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avih_ !seen tor807:24.42 
  has tor been around recently?07:24.57 
kens Yes07:25.01 
  But he is about to start an extended vacation07:25.14 
avih ah, thx. extended as in months?07:25.44 
kens Well weeks at least07:25.56 
avih i see. thx07:26.06 
Robin_Watts kens: Did you unzip the entire directory structure?08:56.05 
kens Yes08:56.10 
  I'm nearly finished installing VS 2013 community edition after which I'll have to get hold of the WDK08:56.33 
  Which is currently refusing to download in my regular browsers. I may have to use Internet Exploder08:56.54 
Robin_Watts Yes. I had to use IE.08:57.43 
kens not working for me with IE either08:57.53 
  Tried Firefox, Chrome and IE now and not downloading in any of them08:58.10 
  I wonder what hte point of the checkboxes i the VS 2013 installer is. I said 'not silverlight, Blend, ....' and its gone and installed them all anyway08:59.37 
  <sigh> IE had blocked a popup, which is why the downlad didn't work.....09:00.55 
  Oh, and you can't install the WDK to anything except the C drive, that's just cr*p09:02.25 
  Robin_Watts : did the VS 2013 installer actually exit for you ? It seems to be stuck for me.....09:10.04 
Robin_Watts kens: yeah, worked OK for me.09:14.55 
  but I did leave it running while I did other stuff.09:15.15 
kens I had to kill it and now VS 2013 won't run. Guess I'll have to start again if I actually want to use it. I'm hoping I don't have to09:15.21 
  Almost finished installing the WDK. SHould be done just in time for me to go out.09:15.55 
  Well, it looks like inf2cat will actually run now09:19.46 
  Doesn't seem to work though. II have to go out, I'll carry on later.09:23.57 
tor8 avih: morning.10:04.07 
avih tor8: hey :) hope your time off is for good reasons...10:04.26 
tor8 summertime :)10:04.39 
avih good enough in my book :)10:04.48 
  so, while not of any high importance, i was thinking that the array implementation could be optimized for shift/unshift in a not too complex way, to make these ops in O(1) per item, and without meaningful hit to perf otherwise.10:06.19 
  the reason for this is that arrays are the "natural" implementation for queues in javascript, and V8 already optimizes shift pretty impressively10:07.09 
tor8 avih: what sort of optimization did you have in mind?10:07.49 
avih so the only extra property an array would need to hold is "offset", which only gets modified for shift/unshift10:08.03 
tor8 remember, we don't actually treat arrays any different from other objects, they are string indexed dictionaries10:08.12 
avih exactly for this reason10:08.23 
  otherwise there could be other approaches for optimizations10:08.38 
tor8 right, that might work10:08.44 
avih so the getter/setter will take this offset into account, which is pretty trivial both code wise and perf wise, since most of the perf goes on accessing the item at the tree anyway10:09.35 
  i implemented such array in js just to check its feasibility, and it looks good10:10.12 
tor8 yeah, all the code goes through the "high" level accessors anyway, so tweaking it at a low enough level should be transparent10:10.26 
avih exactly10:10.33 
tor8 I'm only working today and tomorrow, before my vacation, so I don't expect I'll be able to merge any patches until I come back10:11.04 
avih and then shift is merely changing the offset value by 1, and unshift changes the offset by number of args it has, and voila. shift and unshift in O(num args) rather than O(arr-length)10:11.45 
  yeah, no worries, just wanted to see what you think10:12.25 
  maybe i have hidden gotchas which i didn't notice10:12.41 
  (though my js implementation does seem to work well)10:12.51 
tor8 jsR_hasproperty and jsR_setproperty would be where the guts live10:13.45 
  they already check if an object is an array to do the automatic length property update10:14.01 
  doing a further check to apply an offset to a numeric index should be fairly simple10:14.28 
avih fwiw, that's my js implementation. 
tor8 though I'm sure there are a few gotchas hidden in the code10:15.10 
avih yeah. my new array prototype supports get/set (methods rather than props), push/pop, shift/unshift, delete, reverse and change length. i wanted to see if there would be any inherent gotchas in any of those, and i don't think i could notice once10:16.58 
  anyway, enjoy your time off :)10:25.00 
  it's probably possible to do reverse in O(1) too, but making the accessor taking into account both offset and the reverse bit could be a bit tricky, so my first attempt has only offset. but once offset works, i think it should also be trivial to add an inverse-direction bit10:28.03 
  though now that i think of it, there could be an inherent gotcha. if you push and shift repeatedly, the offset keeps changing in one direction, which could introduce issues of integer overflow.12:35.54 
  so ultimately one would need to manage those too, possibly "reindexing" the array if it gets to that12:36.45 
Robin_Watts avih: You might find that overflow in 2s complement maths just does the right thing.12:51.29 
avih possibly, but it needs to be validated12:51.58 
kens OK vs 2013 stup completed this time, so I need to restart, brb12:54.57 
  Wel, I'm completely unable to make inf2cat do anythign useful :-(14:13.26 
Robin_Watts kens: Presumably you've tried following: ?14:16.44 
kens I have yes14:16.50 
  #Whenever I invoke inf2cat (on any .inf file) it says the file does not exist14:17.10 
Robin_Watts Is there a particular stage where it all breaks down?14:17.14 
  It wants the directory that contains the .inf file, not the .inf file itself.14:18.04 
kens wibbles14:18.16 
Robin_Watts Don't shoot the googler :)14:18.33 
kens I don't understand how it knows aht the device is called then, but let me try that14:18.50 
  Well its doing 'soemthing' now14:20.06 
  How long can this take?.....14:21.15 
  Maybe I should have made a nice simple directoty for it,I bet its doing all the files in that folder, and its huge14:21.44 
  Well, that's progress, I seem to have a .cat file14:23.44 
  Now to do the certificate dance14:24.06 
  Robin_Watts : did you add certificates to your store ?14:27.50 
Robin_Watts kens: I think so.14:28.54 
kens :-)14:29.09 
Robin_Watts I had to do something like that to extract the certs from the supplied .p12 file into the .spc .pem etc files.14:29.17 
kens I'm not totally sure how to use the certificate, but I htnk I need to start by importing the Comodo cert14:29.49 
  WHich I'm just doing now14:29.55 
Robin_Watts There is a URL in the README in the Certificates dir that contains the procedures I followed.14:34.12 
kens Yeah I'm having trouble figuring out what to do with all the things you sent14:34.31 
  Hmm, I installed it to my computer, rather than to Internet Explorer, but I suspec the two are equivalent14:35.34 
  You don't need steps 2 and 3 from that.14:37.21 
kens Yeah but they all want to use signcode, which I don;t have14:37.29 
Robin_Watts signtool sign14:37.37 
kens The MS instructions say ot use signtool14:37.41 
Robin_Watts I think "signtool sign" does what signcode used to do.14:37.59 
kens Possibly14:38.06 
  OK looks like I need a /f switch14:38.45 
Robin_Watts And I don't think you need any steps after 4.14:38.54 
kens No all I need to do is sign the thing14:39.07 
  Hmm, well it *says* its signed it....14:41.56 
Robin_Watts kens: Want to throw it at me, and I'll try to install it?14:42.12 
kens OK one moment14:42.19 
  OK its on its way14:44.14 
  Doesn't install anything when I double click it though14:44.33 
Robin_Watts kens: That's a security catalogue. It's not a signed driver14:53.28 
kens I've sent the .ppd and .inf as well14:53.41 
Robin_Watts Oh, right. They haven't arrived yet :)14:53.54 
kens SOrry :-)14:53.59 
  I thnk you may need a different .cat file, which OS are you trying ?14:54.10 
Robin_Watts 714:54.17 
kens OK that should work14:54.23 
  As long as its 32-bit14:54.34 
  I forgot to add 64-bit and Windows 8 at the time14:54.43 
  But when I try it here I'm still getting a security warning14:55.00 
  Admittedly it isn't one of the naty warnings, so maybe that's just UAC being officious14:55.43 
Robin_Watts I think we still expect UAC to bleat at us.14:56.11 
kens Ok then tha't sprobably fine. I guess I'll boot up my WIndows 8 VM and try it there.14:56.30 
Robin_Watts We just don't expect the "Ew! This isn't signed! It'll break everything!"14:56.41 
kens Yeah I don't get that any more, it says its signed by Artifex14:56.54 
  Let me mail you a new .cat, for all 4 variants14:57.09 
  You hsould get the .inf and .ppd at the same time, for some reason Eudora had decided to sit on them14:58.15 
Robin_Watts Ok, when I click the .inf I get warned "Publisher: Unknown Publisher"15:01.23 
  So that's not worked.15:01.40 
kens You have the .cat in the same directory ? THe .inf is supposed to refer to the .cat15:02.01 
Robin_Watts I have a GhostPDF directoru with .cat, .inf, .ppd in.15:02.21 
kens Yeah that's what I have too15:02.33 
  Oh, I couldn't doa double clik on the .inf15:03.11 
  I had to add the printer form the control panel15:03.18 
  WHen I tried to double clik it it told me that wasn't supported15:03.31 
  If I right-click on Windows 8 then I get the UAC warning, but it says its signed, I thnk15:04.05 
  And that's the only warning I get15:04.26 
Robin_Watts Add what sort of printer?15:05.13 
kens 'Have disk'15:05.27 
Robin_Watts From Devices and Printers => Add a printer15:05.36 
  it asks me "Add a local printer" or "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer"15:05.52 
kens Add a local printer15:06.01 
sebras tor8: is there anything left to do for the gif patches?15:06.10 
Robin_Watts Use an existing port? or Create a new port ?15:06.16 
kens Use existing port15:06.22 
Robin_Watts Which port?15:06.28 
sebras tor8: if possible I'd like them to be on origin/master before your leave.15:06.32 
kens Anyo one15:06.33 
  LPT1 is fine15:06.38 
Robin_Watts Ok, I added it as LPT3, and I have a Ghostscript PDF.15:08.07 
  Can we really not get it so that we can double click the .inf file?15:08.18 
kens Yeah that's what I get, tho mine is on LPT1:15:08.19 
  Robin_Watts : I have no idea15:08.27 
  WHen I try that here i tells me that's not a supported installaton method15:08.44 
  Although it gives no errors on Windows 8, I don't get a printer either :-)(15:09.05 
  Well double-click for me opens the file in Notepad. RIght-click->Install says 'The INF file you selected does not support ths method of installation'.15:11.22 
Robin_Watts kens: OK, so I think we need a [DefaultInstall] section in the .inf to be able to double click it.15:11.54 
kens COUld be15:12.02 
kens I was looking for somethig like that15:12.09 
kens Greek to me :-(15:13.08 
  OK so if I add that then it wants me to give it pscript5.dll15:14.44 
Robin_Watts what exactly did you add?15:17.39 
kens [DefaultInstall]15:17.49 
  Just a copy of the 'Installer' section15:18.04 
Robin_Watts oh, wait...15:18.08 
  Note The INF file of a driver package must not contain an INF DefaultInstall section if the driver package is to be digitally signed. For more information about signing driver packages, see Driver Signing.15:18.20 
kens I was about to paste that15:18.25 
  Just read it15:18.28 
  So that's a no-no then15:18.34 
  Seems like if its digitally signed, you can't install ths way15:18.46 
Robin_Watts Fair enough.15:18.55 
  Excuse my ignorance here... this driver does what?15:19.42 
kens Nothing much15:19.48 
  Technically it allows you to firstly install RedMon, then select the RedMon port during installation.15:20.14 
  THen you cna have RedMon run Ghostscript in order to convert the PostScript to PDF15:20.34 
  Thereby getting you a 'Print to PDF' solution15:20.45 
Robin_Watts So the port is where it gets it's input from?15:20.50 
kens No the port is where the PostScript is sent to15:21.04 
  Could be a serial port, parallel port, network or FILE:15:21.21 
Robin_Watts Postscript is sent to?15:21.37 
  or PDF is sent to ?15:21.41 
kens PostScript15:21.45 
  THe .inf installs a PostScript driver15:21.54 
  Windows really only has one PostScript driver for all the PS prtiners15:22.14 
  The .ppd file distinguishes them15:22.21 
Robin_Watts oh, I see. So this .inf doesn't actually involve gs at all.15:22.35 
kens Nope15:22.39 
Robin_Watts Gotcha.15:22.51 
kens Its a mer convenience, which is why Chris and I have never been terribly bothered about it15:22.57 
  A signed one is 'nice to have' but far from vital.15:23.14 
  And of course it doens't work worth a damn on Windows 8+15:23.26 
  Because the printing system is utterly different15:23.37 
  OK it seems that you can add our printer in WIndows 8, and it even works afterwards. Whether RedMon will work is debatable, but that's a different story. So I'll leave Windows 8 capability in the signing stuff.15:35.46 
avih tor8: re array again, i don't think i see how 1. js_setindex changes the array length. and 2. how changing the array length disposes of the truncated elements...15:40.55 
  (in mujs code)15:41.03 
  (js code does behave correctly, i.e. var x=[]; x[3]=3; <- x is of length 4 with first three elements empty, but i don't see where this happens at the code)15:42.04 
  since js_setlength and js_setindex are super simple15:42.50 
  or maybe there's some custom array magic inside js_setproperty in case the object is an array?15:45.30 
  ah, there's some array specific magic. for truncating length, and few lines later for adding a value at index>=length16:10.43 
tor8 avih: looks like you found the answer yourself :)17:30.51 
avih i got lucky :)18:14.26 
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