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Log of #ghostscript at

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ManDay Is it possible to make mupdf call something other than "xdg-open" when clicking a link?10:23.30 
kens Yes, its a simple matter of coding I should think10:23.56 
bvx89 Hi, can anyone point me in the direction of how I can adjust the JPEG quality when writing to a PDF?10:26.21 
kens bvx89 MuPDF, Ghostscript, something else ?10:26.38 
bvx89 ghostscript10:26.43 
  ps2pdf, I assume10:26.50 
kens I wouldn't think so10:27.00 
  Tell me what you rcurrent Ghostscript command line is10:27.13 
bvx89 gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dPDFA=1 -sColorConversionStrategy=RGB -sProcessColorModel=DeviceRGB -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/DCTEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/$5 -sOutputFile=$2 $3 $4 -c "($1) << /PageSize 2 index viewJPEGgetsize 2 array astore >> setpagedevice viewJPEG"10:27.32 
kens Oh, and what's the nature of your input ?10:27.38 
bvx89 This is from a bash-script10:27.40 
kens I can't read bash10:27.49 
ManDay kens: ok10:28.02 
bvx89 $1 is input jpeg, $2 is output path, $3 is the path to, $4 is the path to viewjpeg.ps10:28.34 
kens If you are using pdfwrite, and you specifically want JPEG in the output PDF then you want to alter teh ColorImageDict10:28.46 
bvx89 And $5 is my attempt at using dPDFSETTINGS and setting it to different presets, but no effect10:29.08 
kens If you are reading a JPEG as the input then you specifically *DON'T* want to use JPEG as the output10:29.11 
  Set the COlorImageFilter to FlateEncode10:29.29 
bvx89 Well, the resulting PDF gets huge10:29.49 
kens If your input is JPEG, then when you write a JPEG in the output, it will suffer badly from compression artefacts10:30.23 
ManDay kens: in fact, the code already has it. BROWSER env var10:30.29 
tor8 ManDay: set the BROWSER environment variable10:30.31 
ManDay thanks10:30.32 
  tor8: you're too late ;-P10:30.39 
kens All the losses in the original JPEG will be magnified by the second quantisation process10:30.42 
  In addition to adding new ones.10:30.58 
bvx89 I understand10:31.19 
kens So if your input is JPEG, there's no way to get decent output in JPEG, unless you simply don't alter the input JPEG at all. pdfwrite is not currently capable of ths10:31.33 
  If all you want to do is wrap up a JPEG as a PDF file then there are probably other tools whch will do it, it isn't hard10:32.23 
bvx89 Well, I need it to be PDF/A1-b compliant10:32.51 
kens That's harder10:33.02 
  If the JPEG image is in the wrong colour space, tehn you have no choice but to decode it and convert it to the desired colour space10:33.29 
bvx89 Yes, that's why I needed the file10:33.31 
  And can I do that without losing to much data from the JPEG?10:33.53 
kens No10:34.04 
  The decoding and re-encoding process is wheret he4 problem almost certainly lies10:34.22 
  In order to avoid that, you can decode the JPEG and then re-encode with something other than JPEG but then the resutling image will be larger.10:35.42 
bvx89 Well, I don't visually see any artifacts on the output, I used the pdfimages tool to export the jpg from the PDF, and graphicmagicks tool to check the quality parameter for the jpeg which is defined as 5510:36.13 
  It seems quite low10:36.55 
kens I was assuming you had a problem with the quality. If you don;t have a problem with the quality, why do you want to change the settings?10:36.58 
bvx89 I was using a very large file, approx. 100MB, and the resulting file was 15MB10:37.38 
kens THen almost certainly you have triggered image downsampling10:38.00 
  A NJPEG wrapped up as a PDF is not going to be smaller then the original JPEG10:38.30 
bvx89 I do have to decode and encode it to get the correct color profile (as you said), so is it at that point that the downsampling happens?10:39.41 
kens No, you only have to decode it and re-encode it if the otiginal image isn't in the desired colour space (eg its RGB and you want a CMYK PDF/A)10:40.16 
  The downsampling happens when writing the image to the intermeditate temporary file, but it doesn't really matter when it occurs10:40.57 
  Look at the original JPEG< get its dimensions, look at the JPEG in the PDF file, compare its dimensions10:41.22 
bvx89 Okay10:41.32 
kens But I@m not clear on what your actual problem is. If the quality isn't a problem for you, why bother to change anything ?10:41.47 
bvx89 Well, it's not a problem for me, but the requirements for the project was that it should be possible to adjust the quality of the output10:44.05 
  Okay, so I have checked and the resolutions are the same10:44.16 
kens You can (as I said earlier) modify the COlorImageDict to change the 'quality'10:44.59 
bvx89 However, ColorImageResolution is set to 72 instead of 30010:45.13 
  So it seems as though -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress doesn't have any effect?10:45.47 
  Well, my output file became over 200MB when I used FlateEncode10:46.31 
kens You can't reasonably mix and match -dPDFSETTINGS and individual controls, at least not unless you have a very clear idea what you are doing. In practice if you want control over your output, don't use PDFSETTINGS10:46.37 
  ColorImageResolution is hte resolution which the image is downsampled to if it exceeeds the ColorImageDownsampleThreshold, *and* DownsampleColorImages is true10:47.44 
bvx89 Well, I haven't changed that, and the default is false10:48.21 
kens Not if you start playing with PDFSETTINGS10:48.50 
bvx89 But I only used the /prepress property. Both that and the default property is set to false according to the documentation10:49.34 
kens You said you'd tried 'various' settings10:49.47 
  'differeing presets' in fact10:50.04 
  Seems to me you are discovering that there are an awful lot of parmaters, they interact in subtle ways, and you don't really know whjat they all are doing.10:50.32 
bvx89 yes, that was to see if the quality of the output jpeg came out differently10:50.43 
kens YOu need to figure out what it is you want to achieve10:50.44 
bvx89 That is very true10:50.49 
kens And then consider which parameters you need to alter to achieve your goal10:51.08 
  Startign fomr an image, the output PDF will only contain image data, so you need to look at the various paramters which affect that. I wouldn't mess with -dPDFSETTINGS, because it will (in the location you've put it) override the paramteres you have set previously on the command line10:52.08 
  And it changes a wholw slew of options, many of whch you don't care about10:52.33 
  SO just dro it altogether, use the defaults, and change the ones you need to10:52.48 
bvx89 Alright, I will follow your advice10:52.59 
kens The ones you will be intrested in mainly will be COlorImageDict, ColorImageDepth, ColorImageFilter, ColorImageDownsampleThreshold, ColorImageDownsampleType, ColorImageResolution, EncodeColorImages, DownsampleCOlorImages10:54.09 
  Note that the content of ColorImageDict varies depending on the COlorImageFilter10:54.34 
  However note 7 to 10 in the documentation contain examples for DCTEncode10:55.00 
  Hmm, interesting, the customer bug report only seems to fail with TiffG4, the display device is correct at 600 dpi10:56.24 
bvx89 Hmm... Yes, I remember reading about QFactor, VSamples and HSamples for JPEG quality10:56.24 
kens Right.10:56.30 
bvx89 So what do I specify in the commandline if I want to achieve the note 9 quality specification?10:58.08 
bvx89 going to lunch10:58.27 
kens You need to add a setdistillerparams call, because you can't set dictioanry values on the command line10:58.54 
  Hmm jpeg output fails as well as tiff output11:00.17 
  I wonder if this is a clist problem11:00.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: kens: question about MSVC... in the project properties, I set "Compile As" to "C++". The Command Line properties update to use /TP.11:00.58 
kens OK11:01.09 
tor8 but when building, and in the BuildLog.htm that gets generated ... it's using /TC11:01.11 
kens Presumably ths isn't Ghostscript :-)11:01.31 
tor8 no, it's MuPDF's project files I'm messing with11:01.43 
kens Did you set it for the current configuration ?11:01.53 
tor8 Yes. I set it for all configurations.11:02.07 
kens Hmm, odd11:02.12 
tor8 Very odd. Is there an override setting somewhere?11:02.26 
chrisl And for each sub-project?11:02.27 
kens Well as chrisl says, the sub projects can override it11:02.41 
  So if they have it specifically set they won't inherit the parent11:02.57 
tor8 the project hierarchy in the mupdf solution is very flat11:03.44 
kens I'm having trouble finding the solution in my (old) MuPDF sources11:04.06 
  let me update it11:04.17 
  Oh ths may take a few minutes11:05.06 
  <sigh> And now it wants to convert the solution11:05.58 
  OK so where in the project properties are you looking tor8 ?11:06.47 
tor8 huh. if I set it to something non-default and then back to C++ it seems to trigger properly.11:06.49 
kens Weird11:06.56 
tor8 something must be overriding the 'default' setting11:07.01 
  looked at the .vcproj file and after setting compile as C (which added a key CompileAs="1" to the project file)11:07.23 
  and then back, it leaves a key CompileAs="2" and now it seems to do what I expect11:07.36 
  stupid microsoft crap :)11:07.43 
kens Well I guess if its working.....11:07.49 
tor8 ... yeah, now I'll leave it alone and go for lunch.11:08.09 
kens FWIW hte project I just opened here has the command line set wioth /TP already11:08.20 
  MuPDF debug build11:08.33 
chrisl tor8: before you push the commit, close and reopen and make sure the setting has stuck.... I had problems with changes disappearing a while back11:09.19 
tor8 chrisl: thanks, will do11:10.20 
chrisl WTF, the entire content stream in a fairly complex PDF all on one "line"!?!? And this is the second PDF like that I've encountered in as many days!11:45.50 
kens I thnk its a clist problem11:46.01 
  Oh perhaps not11:46.18 
chrisl I (think) I ran it without clist and it still shows the problem11:46.54 
kens The windows display device renders it correctly at 600 dpi, the other rendering devices don't11:47.02 
  I've cut the file down, its till stupidly complex11:47.22 
  It has a page with a form both of which have (useless) transparency groups11:47.41 
chrisl Yep, 'cause I'd also thought it might be a transparency problem.....11:48.10 
kens It still might be, I'm going to cut those out now11:48.25 
chrisl Running with -dNOTRANSPARENCY did not (meaningfully) change the output11:48.58 
kens Yeah but if its something in the PDF interpreter, removing the groups might be important11:49.24 
  Apparently the producer is Python PDF Library, which probably explains a lot11:49.42 
  Well removign all the transparency made no difference11:52.33 
  THe bizarre co-ordinate system doesn't make it any easier to figure out either11:53.49 
chrisl Clearly not a problem with the actual font, since it's not embedded........12:07.50 
kens Doesn't *seem* to be a problem with teh PDF interpreter, as far as I can tell12:10.25 
  I wonder if its something to do with the werid co-ords12:10.35 
chrisl Well, weirdly, I get more calls to the glyph rendering code for the 600 dpi case than the 300 dpi case12:11.18 
kens THat's strange12:11.30 
Robin_Watts In clist mode ?12:16.00 
chrisl What in clist mode?12:16.19 
Robin_Watts "I get more calls to the glyph rendering code for the 600 dpi case than the 300 dpi case"12:16.39 
chrisl clist is irrelevant to that12:16.50 
Robin_Watts In clist mode, at 600dpi, we'll have bands 4 times as thin than at 300dpi, so more text will be split into 2 bands.12:17.06 
chrisl "Text" doesn't survive the clist12:17.26 
kens Lunch.....12:21.03 
chrisl But that difference does not seem relevant, either, because disallowing "external" font substitutions gives the same problem without the out, but equal calls to the glyph rendering code12:21.10 
bvx89 kens: Thanks for the help, finally got it to work now13:24.52 
kens good nes :-)13:29.56 
  One for tor8 and Robin_Watts :13:55.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts I think, it's java and android14:03.01 
chrisl I'm stepping out for a bit - try to shake of a headache. bbiaw......14:18.33 
Robin_Watts kens: He's answered it himself.14:29.00 
kens That's handy :-)14:29.11 
  you sure its right ? Sometimes people make bad answer posts and that juts comes back to haunt me as they turn up in searches14:29.51 
  kind of looks sensible though14:30.41 
bvx89 kens: Okay, so I can adjust the image quality now, but it doesn't seem like I am able to change the DPI attribute15:13.07 
henrys marcosw: I believe I have added my machine to the cluster. The readme needs some sprucing up. I'm probably missing something but I'll discover what that is soon shortly. I could not find the scripts cluster_nmake.bat and cluster_md5sum.bat, I don't know if those are obsolete or what.15:14.32 
kens bvx89 : the Resolution of the image can't be increased above the original15:22.11 
  If you want it decreased then you need to alter teh ColortImageDownsampleThreshold and select a ColorImageDownsampleType15:22.42 
  And then a ColorImageResolution15:22.52 
bvx89 I don't want it to be increased, I want it to stay the same15:23.16 
kens It won't be changed15:23.24 
bvx89 It goes from 400DPI to 72DPI15:23.27 
kens A JPEG can't really have a resolution15:23.38 
  It just has image samples15:23.43 
  When it is printed then it is spread across a section of media and you get the resolution by dividing the number of image samples by the width/height in inches15:24.18 
bvx89 Yes, so the DPI is just a attribute that is set in the JPEG-s metadata15:24.49 
kens pdfwrite defaults to 72 dpi, so I imagine that is drawing the JPEG at a size and location which makes it come out that way15:24.54 
bvx89 Ah, so I have to alter then15:25.10 
kens Well possibly15:25.16 
bvx89 It's probably overwriting my distillerparams15:25.25 
kens No, defintely not15:25.33 
  It will be calling setpagdevice to set the media size though15:25.48 
  You could also change the default resolution of pdfwrite15:25.59 
bvx89 -r?15:26.07 
kens yes15:26.10 
bvx89 Didn't work15:26.16 
kens THen its something else15:26.22 
bvx89 Would it help if I gave you the command I'm using now?15:31.53 
kens Probably not15:32.05 
  You need to take your JPEG file, walk through and see what its doing15:32.19 
bvx89 Alright15:33.03 
chrisl doesn't call setpagedevice16:10.44 
kens OH well it must just scale the JPEg to the current media then I guess16:10.59 
bvx89 I'm using the last command in viewjpeg.ps16:11.29 
chrisl Right, so you are explicitly doing setpagedevice yourself16:11.45 
bvx89 Well, I don't know PostScript, so I'm not sure what is happening16:12.11 
  All I know is that it changes the JPEG's DPI property16:12.39 
kens Earlier you said :16:13.01 
  << /PageSize 2 index viewJPEGgetsize 2 array astore >> setpagedevice viewJPEG16:13.01 
bvx89 Yes, that's the one I use16:13.12 
kens There's a setpagedevice in there so you are setting the media size.16:13.12 
  Using setpagedevice16:13.19 
  Assuming scales the jpeg to fit the requested media, then the DPI of the result will be dependent on the number of image samples and the size of the media16:13.53 
chrisl As kens said earlier, images in PDFs don't have an inherent DPI16:14.20 
kens And as I said before, jpeg images can't have a resolution, just dimensions16:14.27 
  echo :-)16:14.36 
bvx89 Really?16:14.49 
kens Yes really16:14.54 
  How can a jpeg have a resolution ? It doesn't have a media size, just a number of xsamples in the x and y directions16:15.20 
  The resolution depends on how many of those you print in each inch16:15.33 
  If I print a 600 sample wide image at 600 dpi, it will be one inch wide16:15.48 
  If I print it at 300 dpi it will be 2 inches wide16:15.59 
  Or I can fix the media size, and then the resolution depends on that.16:16.20 
tor8 kens: actually, there's a way to encode resolution in the EXIF tag for JPEG which XPS uses16:16.33 
kens If I print a 600x600 sample JPEG to a one inch square, then it will be 600 dpi16:16.43 
  tor8 yes but that's metadata16:16.52 
bvx89 Yes, it's the EXIF tag i want to keep16:16.53 
tor8 and in the APP13 marker16:16.56 
kens bvx89 : you can't16:17.00 
tor8 kens: XPS uses that metadata to position and size the image on the page...16:17.13 
kens We won't write it as far as I recall16:17.18 
  tor8 with XPS that doesn't surprise me, what does it do if its missing ?16:17.37 
bvx89 So all EXIF tags will be removed?16:17.40 
Robin_Watts kens: JFIF contains X and Y pixel densities.16:17.57 
tor8 kens: it looks in three places, in descending priority. EXIF, APP13 and then finally the JFIF wrapper16:18.02 
kens We decode the image into raw samples, and tehn re-=encode them to a brand new image, *everything* gets washed clean16:18.05 
  Well we are talkign about whch doersn't look at any of that16:18.40 
Robin_Watts I like to think that images with resolutions (rather than dimensions) in them specify a 'suggested' or 'source' resolution.16:18.57 
bvx89 Yes, I agree16:19.12 
kens Possibly, you can certainly resize them after the fact.16:19.13 
Robin_Watts Clearly kens is right when he says the resolution within a jpeg file does not necessarily have any bearing on how it will appear when displayed in any given program.16:19.29 
kens And it doesn't affect the point at all. You cannot use such information from a JPEG file, and 'preserve it' because the image we write out isn't the image you put in.16:19.46 
  It just looks the same. And in the case of JPEG in to JEPG out, even that isn't true16:20.14 
bvx89 Understood16:20.42 
  I was told by the one in charge of this project that he had problems with DPI in PDF's before16:21.17 
  He could not remember what, but based on what you're saying it shouldn't be a problem16:22.03 
chrisl Well, PDF is scaleable, by design, so......16:22.05 
bvx89 Yes, and I'm aware that DPI for the JPEG is only a description of how big the JPEG was during the initial scan (it's mostly scanned documents).16:24.50 
kens Jesus, now we have to read some crappy broken PDF file because the *current* version of Acrobat seems to, even though older versions do worse than us :-(16:25.28 
chrisl kens: are you still hacking on 696305 ?16:26.31 
kens No I left that one with you16:26.53 
  Unless you think it should be mine ?16:26.59 
chrisl I don't know, at this stage - can I have your cut down file?16:27.18 
kens Sure, one moment16:27.24 
  It also has the transparency groups removed16:27.32 
chrisl It just saves me repeating the same steps16:27.54 
kens OK its on the way16:28.40 
chrisl Ta16:28.43 
kens Its only 9k now16:28.44 
  My next step was going to be to reduce the media size to see if that affected it16:29.08 
  chrisl if I reduce the media size then the text appears once more16:39.47 
  All I did was hack out the rotate and change the vertical size of the media16:40.06 
  D'Oh forgot the resolutoin....16:40.24 
  Oh, no I didn't its there16:40.33 
  What's the magic incantation for running with clist forced on ?16:41.16 
chrisl It's really strange: at 599 dpi and 600 dpi the text disappears, but at 598 and 601 it displays.....16:41.59 
Robin_Watts -dMaxBitmap=100016:42.05 
kens Thanks Robin_Watts16:42.11 
  WSell its still present with the reduced media size, even if I force clist mode16:42.45 
  Aha! Removing the /Rotate, the text renders at 600 dpi16:45.24 
  SO I thnk its something CTM related, maybe, perhaps....16:45.37 
  chrisl I'm starting to feel pretty bad again so I'm off now, let me know if there's anything else16:47.56 
  I'll read the logs later16:48.07 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab17:03.21 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I'm looking at the Marvell 6270 board block diagram and I see a big GPU. Are you certain GG is not using that. Did you ask MQ?17:26.31 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I did ask him if they were using any of the specialized hardware on the board and he said no. But that was about the specialized hardware for color, halftoning etc. It is possible they are using the GPU. I am supposed to chat with him this week. He just got back from Korea. I will follow up with him today17:28.37 
  finally found the crash issue with 696290 17:28.59 
  gx_hl_fill_linear_color_scanline is relying upon the device bit depths in its calculation. psdcmyk and tiffsep are not setting up that information in their color info for some reason17:30.55 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I'm sure I'm missing something but nothing should work without a bit depth?17:33.31 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I would have thought so too17:33.42 
  they are planar devices which may have been assumed to be 8bit17:34.30 
  in other parts of the code17:34.41 
  It took forever to find this, and when I did I thought that is odd17:35.13 
  I am going to fix on the device setup side17:35.59 
  hmmm it is specified in the def.17:36.48 
  need to dig a bit more17:36.54 
  oh interesting. Since these devices are defined in their body as being GX_CINFO_SEP_LIN then check_device_separable, which sets up some of the color info in regard to the bit depth in each colorant, never happens. This function assumes everything is known in this case17:48.31 
  It is a bit of a special case. Since there is no comp_shift to set up for example17:48.53 
  since we are planar17:49.07 
  I suppose it falls upon the device to set up comp_bits itself17:49.27 
  which for these devices would be an array of 8s17:49.43 
  I need to do this for the psd devices and tiffsep17:50.16 
  it is rather surprising that we had not run across this before. I guess the only place this is coming up for the planar devices is in the shading smoothness calculations.17:50.59 
diemex I have been trying to get mupdf to work as a android library project all day long and it just doesn't work. Either it can't load the system library or it can't find the MuPDFCore open function or it can't find the file. :'(18:07.31 
Robin_Watts diemex: By "android library project" do you mean some kind of packaging so that it can easily be reused in other projects ?18:09.49 
bvx89 I don't know if it was anyone that's still in here, but someone posted a github gist a while ago for including JPEG in a PDF without having to resample the picture. Does anyone have a link for that?18:10.06 
Robin_Watts bvx89: This channel is logged. If it was here, there will be a record of it in the logs. See the link at the top of your irc client :)18:10.45 
bvx89 aaah18:10.58 
  Reading comprehension is a good thing18:11.13 
chrisl Of course, you won't get PDF-A out of that......18:11.46 
diemex Robin_Watts, no I meant as an android library gradle module. Previously I just copied the .so file and the java files into my application module. But now I would prefer it to be in a seperate gradle module.18:11.48 
bvx89 I am aware, but I need a temporary solution18:12.05 
chrisl Well, there is no solution that allows PDF-A in the general case, without resampling18:13.01 
bvx89 chrisl: Yeah, I wanted to just be able to make PDF's without loss at first, and then perhaps figure out the resampling later (what algorithm to choose and such)18:18.01 
chrisl bvx89: fair enough18:18.37 
bvx89 Does the jpeg tags get removed after i convert to PDF/A-1b no matter what I do?18:19.22 
chrisl bvx89: It depends. Anything that requires the JPEG to be decoded and re-encoded will almost certainly lose the tags18:20.21 
  I confess, I don't really see why you need to keep the tags, anyway.....18:21.00 
bvx89 Well, I asked my manager about it. When the output pdf had the wrong dpi, Acrobat Reader couldn't print the document to the right size (A0)18:22.47 
  But when the image inside the PDF had the correct tag, the A0 option was available18:23.13 
chrisl Page sizes are stored in the PDF, and have nothing to do with the image data inside it. I strongly suspect the tags difference was coincidental, and the real issue was the media size(s) in the PDF18:24.53 
bvx89 Hmm... Is there any easy way to check for the media sizes of a PDF?18:27.24 
  So that I can see if there's any difference18:27.33 
chrisl gs comes with a utility file called in (in the "toolbin" directory) which outputs the "boxes"18:28.45 
bvx89 Nice, will check it out tomorrow. Thanks :)18:29.22 
chrisl As with viewjpeg and co, there are comments in the file which show how to use it18:29.45 
mvrhel_laptop marcosw: I committed a fix for the error in 696290. Hopefully that will be the end of the bug18:33.49 
bvx89 Yes, I've read the comments, but I don't know what to alter in the code if I wanted to do so.18:39.08 
chrisl bvx89: You shouldn't need to alter the code, just at the top of the file is a comment with an example command line for how to use the utility18:41.34 
bvx89 Yeah, and as for I used the last script in order to insert a JPEG into the PDF and have the page size fit around the JPEG18:42.53 
henrys tkamppeter: my friend thought the generic gdi printer driver would work.19:30.24 
mvrhel_laptop lunch time.19:31.37 
jogux is interesting - apparently they wrote their own pdf parser now, and have 20+ engineers working on their product19:32.56 
  parser+renderer I mean.19:33.42 
tkamppeter henrys, there is no generic GDI driver in GS, the output device named "gdi" is for a series of GDI printers by Samsung.20:23.13 
henrys tkamppeter: he just said he recalled this driver worked: I have no idea if it uses gs or not.20:32.25 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I updated bug 695277 with the info that is not expected to work on any other PS interpreter other than Ghostscript since it uses our custom extensions21:21.45 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: ok thanks.21:21.57 
  looking like the error is caused by the usual mix-up in clist color writing/reading 21:22.32 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: the PS is fairly easy to read since it was hand written21:22.37 
mvrhel_laptop should have a fix soon I hope21:22.49 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: not again/still :-(21:22.53 
  it's such a simple file, just doing setrgbcolor and rectfill that I'm surprised that it causes problems (that we haven't seen before)21:23.56 
  and I'm surprised that problems are just showing up now with that file. Did marcosw just start testing psdcmyk ?21:25.34 
mvrhel_laptop looks like another mix up with int ncomps = dev->color_info.num_components; and the pdf14 device21:25.56 
  rayjj: no psdcmyk has been getting tested for a long time21:26.15 
  This is looking like there is some confusion in regard to the push device compositor values21:40.59 
  very suspicious about a ps file that has pdf14 compositor commands21:41.28 
  but I will continue21:41.35 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I understand your point, but since our PDF interpreter is PostScript and uses these same custom operators in order to control transparency they should be fine (assuming that we haven't changed the parameters expected by the operators)21:48.30 
mvrhel_laptop sure21:51.40 
  there is some confusion on the device push during the clist write vs. the device push during the clist read that is the source of the issue21:52.15 
  during the read, the device is setting its components based upon ptempdevproto->color_info.num_components =21:53.04 
  ptempdevproto->devn_params.num_std_colorant_names +21:53.06 
  during the write it is set with pdev->color_info.num_components = target->color_info.num_components;21:55.28 
  and unfortunately params.num_spot_color during the readback (and during the write) was set to -121:56.10 
  due to the fact that there were no spot colors on the page21:56.26 
  I am going to need to get these things in sync21:56.45 
  I am a little surprised this has not come up before21:57.00 
  rayjj: one issue with this is that in pdf we know how many spots are on the page and push the appropriately sized pdf14 device. in PS we do not know and of course we don't usually push pdf14 devices22:16.26 
  this is where I feel that this problem is a little odd. The interaction of spot colors for the sep devices and the pdf14 device is a bit unique and currently depends upon us knowing what is needed for the page22:18.18 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I guess we could modify the test file the add <</PageSpotColors 0>> setpagedevice (to mirror the usage by the PDF interpreter more closely)22:39.44 
  mvrhel_laptop: that'll let it run with a larger band size than assuming 'max_components' when PageSpotColors == -122:40.52 
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