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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/08/22)20150823 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts: in the latest gprf-doc.c, with SUPPORT_GPROOF defined, USE_GS_API also gets defined if it’s the android build, which causes iapi.h to be included, which is not found in the android build, and so the build fails. If I simply don’t include iapi.h, everything builds and works fine.01:19.11 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Absolutely. That was a change that Michael made on friday, I think.10:18.47 
  The correct thing to do is to copy iapi.h in from gs (or to add an include path to gs in to the mupdf android build).10:19.34 
marcosw morning all. my router power supply died saturday evening so the ATS and much of the cluster was unavailable until I swapped in my backup router a few minutes ago (I was out when it happened and didn't return until late so didn't notice). sorry if this was a problem.15:07.45 
 Forward 1 day (to 2015/08/24)>>>