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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/09/28)20150929 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, any ideas about this GlyphLessFont?08:39.22 
srini hello all... mupdf developers online?08:48.42 
tor8 srini: yes.08:53.09 
Robin_Watts Morning08:54.08 
  tor8: Not really.08:54.25 
  I couldn't see how fonts *ever* looked at the default width for the advance.08:54.58 
tor8 pdf_lookup_hmtx is used when placing the text08:55.48 
  bits of the horizontal metrics are used when creating a width_table for substitute fonts (so we can squish and stretch the rendered glyph widths to match the PDF metrics)08:56.25 
  it just occurred to me that it might be easier to add in fake space characters in the interpreter when it spots a sudden horizontal movement08:57.27 
  and then never try to guess at spaces in the structured text extraction08:57.44 
  we have provisions for characters with no corresponding glyph in the fz_text structure08:58.19 
chrisl You have the Widths array, shouldn't you consult that for the glyph width?08:59.36 
tor8 we only use it for XPS currently, since XPS gives both the unicode and glyph index arrays separately08:59.57 
  chrisl: we only have the Widths array for the PDF interpreter09:00.15 
  we don't keep the PDF font widths and encoding tables beyond the device interface layer09:00.40 
  except in the case where we bake it down into a table for substitute fonts09:01.07 
chrisl But if you use the spacing as part of the heuristic for text output, surely you need access to the actual applied spacing to make it reliable09:01.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: Adding extra spaces sounds like a really bad idea.09:02.17 
tor8 well, in general the applied spacing can be inferred by looking at the glyph widths.09:02.49 
  and, in general, the PDF Widths and the actual freetype widths tend to match09:03.14 
Robin_Watts It breaks the whole idea of us gluing glyphs back together.09:03.20 
chrisl There are *many* PDFs out there what the metrics in the Widths arrays don't match the widths in the fonts09:03.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: It's a massive step backwards.09:03.28 
tor8 and when using substitute fonts, we use the PDF widths array09:03.31 
Robin_Watts The width information should be pickled into the fz_font.09:03.42 
tor8 now, we *can* pickle the font widths into the fz_font structure for *all* fonts, not just the substitute fonts09:04.10 
  in which case this file almost works09:04.16 
  it also needs to pickle the "DW"09:04.31 
Robin_Watts yes.09:04.42 
chrisl And W for CIDFonts.....09:04.47 
tor8 but doing that, we would fail in other cases where the PDF file doesn't provide a full Widths array and falls back to actual font widths (or is that even possible?)09:05.05 
chrisl That is not allowed in the spec, but does happen09:05.28 
  Just like the Widths array is supposed to match the widths in the font, but often doesn't09:05.48 
tor8 chrisl: yeah...09:06.05 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Wooah. The Widths array does NOT have to match the widths in the font.09:06.06 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes it does09:06.19 
Robin_Watts The Widths array is (IIRC) specifically stated to override the widths in the font.09:06.31 
chrisl Nope, they are supposed to match09:06.39 
tor8 you're both right :)09:07.50 
  they are supposed to match, but then, implementation note...09:08.05 
  Acrobat 5.0 and later viewers use the glyph widths stored in the font dic-09:08.17 
  tionary to override the widths of glyphs in the font program itself, which 09:08.17 
  improves the consistency of the display and printing of the document. 09:08.17 
  This addresses the situation in which the font program used by the viewer 09:08.17 
chrisl Well, yes......09:08.19 
kens I'm fairly sure an older version of the spec said the font withs overrode the Widths array and the spec wsas changed to follow what Acrobat actually does09:08.26 
chrisl It's academic really, since we *know* Acrobat gives priority to the Widths array09:09.01 
kens And regrdless of what the spec *says* 'Acrobat can view it'.....09:09.31 
chrisl But also doesn't complain about a missing Widths array, despite it being a required entry09:10.03 
srini in the html extraction the I am finding that the spans are repeating... eg... <span class='1x'>text</span><span class='1x'> here</span> .... is there a way to avoid these adjacent spans? 09:10.18 
kens Its quite an achievement to get Acrobat to complain about anythign very much, if it even looks remotely like a PDF file09:10.38 
chrisl I do remember trying a truncated Widths array, but I can't remember what the outcome was.....09:11.25 
kens srini possibly that's exactly what's in the PDF file, artifical emboldening can look like that, or stroke then fill. Its hard to say without seeing the PDF file09:11.29 
tor8 srini: any time any aspect of the font changes, there will be a new 'span'09:13.44 
  even for changes that don't actually matter for the HTML output09:14.06 
  you could walk the structured text structures and do it in your own code if want a different output09:14.59 
  the HTML extraction is pretty simple code really09:15.05 
  Robin_Watts: well, I have a fix but I fear it will break for the base-14 fonts :/09:15.49 
  since those fonts don't need a Widths array at all for anything09:16.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: So we should look at 'Widths' if it's there. If it's not (or we're not covered) look at DW.09:16.32 
  If neither of those are there, look at the actual font width.09:16.47 
chrisl IIRC, the Widths array is optional for base-14 fonts09:17.06 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes, AIUI, too.09:17.39 
  but I *hope* our clone fonts match the widths arrays that would be there if they weren't optional.09:18.02 
chrisl The problem is, at least some producers intentionally write Widths arrays that differ from the actual font widths, for their own nefarious reasons09:19.11 
tor8 ah, actually it looks like it might work for base-14 as well09:19.43 
  we create a fake Widths table from the freetype glyphs if a simple font is missing the /Widths09:20.05 
srini tor8, I am not from programming .. I tried some xslt stuff but did not a proper solution for that... can there be some help pls?09:54.30 
  logically is the 09:55.19 
  logically if the the current span class and the previous span class are same do not start a new span.... 09:55.53 
Robin_Watts srini: Are you using gs or mupdf?09:57.24 
srini Robin_Watts, mupdf09:57.42 
Robin_Watts Can you provide an example file?09:58.02 
srini sure... will create a link09:58.31 
  Robin_Watts, how do I share a pdf file?10:01.50 
Robin_Watts Make a bug on and attach the file?10:02.15 
srini sure...10:02.25 
  Robin_Watts, 69623010:05.25 
tor8 Robin_Watts: commit on tor/master to always create a glyph width table10:08.38 
  and respect the DW in said table10:08.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: Commit seems fine. Have you tested it with the file in the bug ?10:45.51 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. we get no spurious spaces. but we also get no added spaces... but I'd blame that on the heuristics not working well...10:47.33 
  no spaces where we should have, I mean10:47.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: hmm. That deserves at least a quick check I think.10:48.04 
tor8 the text order looks reasonable, so I don't know why we don't detect a space between "4X" and "35067" for instance10:49.15 
  Robin_Watts: ah. the matrix changes (different font size) so we never try to add a space10:53.58 
  if I tweak that, we get a space between "4X 35067" but then the big gap is run right onto the end of the same span10:56.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'm in the middle of a rebase at the moment :(11:01.11 
sandstrom I'm using Ghostscript to convert PDFs to images, and it has worked great. However, I've run into trouble with PDFs from 'Microsoft PDF-printer', which seems to be bundled with Windows 10. They turn out mostly blank, no text included. Gettings errors like this: 'Warning: can't process font stream, loading font by the name.\nCan't find CID font "CIDFont+F1".\nAttempting to substitute CID font /Adobe-Identity for /CIDFont+F1, see11:13.39 
  doc/Use.htm#CIDFontSubstitution\nThe substitute CID font "Adobe-Identity" is not provided either. attempting to use fallback CIDFont.See doc/Use.htm#CIDFontSubstitution.11:13.39 
kens Try using a more recent version of Ghostscript.11:14.02 
sandstrom (sorry for multi-line); anyone who has had similar issues with Windows 10 generated PDFs?11:14.06 
  kens I'm on 9.15, is that recent enough?11:14.16 
kens Also look at the prop-erties of the device and tell it to embed fonts.11:14.16 
  sandstrom : probably not11:14.25 
sandstrom kens I'm afraid getting Microsoft to fix this is beyond my capacity :)11:14.51 
kens Your basic problem is that the fonts aren't embedded in the PDF file, so Ghostscript looks for a substitute (and they are CIDFonts)11:14.53 
  If you use a recent version of Ghostscript we will substitute a fallback font (DroidSansFallback) for a missing CIDFont11:15.34 
  Howerve3r the correct answer in all these cases is to embed teh font.11:15.46 
sandstrom kens so 9.16 should solve this? Is there a way to solve it under 9.15? Is the issue that I'm the fallback CIDfont?11:15.46 
kens Without seeing your PDF file I can't promise any version will work. The current version is 9.16 but we are at RC2 with 9.1811:16.23 
sandstrom I understand that the root cause is outside Ghostscript (it has worked well with other, non-windows PDFs). Sadly Windows 10 has a decent user-adoption curve, these show up even though I'd prefer if they didn't :)11:16.59 
kens If you are creating the files yourself, then you need to alter the printer settings to embed the fonts. THs 'might' be something like 'optimise for portability'11:16.59 
  If the fotns are not embedded you are *never* going to get the 'right' answer, just a flavour of wrongness11:17.30 
  I don't currently have a copy of Windows 10 so I can't reccomend anythign further than that.11:18.03 
chrisl That sounds like the the CIDFont stream might actually be broken11:18.29 
kens It is possible11:18.35 
sandstrom here is a direct-download link to one example (standard wikipedia print via Windows 10 pdf-printer): 
kens Or we could just have a problem with it, whch is why I sugegst trying the most recent version (9.18 RC2)11:19.05 
  fetches file11:19.16 
  Well the fonts are embedded11:19.39 
sandstrom (I managed to get Windows 10 running in my VM, to generate the file above)11:19.39 
chrisl I'm heading out for a bit - let me know if you need me to look it11:19.49 
kens well we have a problem with the font, not sure why.11:20.18 
sandstrom Ghostscript 9.15 (2014-09-22), running on Ubuntu 14.0411:20.27 
kens 9.18 renders the file but the text is incorrect, obviously because its using the fallback font11:20.37 
sandstrom (if that is useful)11:20.38 
tor8 kens: mupdf doesn't seem to have the same problems with the file11:20.40 
kens tor8 : I wa goping to try that next11:20.50 
  Don't forget GS processes the fonts extensively before passing to FT11:21.02 
  With DroidSans the basic text is fine, but the accented characters are not11:21.26 
  Not too surprising11:21.31 
tor8 kens: could the '+' in the font name be confusing it? expecting the usual 6-byte subset font suffix or something like that?11:21.42 
kens tor8 it 'shouldn't be a problem11:22.02 
  But you know, PDF :-(11:22.14 
  sandstrom : I'm i the middle of something else I'd suggest you open a bug report and attache the file to tit, then we won't forget about t11:22.36 
sandstrom kens okay, I will file a bug. Thanks for looking into it. So the stopgap may be mupdf, or trying with 9.18 RC2?11:23.50 
kens you cna use Mupdf, RC2 will still get some of your text wrong.11:24.54 
  I may have time to take a closer look this afternoon11:25.55 
henrys wow urw agreed to it all or our requests even the extending the embedded exclusion - great new13:41.48 
  I was so excited I used too many words13:42.07 
kens good news indeed13:43.10 
tor8 henrys: fab!13:58.10 
henrys meeting in a few minutes14:28.01 
mvrhel_laptop_ oh that is good news about urw14:28.33 
henrys hope they finish before GG figures out what they are doing ;-)14:29.09 
mvrhel_laptop_ :)14:29.17 
henrys so yeah good start to the meeting. URW is okay with our work request14:32.56 
  the other big thing this week is release testing. I've been looking at linux gs, how much windows testing have we been doing? Lots of changes this time.14:33.52 
kens Well, I always run on Windows.....14:34.08 
mvrhel_laptop me too14:34.36 
henrys but testing like different COMPILE_INIT setting etc. stuff related to the big build change.14:34.52 
chrisl kens: fix for the Windows 10 PDF file CIDFont problem:;a=commitdiff;h=8347f65314:34.59 
marcosw1 henrys: I don't do any windows testing. I know we've talked about adding a windows machine to do regression testing but I haven't done so. 14:35.12 
chrisl kens: fix for the Windows 10 PDF file CIDFont problem:;a=commitdiff;h=8347f65314:35.54 
henrys marcosw1: I'm not using mac as much these days are you testing that?14:36.05 
kens chrisl that was quick, not even had a chance ot look at the problem yet :)14:36.18 
chrisl kens: wasn't terribly hard!14:36.31 
marcosw1 yes. I run a nightly regression test on my MacPro.14:36.32 
kens Hmm I see....14:36.41 
  chrisl if it passes cluster test then push it, I can't see a problem with it offhand14:37.06 
chrisl kens: I'll do the clusterpush in a moment14:37.26 
kens I'm somewhat surprised it hasn't come up before14:37.35 
henrys anyway I think it's a good idea to do a bit more testing with this release configuration wise, teesting different targets etc. that's what I'm doing in linux with it.14:37.51 
marcosw1 chrisl: the rc2 testing is nearly done (about 6 minutes remaining). So far everything looks good for the release.14:38.24 
chrisl henrys: it's a bit late in the day for that......14:38.30 
  Robin_Watts: Some tweaks to gdevplib.c to fix device initialisation, reduce warnings....:;a=commitdiff;h=d69af997414:39.37 
kens marcosw1 in case its not obvious, I'm not doing anythgin at the moment with bug #696200 as I cannot create an intermediate PDF file that matches the customer's one. Not even using 9.15and the cusotmer's command line. Since that's where the problem occurs, I need to be able to reproduce that to fix it14:39.49 
  henrys; ran into a problemiwth PJL, it seems that we can't do the PJL in a separate file as the interpreter r4esets the PJL state whenever it completes reading a file.....14:40.29 
  The only further solution I can see is to special case hte pdfmarks in pl#14:40.53 
marcosw1 kens: Does the pdf file you create result in a valid pdf/a-1b file when run through ghostscript?14:40.57 
kens marcosw: 1 yes14:41.04 
  The problem is the missing font in the intermediate file14:41.19 
henrys chrisl, marcosw: I'd vote for extending the rc on this release.14:41.22 
kens If the font is missing, then the resultign file is not valid PDF/A14:41.37 
marcosw1 kens: go ahead and assign the bug to me. If I can't get anywhere I'll contact the customer.14:41.39 
rayjj sorry, I'm late, and I won't be back until about 8 or so -- I'll check the logs and respond then14:41.40 
fredross-perry Robin, Joseph: I reworked my repo so there's now just two commits, one for proofing, and one for iCloud.14:41.41 
henrys has anyone run compile_inits 0 on windows for this release?14:41.47 
kens marcosw1 OK thanks14:41.49 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Yeah, I saw.14:42.09 
fredross-perry k14:42.15 
Robin_Watts There are some line ending issues.14:42.16 
chrisl henrys: extending it for what purpose? The only people who ever test the release candidates have done so......14:42.17 
Robin_Watts and the commit messages are a bit screwy.14:42.27 
rayjj I have to take my youngest to school yet, and all three were moving slow, so I was running late.14:42.30 
Robin_Watts I've been playing with your commits from yesterday.14:42.40 
henrys chrisl: I'm talking about the staff testing it.14:42.44 
kens I have not tried compile_inits=0 on Windows no14:43.02 
  I tend to use the installer and test that14:43.12 
chrisl henrys: only you, kens and me ever test our release candidates14:43.12 
henrys I'm still working on my 135 possible targets ;-)14:43.26 
  It think I'm up to 4714:43.37 
chrisl Use the documented ones14:44.01 
henrys if everyone is comfortable with a release I'll shut up...14:44.15 
marcosw1 rayjj: peeved is still running very slow. I'm thinking of taking it out of the cluster until it's back to normal.14:44.31 
chrisl henrys: Well, I would like more testing to be done, but I just don't see it happening14:44.49 
henrys kens: so there is SET one job and DEFAULT which sticks across jobs right? are you using SET?14:45.10 
kens Yes I was using SET14:45.31 
henrys kens: it does not save across processes14:45.40 
kens I didn't really want it to persist across jobs14:45.42 
jogux fredross-perry: great, thanks - still deep in stuff, will try and look in a few days time.14:45.46 
kens henrys it doesn't sae across files.14:45.52 
  3every time we open a file it resets the PJL state to the default (which can change of coure)14:46.16 
marcosw1 henrys: how did you arrive at 135 targets?14:46.26 
henrys bash has a completion thing for make14:46.45 
  kens: that's wrong it shouldn't do that.14:47.13 
kens henrys it definitely does14:47.26 
henrys tor8: release?14:47.29 
kens If I run a file which contains ony PJL then run a file whcih contains PCL, then at the end of the PJL file, the environment is reset, before the PCL file is run14:47.57 
henrys kens: the "SET" environment should be reset, "DEFAULT" should not14:48.32 
kens Yes, that's what's happening14:48.43 
  It resets to the default14:48.48 
  I *could* use DEFAULT but thaqt would mean the stuff would get run multiple times14:49.04 
  Which might be unfortunate14:49.21 
henrys that's exactly what PJL is supposed to do according to the spec and printer. I don't understand what you are proposing?14:49.34 
kens I don't have a proposal, just saying14:49.44 
henrys kens: I guess we could have a "custom thing" for this that behaves differently.14:50.29 
kens That's the only solution I can think of14:50.41 
tor8 henrys: soon-ish. we've been doing some bug scrubbing.14:51.04 
kens My feeling at the moment is to use DEFAULT, but cleaqr it on first use14:51.04 
Robin_Watts Apologies, my phone line died for a few minutes there.14:51.18 
kens But this was from Saturday and I've forgotten it again :-(14:51.19 
henrys Robin_Watts: funny everyone seems to be bouncing in and out.14:51.32 
kens henrys as long as I'm not missing somethign I'll go back again, ust wanted to check ths was expected14:51.49 
marcosw1 Robin_Watts: you still using a modem?14:52.10 
Robin_Watts marcosw1: ADSL.14:52.22 
henrys ny fiber is late supposed to be here by now.14:52.38 
Robin_Watts Fibre is coming this century apparently.14:52.44 
henrys s/ny/my14:52.44 
kens Techncally I can get fibre to the cabinet here14:53.09 
  Haven't tried to actually request it yet14:53.22 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/fred_fix14:53.33 
  That's your branch from yesterday, with me having juggled the commits about a bit.14:53.48 
henrys tor8: any ideas schedule wise. I need to tell miles when the newsletter witl be done or it really wouldn't matter.14:54.00 
Robin_Watts and tweaked the commit messages into the appropriate format.14:54.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: how are the mobile versions in terms of release readiness?14:54.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: Not a clue. I've had my head up SOT for the past 3 months mostly.14:55.05 
tor8 desktop wise I think we could push a release week after next14:55.06 
henrys chrisl: I'm going to think about and talk to marcos about automated configuration testing for releases on different platforms. We gotta do better at this.14:55.12 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. and I've no clue either ... vacation and not caring about mobile stuff :)14:55.30 
chrisl henrys: what's changed since the last time we talked about that?14:55.40 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts: are you going to go with that then?14:55.44 
jogux kens: fibre to the cabinet is a huge upgrade, well worth it14:55.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think that mobile wise we're as good as we ever are. No massive new features, no massive new bugs.14:56.03 
  fredross-perry: Almost. We can talk after the meeting.14:56.15 
fredross-perry ok14:56.21 
kens jogux, not sure I use enough bandwidth to be worthwhile. And still limited by my internal network speed14:56.27 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Those changes look plausible.14:56.40 
kens henrys, one last thing. I'm not sure what to do about bug #696224, its not a pdfwrite problem as such. The pxlcolor device is doing something 'different' with 'text' (could be bitmaps) and filled paths, which results in ROPS 'sometimes'. Probably it shouldn't do that, but I've no idea how much we care. The 'problem' is that some PCL-compatible printers don't seem to implemenbt these ROPs14:56.53 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Thanks14:56.54 
henrys chrisl: I would fear your build changes could interact with things like environment variable settings, compile init changes, lots of stuff that we should be testing every build anyway14:57.07 
chrisl henrys: we do test compile_inits=0 every release14:57.38 
henrys not for pcl, I can assure you of that.14:57.55 
chrisl Well, that's because PCL didn't really support it at all14:58.16 
marcosw1 chrisl: technically we test compile_inits=0 every week.14:58.29 
tor8 Robin_Watts: what about the big iOS 9 update that just dropped?14:59.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: I care not for iOS.14:59.20 
  We need to decide if we want to put gproof into the standard mupdf release.14:59.45 
  I'm thinking not.14:59.53 
henrys marcosw1: oh I didn't know you had something for that, but I would like to hit various configuration option and env variables.14:59.58 
fredross-perry what are the pros/cons?15:00.14 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: I don't want to have to ship a copy of gs in every copy of mupdf :)15:00.30 
henrys fredross-perry: of testing? ;-)15:00.31 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I agree. Just leave gsproof as a compile option15:00.33 
Robin_Watts It should be enabled if we 'SUPPORT_GPROOF=yes' when we make, but not otherwise.15:00.59 
fredross-perry henrys: no, of including gproof in the standard mupdf release15:01.08 
chrisl henrys: the biggest problem, if we set off down that path, is where do we stop?15:01.13 
henrys fredross-perry: joking15:01.16 
fredross-perry sorry, humor-impaired15:01.29 
jogux tor8: from what I tried, mupdf is okay running on iOS 9 and afaicr building with the iOS 9 SDK15:01.32 
tor8 jogux: great, thanks!15:01.41 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: 99.9% of mupdf on android users won't care about gproof.15:01.44 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts: sure15:01.57 
jogux tor8: if you want to prod me when the release is ready I could do the itunes upload. I'll need to update the cocoapod thing too I believe.15:02.32 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: you have a nexus right? were you able to reproduce the white tile problem I reported there. If not let's just forget about it my tablet is flaky anyway.15:03.33 
  mvrhel_laptop: it happens with altona visual at 300 and 600 dpi for me.15:04.07 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I will try it today15:04.15 
chrisl marcosw1: did you see my comment on Bug 696229 ?15:04.27 
marcosw1 henrys: if you have a list of configuration options and env variables you'd like to test I can look into it. Are you just making sure they compile works or testing files?15:04.36 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: so you did see my email about how we compare to GG on the hardware from M?15:05.00 
tor8 jogux: okay, thanks. got a few things I need to merge and test for the desktop release before we're ready to do a release.15:05.14 
chrisl marcosw1: I assume henrys means the env variables that gs uses at run time15:05.17 
mvrhel_laptop we really need to figure out if we are doing something wrong as well as make sure our J files are the same as the J files that they are testing GG with15:05.34 
  I am going to try to have lunch with mq this week and talk about this all with him15:06.05 
henrys marcosw1: I meant to ask do you want me to explain the raster ops situation to the customer?15:06.21 
marcosw1 chrisl: yes, wasn't sure what the next step was. I suppose I need to try your commit and see if the seg fault goes away for me. 15:06.36 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: I am almost entirely happy with the first 4 commits on robin/fred_fix. My reservations are to do with the bitmap recycling and whether it makes SUPPORT_GPROOF the default.15:06.58 
chrisl marcosw1: that would be good - or point me at a machine I could try it on (I tried peeves without luck)15:07.10 
marcosw1 henrys: I would appreciate it; the customers tend to push back less if it's the vp of engr. tellig them somehting can't be done.15:07.31 
Robin_Watts The bitmap recycling has bitten us lots of times before. I'd like paulgardiner to look at that bit of the commit as he might have thoughts.15:07.33 
henrys chrisl, marcosw1: I haven't really thought about the configuration options and env variables carefully15:07.40 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts: ok, let me know what you decide.15:08.06 
Robin_Watts I *believe* the android build should be smart enough to only offer the proofing button if there is a included, in which case we are golden. I need to check that.15:08.29 
marcosw1 chrisl: I was having trouble recreating it on any machine other than the one that I found it on. Though to be honest I didn't try very hard.15:08.49 
chrisl marcosw1: might be nice to mention that in the bug!15:09.19 
henrys marcosw1: will do, but I think I can explain things without my glorious title. I would think you should explain it to them and use your PhD to back it up ;-)15:09.26 
Robin_Watts The next 2 commits are the reusable ios lib, and the iCloud support. It all looks kinda plausible, but my eyes glaze over when presented by Objective C, so someone else should review that code. Paul/Tor/Jogu all speak ObjC.15:09.42 
marcosw1 chrisl: didn't want to discourage you :-)15:09.50 
chrisl henrys: so where do you stand on the release - I don't mind waiting a bit longer but, as I said, I'm not convinced we'll see much more testing getting one15:10.14 
Robin_Watts And the final whitespace fixes commit needs to pass the Tor-style police.15:10.20 
chrisl s/one/done15:10.21 
Robin_Watts Are you happy with my regrouping of your commits? The final result differs only in whitespace/line endings from your final result.15:11.19 
henrys chrisl: I think rayjj and mvrhel_laptop have not given thumbs up but I assume they are good15:11.28 
  chrisl: I'm good15:11.36 
mvrhel_laptop I am good15:11.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fredross-perry: if you run the script in 'scripts/' it should set up git config and hooks to automatically flag and fix whitespace problems when committing15:11.57 
  i.e. it fixes mixed tabs/spaces and trailing whitespace15:12.17 
Robin_Watts tor8: the whitespace fixes in the final commit are mid-line ones, mostly. See what you think.15:12.27;a=commitdiff;h=9da3d3a2f885fd28d6d705b53f34b545cb07cdbd15:12.34 
henrys fredross-perry: we try to convince developers with marginal success to download and beat on the release. Please have at it each time chrisl does an rc. Thanks.15:12.48 
fredross-perry great I’ll do that15:13.06 
Robin_Watts There were some <TAB><space><space> things in there that I dislike.15:13.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: eww. vertical alignment that isn't indentation :(15:13.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: This is why I thought I'd ask now to avoid a revert later on :)15:13.52 
tor8 but if you're going to do any sort of vertical alignment, tabs are the way to go15:13.56 
  I'd prefer not to have them though :)15:14.03 
Robin_Watts tor8, paulgardiner, jogux: Can one of you look over the 2 ios commits on robin/fred_fix please?15:14.47 
tor8 it messes up if you use proportional fonts or different tab stop settings, and it makes for lots of busy-work to realign whole columns of unrelated lines when you add or remove lines there.15:14.55 
rayjj chrisl: is today's windows 10 PDF fix in the release ?15:15.01 
tor8 and the fallout diff noise15:15.09 
chrisl rayjj: no15:15.10 
Robin_Watts proportional fonts are the work of the clinically insane.15:15.19 
  people that use tab stops that aren't 8 spaces deserve all the problems they get.15:15.42 
rayjj are we just counting on windows 10 being slow enough to roll out that it'll wait until Feb ?15:15.55 
Robin_Watts I can't argue the other cases though, except to say that there are cases where the readability given is still a win.15:16.21 
chrisl rayjj: I'm thinking I'll pull it in, though, given that's it's a) low risk and b) it could save us six months of repetition15:16.25 
Robin_Watts But mixing tabs and spaces is a real no-no.15:16.36 
jogux Robin_Watts: fredross-perry hmm. the first one that seems to mostly duplicate the entire iOS platform specific code I can't say I'd entirely fond of the duplication15:16.47 
rayjj chrisl: that sounds better to me than having to answer the question over and over15:16.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. the patch, even with its Evil^TM vertical alignment, is an improvement over mixed tabs and spaces15:16.56 
chrisl rayjj: exactly!15:17.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: The patch *introduces* tabs and spaces :)15:17.14 
tor8 and with Java, readability suffers enough that I'm almost inclined to believe you when you say it increases legibility :)15:17.18 
jogux Robin_Watts: fredross-perry: the iCloud one I need to look over when I don't have my head full of SOT stuff so I can get my head around it15:17.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it does? I thought it looks like it removed them...15:17.50 
fredross-perry jogux: “the first one”?15:18.00 
jogux fredross-perry: "Initial stesp for reusable iOS library"15:18.26 
Robin_Watts;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/fred_fix <- 3rd commit on that.15:18.47 
fredross-perry it is a duplicate. I just put it there for safekeeping. I can remove it.15:18.54 
  or put it in a branch. just did not want to lose it.15:19.10 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I was looking at "Various whitespace fixes"15:19.16 
jogux fredross-perry: yeah, I think keep that off golden for now15:19.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah, 2 different conversations here.15:19.28 
chrisl rayjj: there also (not for the release, just for review):;a=commitdiff;h=8f1a5100915:20.08 
rayjj chrisl: that commit looks good15:21.07 
chrisl rayjj: thanks15:21.14 
rayjj I don't have any problem doing the memset all of the time, not just when running PACIFY_VALGRIND, but it's ok the way it is15:22.26 
chrisl rayjj: it's a potentially large block of memory, hence not wanting to do it all the time15:22.53 
  Plus, the valgrind warning if for bytes we genuinely ignore15:23.23 
rayjj chrisl: agreed, that it is most likely not causing any indeterminism (I hope)15:24.52 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Looks good to me, but is it perhaps worth genuinely just setting the padding bytes?15:25.06 
  That way valgrind would still report stuff in the real bitmap area?15:25.30 
rayjj patterns are common enough that I would expect referencing bytes that are UMR would have shown up15:25.40 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I considered that, but it's not straight forward at that point - there's a limit to how much effort I want to put into it15:26.18 
Robin_Watts chrisl: OK.15:27.08 
chrisl Robin_Watts: it's because the block we allocate also contains space for the scan line pointers - if not for that, it'd be pretty trivial.15:28.32 
rayjj can someone give me some help getting peeved DNS/IP address straightened out. peeved gets its own IP address wrong from 'host' and 'dig' alshas its old IP address and says: SERVER: (which is peeves == 
  so how is it that peeved is getting it wrong. Note that dig on peeves (or casper == returns the correct address for peeved15:34.35 
fredross-perry bbiab15:34.53 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Have you restarted the dns server on peeved since you changed the config ?15:35.00 
rayjj marcosw: I am sure that is the cause of the slowness15:35.10 
  Robin_Watts: I've restarted peeved altogether. Is there a cache somewhere that persists across restarts ?15:35.49 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Not as far as I know. Where are you configuring it ?15:36.08 
rayjj Robin_Watts: /etc/resolvconv/resolvconf.d has the name servers. /etc/network/interfaces has the static IP set up (but not the name 'peeved' -- that's in /etc/hosts with the correct address)15:40.59 
jogux rayjj: which is the old and new ip ?15:41.32 
rayjj on peeved, dig is also getting the old address for from somewhere. The old address is for peeved and for peeves == ns2.ghostscript.com15:42.35 
jogux so any 64.x.x.x adress is bad/old?15:42.52 
rayjj the new (correct) address is for peeved15:42.56 
  jogux: yes15:43.01 
jogux so says that is serving the wrong address then15:43.12 
  I suspect that could be because the SOA serial number wasn't changed on ns1.ghostscript.com15:44.13 
rayjj jogux: on peeves, then it has the correct address in /etc/bind/ (and in 
  jogux: OK. I can update that. And I assume I should do it on peeves as well ?15:45.20 
jogux is peeves setup as a secondary (that does a zone transfer from the master) or a master (any dns has to be manually updated)?15:45.28 
rayjj jogux: I don't remember.15:47.42 
jogux rayjj: is there a way I can login to peeves?15:48.03 
rayjj jogux: let me check if you have a userid there15:48.41 
  jogux: if not, I'll set one up15:48.56 
  jogux: nope, you aren't there yet.15:49.31 
  jogux: just a sec15:50.39 
  jogux: OK, you should be able to get into peeves now15:59.33 
jogux rayjj: that works. looking :-)15:59.53 
  okay, so peeves is setup to be a slave with casper as the master.16:01.31 
rayjj jogux: that sounds acceptable16:01.55 
jogux so I think if you update the zone serial number in the SOA on casper and reload it's name server, that change should propogate to peeves.16:01.56 
fredross-perry re: What’s wsfix vs wsfixi ?16:05.06 
kens OK I'm off out for dinner, goodnight all16:08.22 
rayjj jogux: now peeves is getting a totally wrong IP for peeved ( )16:08.33 
jogux rayjj: impressive. just a sec :-)16:08.56 
rayjj jogux: OK. I restarted bind9 on peeves and it looks OK now (at least on peeves)16:12.20 
jogux rayjj: cool. let me run that traverse again...16:12.59 
rayjj jogux: and peeved gets the right thing from peeves now16:13.02 
  so not updating the SOA was the culprit16:13.25 
jogux yep, traversal looks good now.16:13.30 
  rayjj: yeah, not updating it often does cause issues like this :(16:13.40 
rayjj jogux: THANKS16:13.47 
  jogux: yeah, I do it so infrequently that I forget the magic recipe16:14.15 
jogux rayjj: no problem :-)16:16.36 
rayjj marcosw: that will probably resolve the slowness from peeved16:17.06 
  going to get more coffee ...16:21.25 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I wanted to come back to the performance stuff with you and ray when he gets back.16:29.29 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok sounds good16:29.39 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: we do have fp yes?16:29.46 
  and do we know of an asics that might be in use by the competitor? I assume your colleague would have toldy you that16:30.37 
mvrhel_laptop fp?16:31.16 
henrys s/asics/asic/16:31.29 
  floating point16:31.33 
mvrhel_laptop oh yes16:31.35 
  so we have the same dev board that they are running gg on16:31.58 
  and he said our numbers were 5 to 10 times slower for the j files.16:32.17 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yea but some hardware feature could be a compile switch away.16:32.27 
mvrhel_laptop with the number we supplied to him16:32.27 
  he was concerned that we might have been doing some writes to disk. as gg was not doing that 16:32.55 
  but I think ray said he was going to the null device16:33.04 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: and surely he used in memory banding.16:33.20 
mvrhel_laptop I am wondering if I could get ray's system here and take it to MQ and go over it with him16:33.36 
henrys anyway best to wait for ray I'm going to get some coffee16:33.50 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I will do same 16:34.02 
fredross-perry mvrhel_laptop: plz check your email regarding profiles. Thanks.16:35.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Their board is ARM based?16:36.05 
  ARMs history with FP is 'interesting'.16:36.54 
  Originally they had no FP hardware at all, and it was all done using a software emulator. They defined FP operations using the coprocessor instructions. Whenever execution hit such an instruction the coprocessor not being there caused an abort. That abort was caught in software, and the FP op was emulated in software and execution continued.16:38.28 
  Then they actually produced hardware that implemented that coprocessor, but very few chips ever shipped with that.16:38.59 
  They also did compilers that directly replaced the FP ops with calls to a software FP lib. That was 2-3 times faster than the coprocessor emulator.16:39.52 
  Then they changed the FP emulator opcodes entirely.16:40.08 
  Then they did that again.16:40.12 
  Then they came out with NEON, and changed them again.16:40.25 
mvrhel_laptop so I do see that this part is dual core. I dont think ray was doing any multithreaded rendering he said16:40.50 
Robin_Watts So, it's a nightmare trying to find exactly the right build options for exactly the right CPU/FP combo.16:41.05 
rayjj henrys: back now16:48.05 
henrys rayjj: well we'd obviously like to get to the bottom of the performance discrepancy that's easy to say...16:49.40 
  did you read above about fp and all that?16:50.19 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts and I were just chatting about this. There is some concern as to the level of fp support16:50.22 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Do you have the toolchain you used installed anywhere ?16:50.28 
mvrhel_laptop The spec sheet says it has "vector floating point"16:50.41 
  but Robin_Watts was concerned about some of it being software emulated16:50.56 
Robin_Watts well, I'm concerned that the toolchain might be generating soft FP rather than using the hardware FP.16:51.32 
mvrhel_laptop ah16:51.40 
  I see16:51.41 
Robin_Watts The raspberry pi went through the same thing.16:51.56 
  The first versions of the distros were all doing FP in software.16:52.14 
  They got a massive speed boost when they got the FP building correct.16:52.30 
mvrhel_laptop ok. that would be nice to figure out16:52.57 
Robin_Watts Also, they have a NEON copro in there.16:56.45 
  NEON is for doing SIMD etc.16:56.52 
mvrhel_laptop in the new or old part?16:57.19 
Robin_Watts both, AIUI.16:57.28 
rayjj Robin_Watts: OK, I have the VM up (linux) where I have the toolchain installed. What do I look for ?16:58.28 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Urm... gcc --dump-specs?16:58.46 
  something like that.16:58.49 
  gcc -dumpspecs16:59.15 
rayjj *cpp:17:02.58 
  %(subtarget_cpp_spec) %{msoft-float:%{mhard-float: %e-msoft-float and -mhard_float may not be used together}}17:02.59 
  Robin_Watts: does that tell us anything ?17:03.01 
mvrhel_laptop which were we using...17:03.25 
jogux arm gcc is fiendishly difficult to configure perfectly iirc. there's quite a few options that are "much faster but not as correct". (where not as correct may well not matter for our purposes, it's not like the results of the calcs are going into a rocket guidance system :-) )17:03.27 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Can you pastebin the specs file ?17:04.04 
mvrhel_laptop its like volkswagon emissions 17:04.08 
Robin_Watts #ifdef EPA17:04.26 
mvrhel_laptop :)17:04.31 
rayjj Robin_Watts: jogux: the "multilib_defaults:" section has: marm mlittle-endian msoft-float mno-thumb-interwork fno-leading-underscore17:04.32 
henrys and what's the output - 1 bit cmyk rayjj ?17:04.37 
Robin_Watts rayjj: soft-float is bad, I am fairly sure.17:04.52 
rayjj Robin_Watts: no, because it has the name of company M in it. I can upload it to casper or email it17:05.37 
henrys I received a lengthy tutorial from GG folks how fast harlequin screening is at chicago I'm not sure how much of that was BS.17:05.41 
rayjj which do you prefer?17:05.49 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Either is fine with me.17:06.04 
mvrhel_laptop hmm maybe we should do a NEON version of the screening SIMD stuff we have17:06.22 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: some info about it here: we need to compete on that front also.17:06.28 
rayjj henrys: I'd have to go back and look, but istr I was doing contone, figuring they would use the asic color correct / halftone step17:06.50 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: oh so they have special screens17:07.18 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: they were making a big fuss over it at chicago but you know how these things go.17:07.49 
mvrhel_laptop my screens are supposed to do something like this17:07.49 
  yes. I don't think people get to excited about hafltone screens these days17:08.05 
rayjj henrys: the results are attached to the email last Oct 17 (tech was cc'ed)17:08.09 
henrys something to ask MQ how is the other rip being run?17:08.34 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: you mean in terms of bit depth color etc17:08.50 
henrys right17:09.02 
rayjj henrys: I had done 600 and 1200 of CMYK contone, RGB contone, 8-bit Gray, 1-bit mono and RGB contone with BGprinting (overlapped parse/render)17:10.23 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: it looks like this thing has 2 arms so I am wondering if doing 2 threads makes sense17:11.28 
  once we get the fp figured out17:11.39 
rayjj gs args were: -r600/1200 -Z: -sBandListStorage=memory -dUseFastColor=true -sDEVICE=bitrgb -dGrayValues=256 -o /dev/null -dBufferSpace=16m -dBGPrint=true17:11.46 
henrys it has 2 arms ... ;-) sorry I can't help it, giddy today17:12.11 
rayjj the 'bit' devices recognize /dev/null and skip the 'fwrite' step17:12.15 
mvrhel_laptop ok well that is good17:12.40 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: did he suspect disk access because he looked at an os trace?17:14.03 
rayjj I had done J9, J11, J12 and the PLRM 100 page for PCL, PS and PDF17:14.56 
mvrhel_laptop no17:16.17 
  the slow speed17:16.22 
  it was just a guess17:16.26 
rayjj were you able to find the spreadsheet ?17:16.45 
  Robin_Watts: you can look at 
henrys rayjj: was that to I'm looking at it in the email yes.17:19.34 
  s/was that to/was that to me/17:19.52 
rayjj henrys: OK. Glad you can still get it17:20.23 
Robin_Watts rayjj: When you built, did you specify any particular options?17:21.22 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I'll probably need a whole new toolchain. Getting that was an issue, iirc17:21.35 
Robin_Watts Do we still have the board?17:21.35 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yes17:21.41 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: apparently for the new part, they are using an open source tool chain now17:21.57 
Robin_Watts (yes, we still have the board? Or yes, you specified options?)17:22.01 
  mvrhel_laptop: Probably the codesourcery toolchain.17:22.12 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yes we have the board. I'll have to dig into the Makefile for options17:22.26 
Robin_Watts rayjj: It could potentially be worth trying to set some of the options and seeing whether it makes a change to the speeds.17:23.04 
rayjj Robin_Watts: the toolchain I used had the "eabi-hard_i686" in the path name17:23.39 
Robin_Watts -mfpu=vfp or -mfpu=neon, and -mfloat-abi=hard17:23.51 
  Well, hopefully the i686 is the host :) The eabi-hard suggests it's properly configured though.17:24.30 
rayjj Robin_Watts: the CC is armcc.m##x0/arm-m*******-linux-gnueabi-gcc17:27.02 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: so I guess just asking which numbers MQ is looking at in rayjj's spreadsheet will tell us the configuration(s) he is interested in.17:28.50 
rayjj Robin_Watts: where the ## and *** are obfuscation of the name17:28.58 
Robin_Watts yeah, I don't learn anything new from that :(17:29.11 
  It may just be that GG have invested some time optimising their products for ARMs in a way that we haven't.17:29.29 
rayjj henrys: yeah, we never got ANY response AFAIK as to which they might be interested in, but we should look at a configuration similar to gg17:29.55 
Robin_Watts My experience with MQ was that he was an utter black hole. Hopefully mvrhel_laptop can get some responses out of him.17:30.40 
mvrhel_laptop well he just lives a short distance away from here and I worked with him for about 5 years so I should be able to get something out of him. trying to meet him for lunch this week. 17:32.15 
  so do we think that we are using the hardware fp then?17:32.53 
Robin_Watts I suspect I was just never a priority for them, and he was busy with other stuff.17:32.54 
  mvrhel_laptop: I would guess that we probably were.17:33.04 
mvrhel_laptop ok17:33.08 
  the other question is, can we get the files that they are using17:33.21 
  to test17:33.23 
  it is possible the j* files are different17:33.33 
rayjj and we should understand which language they want. Our PCL was faster than PS on some, slower on others, but PS was a fairly in the 20 PPM for the J files and > 80 ppm for the PLRM. Hard to imagine gg being 5 to 10 times that fast17:33.56 
mvrhel_laptop right17:34.05 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: in fact, I thought you said that they went from 40 to 70 ppm17:34.35 
mvrhel_laptop who is they17:34.59 
  or what17:35.06 
  I don't recall ever giving any absolute numbers17:35.26 
  I had said the new architecture was some factor faster17:35.48 
  and that we were some factor slower than GG17:35.56 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I thought it was during the phone call17:35.58 
mvrhel_laptop no I don't have any numbers. I will try to get some17:36.09 
rayjj but in any case I'd like to run the new board17:37.08 
mvrhel_laptop I will print out the spread sheet and take it to lunch17:37.08 
  I told him we wanted that. He is going to work on getting it for us17:37.33 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: is that today ?17:37.37 
mvrhel_laptop No not today17:37.49 
  either tomorrow or Friday17:37.57 
chrisl Who did the testing these numbers come from?17:38.15 
mvrhel_laptop he is actually on vacation this week17:38.16 
  chrisl: that is also a good question17:38.31 
  either M or GG17:38.36 
chrisl Well, casting no aspersions on my former colleagues, but......17:38.56 
rayjj chrisl: you don't think gg may have fudged things ? ;-)17:39.04 
mvrhel_laptop what would be nice is for me to go to MQs house and see GG running and get ours running on the same system17:39.26 
  and compare17:39.31 
  I may push to see about that being a possibility17:39.42 
rayjj that'd be awesome17:39.47 
chrisl rayjj: well, I'm wondering if some configuration tweaking may gave been done to get those specific files running optimally - ignoring real world17:40.14 
mvrhel_laptop -dNOTRANSPARENCY17:40.42 
  for example...17:40.59 
chrisl Transparency is one place where I feel we might be losing out17:41.11 
henrys rayjj: it would be nice to profile this stuff and see if we have something weird going on with respect to x86 desktop profile.17:41.36 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that whole mess could use some optimization17:41.38 
rayjj chrisl: well, the PS and PCL versions had transparency already flattened17:41.51 
mvrhel_laptop yes I could do some profiling too17:41.52 
  let me find out what he is focusing on17:42.13 
  before we do that though17:42.20 
chrisl But maybe running the RIP as a server, pre-loading required fonts, optimising band size, maybe even tweaking process priorities17:42.22 
mvrhel_laptop yes17:42.35 
  5 to 10x slower seems so far out that that something weird has to be going on17:43.20 
chrisl But without transparency in the mix, I'm struggling to see a 5-10x difference. You're unlikely to get that from some ARM optimisations17:43.41 
mvrhel_laptop well the fp was a possible one17:44.10 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Profiling on the target is the only thing we can do. There might be something REALLY stupid going on.17:44.18 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: and being 5 to 10 times faster than 20 ppm on the J files seems implausible given RAM bandwidth on an ARM17:44.34 
mvrhel_laptop right. 17:44.48 
  rayjj: I know it would only give us less than 2x boost but would it be worth doing 2 threads?17:45.31 
rayjj we don't really have too much FP, particularly when running -dUSeFastColor17:45.35 
henrys chrisl: PCL sort of rules out the PS startup time being an issue. Really like to see a profile on the arm17:45.49 
mvrhel_laptop does the tool chain have a profiler?17:46.08 
henrys as Robin_Watts it could be something silly17:46.27 
chrisl henrys: it doesn't rule out process startup overhead17:46.34 
henrys as Robin_Watts said it could be something silly17:46.38 
Robin_Watts is frequently silly.17:46.59 
henrys chrisl: no true but we've had a few customers complain of gs start time, that's what I was thinking about17:47.26 
  chrisl: do you know of any harlequin hardware assist for color conversion or stuff like that?17:48.04 
rayjj henrys: that's something the board has17:48.19 
mvrhel_laptop but we are not using it17:48.27 
  and they might be17:48.30 
henrys that's a big deal17:48.44 
rayjj which is why I did -dUseFastColor17:48.46 
henrys oh maybe not such a big deal ;-(17:49.12 
chrisl It's something I would not be surprised if they were using it - HQN were not averse to such customisations (regardless of whether it made sense)17:49.20 
mvrhel_laptop ok. well I will find out about that as well 17:49.44 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: that's why I mostly focused on contone configurations (except for the 1-bit mono case) figuring that the chip would be used to color correct and halftone17:50.36 
mvrhel_laptop yes, that makes sense17:50.49 
  rayjj: are you able to profile on the arm?17:51.21 
Robin_Watts See if the kernel has oprofile support.17:51.35 
rayjj Robin_Watts: if I run a profile build on the target, can the host (build system) gprof make sense out of it ?17:51.47 
  Robin_Watts: how do I tell if the kernel has oprofile ?17:52.12 
Robin_Watts rayjj: oprofile would be a better option than gprof.17:52.20 
  Do you have the opcontrol command?17:52.29 
  (he says, dredging around in the depths of his memory)17:52.43 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I have to dig the board out of a box17:52.47 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Ah, ok.17:53.08 
rayjj and fire it up. That'll take a while (I'm not sure which box it's in since I moved)17:53.21 
Robin_Watts opcontrol configures/starts/stops the profiler.17:53.33 
chrisl oprofile can end up with information overload.... personally, I'd start with gprof17:53.34 
Robin_Watts oprofile has never seemed too bad to me. And it's less invasive than gprof, cos it runs a normal binary.17:54.04 
chrisl But it's full system, so gives information of everything going on - unless it's better now.17:54.53 
  And I see no reason gprof on the host wouldn't work on a profile file from the target - fairly sure I've done that before17:56.21 
Robin_Watts chrisl: you can tell oprofile to look at a particular image only.17:56.38 
chrisl Ah, "operf <binary>" - I don't recall that when I tried it17:57.30 
Robin_Watts opcontrol --image=gs17:57.35 
  operf is, I suspect, a wrapper script.17:58.17 
chrisl Probably, yes.17:58.25 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab17:59.39 
rayjj OK, I found the board. Now I have to remember how to hook up to it18:02.58 
  I have to run lunch to my son. bbiaw18:08.51 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: oh good18:11.29 
henrys rayjj: for the logs if you have gdb this works for "silly/easy" problems on linux: for x in $(seq 1 10); do sudo gdb -ex "set pagination 0" -ex "bt" -batch -p [pid]; sleep 1; done ... there are other variations of this on the web18:17.16 
NP-Hardass Good afternoon. Having a little trouble on windows with some PS code that I copied over from linux and would appreciate some guidance if anyone can help. I am using the font Calibri, and with the font installed properly on linux, gs loads the font when called. However, when I attempt to do so on windows, I get: I attempted to make a cifdmap entry, but to no avail:18:23.40 
  /Calibri << /Path (c:/windows/Fonts/Calibri.ttf) /SubfontID 0 /FileType /TrueType /CSI [(Identity) 0] >> ; (do I need some sort of flag to get it to read the cifdmap?)18:24.08 
chrisl NP-Hardass: you need to use the "-I" command line option to tell Ghostscript where to search - point it at the directory where your customised cidfmap file is located18:25.50 
NP-Hardass chrisl: let me give that a try18:26.16 
  chrisl: I seem to still have no luck. gswin32c.exe -DNOSAFER -I /y/gs/cidfmap output.pdf, looks correct, yes?18:33.31 
  er, no space between -I and /y/18:34.06 
chrisl Is the directory really called y?18:34.25 
Robin_Watts Is /y/gs/cidfmap a directory ?18:34.26 
NP-Hardass Robin_Watts: yes, mapped network drive mounted at Y:/ via bash so /y/18:34.51 
  and I have the cidfmap in the cidfmap directory18:35.07 
chrisl This isn't bash, this is ghostscript - try a windows style path18:35.18 
NP-Hardass let me try that.18:35.28 
Robin_Watts -IY:\\gs\\cidfmap\\18:35.53 
chrisl And, as Robin_Watts was getting at, you need it to point to the directory which contains cidfmap, not at the cidfmap file itself18:36.22 
Robin_Watts otherwise bash will eat your \'s.18:36.31 
NP-Hardass Sadly, no luck with that either.18:41.05 
chrisl Could you try it first from the Windows command prompt? Eliminate bash as a variable18:42.14 
NP-Hardass chrisl: Attempted that as well.18:43.07 
chrisl Erm, the error you posted is mentioning Cambria not Calibri18:43.52 
NP-Hardass oh, my apologies, I have the issue with both calibri and cambria, but for the sake of simplicity, I only mentioned one. I accidentally pasted the other.18:44.40 
chrisl Well, -I<path> works on Windows for me - I just tried it18:46.07 
NP-Hardass hmm. So must be some weird human error on my part :P Let me look over everything again. At least now I know what I *should* be doing.18:46.59 
chrisl If the command line you posted above is what you're using, it's not going to work...... for other reasons18:47.35 
NP-Hardass er, what did I goof otherwise?18:47.57 
chrisl You don't specify a device and you don't (correctly) specify an output file18:48.07 
NP-Hardass oh... Prior to switching fonts, it had been generating pdfs with that.18:48.53 
chrisl I'd be very surprised18:49.30 
  If you don't specify a device, you'll get the Windows display device18:50.18 
  you need something like: gswin32c.exe -DNOSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o output.pdf -Iy:\gs\cidfmap input.ps18:51.10 
NP-Hardass Well, that I cannot explain. I have some powershell scripts that invoke-expression ghostscript and it's been generating pdfs for months :P19:00.29 
  (I do my experimentation/development in bash for simplicity)19:00.52 
chrisl What you had above looks more like a ps2pdf command line19:02.17 
NP-Hardass Well, for the sake of explicitness, I've switched to -sDEVICE and -o19:02.36 
chrisl So, one thought is to move your customised cidfmap into the y:\gs directory and try it there19:03.30 
NP-Hardass I can try that19:03.45 
chrisl The only other thing that springs to mind is that I don't have multiple drives on my Windows box, so I can't test different drives. So maybe try it on c: instead19:05.08 
NP-Hardass let me try that. the cidfmap, or gs itself, or both?19:05.44 
chrisl both on the same, local drive19:06.07 
NP-Hardass I shall give that a try.19:06.24 
  chrisl and Robin_Watts: thank you for all of your help thusfar. Much appreciated.19:06.53 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Did you see the gs-devel thing about rc2 still failing ?19:07.35 
chrisl I've replied19:08.08 
Robin_Watts Were you polite? :)19:08.22 
chrisl -ish.....19:08.27 
  NP-Hardass: well, adding a mapped network drive on my Windows box also seems to work, so.... <shrug>19:09.37 
NP-Hardass chrisl: We'll chalk it up to human-computer interface error then :P19:10.03 
chrisl I assume you are using a reasonably recent Ghostscript version19:11.48 
NP-Hardass chrisl: 9.10, but I just tested 9.16 when I installed to the C drive19:12.33 
  chrisl: Well, I think at this point, I should take a break and come back to it later. I need to write some other ps documents that don't involve that font :P But really, I majorly appreciate all the help19:16.44 
chrisl How are you loading the font? Just checking you realise the difference between fonts and CIDFonts19:17.27 
NP-Hardass Nope, I was blindly following a stackexchange post on loading the font.19:18.26 
  chrisl: that certainly could be the problem. I'm attempting to use the ttf calibri font in windows. Beyond that, I have zero knowledge about the process. I was scraping things together from googling :P19:20.27 
chrisl NP-Hardass: so, are you hand coding the PS?19:21.10 
NP-Hardass yes19:21.19 
chrisl So, are you doing something like: /Calibri findfont19:21.38 
NP-Hardass Yessir.19:21.43 
chrisl And not something like /Calibri-Identity-H findfont19:22.05 
NP-Hardass correct19:22.12 
  /Calibri findfont19:22.22 
chrisl okay, you are loading a font, not a CIDFont, so editing cidfmap isn't going to help19:22.39 
NP-Hardass Okay, so XY problem. Rather than looking at how I attempted to resolve my issue, if I want to load the font, am using /Calibri findfont, and it doesn't find the font font with the error message indicated earlier (, what is the best approach?19:24.44 
chrisl Well, it depends on how you want to use Calibri - in Postcript a font can only access 255 glyphs19:26.01 
NP-Hardass I've only been using the alphabet+punctuation. I switch to zapfdingbats to get the one special glyph I need (a black square \156)19:27.20 
rayjj henrys: I saw your "for the logs" comment earlier, but don't know why I'd want it (setpagination 0) ???19:27.24 
chrisl NP-Hardass: okay, so you need a Fontmap file, rather than a cidfmap file.....19:27.48 
  NP-Hardass: in your Fontmap file, you need to include the standard mappings, which you can copy from here: 
  And then append the lines:19:30.43 
  /Calibri (c:\\windows\\Fonts\\Calibri.ttf) ;19:30.53 
  /Cambria (c:\\windows\\Fonts\\Cambria.ttf) ;19:31.22 
  Then use the same -I option to point Ghostscript at the directory where you've stored the Fontmap file19:31.56 
  Or, in this case, you can be more explicit, and use "-sFONTMAP=y:\gs\Fontmap" - so pointing to the *actual* Fontmap file19:33.14 
NP-Hardass chrisl: That'll teach me to blindly google :P Let me try that out.19:35.24 
  chrisl: well, interestingly, calibri loaded, cambria did not.19:49.28 
  Progress :)19:49.34 
chrisl That's um, odd.....19:50.21 
NP-Hardass Indeed.19:51.57 
chrisl Hmm, that happens for me too19:52.53 
NP-Hardass Huzzah, a problem that isn't just mine19:53.04 
chrisl Oh, it's because cambria is a ttc19:53.17 
NP-Hardass Ah ha.19:53.33 
chrisl So, change .ttf to .ttc for cambria and try that19:54.18 
NP-Hardass So changing the extension works for cambria. How would one add the italics and bold?19:54.37 
chrisl As far as Postscript are concerned, they are just different fonts.19:55.07 
NP-Hardass /Cambria,Italic (C:\\Windows\\Fonts\Cambria.ttc) ; ?19:55.34 
chrisl I'd suggest not using a command, and you need to reference the italic font file19:56.18 
  /Cambria-Italic (C:\\Windows\\Fonts\Cambriai.ttf) ;19:56.42 
  /Cambria-Bold (C:\\Windows\\Fonts\Cambriab.ttf) ;19:57.25 
  Not sure what cambriaz.ttf is.....19:57.51 
Robin_Watts z = italic bold, IIRC.19:58.23 
chrisl Oh, that's new....19:58.41 
  So: /Cambria-BoldItalic (C:\\Windows\\Fonts\Cambriaz.ttf) ;19:59.10 
NP-Hardass chrisl: My hero :)20:03.26 
chrisl All working?20:03.41 
NP-Hardass chrisl: Indeed. Worthy of buying you a beer. Got a donation link?20:03.59 
chrisl No, something we're considered, but nothing came of it20:04.33 
  NP-Hardass: if you're going to be doing quite a bit of this kind of thing, I'd strongly urge at least browsing the Postscript reference manual chapters on fonts and CIDFonts20:05.42 
NP-Hardass chrisl: well, I'm almost always logged into freenode. Ping me if/when you do. I'd like to send you one.20:05.54 
  chrisl: I shall do that.20:06.00 
chrisl Well, if all is well, I'm going to head off - it's getting late here20:06.44 
NP-Hardass Thank you again, chrisl 20:08.03 
chrisl No problem, glad to help20:08.15 
rayjj well, I have the M board, but it doesn't power up (there are some lights on it). I'll have to run home and get my voltmeter and make sure that the PS is putting out the required stuff. At least I found all the docs :-)20:59.33 
marcosw1 henrys: ping23:46.23 
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