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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/10/30)20151031 
kens 106410:14.07 
sebras kens: the square root is a bit more than 32.11:10.47 
kens Its also 2 years prior to the Norman Conquest11:11.12 
kecharitomeme So, I've tried to read the docs on this but I admit I'm a little confused15:28.42 
  I want to convert the fonts in a pdf from Windows ones to, say Liberation equivalents15:29.55 
  Could I, say, add "/Times-Roman LiberationSerif" to FontMap?15:38.50 
Robin_Watts You can't.15:38.53 
  FontMap will affect the fonts used for rendering.15:39.18 
  I don't imagine it will work for pdfwrite.15:39.25 
kecharitomeme oh15:39.39 
ShalokShalom hi there :)17:57.19 
  i aim to get this canon mp550 here running with ghostscript drivers..17:57.33 
diemex Something is up with the jni stuff(r10e). It can't resolve openFile. I have even compiled it under r10d. I really don't know why it's not working. I have been at this for days and no progress at all.18:16.14 
  I hope I can resolve it before my beer is gone. Otherwise you know. I have to get up18:17.13 
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