robin_Watts It's embedded in a labelled atom.16:36.03 
  It's really not hard to extract it properly.16:36.10 
bencc how does a labelled atom looks like?16:36.53 
  is there a library that can help?16:37.10 
Robin_Watts bencc: I'd just roll my own. Walking the chunks in a PNG file is trivial.16:39.44 
bencc Robin_Watts: I'll read about it. thanks16:40.26 
  Robin_Watts: I don't see anything about labelled atom 
  I see <tEXtComment but the gif is not inside of it16:57.26 
Robin_Watts by "atom" I mean 'chunk'.16:59.09 
bencc what's the name of a 'chunk' that doesn't include image data?16:59.50 
Robin_Watts bencc: Read the first 8 bytes of the PNG file; check it's the PNG signature (see that file)17:00.29 
  Then read a series of chunks.17:00.45 
  Each chunk is 4 bytes for the length, followed by a 4 byte chunk code.17:01.03 
  Then you have the chunk data, then 4 bytes of CRC (just ignore it)17:01.23 
bencc so I need to find the chunk code used to embed the gif17:01.55 
  and than see if the chunk data starts with GIF... or similar17:02.09 
Robin_Watts Looking at the file in an editor I see:17:02.25 
  !rmsOGMSOFFICE9.0GIF89a rather17:03.49 
  I suspect that 0 0 ! r is the length.17:04.10 
  so msOG would be the chunk marker.17:04.23 
  then MSOFFICE9.0 is some internal version thing.17:04.39 
  Then after that you have the gif.17:04.49 
bencc cool17:04.55 
  so 'msOGMSOFFICE9.0GIF89a' will probably be unique enough17:05.16 
  I'll try to parse it in python17:06.10 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I asked yesterday if you or mvrhel would object if I first committed a patch to set USE_FAST_HT_CODE to 0 (to establish a baseline for the regression without the 'offset' in the fast thresholding code, THEN a second patch with my changes to match the thresholds to the HT tiling (that re-enables the fast code)17:37.02 
Robin_Watts rayjj: You're the guy taking this on, so do what makes your job easiest :)17:37.38 
  Also, when bugs are reported it'll come back to you :)17:37.48 
rayjj the issue is that we will get a mess of differences for the commit that disables the fast code17:38.08 
Robin_Watts But is this just to get sensible results out of the cluster?17:38.15 
rayjj and then any real differences on the second commit (which are difficult to spot now)17:38.45 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Seems perfectly reasonable to me.17:39.00 
  you may want to consider cluster pushing the USE_FAST_HT_CODE = 017:39.20 
  then clusterpushing again with your new one.17:39.29 
  The report comes in 2 halves; different from baseline, and different from previous commit.17:39.46 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I thought that was I was suggesting17:40.00 
Robin_Watts So ideally the second push should have 'nothing' in the different from previous commit section.17:40.08 
  Sorry. I'm being unclear.17:40.40 
rayjj Robin_Watts: oh, I tried that. and I did get differences, but I can't see the bmpcmp between those runs17:40.53 
Robin_Watts Right, yes, bmpcmp is the pain.17:41.05 
  Then do what you suggest. I think that's reasonable.17:41.15 
rayjj Robin_Watts: OK. thanks17:41.29 
  There is still something going on, but I don't think it is the thresholding, but rather the image extents not matching, but it's hard to isolate test cases17:43.09 
  and the thresholding issue is a customer priority bug17:44.03 
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