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mvrhel_laptop running bmpcmp now this fix shaved off a good bit of time according to the regression tests04:42.00 
  we will see what diffs look like....04:42.15 
  diffs look reasonable04:50.38 
  henrys: speed up in the regression testing was pretty significant04:54.45 
  gs went from 19:42:34 to 15:25:29 04:55.06 
  not sure how marcosw computes those04:55.23 
  pushing this and then closing the bug04:56.03 
  I really wonder if we should put this in the RC04:59.01 
  but we can talk about it tomorrow04:59.08 
  and no customer bugs for me. so back to gsview...05:00.09 
  but bed time now05:00.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: question: why do we call fz_register_document_handlers manually?09:16.50 
  is that an attempt to keep down the executable sizes for mutool?09:17.05 
Robin_Watts tor8: The idea is that other people can add new document handlers.10:31.46 
  fz_register_document_handlers is merely a convenience function.10:32.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, but shouldn't our default handlers be installed by default? less stuff you have to remember to set up when you init mupdf...11:16.06 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think we want the ability to not install the default stuff.11:39.39 
  For space, as you say.11:39.44 
  tor8: OK, so I'm going to have a quick look at the VS2005 build problem, OK?12:39.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay.12:39.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, so the problem is because of the: typedef int64_t fz_off_t; line.12:59.19 
  Using int there it compiles with no problems.12:59.28 
  So it's not something that can fixed by tweaking includes.12:59.43 
tor8 so it crashes if we pass int64_t values to 64-bit file functions?13:11.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: No. Or at least not obviously that.13:13.19 
  It's a compiler optimisation bug that seems to be triggered when we are using int64_t's *somewhere*.13:13.45 
  I'm trying disabling link time code generation...13:13.57 
  Right, that solves it.13:14.02 
  I think that's a reasonable fix.13:14.09 
tor8 if changing the compiler options works, then that's good enough for me13:14.40 
Robin_Watts So, there is 1 more problem we could look at before release.13:15.12 
  actually, maybe we could benefit by doing a quick sweep of bugzilla.13:16.14 
  but was the one I had in mind.13:16.20 
tor8 we should merge the gl branch and put mupdf-gl in the release13:16.31 
  but yes, a quick sweep of the bugzilla wouldn't hurt either13:16.39 
Robin_Watts The problem is that the latest gcc doesn't treat longjmp as a function call.13:16.40 
tor8 I've not looked at bugs at all since coming back from vacation...13:16.56 
Robin_Watts hence when we longjmp it doesn't flush memory writes.13:16.57 
  I think maybe we need an fz_longjmp.13:17.12 
tor8 also, there is something that bugs me13:17.14 
  if we can't recognize a file type, we default to PDF and if it isn't a PDF we try to repair it13:17.30 
  if it's obviously not a PDF, we should bail at some point13:17.38 
  now we error out with the document having 0 pages instead13:17.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, if we can't find a valid PDF header within the first 4K (or trailer maybe)? we should bale.13:18.09 
tor8 wow, that's sounds like plain broken gcc behaviour13:19.06 
chrisl IIRC, the PDF spec says the PDF header should be inside the first 1K13:20.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes.13:20.21 
tor8 yeah, start by looking for a version in the first 4K before we seek to the end to look for startxref would be okay13:20.24 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes, but I think Acrobat is more forgiving.13:20.35 
  We should do 4097 bytes so as to be even more forgiving than acrobat :)13:20.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: something confuses me, we check explicitly for if we have a /Root object and if we don't we make one up in pdf_repair_13:21.09 
  why not just bail then and there?13:21.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: What if it's the /Root object that has been corrupted?13:22.10 
  It's not atypical for the /Root to be the final object in the file.13:22.24 
  (And you wrote that code, I think :) )13:22.49 
tor8 a long long looooong time ago!13:23.27 
  header check sounds like the best way out here13:23.37 
  and maybe a sanity check that we have at least one page after repairing13:24.06 
Robin_Watts tor8: hehe. I've just been retrofitting stuff to the SOT PDF agent. Which I first wrote back in 1995 ish.13:24.37 
tor8 hmm. we start repairing because we can't find the version marker if you run it on a non-pdf file13:25.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah, having a corrupted version marker is something we want to fix.13:30.11 
  But we should probably insist that either the version marker, OR the trailer should be valid.13:30.29 
  Or maybe that at least we spot an x x obj ... endobj within the top part of the file or something.13:30.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I have a two-line fix that should work well enough13:42.23 
  if we found no objects during the scan, we can safely bail13:42.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: seems reasonable. :)13:45.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: two commits on tor/master13:45.03 
  updating the example.c file to use the new convenience function13:45.14 
  and add proper error handling13:45.20 
  if people are going to copy & paste examples, better show them how to deal with errors as wel13:45.32 
Robin_Watts The style in the examples.c file is at odds to the rest of mupdf.13:46.22 
  if (asdasd) {13:46.26 
  Other than that, looks good.13:47.18 
tor8 Yes. But it's the most commonly found C style :)13:47.36 
  actually, I should amend the comment at the top. the usage is wrong, it has an 'output.png' in there13:47.54 
  I figure printing as PPM would show how to access the pixel data better than an opaque 'write to png' call13:48.15 
Robin_Watts And chlamydia is the most commonly found STD. Doesn't mean you want it though.13:48.15 
  tor8: sure.13:48.41 
tor8 which style does gs use?13:48.48 
Robin_Watts 'style'. 'gs'. Does not compute.13:49.07 
tor8 I think sebras is to blame for the current brace style in mupdf ... my personal preference is for K&R.13:49.25 
Robin_Watts My preference is for if ()\n{\n...\n} (i.e. what MuPDF has).13:52.47 
  so I'm with sebras.13:52.51 
chrisl I think that makes it much easier to see "blocks" of code, and thus follow the logic of the code13:53.26 
Robin_Watts tries to persuade Ubuntu to install gcc 5.13:53.27 
  chrisl: Indeed.13:53.32 
chrisl Which is why I prefer it, too13:53.45 
  Hmm, my ubuntu doesn't have a gcc 5 package.....13:54.34 
Robin_Watts g++-5 ?13:56.03 
chrisl You must be more up to date than me13:56.31 
Robin_Watts Hmm. I can't get 5 either.13:57.02 
chrisl There's a ppa you could try13:57.13 
Robin_Watts Supposedly I have 4.9 already, and 4.9 should exhibit the bug... but doesn't for me.13:57.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, style updated example.c on tor/master13:57.31 
Robin_Watts much nicer. Looks good to me.13:59.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh, did you review the epub commits on tor/master?14:00.25 
Robin_Watts looking now.14:02.23 
  So, fallback text and text can be interleaved.14:02.33 
  l k t h14:02.42 
  i e i s14:02.49 
  bah. That'd have been more impressive if I got that right.14:03.03 
  My point is that suppose we have a sTrInG, where the capitals are only in the fallback font.14:03.39 
  Then we'll write that to the device interface as srn TIG, which will upset any text extraction we ever do.14:04.04 
  or text -> speech etc.14:04.13 
  All the other commits look good though, and that's a minor point, so I wouldn't hold up the commit for that.14:04.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. I want to rewrite that code to buffer up longer strings of text into one fz_text instead of creating one per word.14:07.36 
  this was just the fastest way to get things done14:07.50 
Robin_Watts Sure. Go for it then.14:08.00 
tor8 but as you say, that's for later :)14:08.43 
Robin_Watts bug 696194 sounds like a "I am not going to help you with this until you get a commercial license" one.14:09.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: another idea I had was to add fallback fonts to the actual fz_font structure14:10.01 
Robin_Watts DFOEindia sound like a 'digital textbooks' company to me, and if they are using MuPDF, we should get paid.14:10.04 
  tor8: Yes, I was about to say that maybe fallback should be something we handle at a lower level.14:10.21 
tor8 not very useful for either XPS or PDF but for everything that does text layout like EPUB it would be handy14:10.28 
Robin_Watts SOT has the idea of fallback fonts in that way - we make a list of fallbacks so as to try to cover the different scripts available.14:11.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. being able to chain fallback fonts would be quite handy.14:11.34 
  especially if you've got lots of fonts for various scripts.14:11.50 
henrys kens, tor8, chrisl: posted this after you left yesterday feel free to edit, but let me know if you do: 
chrisl henrys: I saw - it looks fine. If I think of anything, I'll let you know, or comment on the wiki14:13.06 
tor8 henrys: point 1, might be useful if we're explicit about the list (i.e. mention Century Schoolbook, Bookman, Gothic, Palladio/Palatino, and Chancery)14:13.41 
  other than that it looked fine14:13.51 
  Chancery is just the one font, not a family14:14.15 
henrys tor8: oh good point I'll fix that.14:14.28 
tor8 and probably the one base35 we could conceivably ignore14:14.34 
  apart from the obvious symbol/dingbats14:14.42 
sebras t m p t14:19.38 
  tor8: I am to blame for the brace style? ok. I wasn't aware of that. I was under the impression that you taught it to me... ;)14:20.26 
henrys chrisl: tor8: if we want 35 we need to fill in the rest of the helvetica's right? or are we good with just the 4 done last time?14:29.35 
kens henrys, I certainly have nothiing to add, I@m sure chrisl knows way more about it than me14:29.59 
henrys there are 8 helveticas right?14:30.19 
chrisl Yes, we don't have the Helvetica Narrow family updated - I think it would be best to get those, too14:31.56 
  henrys: ^^14:31.59 
henrys okay14:32.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: Can you look at bug 696182 for a mo?14:34.23 
  zenikos first patch seems reasonable.14:34.33 
  but his second patch looks to conflict with what we have there already.14:34.50 
  It looks like you added some stuff, but it's different to his.14:35.07 
  Any thoughts?14:35.10 
  ooh. mutool draw -p test doesn't work14:39.33 
  Missing : in the getopt line.14:40.35 
henrys I had forgotten all about those other helveticas until I tried to add stuff up and wasn't getting 35 ;-)14:49.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: oops. I'm blind.14:50.01 
tor8 henrys: good catch!14:53.31 
  I'd completely forgotten about helvetica narrow14:53.39 
chrisl It's easy (even preferable) to forget.....14:54.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, missing a : in the getopt for mudraw15:00.43 
  Robin_Watts: with our current master, we can open with the 'user' password15:01.00 
  the 'owner' passwords passes authentication, but then fails to decrypt stuff correctly15:01.11 
  any other password fails the authentication15:01.18 
Robin_Watts tor8: I have commits to fix that.15:05.23 
  Hey marcosw.15:06.45 
marcosw Robin_Watts: morning15:07.12 
Robin_Watts I've been trying to reproduce bug 696115 here.15:07.21 
  I have Ubuntu 15.04 with gcc 4.9.2 and it won't fail for me.15:07.36 
  BUT... I have a commit that I hope should work around the stupidness.15:07.50 
  Could I trouble you to test the fix for me please?15:08.06 
marcosw sure. I also have a amazon vm that shows the problem, in case your commit doesn’t work and you want ot investigate further.15:08.47 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Ah, if the commit doesn't work, I'd love to try that out.15:09.45 
marcosw Robin_Watts: is the commit in your repository?15:14.01 
Robin_Watts It is. Sorry, should have said that :)15:14.34 
marcosw Robin_Watts: oops, was about to compile your code on my macbookpro. That would not have been a useful exercise :-)15:17.26 
  Robin_Watts: unfortunately you commit does not work. Let me find the amazon vm ip address…15:21.50 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I wonder if it's the FZ_NORETURN stuff...15:22.52 
marcosw i can test that easily enough…15:24.09 
  nope, disabling FZ_NORETURN doesn’t change anything. so far the only thing that has worked is declaring ctx volatile.15:27.49 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I am confused.15:37.08 
marcosw Robin_Watts: welcome to my world15:37.35 
Robin_Watts Oh, sorry, ignore me.15:38.00 
  marcosw: OK. I have a fix.15:57.51 
  Let me just get this into a commit.15:57.58 
marcosw that was fast...16:01.14 
Robin_Watts It's a trivial fix, just to force the compiler to behave.16:02.37 
  marcosw: New fix on robin/master if you want to see it. Cluster testing now.16:08.47 
  tor8: Various commits there for review too.16:09.29 
marcosw Robin_Watts: fix works for me. 16:14.38 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Thanks.16:14.51 
marcosw Robin_Watts: thank you. I should have tried something like this myself.16:15.35 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I wrote those macros and they still scare the pants off me. I'm not surprised they are confusing to others. Especially when faced with a compiler bug.16:19.00 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: thanks for following up with MQ. BTW, there is a comment in gxshade.c (that you just touched). Did you look at the area in shade_init_fill_state that says: /****** WRONG FOR MULTI-PLANE HALFTONES ******/16:28.15 
mvrhel_laptop hi rajj16:28.32 
rayjj that kind of thing laying around always worries me16:28.40 
mvrhel_laptop I did not see that16:28.47 
  hold on let me look16:28.54 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Delete the comment. Problem solved.16:28.59 
rayjj and since tiffsep is a planar device and is halftoned, it would have been affected (possibly)16:29.21 
mvrhel_laptop tiffsep is not halftoned16:30.13 
rayjj Robin_Watts: thanks. I hadn't dug into it, but as long as you or mvrhel_laptop are happy about it, then my worries are allayed16:30.23 
  mvrhel_laptop: sorry tiffsep116:30.30 
Robin_Watts rayjj: I was being fascetious.16:30.46 
rayjj Robin_Watts: oh.16:30.55 
Robin_Watts or facetious.16:31.12 
  The vowels in that word are easy to get right. The consonants are harder.16:31.28 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yeah, one of those.16:31.36 
mvrhel_laptop who wrote that comment... oh I did16:32.08 
Robin_Watts git blame --doh16:32.20 
mvrhel_laptop hmm16:32.27 
  that was when I cut out WTS16:32.32 
rayjj how about that. Chatzilla spell checker knows which is right, but if flags Chatzilla as misspelled ;-/16:32.47 
mvrhel_laptop oh but the comment predated me16:33.09 
  I just removed some wts related stuff16:33.34 
  and that moved this line16:33.41 
  I suppose someone should beat upon tiffsep1 and see what is going on 16:34.20 
  and I suspect that someone will be me16:34.31 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: it's not a big deal since it doesn't affect any of our tests, AFAIK (pkmraw would also show it, I think), so it's not worth spending more time on. I just thought you might understand the issue since you were mucking about in the shading just now16:35.11 
mvrhel_laptop no sorry. I will poke around a bit at it though. I don't like things like that in the code either16:35.40 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: maybe put a gs_abort in that 'if' and run a regression with filter=pkmraw and see if any tests error out. That'll give you something to look at16:36.43 
mvrhel_laptop right16:36.53 
rayjj and you can just run gs since PCL doesn't use shadings AFAIK16:37.20 
rayjj wonders if henrys stalks "PCL" ?16:38.02 
mvrhel_laptop so that comment has been in there since before 200816:39.13 
  and before 200216:40.43 
  furthest I can get is gs 6.016:42.08 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: what's the git command to run a blame from before a known version16:42.23 
mvrhel_laptop I have no idea16:42.33 
Robin_Watts git blame SHA~116:44.46 
  That says run the git blame starting at the commit before SHA16:44.58 
  If you know the change is in file 'x' you can do: gitk -- x16:45.34 
  and that will show just changes that affected that file. That falls down when stuff moves between files though.16:45.58 
mvrhel_laptop My history ends though were Ralph did the split16:46.07 
frenda_ gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png16m -r1000 -sOutputFile='page-%00d.png' input.pdf16:51.18 
  I used this command to convert a pdf file to a bunch of PNGs16:51.39 
  Now, I can't open png files by gimp16:51.53 
  it crashes16:52.00 
  I can't run 'convert' on them16:52.12 
  it's killed16:52.20 
Robin_Watts frenda_: Try a smaller resolution.16:52.40 
  If that works, then the odds are just that the other things are erroring out due to the size of the pngs.16:53.05 
frenda_ Robin_Watts: I wanted to get the maximum resolution16:53.09 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I've got old gs versions (not all of them), but I have 5.10 and it has gxshade.c with that comment16:53.09 
mvrhel_laptop wow16:53.24 
frenda_ png16m vs pngalpha?16:53.46 
Robin_Watts use png16m.16:53.55 
  Presumably you're not actually using the pngs at 1000dpi?16:54.19 
frenda_ Can I use 100% for the switch -r, someway?16:54.26 
Robin_Watts frenda_: Step 1) ascertain what the problem is with your workflow.16:54.47 
  Step 2) Figure out if there is a way to sidestep the problem.16:54.59 
  We're still on step 1. Do the test, and we'll worry about step 2 later on.16:55.09 
frenda_ Ah, ok16:55.36 
  I tried 150dpi --> It gave me a bab png16:55.55 
Robin_Watts A bad png?16:56.07 
frenda_ I tried 300dpi, not goot, but a little better!16:56.10 
  bad png: bad quality, bad resolution16:56.26 
Robin_Watts Ok, so you mean 'it gave me a valid png, but it didn't look nice'16:56.32 
frenda_ exactly16:57.00 
Robin_Watts OK. so try... gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png16m -r1000 -sOutputFile='page-%00d.png' -dDownScaleFactor=3 input.pdf16:57.07 
frenda_ Ok, now I try for 50016:57.13 
  -dDownScaleFactor=3? 16:57.46 
marcosw chrisl: are you going to release a 9.18rc2 that fixes the disable-compile-inits issue?16:58.21 
chrisl marcosw: Yeh, I guess I could - given mvrhel_laptop's recent fix, too16:59.09 
marcosw it would be nice to have it before the weekend so I can run the regression tests (but I do realize the weekend as already started for you).17:00.08 
Robin_Watts frenda_: -dDownScaleFactor=3 tells the system to render at the specified dpi (1000) and then scale the resultant image down by 3 in each direction.17:00.23 
chrisl marcosw: You only need the tag, though?17:00.32 
Robin_Watts This means you get effectively a 333dpi image with antialiasing.17:00.49 
marcosw instead of a branch? I think that’s correct. 17:00.50 
chrisl marcosw: the branch is (almost) up to date17:01.06 
Robin_Watts frenda_: i.e. you get most of the benefits of the 1000dpi image in a smaller file.17:01.24 
frenda_ Robin_Watts: Well, now I run it on the pdf file :)17:02.03 
chrisl marcosw: the tag is done "ghostpdl-9.18rc2" so you can commence your testing17:03.54 
marcosw chrisl: thx17:05.04 
chrisl marcosw: I'll do the release archive on Monday - unless I feel especially enthused over the weekend17:06.03 
  s/release archive/release candidate archive17:06.18 
Robin_Watts tor8: mutool draw -o out.html in.pdf17:12.27 
  That correctly decides it should output html, but does so to stdout, not to the file.17:12.45 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: actually, it wasn't 5.10 that had shading. It was added in 5.34 (which I don't have) Version 5.50 (that I have) has that "WRONG" comment in it. 5.34 date was 5/14/9817:15.01 
  so I expect that it has been in the code since LPD wrote it.17:15.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: A commit to fix that with the others on robin/master17:32.06 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: ok, I am not going to worry about it at this time then17:44.32 
  have to run a few errands17:44.42 
frenda Robin_Watts: -r600 -dDownScaleFactor=3 --> still convert can't handle them to create a pdf file O_o; Anyway, Is it possible to make a pdf by `gs`? Do you know any other tools?17:45.12 
  convert *.png a.pdf --> killed!17:45.54 
  Resolution: 1150x172017:46.39 
Robin_Watts frenda: Eh, what?17:46.40 
  You're taking a pdf in, feeding it through gs to make a png, and then feeding that png to convert to make a pdf?17:47.10 
frenda I've converted a pdf to PNGs --> Then I croped them by convert --> Now, I want to concatenate them to create a new PDF file17:47.51 
henrys the new distiller, I love it.17:47.54 
Robin_Watts frenda: That's just insane.17:48.28 
frenda huh, why?17:48.43 
Robin_Watts You're taking a PDF (which can have vector graphics etc), and reducing it to rendered version. Then you're putting that version back into a PDF.17:49.03 
  That's going to end up with a larger file, with worse quality.17:49.30 
frenda So, I couldn't find a tool to crop PDF in-place17:49.42 
Robin_Watts frenda: gs is capable of doing pdf in -> pdf out.17:50.04 
frenda Robin_Watts: I know, this was the reason I choosed -r100017:50.11 
Robin_Watts the question is whether we can crop while we are doing it.17:50.23 
frenda for file in *.png; do convert "$file" -crop 1150x1720+74+50 aa/"$file"; done17:50.33 
Robin_Watts That's a question you'd need to ask kens, but he's gone for the day.17:50.39 
frenda It was the command on PNGs to crop them17:50.47 
frenda You mean I can crop by gs?17:51.41 
  Ah, ok, let me check the link17:51.49 
henrys frenda: kurt is very good also17:52.09 
  well is gs kung fu is pretty good usually17:52.54 
rayjj frenda: just so you understand, 'convert' (imagemagick) runs gs on a PS or PDF input to get a raster, then operates on the raster image. This is less efficient than having gs translate and clip the input and generate the desired size raster image in the first place.17:59.45 
  frenda: the method that the stackoverflow thread shows (using translate and clip) is mostly correct, but with a file that does 'initgraphics' as PS input does, or 'setpagedevice' as the PDF interpreter does, the translate and clip need to be in an /Install proc which sets the initial coordinate space, coupled with a -gWWWxHHH to "lock" the page size to a specific pixel dimension18:02.18 
  (presumably -g1150x1720)18:02.40 
  it would be nice if imagemagick 'convert' used the parameters to set up gs properly, but I am fairly sure it doesn't18:03.25 
frenda It's a math book, probabely with lots of graphs18:03.40 
rayjj frenda: doesn't matter what the content is.18:03.54 
  what format is it? PS or PDF ?18:04.03 
frenda pdf18:04.09 
rayjj frenda: and you want a PDF out ?18:06.12 
frenda sure18:06.34 
rayjj and the values 1150x1720 are the desire page size (in pixels at 200 dpi ?)18:07.28 
  frenda: and 74 and 50 are the desired lower left at 200 dpi in the original page that you want shifted to the origin in the output ?18:08.51 
frenda in pixels at 600 dpi18:09.44 
  1150x1720 at 600 dp18:09.55 
  I'm calculating croped zone for original size of the pdf18:11.49 
rayjj I have to run. sorry, frenda 18:13.52 
frenda ok, thank you18:16.31 
  Original size of pdf in pt given by Gimp: W=467.3, H= 656.618:17.03 
  Desired: Left=28.1, Bottom=18, R=439.2, Top=628.518:19.53 
  in 'points'18:20.08 
  DIDn't work :'(18:31.45 
  Anyway, can I concatenate PNGs to create a pdf by gs?18:32.18 
frenda_ This is the file that I'm trying to crop: 
  my problem with `convert`: 
  gs -sDEVICE=bbox -f input.pdf --> --> each page different size in points!18:46.08 
  I tried for --> it create completely the same file!18:46.50 
  with 0B as size!18:47.32 
  When I click on cropped file, it open the original file; it seems it is kind of a soft link!18:48.06 
rayjj I guess frenda gave up19:44.24 
  I'm finally back. Hopefully "frenda" will be back, so I'll see if I can make sense of what is being attempted, since it seems to be a somewhat common need19:45.40 
  at least I have a sample input :-)19:46.05 
  well, I guess not. gives me an error, and the other link is for the PNG (of no use)19:48.15 
  frenda (for the logs): if you come back, I need to see and input file. BTW, the size for the result don't make much sense to me: 1150 pixels at 600 dpi is 1.92 inches and 1720 is 2.86 inches. These would make more sense at 200 dpi (5.75" x 8.6") but even that is a bit small19:51.01 
  frenda: and in points, they seem a bit large: 16"x24"19:51.58 
  frenda (or whoever else may care about cropping/transforming a PDF): frenda wanted "Original size of pdf in pt given by Gimp: W=467.3, H= 656.6" to be converted to "Desired: Left=28.1, Bottom=18, R=439.2, Top=628.5" (all in points)19:57.50 
  so the gs command line to take a PDF file in and write a PDF file out with PageSize [ 411.1 610.5 ] (411.1 = 439.2-28.1 and 610.5 = 628.5-18.0) is:20:00.45 
  drumrolll... (BTW, a page size of 467.3 pts == 6.5" x 656.6 == 9.12" is at least reasonable, although seems small for a textbook)20:02.46 
  gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o cropped.pdf -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=411.1 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=610.5 -dFIXEDMEDIA -c "<< /Install { -28.1 -18.0 translate } >> setpagedevice " -f input.pdf20:09.14 
  Note that the above just clips (doesn't "fit") the input page to the output page, but this seems like what frenda wanted. Note the '-' for the translate to shift the origin to the left and down by the stated amounts20:11.14 
  I tested this with examples/annots.pdf that I created to the stated 'input.pdf' pagesize using: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o input.pdf -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=467.3 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=656.6 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dFitPage examples/annots.pdf20:12.30 
  the use of -dFitPage fits the input page to the desired output page size (467.3x656.6), centering the pagesize from the annots.pdf on to the output page size.20:14.21 
  Note that the use of Ghostscript to read a PDF and create a PDF is preferred to rendering to a raster image (even with anti-aliasing of images and/or text) since the original input graphics will be at full resolution and can be zoomed, and text will be able to be zoomed without 'jaggies' and will be searchable (hopefully)20:17.10 
  with text, it's always dependent on the input pdf. If the iinput pdf is a scanned "image" pdf of a page, then there is no improvement, but text that is searchable in the input pdf (even if it is "invisible" text overlay on an image) should (caveat emptor) be searchable in the output20:18.52 
henrys rayjj must have a terrible bug...20:57.17 
rayjj henrys: because I'm distracted by a free user issue :-)21:02.54 
  but, I've been trying to reproduce an indeterminism with the PCL files and can't, so, yeah, that's frustrating.21:04.17 
  I was hoping to get that resolved before the release21:04.31 
henrys this was the fts thing?21:12.37 
rayjj henrys: yeah, but I have been able to find an indeterminism with tests_private/pcl/pcl5cats/Subset/AC6ZHSC3.BIN.pbmraw.600.121:18.16 
henrys fts.2291?21:18.18 
rayjj I can get an indeterminism on peeves with repeated runs of the ats/Subset file21:18.57 
  so, now back to see if I can duplicate the issue on Windows. It is two pixels difference on the entire page21:21.16 
  I have to pick up my kids from school. bbiaw21:21.30 
henrys okay21:21.40 
rayjj email coming about my situation that may have me away during the day more often for a brief time.21:22.17 
jogux henrys: /now/ you can test the rebrand on your iphone :-)22:16.04 
henrys jogux: will do22:38.32 
jogux thanks :-)22:38.38 
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