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rayjj henrys: so order preservation (I assume order of entry into the dictionary) is required, but not mentioned in the docs? And why isn't the binary tree code in the source? I see in comment 4 in bug 695568 you said "I know Norbert uses binary trees for the dictionary"00:03.23 
  henrys: I missed that obscure comment, but since I was able to replicate a slowdown I'm not sure that he is using anything that speeds up the dict access/search. This file defines 64K macros with incrementing keys00:05.33 
  henrys: in any case, is there an example file that requires a specific order of search? (as far as I can tell, you can't have two entries with the same key -- they are replaced) so access using the key will be unique.00:07.38 
  henrys: It may be that there is a font issue since pcl5ccet/25-13.BIN shows a difference, but that is the *only* difference in 75k tests from the regression run with the hash table code.00:13.28 
  henrys: at the very least, explanation of the requirement for search order and possibly norbert's binary tree should be in the code.00:15.28 
  henrys: there are extensive comments in the code about 'synonyms' all being "equivalent" and "commutative and transitive", but that relates to the value, *not* the key or the search order.00:18.36 
Robin_ fredross-perry: Hey00:35.10 
fredross-perry yo00:35.18 
Robin_ I did some android stuff for separations. Let me try and find it.00:36.17 
  crap. I did it at home on my computer. I bet I pushed it to my repo on casper, and I've now overwritten it.00:42.33 
  My computer at home is turned off, so I can't get to it :(00:42.45 
rayjj henrys: bug closed, *with* the patch attached in case norbert wants to have a look at it (no performance numbers are stated for his binary tree methods AFAIK, so this might be faster). In any case, I won't spend any time looking at relative performace of 9.06 vs 9.16 with the hash table code unless someone re-opens the bug (or opens a new bug)00:43.16 
Robin_ I bet the commits are on ~robin/repos/mupdf.git on casper, but I can't see how to get to them.00:43.19 
rayjj Robin_: you mean you don't recall the SHA ? ;-)00:45.17 
Robin_ rayjj: We've discussed my memory before, right? :)00:45.43 
rayjj Robin_: if we did, I've forgotten ;-)00:46.05 
Robin_ fredross-perry: You might find a magic git command to pull them out. If not, sorry, it'll have to wait til I get back.00:48.28 
  I am being called away...00:48.34 
fredross-perry That would explain. No worries. I thought I was losing my mind. But I found it, it was right here in the drawer. ;-)00:49.45 
rayjj I'm on to digging into the cust 532 issue (that I hoped would have just gone away). Acrobat seems to totally ignore TilingType 1 -- I've constructed example files (sent to customer as well) that show the effect00:51.58 
henrys sorry about the confusion rayjj the problem was assigned to you to confirm or refute a performance regression in the chunk allocator. I didn't think you'd get into the pldict.c stuff.01:29.32 
Robin_ tor8: For the logs, do you know of any git magic to pull a commit out of a bare repo? If so, there are some android mupdf.c changes on ~robin/repos/mupdf.git that I did just before I left that would be useful to fred.03:15.19 
rayjj henrys: given the dramatic performance improvement of the hash based pldict approach, and norbert's numbers (presumably with his binary search dict) the effort is probably not wasted. FWIW, the total chunk allocator percentage was less than one tenth the pl_dict stuff (according to the profiler -- which is still a bit questionable)03:37.32 
  henrys: as I said, I'm surprised that the improvement with the hashing was so large, since the profiler (if I'm decoding it correctly) had it as 15%, not 95%03:39.01 
  but for now, I'm focused on Len's/Phillip's issue03:39.19 
jogux Robin_: fredrossperry: I suspect git fsck --full --no-reflogs --unreachable --lost-found | grep commit gets you part way there. that turns up an awfully long list though :-(08:24.59 
chrisl kens: When you have a minute, can you cast an eye over:;a=commitdiff;h=5f03bedb09:24.53 
kens 1 second09:25.19 
  wow quite a few changes09:26.12 
  chrisl all looks fie to me09:27.45 
chrisl kens: Thanks - it's not surprising there are quite a few misuses, given the interspersing of sfopen() and gp_fopen() calls :-(09:28.42 
kens yeah I';m sure that's true09:29.05 
  chrisl your commit caused a number of seg faults :-(09:46.39 
chrisl Huh? It didn't yesterday.....09:50.41 
kens I'm only going by the cluster report09:54.29 
  Admittedly I can't see why it would cause seg faults either09:54.44 
chrisl Well, the good news is that I can reproduce the crash09:55.48 
kens Oh well that's something anyway09:56.04 
chrisl Er, it's crashing in pdfwrite.... weird09:57.00 
kens :-(09:57.10 
  I've been making changes there, fixing Coverity problems09:57.22 
  can you give me an example that fails ?09:57.48 
chrisl svn/ghostscript/tests/Ghent_V3.0/051_Font_subset_PSnames_ident_x1a.pdf09:58.18 
kens OK let me check here09:58.26 
chrisl Crash is in assign_char_code() in gdevpdti.c09:58.36 
kens THat sounds like it was me then09:58.46 
  Because I changed that09:58.52 
  But why didn't I get a cluster run error ?09:59.02 
  And it doesn't crash for me on Windows09:59.43 
  Do I need a specific command line ?09:59.58 
chrisl I used: -sOutputFile=./ -sDEVICE=ps2write -r300 -Z: -sDEFAULTPAPERSIZE=letter -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dClusterJob -dJOBSERVER ../../svn/ghostscript/tests/Ghent_V3.0/051_Font_subset_PSnames_ident_x1a.pdf10:00.22 
kens OK it could be that pbfs->open_font->rname is NULL that would do it10:00.43 
chrisl It is10:00.51 
kens OK I can fix that, but I still want to know why the cluster didnt' flag it as a problem for me10:01.14 
  Oh you're using ps2write, not pdfwrite10:02.05 
chrisl Actually, pdfs->open_font is NULL10:03.45 
kens That sounds bad.10:03.54 
  I thnk I need to rethink that change10:04.14 
  Huh, in fact I thnk I need to remove it altogether10:04.50 
  I think that's actually a Coverity false positive10:04.59 
  let me just try that on the cluster10:05.54 
chrisl kens: If I reset to the commit *before* my sfopen() one, I still get the same crash10:06.10 
kens Yeah you should, but weirdly I didn't10:06.21 
  1 moment while I fix this10:06.50 
  and test it10:06.53 
chrisl Ray had that oddity the other evening, too, with loads of files suddenly throwing errors10:07.33 
kens THs is a genuine fault, it *should* have thrown errors, I think GMail may have eaten my cluster report10:07.59 
  And indeed, ther eit is in the spam folder :-(10:08.32 
  That's the srouce of the problem, I was doing a number of commits and didn't realise that one of the test mails had gone AWOL10:09.59 
  First time I've had GMail mark a cluster run as spam though10:10.16 
chrisl And you latest commit doesn't build10:10.25 
kens I fixed that at the same time10:10.37 
  Or at leats I will, when I'm sure this cluster test is OK10:11.07 
chrisl Baffling.....10:11.24 
kens Well my cluster email has vanished into the ether somewhere, but the dashboard report says its fine.10:20.55 
  So I'll do that commit now10:21.00 
  OK that should sort it out. Apologies for any confusion engendered.10:23.35 
chrisl These things do happen10:24.20 
kens Something somewhere has defintely eaten the report from my last cluster run :-(10:25.55 
tor8 Robin_: git reflog or git fsck --unreachable10:45.11 
  Robin_: ah, jogux beat me to it.10:45.53 
jogux :-)10:56.52 
user8271 does anyone have experience with identify counting pages?12:55.25 
kens No idea what you mean12:55.41 
user8271 I use "identify -format %n pdf_file" to count the number of pages12:56.35 
  but with the latest version, instead of outputing number of pages in pdf, it outputs number of pages repeated by number of pages12:57.03 
kens Nope, no clue.12:57.03 
  Perhaps you shoudl ask the maintainers of the identify utility12:57.16 
user8271 version is 6.9.1-1012:57.30 
  where do I find them?12:57.40 
kens Other than 'not here' I have no idea12:57.50 
  Apparently its part of ImageMagick12:58.14 
  So I'd ask there12:58.19 
  They appear to have a forum here:12:59.38 
user8271 I thought it is part of ghostscript, but seems I was wrong. thank you! 13:01.12 
kens Defintely not part of Ghostscript, though it 'might' use it13:01.32 
henrys oh I didn't know you could specify --depth with git clone, nice if you don't need all the history locally...14:33.12 
chrisl I think it's a fairly recent addition14:34.12 
henrys marcosw: we looked at this a while ago but it's back again. gs4txtwrite is hogging a CPU on casper, been going for at least a day...14:45.37 
kens can we keep the input file this time please ?14:46.19 
chrisl It's not clear it's going to be useful given the gs executable is ancient14:47.08 
kens <</ManualFeed false>> setpagedevice statusdict begin 0 setpapertray end<</ManualFeed false>> setpagedevice statusdict begin 0 setpapertray end<</ManualFeed false>> setpagedevice statusdict begin 0 setpapertray end<</ManualFeed false>> setpagedevice statusdict begin 0 setpapertray endOh, well that won;t help certianly14:47.19 
  Bah stupid cut/paste14:47.27 
  Migh still be nce to look at it though14:47.54 
chrisl Well, I've no idea where the input file is stored, and I doubt marcosw will know either14:48.28 
  The gs executable for that page dates from 201314:49.35 
kens Oh dear :-(14:49.50 
  More coffee.....14:50.11 
henrys do you want the file it is working on?14:50.14 
kens If you can find it then yes, please14:50.31 
henrys it's in your home on casper. It starts with CGItemp14:51.26 
  I was hoping marcosw would have some sort of alarm for processes running 100% for days that he uses with the cluster stuff... but not sure.14:53.13 
kens OK I see the file, now lets try it out14:54.33 
henrys here are the command lines running now on casper. Not sure why there are 2 and why one is sleeping:14:55.29 
  www-data 6118 0.0 0.0 2272 492 ? S Aug05 0:00 sh -c /usr/lib/cgi-bin/gs4txtwrite -sstdout=/dev/null -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=txtwrite -dSAFER -sOutputFile=- 2>/dev/null -dTextFormat=2 /var/tmp/CGItemp5287914:55.31 
  www-data 6119 95.3 0.0 31436 1256 ? R Aug05 2007:43 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/gs4txtwrite -sstdout=/dev/null -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=txtwrite -dSAFER -sOutputFile=- -dTextFormat=2 /var/tmp/CGItemp5287914:55.31 
kens well it doesn't lock up with a newer executable14:56.36 
  as Chrisl suspected14:56.41 
  Hmm, I don't thnk the user who submitted that file really thought about it. Its a "Unique identification Authority of India" letter15:01.33 
  It has his name address ID number and possibly other stuff in it.15:02.00 
  Beswt we delete that I htnk15:02.06 
chrisl kens: how long does it take to process?15:02.24 
kens I can't tell its too quick :-)15:02.34 
  effectively instant15:02.43 
henrys now I notice the distribution gs on casper is also really old, I thought marcosw updated regularly15:02.55 
chrisl gs distribution on casper?15:03.18 
rayjj peeves and peeved new IP addresses appear to have propagated now. Can others confirm that it looks ok15:03.35 
kens I see them at and 16515:04.28 
henrys chrisl: yeah /usr/bin/gs is 9.10 as well. I thought the solution would be just use the distribution release then we'd have a fairly recent version for this.15:04.33 
rayjj those txtwrite issues have come up often15:04.34 
  kens: thanks. those are correct15:04.43 
chrisl henrys: that's the gs version that came with Ubuntu 14.04, so.....15:05.06 
henrys chrisl: makes sense15:07.50 
  I wonder what would trigger them to update 14.04 LTS with a new gs? a security issue?15:09.10 
chrisl Nothing.15:09.23 
henrys rayjj: peeves and peeved "ping" for me.15:10.49 
morksig hello gs people, I'm playing around with FreeType's OpenType CFF renderer and was wondering... is there any specific reason why the URW35 fonts supplied with GS are shipping as Type1 fonts instead of modern .otfs?15:37.29 
chrisl morksig: mainly because it's a Postscript interpreter so it makes sense to ship with Type 1 fonts15:38.03 
  morksig: Postscript doesn't support otf fonts15:38.33 
morksig ah, okay :) because I love the CFF renderer and was thinking about investing some time to fix up the hinting of some fonts and sending the otfs for inclusion, in an attempt to promote FreeType's CFF renderer to distros.15:41.13 
  they part of the standard collection of installed fonts after all15:42.33 
chrisl morksig: We do actually have plans to move to using otf/CFF fonts - but internally, they end up being treated as Postscript Type 2 fonts. But we use the fonts that URW ship, we've stopped patching them15:42.43 
morksig hm, you mean URW supplies CFF fonts themselves to the project? or that you're going to simply convert the type1s to cffs?15:44.53 
chrisl morksig: URW will supply us with otf fonts15:45.24 
morksig oh! that's nice :) so I just have to stay put and wait :) any ETA?15:46.19 
chrisl We're hoping release after next. But there's stuff internal to Ghostscript we have to resolve first15:47.08 
morksig alright, thanks :)15:49.28 
  that means I can close my bug 696133 :)15:50.30 
chrisl morksig: also note that if we get feedback that there's stuff out there that *relies* on the base-35 being Type 1, the plan might fall in a heap......15:50.48 
morksig hm. can't you ship both then? at least so that distros can prefer the otfs?15:53.00 
chrisl These are the *Ghostscript* fonts - we ship the fonts that Ghostscript uses15:54.22 
  Plus, there's not much of a benefit to OTF fonts15:55.15 
morksig yes, well, but they're also the default core fonts on several distros. Fedora puts them in "/usr/share/fonts/***default***/ghostscript/", which says something I think ;) the main benefit is that FreeType's CFF renderer can render CFF fonts at a higher quality than Type1 fonts, which is the main reason I want them.15:57.45 
chrisl Well, you could fix the Freetype Type 1 code......15:59.01 
henrys morksig: do you have samples of rendering differences?15:59.19 
  just curious15:59.25 
chrisl TBH, shipping both is something I would consider - once we get the current issues resolved, they're not going to change much/often15:59.51 
morksig the author of the CFF renderer said it could theoretically be rewritten to also handle type1, but advised against it because it would increase complexity a lot. as it stands, only CFF fonts are handled right now16:00.32 
chrisl We know what the problem is with Freetype's Type 1 code - although, I'm unclear about how the CFF interpreter resolves it16:00.52 
morksig henrys: and 
chrisl morksig: it's not a renderer, it's just an interpreter - all font types use the same renderers in freetype16:01.30 
morksig okay, interpreter then :)16:01.57 
chrisl The major problem with the Type 1 code is that the outlines aren't scaled as the charstrings are parsed16:04.13 
henrys morksig: neith of those links diff type 1 and cff they seem to diff cff with different rasterizers?16:05.50 
  I guess the assumption is the type 1's will come out the same.16:06.50 
chrisl I must admit, I didn't notice that big an improvement in switching to the Adobe contributed code, for the Ghostscript use, anyway16:08.26 
morksig henrys: hm, well, yeah. what I basically want to say is that I like the output of Adobe's CFF interpreter/engine much more than what FreeType's autohint puts out :) Using the autohint path for type1, cff and truetype thingies will probably yield the same result.16:10.50 
  chrisl: rendering improvement or otherwise?16:13.27 
chrisl Rendering - but then, we don't use hinting (except for TTF fonts)16:15.03 
morksig it's only active when you hint afaik, "hintfull" without autohinting in fontconfig-speak16:16.06 
  or okay, just the hinting part is active then :D16:16.26 
chrisl What's only active?16:16.32 
morksig which is what I'm after16:16.40 
  the hinting part of it16:16.52 
chrisl Yes, well, hinting is of limited importance for anything above ~300dpi16:17.42 
  And for a *lot* of fonts out there, the low-res results are worse with hinting....16:18.27 
morksig yeah, which is why i want 300+dpi in desktop monitors...16:18.47 
  I find e.g. Adobe's Source font family quite nice with hinting.16:19.38 
chrisl Very few free or cheap fonts have the time devoted to them to produce really good hinting16:20.22 
malc_ morksig: Just today i noticed terrible kerning with source code pro... sigh16:20.35 
morksig yes, but my impression is that hinting a font is MUCH easier with CFF-type fonts because of the simpler type1-esqueness16:21.33 
chrisl Than Truetype? Sure, Truetype doesn't really have "hinting"16:23.00 
morksig malc_: how so?16:23.04 
malc_ morksig: not sure what you are asking16:23.40 
morksig malc_: i haven't noticed terrible kerning, so I was asking for an example :)16:24.20 
malc_ morksig: it was in cyrillic portion..16:25.58 
morksig okay, no experience with that ;)16:26.20 
malc_ can't blame you16:26.44 
Robin_ Changing hotels. See y'all in a bit.17:05.23 
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