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diemex Hey, would it (theoretically) be possible to turn a pdf into android graphics objects like lines text etc to render from java?08:49.53 
kens In theory, yes08:50.05 
  THe graphcs model determiens how granular such objects can be08:50.24 
diemex That would be pretty cool to modify pdf pages, to just modify the graphics objects08:51.47 
kens You wouldn't be modifying the PDF pages, you would be modifying the android graphcis objects08:52.14 
diemex and then export that to pdf later08:52.27 
kens Yes, but its not the same PDF< you aren't 'modifying' the PDF08:52.40 
diemex yeah true08:52.50 
kens I know its a bit obseessive, but I get ths a lot from people runnign files through pdfwrite who insist they are 'modyfing' or 'compressing' or 'optimising'; their files, when they certainly are not.08:53.24 
  The problem in all these cases is that unless the graphcs model you are converting to is at least as rich as the source model, objects will have to be transformed. The transformation risks losing 'soemthing'08:54.21 
  Transparency in PDF is a major stumbling block in ths regard08:54.53 
diemex What kind of transparency?08:55.35 
kens Pretty much any kind08:55.43 
Robin_Watts diemex: PDF transparency is amazingly complex.08:55.52 
  diemex: You might want to consider using MuPDF for this.08:56.11 
kens s/amazingly/stupidly mind-bogglingy./08:56.12 
Robin_Watts MuPDF breaks all it's input files down to a series of 'device' calls.08:56.32 
  For things like 'fill text', 'fill path' etc.08:56.50 
  Many of those will map sanely onto java calls.08:57.08 
  I started on some JNI code at once to map them to/from the 'Canvas' class.08:57.26 
diemex And how did that pan out?08:57.45 
Robin_Watts Depending on your exact environment, you might be able to work with a mupdf lib under a JNI wrapper.08:58.03 
  diemex: I ran out of time, but the code may be around somewhere.08:58.15 
diemex Well I would like to use mupdf with multicore rendering in android.08:58.30 
Robin_Watts Right. MuPDF sounds like a better bet than gs in that environment.08:58.57 
diemex the new beta gradle plugin aparently supports ndk/jni along side java08:58.58 
Robin_Watts apparently, yes.08:59.23 
diemex But I really want multicore rendering. I want it to be as fast as just possible09:00.13 
Robin_Watts MuPDF supports that.09:00.39 
Robin_Watts runs to station. bbs.09:02.40 
diemex In MuPdfCore there are methods like drawPage() but how do I multicore render from java09:05.13 
  Do I have to add multicore jni bindings? Looking at the C-Code I'm having a hard time understanding it09:05.46 
Robin_Watts diemex: If you don't speak C, you will be in trouble.09:54.29 
  MuPDF has a C level API that you'd need to work with.09:54.38 
  You'd have to expose that into java using JNI, which requires you to understand C well enough.09:55.01 
diemex Yeah that is the issue09:56.33 
  What ide do you use for C?09:57.29 
Robin_Watts Visual Studio. Or Emacs.10:04.24 
diemex Okay, before I spent time on this lets make sure MuPdf has everything I need. 1. I need to multicore render pages 2. display table of contents 3. extract/search for text 4. add annotations over the pdf 5. insert pages10:09.09 
  6 delete pages10:09.30 
Robin_Watts 1,2,3 yes.10:42.10 
  4 for certain types of annotation, yes.10:42.20 
  5,6 depends on what you mean.10:42.31 
diemex well I'm trying to build a pdf app which enables writing. I need to be able to add a blank page into the pdf to write on10:44.04 
  so the annotations i need to add are handwriting mainly10:45.50 
  vector graphics10:45.54 
Robin_Watts diemex: If you're not a C programmer, forget it.10:50.25 
diemex well I'm not going to write it in C. I'm writing it in kotlin/java. I just need something to do the pdf stuff for me10:56.37 
Robin_Watts diemex: Right. To do that with MuPDF you will need to write code to interface with MuPDF. Which requires you writing in C.10:57.51 
  You may also need to extend MuPDF a bit, again which will require C skills.10:58.09 
diemex Yeah so it is probably just better to use something else10:58.39 
  Or I just use mupdf for rendering. For multicore rendering I just need to add the bindings right? 11:04.35 
kens lunches, I'll try out the plibm device afterwards11:05.46 
printline hi, what are and prefix in this file? 
  I’m trying to compile it by hand on OS X11:07.18 
  it works fine when brew does it, but it fails at openssl, OpenGL and X11 includes/libs11:07.46 
  I’ve tried adding them via XFLAGS and XLIBS, and by editing the Makefile but that doesn’t work11:08.13 
Robin_Watts printline: You'd need to take that up with the homebrew packagers.11:08.46 
  If you want to use *our* sources, then we are better placed to help.11:09.09 
printline Robin_Watts: it is you sources, as it seems: url "11:09.46 
Robin_Watts printline: Right, so what's the homebrew URL above about?11:10.15 
printline I was wondering what the CC= and prefix= arguments could be that make it run11:10.42 
Robin_Watts printline: Just run 'make' ?11:11.23 
printline Robin_Watts: that fails at openssl, OpenGL and X11 paths11:12.07 
  source/pdf/pdf-pkcs7.c:5:10: fatal error: 'openssl/err.h' file not found11:12.13 
  which can be corrected with this argument for make: XCFLAGS='-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include'11:12.45 
  but it will fail later at missing OpenGL symbols: LINK build/debug/mupdf-gl11:13.28 
  Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:11:13.31 
  "_glXCreateNewContext", referenced from:11:13.34 
  _createLegacyContext in libglfw.a(glx_context.o)11:13.36 
  oh, but perhaps this is from the newest version from the git reposity?11:13.56 
  anyway, I’m basically wondering what magic brew does to make it work11:14.12 
Robin_Watts printline: IF you're using the latest version from the git repo, then you'll need the opengl stuff too.11:14.36 
  Did you git submodule update --init ?11:14.43 
printline you are right that I should better ask on #Homebrew, but I thought perhaps someone would know how to fix that11:14.44 
Robin_Watts bear with me.11:16.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: mupdf-gl needs work to build on macosx without x11. good news is, it should be possible. the Makethird section for GLFW needs an ifdef macosx part with the macosx files in it.11:17.08 
Robin_Watts printline: OK, so there's your answer. We are preparing the new release of MuPDF at the moment, and that's involved some changes. Give it a while to settle down.11:17.54 
printline Robin_Watts: I saw that the common way to include opengl in os x is -framework OpenGL, instead of -lGL11:18.54 
  (not 100% sure though, but it seemed that it wasn’t that way in either makefiles)11:19.21 
Robin_Watts If you: git checkout 1.7a && git submodule update --init11:19.29 
  You will backtrack to the last release, and that should be easier to build currently.11:19.48 
  printline: tor8 is the OpenGL guy, not me.11:20.07 
  Trying to set this new PC up.11:29.41 
  When I hit ctrl-c in msys bash, the shell exits.11:29.53 
  That's going to get old fast.11:29.59 
  Hmm. Seems to only happen in ConsoleZ.11:30.40 
  AH, known problem with the latest git-bash :(11:34.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: eh, that sounds awful11:44.03 
Robin_Watts It's pretty dire. I may have to downgrade my git install.11:45.18 
  Ok, I may have a workaround.11:48.19 
  My graphics card has 3 display port slots, 1 DVI port and 1 HDMI port.12:09.35 
  am I reasonable in thinking that it must cope with 3 monitors ?12:09.45 
kens Maybe it has one spare in case you break one :-)12:10.02 
Robin_Watts ooh, 4 displays. I think that's probably overkill though.12:11.28 
kens Robin_Watts : the plibm device seems to be badly broken, and has been for some time.12:20.17 
printline Robin_Watts: I did a checkout of 1.7, but it still fails to find openssl12:20.52 
  Robin_Watts: if I just run 'make'12:21.01 
Robin_Watts make HAVE_OPENSSL=false12:21.12 
  make HAVE_OPENSSL=no sorry12:21.24 
printline Robin_Watts: still the same error: source/pdf/pdf-pkcs7.c:5:10: fatal error: 'openssl/err.h' file not found12:23.51 
kens Did a make clean first ?12:24.09 
printline Robin_Watts: it works by the way, if I add the path manually to XFLAGS="-L/..."12:24.13 
  kens: yes12:24.18 
  i.e. this brings me pretty far: make XCFLAGS='-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -I/opt/X11/include' XLIBS='-L/opt/X11/lib'12:24.48 
Robin_Watts printline: Then you're sorted.12:24.50 
printline Robin_Watts: ah, it works indeed :)12:25.59 
kens Hmm, we seem to have an invalid assumption in gdev_mem_open_scan_lines (or possibly an inappropriate use), if mdev->memory is NULL and mdev->line_pointers_memory is NULL then we seem to assume mdev->base is to be used. But in ths case that is NULL too (and we don't check)12:26.37 
printline Robin_Watts: is this a problem with the makefile or should I add these paths to an environment variable or some of the like?12:26.39 
  anyway, I’m working on a slight modification to mupdf so that it outputs the current page when it receives a SIGINFO syscall.12:28.48 
  but I’m not sure whether SIGINFO is available on all platforms12:29.02 
Robin_Watts printline: There is, I believe, an osx section in Makerules.12:29.36 
printline (also not sure whether the devs would consider this to be a useful feature at all)12:29.45 
Robin_Watts If you think this is a generic problem (as opposed to something non standard on your mac os x machine) then feel free to open a bug at and add it there.12:30.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: printline: 'brew' is not standard macosx though. we should build without that.12:30.56 
printline Robin_Watts: the surprising fact is that brew compiles is just nicely, though12:31.06 
  they are doing something about these include paths, but I don’t know what12:31.19 
tor8 OpenSSL is a problem though, since it looks like Apple has removed it in newer versions of OSX12:31.26 
Robin_Watts printline: brew imports all sorts of crap INTO your machine.12:31.39 
  It's entirely possible that brew is importing OpenSSL, and that's what's causing the problem.12:32.00 
printline Robin_Watts: what are your thougths on the SIGINFO feature?12:34.45 
Robin_Watts printline: I'm sure someone has already done that with SIGHUP.12:35.16 
  oh, sorry, OUTPUTS the page.12:35.28 
  Urm... as long as it's portable, we'd consider it for inclusion.12:35.43 
kens Robin_Watts : all the planar devices seem to segment fault if we *don't* use a clist. I can (and will) introduce some protection against that, but the devices still won't work.12:36.50 
Robin_Watts kens: urgh. They used to work.12:39.39 
kens THey still do, as long as you have a clist12:39.51 
Robin_Watts They used to work without a clist.12:40.00 
kens Defintely don't now12:40.10 
  The plibm device has been broken since 9.1212:40.23 
Robin_Watts (or maybe they used to force the use of a clist? Maybe that was something else)12:40.30 
kens But seg faults on 9.16 and above12:40.33 
Robin_Watts I have less than no time at the moment :(12:40.59 
kens I know, sorry12:41.08 
  THs isn't really my area of expertise. I plan to put a check in that prevents the seg fault and aborts GS instead, and then probably open a new (low priority) bug report for t12:41.51 
printline Robin_Watts: ok, I'll post a patch if I get the SIGINFO thing working12:46.49 
chrisl Oh, nice.... gdevplib.c uses global variables......12:53.52 
kens hadn't noticed12:54.26 
chrisl plib definitely expects to be a clist device12:55.20 
Robin_Watts TESTING_WITH_NO_BAND_DONOR ?12:55.49 
kens Well, if MaxBitmap is big enough, its not a clist device12:56.04 
chrisl It stands for "PLanar Interlaced Banded" device12:56.26 
kens Then it should set teh Banding mode to BandAlways12:56.48 
  Not BandAuto12:56.56 
Robin_Watts kens: Yes, it should.12:57.08 
kens I'll look at that in a minute12:57.19 
  I've already put a guard into the code that causes the crash due to an assumption, its useful to have that anyway12:57.43 
printline Robin_Watts: am I doing this correctly kill -SIGHUP pid?13:35.37 
  doesn’t seem to update for me13:35.45 
Robin_Watts printline: sebras or tor8 are better people to ask than me.13:37.08 
printline using mupdf-x11 by the way13:37.37 
sebras printline: I think that should work, yes.13:51.44 
  printline: but I haven't tested this recently myself.13:51.57 
printline sebras: ah, the pid changes when switching C-z/fg?13:58.21 
  sorry, pretty much linux noob :), ok advanced noob13:58.38 
  awesome it works14:03.07 
sebras printline: that's what I like to hear. :)14:05.59 
kens D'oh!! make debug.......14:10.31 
  Hmm still seg faults though I wonder why14:12.25 
Robin_Watts Have lost vision. Taken migraine pills. going for lie down.14:49.12 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: darn. hope you feel better soon15:28.47 
kens Goodnight folks16:12.43 
marcosw chrisl: you probably know this: how can utf-8 filenames be passed to the windows DLL?17:16.44 
chrisl marcosw: AIUI, the API takes UTF-8 strings17:17.30 
marcosw okay, must be my code :-)17:19.01 
chrisl marcosw: Oh, actually, possibly you have to convert the UTF-8 to wchar - I can't remember where that happens in the API17:20.19 
marcosw I was just looking at gp_wutf8.c and wondering out utf-8 vs wchar17:21.19 
chrisl At some point, we convert the encoding from wchar to UTF-8, but I can't remember if that's before or after the call into the DLL API17:22.11 
  marcosw: if you look in dwmainc.c, around line 629 - it looks like you have tell GS to expect UTF-8....17:28.50 
marcosw chrisl: thx17:35.58 
chrisl marcosw: did it work?17:36.12 
marcosw sorry, was distracted by breakfast. testing it now.17:42.14 
  yup, all good. thanks for much.17:51.59 
chrisl NP - relieved it worked!17:52.09 
marcosw I am having a weird issue with wchar_to_utf8() not being found. As a test I just included it in the .c file, but it must be in the .dll.17:54.20 
  or is GS_NO_UTF8 true by default? but if that were the case I17:55.40 
chrisl wchar_to_utf8() not visible outside the DLL17:56.05 
  Why do you want wchar_to_utf8() anyway? I thought you wanted to pass in UTF-8?17:57.04 
marcosw i'm starting with wchar as passed to wmain()17:57.51 
  do we have a DLL entry point that accepts wchar?17:58.20 
chrisl Sort of17:58.27 
  Oh, you can probably call gsapi_run_fileW()18:00.21 
  marcosw: Or, I *think* you can set the encoding to "GS_ARG_ENCODING_LOCAL" do the same as you did with "GS_ARG_ENCODING_UTF8" - but I ain't sure about that18:02.44 
  Got to go.......18:03.39 
marcosw I'm going to recommend that the customeruse wchar_to_utf8() before calling gsapi_init_with_args(). I'm presuming gsapi_init_with_args() is what they are currently using so this will be an easy change.18:03.49 
  have a good day18:03.54 
Robin_Watts marcosw: They should call gs_set_arg_encoding to set it to utf818:19.51 
  then call gs_init_with_args with utf8 data.18:20.02 
Robin_Watts returns to bed :)18:20.08 
mvrhel_laptop marcosw: so does the mupdf project have a or equivalent like gs does?18:51.54 
  I dont' see anything in the project18:52.13 
rayjj seriously? The DroidSansFallback font doesn't contain a Â¥ glyph ??? Does it at least contain a $ ;-)18:52.27 
mvrhel_laptop I had something here that I wanted to test18:52.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: The same.18:52.30 
mvrhel_laptop oh hi Robin_Watts 18:52.41 
Robin_Watts Run and it spots that it's mupdf and tests that.18:52.42 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok18:52.52 
  Robin_Watts: also, with a new clean checkout 18:53.10 
  the build fails for me18:53.13 
mvrhel_laptop due to the GL stuff18:53.16 
Robin_Watts git submodule update ?18:53.38 
mvrhel_laptop i did that18:54.14 
  hold on18:54.34 
Robin_Watts git submodule update --init maybe, cos there is a new one I hope.18:54.54 
  If that doesn't work, complain to the viking :)18:55.09 
mvrhel_laptop if he was here I would....18:55.28 
  I did do the --init18:55.44 
  I wonder how it got through the cluster though with this18:56.12 
  Robin_Watts: anyway, there is a fix on my repos18:56.25 
  that deals with list box widgets18:56.43 
  this fixes some issues that we were having 18:56.56 
  Robin_Watts: if you can have a look sometime that would be great18:57.09 
Robin_Watts Urm... You've not pushed it.18:57.30 
mvrhel_laptop hmm18:57.35 
  oh you are right18:57.42 
  hold on18:57.45 
  ok should be there now18:58.32 
  sorry about that18:58.34 
Robin_Watts lgtm.19:01.36 
mvrhel_laptop oh good. ok when the build is fixed, I will push it then19:02.23 
  thanks Robin_Watts . Hope you are feeling better19:02.33 
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