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kens rsc the current version of Ghostscript does not produce any warnings or errors for me with your PDF file. You don't say what version you are using, on what OS, nor do you give a complete command line.07:10.44 
  The PDF file only contains a single font, a CIDFont TrueType outlines version of Wingdings, so either its that, or you have a substitute font defined for the missing fonts, and that font is broken.07:11.31 
  If you think this is a bug I'd suggest you open a bug report where all the details required to reproduce the problem can be captured.07:12.14 
rsc kens: sorry. It complains about Arial-BoldMT07:16.49 
kens Arial-BoldNT is not embedded in the PDF file, so there must be (somewhere) a message telling you its using a substitute07:17.25 
Robin_Watts Morning tor8. Good weekend?10:03.25 
  Bunch of reviews on robin/master, if you wouldn't mind.10:04.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: Morning. Looking now.10:05.24 
  Robin_Watts: depressing indeed. have we filed a bug report with the gcc devs?10:07.08 
Robin_Watts I have not.10:07.20 
tor8 all LGTM, but I worry about what'll happen to that volatile int stuff years down the line when it's not required anymore10:07.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: I can excuse it to myself, in that it's entirely harmless.10:08.02 
  It forces a write to happen, in a case where it would always have to happen anyway for correctness.10:08.31 
  So it's untidy, but has no actual cost.10:08.47 
tor8 the cost is 8 lines of comment explaining WTF :)10:09.53 
Robin_Watts Yes.10:10.05 
  Untidy in the source, but no cost in the binary.10:10.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh, it looks like I never pushed the tor/master stuff to origin10:12.08 
Robin_Watts yeah, I just checked that to see if I should rebase.10:12.38 
  You push, I'll rebase ?10:12.40 
tor8 will do.10:12.54 
  so, I guess the big question now is whether the release should include the new opengl-based viewer10:13.44 
  it currently does almost everything the x11/win32 viewer does. only bit missing is some form filling on win32.10:14.11 
  but it does allow searching in unicode and has the nice outline side panel10:14.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: I see no downside to including it.10:15.01 
  It's an extra 'preview' of coming attractions.10:15.12 
tor8 I will need to push a few local fixes to our glfw-repo10:15.19 
  I've got some tweaks there that improve things a bit10:15.28 
Robin_Watts Nothing that currently works will stop working because of it.10:15.32 
tor8 yeah, it's just going to bloat the download but I don't think that's all that important anymore10:15.50 
  considering we dropped the bloat by only shipping one mutool binary :)10:16.12 
sebras tor8: can't you add a test to check what version of GCC is being used and trigger on 6.0 or something and cause a #error. 10:26.01 
  tor8: that way you can create a reminder for yourself in the future to remove the volatile cast once you consider gcc 4.9.x to be irrelevant.10:26.38 
Robin_Watts sebras: We also generate a load of bugs for ourselves when gcc 6.0 comes out into beta testing and bleeding edgers run into it.10:28.24 
tor8 I'm more and more of the opinion that optimizing compilers should never be used...10:30.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: bug 696172.10:38.34 
  They have 0 length strokes, with circular end caps.10:38.47 
  Acrobat, gs etc render a spot. muPDF does not.10:39.05 
tor8 I thought we'd special cased 0 length strokes?10:39.32 
  somewhere in the pdf interpreter, since the rules for how to handle zero length strokes differ between XPS and PDF10:40.03 
  or is it an interaction between 0-length and square linecaps?10:42.26 
Robin_Watts Let me double check before I waste more of your time.10:43.04 
  Oh, ffs.11:39.30 
  The volatile fix breaks windows builds.11:39.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I wonder ... what if we change fz_try into an actual function call?11:42.41 
  make it static inline in the header for performance11:42.50 
Robin_Watts setjmp can't be in a function.11:42.55 
  but I'm trying a change now.11:43.06 
tor8 oh, yeah... nevermind11:45.07 
Robin_Watts ok, I have a version that works locally.11:46.03 
tor8 I wonder how many other bits of code this compiler bug affects11:46.13 
Robin_Watts let me see if that works on the aws instance.11:46.15 
tor8 there's gotta be hundreds of projects that use setjmp that could be negatively affected11:46.32 
Robin_Watts Yeah, it's mind boggling.11:50.20 
  OK, I have a version that works both on windows, and on the affected linux box.11:51.14 
  that's using a non-inline function.11:51.20 
  Let me try with an inline function.11:51.36 
  The static inline fixes the linux issue... trying windows...11:53.57 
  and on windows.11:54.30 
  ok, I'll prepare a commit with that in instead.11:56.28 
  tor8: Updated versions of the commits there, rebased on golden.12:33.29 
  And you're right, we do special case 0 length strokes.12:33.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: why not merge fz_push_try and fz_trying into one function?12:52.15 
Robin_Watts cos fz_push_try can return 0, and thus setjmp doesn't happen.12:52.44 
tor8 ah.12:52.59 
Robin_Watts The 'overflow' case.12:53.15 
tor8 yes, I see that now. just reading the source to fz_push_try.12:53.38 
  all LGTM then12:53.40 
Robin_Watts and fz_push_try only happens on the initial try.12:53.49 
  fz_pushing happens on both throw and catch.12:53.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: um, as far as I can see fz_push_try only happens in the one place12:55.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: It does.12:56.16 
  fz_push_try only happens in the fz_try macro.12:56.49 
  As does fz_pushing.12:56.59 
  But if we longjmp, we reappear out of the setjmp, and that causes fz_pushing to get called a second time.12:57.17 
tor8 yes, so if we were to merge fz_push_try/fz_trying, then we'd have to cope with the setjmp value zero causing us to skip pushing12:58.05 
  the way you've written it is clearer12:58.10 
  Robin_Watts: can you try building the non-workaround code with -fno-tree-dominator-opts on the problem machine?13:01.46 
Robin_Watts 2>c:\artifex\mupdf.git\source\fitz\util.c(335) : warning C4305: '=' : truncation from 'int' to 'float'13:02.46 
  Should they be FLT_MIN and FLT_MAX ?13:03.13 
tor8 oh bollocks13:03.56 
  not FLT_MIN, that's the floating point value nearest zero13:04.17 
  could use something like -1e20 and 1e2013:05.05 
Robin_Watts -FLT_MAX ?13:05.07 
tor8 or -FLT_MAX yes13:05.17 
Robin_Watts ok, I'm making a commit for that now.13:05.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, I've found something in the C specs which may explain odd gcc behaviour13:06.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: go on...13:07.16 
tor8 It should only appear one one of the following contexts:13:07.24 
  — the entire controlling expression of a selection or iteration statement;13:07.31 
  — one operand of a relational or equality operator with the other operand an integer13:07.35 
  constant expression, with the resulting expression being the entire controlling13:07.35 
  expression of a selection or iteration statement;13:07.44 
  — the operand of a unary ! operator with the resulting expression being the entire13:07.48 
  controlling expression of a selection or iteration statement; or13:07.48 
  — the entire expression of an expression statement (possibly cast to void).13:07.48 
  so "if (setjmp() == 0)" is illegal, but "if (setjmp())" or "if (!setjmp())" are legal13:08.37 
Robin_Watts "one operand of a relational or equality operator with the other operand an integer constant expression"13:09.29 
tor8 so setting a variable, and then testing it, is not valid apparently, like "if (!(code = setjmp()))"13:09.30 
  ah, my bad13:09.47 
Robin_Watts "one operand of a relational or equality operator with the other operand an integer constant expression" covers 0 ==setjmp(), I think.13:09.48 
tor8 so that is still valid, but assignind and then comparing in the same compound expression is not13:10.04 
Robin_Watts but I agree that setting a variable and then testing it might not be valid.13:10.09 
  The question is, is my fixed version valid...13:10.23 
tor8 page 27513:10.53 
  oh, good question. it's not an expression statement, it's an argument13:11.34 
  we might need to rethink the macros altogether :(13:12.18 
Robin_Watts Is an argument not an expression statement ?13:12.22 
  tor8: Actually, I can just do the assignment before doing the longjmp.13:12.56 
tor8 a statement ends with a ';' :)13:13.02 
  mujs might have similar problems13:13.28 
  the js_try macro uses comma expressions13:13.38 
  #define js_try() (js_savetry(), setjmp())13:13.53 
  I guess I could wrap the savetry to return a jmp_buf and wrap it all up13:14.12 
Robin_Watts Yeah, let me try for that fix here.13:14.24 
tor8 so it becomes setjmp(savetry())13:14.24 
  so we could conceivable do something similar for fz_try13:14.41 
Robin_Watts As long as savetry doesn't cope with overflow, sure.13:14.43 
tor8 it does, but then it longjmps away to another context13:15.13 
  but then I don't see how that should matter13:15.49 
  the arguments to setjmp are only evaluated once13:15.59 
Robin_Watts We currently have: if (fz_push_try() && setjmp(buf))13:16.25 
  if fz_push_try detects an overflow, it returns 0, and the setjmp never happens.13:16.51 
tor8 ah. in mujs, js_savetry just does a throw to the outer try-block in case of overflow13:17.38 
  if (setjmp(fz_push_try()) should work. the top level try should never fail on overflow13:17.53 
Robin_Watts Gotcha.13:18.03 
tor8 and if we overflow, just throw instead of trying?13:18.04 
  i.e. do what mujs does13:18.14 
Robin_Watts Yes. Let me try that.13:18.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: bah. jmp_buf being an array type is really messy.13:22.38 
  jmp_buf *js_savetry(...) and setjmp(*js_savetry())13:23.31 
Robin_Watts Have the function return a jmp_buf cast a (void *) and uncast in the setjmp ?13:23.46 
tor8 return the &jmp_buf13:23.56 
  but it's really headache inducing :(13:24.07 
  a jmp_buf is essentially a typedef __builtin_jmp_buf jmp_buf[1];13:24.40 
  just so it can be backwards compatible with automatic decomposition of array to pointer-to-first-element-of-an-array13:25.17 
Robin_Watts OK, I have a compile that seems to work. Will test it properly after lunch.13:32.16 
tor8 though the *js_savetry() might be awkward and bad, unpacking the whole jmp_buf into temporary storage to take the address of it again13:32.18 
  let me poke a bit more, I might come up with a more elegant jmp_buf passing solution13:32.37 
Robin_Watts I don't see why jmp_bufs ever get unpacked with what I have here...13:32.52 
  We only ever return the address of them.13:33.03 
  And taking the *(that address) only returns a further address.13:33.27 
  So there is no cost there.13:33.34 
tor8 setjmp needs a jmp_buf, so we dereference the pointer to get the value13:33.36 
Robin_Watts setjmp takes a pointer.13:33.50 
  it might be an 'array' rather than a technical pointer, but it's still a pointer in effect.13:34.25 
tor8 *jmp_buf_ptr is an array[1]13:34.27 
  so as I understand the call setjmp(*buf_ptr)13:34.39 
  it dereferences buf_ptr to the full array[1] and then takes the address of that temp copy and passes to setjmp13:34.59 
  which would be wrong on many levels :(13:35.15 
  Robin_Watts: a solution without having to mess with return types and casting: setjmp((push(), buf[top])).14:17.35 
Robin_Watts Nice.14:30.40 
  tor8: I wonder...14:46.24 
  rather than try being: if (setjmp(push(), buf) == 0)14:46.49 
  we could have try be: {{{ push(); if (setjmp(buf) == 0)14:47.15 
  And have catch start with }}}14:47.27 
  That would have the nice effect of being a compile time check for mismatched try/catches.14:47.50 
  as well as reducing complexity (and hence potential future problems) around the setjmp.14:48.26 
tor8 won't that nesting break on the fz_catch else statement?14:49.46 
  bah, my brain's mush. ignore me.14:50.02 
Robin_Watts We lose the ability to have the catch be 'else if', but that train sailed when we added always.14:51.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: wait, we're using the return value but assigning it to a variable is illegal14:52.17 
Robin_Watts Where are we doing that?14:52.31 
tor8 when we set 'code'14:52.37 
Robin_Watts My new version doesn't assign.14:52.46 
tor8 I haven't seen your new version yet14:52.53 
Robin_Watts Gimme a mo, and I'll get a version online for you.14:52.57 
  tor8: Look now.14:55.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the do/while(0) in the try/always block -- that's just to catch "break" right?15:39.10 
Robin_Watts yes.15:39.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: looks reasonable.15:57.38 
Robin_Watts Both of them?15:57.58 
  Can you have a quick look at fz_add_line_dot in draw-path.c ?15:58.22 
  We calculate n from the flatness.15:58.36 
  If the flatness is too low, n can be 2.15:58.50 
  That means dots go in as a horizontal line of no size.15:59.00 
  Should we force n to be at least 3 or 4 ?15:59.11 
tor8 both patches LGTM16:02.11 
  Robin_Watts: looking.16:02.14 
  yes, forcing it to be at least 3 should work16:03.12 
Robin_Watts ok, ta.16:08.32 
  Morning fredross-perry.16:11.31 
  Did you find what you wanted in SOT in the end?16:11.39 
  We should try to get your gsproof mupdf changes into the repo asap as we have a release coming up.16:12.09 
  Are your latest changes pushed to your repo?16:12.41 
henrys fantastic eclipse last night here in my timezone.16:21.24 
kens didn't get up at 03:30 to see it16:22.03 
henrys would have been just at sunset on the west coast not sure if they saw it. supermoon - best one I've seen.16:22.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: bug696148 looks like a genuine bug.16:28.22 
  The file has a CID font with 1 descendant font. That font is called "GlyphLessFont"16:29.02 
kens THat looks like one of ours16:29.15 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts: yes everything is in my repo regrding proofing.16:29.31 
Robin_Watts The CID font has a specified default width of 500, but no other widths arrays.16:29.36 
kens Still sounds like one of ours :-)16:29.48 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Last time I looked there were problems with styles etc.16:29.53 
kens The text is all in Tr 316:29.57 
Robin_Watts kens: I believe it's output by tesseract.16:29.59 
fredross-perry styles:16:30.08 
kens Robin_Watts : yes sorry I should have said one of *mine*16:30.18 
Robin_Watts TABs vs spaces etc.16:30.20 
kens I supplied them that font16:30.23 
Robin_Watts kens: Right.16:30.32 
fredross-perry oh yes. i’ll fix that today.16:31.00 
kens Their previous font was not good and broke Ghostscript so I gave them a valid (and smaller) font16:31.04 
Robin_Watts We ask freetype for the advance for each glyph, and get back 0 (i.e. the default is not being consulted).16:31.08 
  hence we think that there is a space between every glyph.16:31.20 
fredross-perry anything more to be done re: performance?16:31.28 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Not for the release, certainly :)16:31.39 
fredross-perry ok16:31.50 
kens Robin_Watts : there are no real glyphs in the font16:31.53 
Robin_Watts and probably not until we have at least a sniff of a customer being interested.16:32.03 
kens Hence the name.....16:32.08 
Robin_Watts Fonts in mupdf are traditionally a tor area, so I'll wait to hear back from tor.16:33.09 
kens OK. The problem as I recall was that their prevous font broke txtwrite, but I could be making that up16:33.36 
  FWIW GS' txtwrite produces what looks like sensible output16:34.29 
  But we don't get the 'NC' or '2' between the solenoids16:35.18 
  Seems Acrobat doesn't either, must be not text in the original16:36.11 
  Right, heading off, night all16:36.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ah. I think we should consult the PDF widths, but we only have the glyph index not the character index so I'm not sure how we'd go about it.17:24.19 
  I'll look into it tomorrow, it's getting late today17:24.28 
fredross-perry robin_watts: tab/space issue should be fixed now.18:24.40 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Ta. I'll look over your changes tomorrow then.18:25.20 
fredross-perry right18:25.27 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Ugh. You just did a fixup commit at the end?18:34.41 
fredross-perry yes. Unfortunately the commits that needed fixing were several pushed commits back.18:35.23 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: This is git :)18:35.46 
fredross-perry indeed.18:35.53 
Robin_Watts A really useful command: git rebase -i HEAD~1018:36.20 
fredross-perry and anyway, the full code for proofing is sprinkeld over several commits anyway.18:36.32 
Robin_Watts That pops up a window with a list of the last 10 commits in, preceeded by "pick".18:37.01 
  You can reorder the lines there, and save the file, and it will reorder the commits.18:37.15 
  by changing 'pick' to various other things, you can squash commits together.18:37.33 
  So you can (and should) rewrite history to produce the tidiest set of commits possible.18:37.56 
fredross-perry hmmm.18:37.56 
Robin_Watts Also, every commit message should be of the form:18:38.39 
  <72 chars or less summary>\n\n<longer description over as many paragraphs as required>18:39.06 
fredross-perry got it. I’ll probably just take it apart and put it back together as one. Take me a while.18:40.05 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: It's really worth learning git rebase -i.18:40.19 
  It's massively powerful.18:40.26 
  It's the git command I use most.18:40.32 
  Typically, if I find something I broke a few commits back, I make a small commit that fixes it.18:40.56 
sebras Robin_Watts: perhaps git add -p or git commit -p18:41.05 
Robin_Watts Then I 'git rebase -i HEAD~10' and move the line for the fixup commit to be just after the commit it fixes.18:41.32 
  I change that line from 'pick' to 'f' and save the file.18:41.44 
  That tells git that my commit was a 'fixup' and it rolls them in together.18:42.02 
  Also, if you 'git rebase -i HEAD~10' and change any of the 'pick' to 'r' and save the file, it'll give you the option to reword the commit message.18:42.55 
  So you can fix typos, and formatting without having to redo everything.18:43.11 
sebras Robin_Watts: sometimes 'edit' is useful too, if you haven't got the fixup patch yet.18:43.37 
Robin_Watts sebras: yeah, but 'edit' means you have to get your change right during the rebase phase.18:44.06 
  I prefer to spend as little time as possible in the rebase process.18:44.19 
  The nice thing about rebase is that you can do it in tiny increments and so not have to try to remember to everything at once.18:44.53 
sebras and most importantly git rebase --abort if you end up in a state that you don't know how to recover from (but you will lose any changes that you did during the rebase phase)18:45.40 
  I've found that I sometimes discover new things that need fixing or cases that I've forgotten when I have take a series of commits that were not logically separate and tried to separate them into logically independent commits.18:48.47 
  granted, it takes time. but sometimes it does pay off because you look at your code once more and try to figure out how you can make each patch obviously correct to the recipient.18:49.33 
Robin_Watts It's HUGELY better for the codebase in the long run.18:51.48 
  You end up with a series of coherent thought out commits rather than "try this", "oops, no, try this", "almost there..." etc.18:52.22 
fredross-perry thanks guys18:53.55 
Robin_Watts Sorry, I know this is a pain.18:54.19 
fredross-perry sure, but thansk for all the detailed help.18:58.11 
  Robin, Joseph: I reworked my repo so there's now just two commits, one for proofing, and one for iCloud.21:59.53 
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