IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

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mvrhel_laptop tor8: ok good to know about drop being for both free and rc'd objects00:22.51 
  looks like ..\..\thirdparty\harfbuzz\src needs to be included for the x64 libmupdf settings00:26.40 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: oops, possibly.00:40.54 
brettk80 Hey all.. looking for a little help on Gs with some PDF2tiff conversions for group4 tiff that I cant seem to match up to my legacy converter.07:42.19 
  Im not sure what is impacting it but the only thing different are my channel statistics in the tiff.07:42.48 
kens brettk80 : rendering a PDF to TIFF isn't exactly a conversion. But you're going to have to be more specific (probably with example files) about your problem.08:01.54 
simon91 Robin_Watts: morning.08:58.33 
  Thanks for pushing the strtof.08:58.33 
  The report also contained a separate two-line fix for fitz/ftoa.c:08:58.33 
Robin_Watts simon91: Will look at that later, ta.10:00.18 
hyper_ch hi there, I wonder how I can achieve that: I have a pdf with text layers and stuff. Now I want to remove that. I thought converting it to .gs and then back to .pdf would work. But that seems not to be the case10:23.58 
kens THere is no such thing as .gs10:24.16 
  Also I'mnot at all sure what you mean by 'layers' PDF doesn't really have that copncept, at least not for text.10:24.42 
  Perhaps if you shared an example file and explained what you want to chieve (and possibly why) we might understand better, and be able to help10:25.10 
hyper_ch kens, I'll send you in query10:59.15 
kens Your file appears to be a scanned page, (so an image) with text in text rendering mode 3 (neither stroked nor filled, so invisible) drawn on top of it.11:00.58 
hyper_ch so how can I remove that text?11:01.30 
kens Why would you want to ?11:01.40 
  There is no siple way to remove the (invisible) text using Ghostscript11:02.14 
hyper_ch because I need to ocr again11:02.15 
  if you copy the text, there's white space between each character11:02.32 
kens Well you could extract the image, surely that's better than having it as a PDF ?11:02.37 
hyper_ch how to extract teh images?11:03.44 
  it's a 500pp pdf11:03.51 
kens Use MuPDF, not Ghostscript11:04.02 
hyper_ch what's mupdf?11:04.17 
kens Its another product from Artifex, it is better suited for this task11:04.30 
hyper_ch already installing it in nixos11:06.07 
  got it installed11:08.36 
  I hate it when people don't come to the point in phone calls... 40min call what could have been a 3minute call11:10.58 
  kens: from what I read, mupdf is a pdf viewer11:11.24 
kens mutool11:12.51 
  I am not a MuPDF developer, so maybe Robin_Watts can guide you more11:14.11 
hyper_ch ah :)11:14.29 
  kens: ha, mutools draw -o page%d.png file.pdf helps11:22.32 
kens OK11:22.43 
hyper_ch next, how to combine the pngs to pdfs ;)11:24.09 
  convert helps here :)11:25.26 
  good, now I can ocr again... it's like 200 pages that I need to extract the text ot have it translated11:25.45 
  convert quality is bad :(11:26.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, tried out the latest android studio, sdk, ndks...11:36.36 
  they *still* haven't got their 64-bit story together.11:36.49 
  android studio install fails with "Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool."11:37.06 
  guess what? their mksdcard is a f-cking 32-bit binary. in the 64-bit version of their download.11:37.52 
  and they don't show an appropriate error message unless you've already got multi-arch installed11:41.38 
hyper_ch kens: hmmm, not good... image quality with draw is also bad11:41.48 
kens THen the original image is probably of poor qulaiyt11:46.03 
  I suspect you want -extract or something rather than draw11:46.17 
tor8 hyper_ch: if the document is just a bunch of scanned pages, you could try 'mutool extract' to extract the individual images. that'll get you the images without any scaling and filtering to render them to a page at a given size.11:54.17 
hyper_ch extract lead to the same result as draw11:54.22 
tor8 hyper_ch: then your source data is just bad quality11:55.49 
hyper_ch was scanned in at 200dpi11:56.05 
  sorry, 300dpi11:56.30 
tor8 mutool extract extracts the actual images in the file, completely unmodified.11:56.32 
hyper_ch hmmm..... :(11:56.49 
  but why does it look then much better in all pdf viewers?11:56.59 
tor8 it could be your image viewer11:57.57 
hyper_ch all of them?11:58.08 
tor8 I can't help anymore without seeing an actual example11:59.00 
  hyper_ch: how did you run extract? the actual command line.12:00.00 
hyper_ch mutool extract Combined\ -\ extracted.pdf 12:01.06 
tor8 and the extracted img-NNNN.png or jpg files look worse than the same pdf viewed in another pdf viewer?12:01.49 
hyper_ch yes12:02.08 
tor8 I find that surprising.12:02.21 
  the extracted images are the raw 300 dpi scanned images12:03.33 
  or at least should be, if that's what is indeed embedded in the pdf12:03.50 
hyper_ch or the scanner did something to them12:04.06 
tor8 well, if you're saying the "Combined - extracted.pdf" looks good in some viewers, but the images you extracted from them looks worse ... I have no idea12:05.49 
hyper_ch yes12:06.01 
tor8 define "worse" (or better yet, post a screenshot showing the difference)12:06.37 
hyper_ch I can give you the pdf of one page12:07.06 
tor8 okay.12:07.47 
hyper_ch actually, it seems I was wrong12:08.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: I can look at getting the android side working again.13:11.40 
  No sense in both of us having pain.13:11.47 
  Ok, I need some reviews done on the gs stuff, but I'm otherwise done.13:22.43 
  So back to mupdf.13:22.52 
  tor8: What's the state of play? Should I take your latest tor/jni stuff and work the android stuff back into it ?13:23.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: just got back from lunch. I was at the state where I am trying to figure out how to run this thing in an emulator.13:51.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: I might look at moving all the non android stuff into platform/java, and making it build a mupdf.jar there.13:52.02 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that would be nice to have.13:52.15 
Robin_Watts Then have the viewer link that jar, and the android build include that jar too.13:52.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the platform independent DrawDevice stuff draws to a Pixmap13:52.36 
  the pixmap data can be accessed either via a byte[] or an int[] ... the int[] only makes sense for BGR colorspace though13:52.55 
Robin_Watts Right.13:53.15 
tor8 I was thinking the AndroidDrawDevice would take an android.Bitmap and be completely separate from the platform independent DrawDevice13:53.18 
Robin_Watts Yes.13:53.27 
  Pixmap is an Awt thing, right?13:54.02 
tor8 no, this is just a wrapper for fz_pixmap13:54.11 
Robin_Watts ah, perfect.13:54.18 
  So the conversion from int[] or byte[] to something that the runtime java environment can blit happens outside of mupdf.jar then ?13:54.55 
tor8 awt_image = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); awt_image.setRGB(pixmap.getPixels());13:55.21 
  yeah. see platform/java/ for an example13:55.45 
  I take the fz_pixmap wrapped Pixmap class, and ask for an int[] that I feed to BufferedImage13:55.59 
  so there is no use of AWT classes in any of the stuff in com.artifex.mupdf.fitz13:56.54 
  and the JNI code is blissfully ignorant of that too13:57.06 
Robin_Watts Perfect.13:57.18 
tor8 it might be worth looking at how the new JavaFX gui stuff works.13:57.20 
  Robin_Watts: noob question. I set up av AVD and when I try to run "ant install" it errors out with:13:58.24 
  [exec] Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK]13:58.26 
  [exec] rm failed for -f, Read-only file system13:58.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: Have you installed a virtual SD card for that AVD?13:58.53 
  I suspect that emulators like you to do that, and then installing stuff goes onto that SD card, maybe.13:59.33 
  I find it MUCH easier to use a real device.14:00.09 
tor8 yeah, I guess I should just plug in a real device14:00.29 
  W/PackageManager( 59): Native ABI mismatch from package file14:00.39 
  from logcat14:00.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: What device?14:02.29 
tor8 an armeabi AVD14:02.55 
  now I just gotta wait 30minutes for my nexus tablet to charge enough to boot... *sigh*14:03.17 
Robin_Watts platform/android/jni/Application.mk14:03.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ta.14:03.36 
Robin_Watts The abi is set in there. I suspect it's armeabi-v7a by default.14:03.39 
tor8 yeah, that was the default. recompiling now.14:03.52 
  fab, now it runs!14:09.21 
  now to get it to actually work :)14:09.26 
  Robin_Watts: if you want to take over, it builds but crashes at runtime in AndroidDrawDevice_newNative14:20.22 
  latest code is on tor/jni14:20.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: will do.14:20.34 
tor8 I expect we'll want to squish these commits together before merging14:20.37 
Robin_Watts Yeah, seems simplest.14:20.44 
mvrhel_laptop I am out for a bit this morning.15:35.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: Got a wierd one here.16:16.03 
  I've reinstated, deriving from NativeDevice.16:16.34 
  If I call super(newNative(bitmap, blah, blah, blah, blah)); in the constructor, it complains, saying that newNative only takes 1 argument.16:17.09 
  This is despite the fact that newNative is declared just a few lines later on.16:17.31 
  If I change newNative to newADD, it works fine.16:17.43 
  I think the compiler must be confusing the newNative function defined within AndroidDrawDevice with the newNative function defined in NativeDevice.16:18.22 
  Which makes me worry that other places where we are calling newNative (like say in DisplayDevice) that the compiler might be doing funny things there.16:18.48 
  Hmm. Moving the definition to the top solves the problem. Urgh.16:20.03 
rayjj leonardo: (for the logs) If kens isn't around, mvrhel is another person that may be able to help with color issues (particluarly ICC profile related questions)17:03.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: For the logs, I've pushed todays stuff to robin/jni.18:58.19 
  platform/java/Makefile has now been split into several targets. The files are listed explicitly so it works with nmake. We could use wildcards, but we can't use your funky shell stuff.18:59.14 
  To build for android I first nmake mupdf.jar there, then make as usual in platform/android.18:59.37 
  The only change I had to make to the java was to make 'pointer' in Device be a protected rather than a private thing.19:00.01 
marcosw i need to shutdown casper for about 15 minutes in a bit (sebras and pete are the only ones logged on).19:00.15 
Robin_Watts I could have had a 'setPointer' function in Device, but I didn't see the point.19:00.31 
  The hacked about android app runs again now.19:00.45 
dalerank ok, maybe any know how to take function index from js state?21:14.10 
sebras tor8: Robin_Watts: have a tentative patch for soft hyphens over at sebras/master. do you think this one makes sense?22:16.22 
  I feel that my approach is a bit hackish, but it seems to work at least.22:16.57 
tor8 ifdef HAVE_ANDROID can be ifdef ANDROID23:55.43 
Robin_Watts It can.23:55.58 
sebras tor8: psst, there's a patch for soft hyphens over at sebras/master when you have time to take a look.23:55.58 
Robin_Watts Calling from the constructor into C, then back from the C into java to set nativeInfo/Resource sounds bad.23:56.26 
  I am tempted by a setPointer method though.23:56.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I think you must've missed to pull;a=commit;h=ab7f88075d645083c8a4be9b937992e0c516dfc723:56.57 
Robin_Watts That way pointer can stay private, and no one can read it.23:57.03 
  Yes, I think I must have missed that.23:57.10 
tor8 no matter, you've done basically everything in that commit23:57.15 
Robin_Watts sebras: I'll gladly look tomorrow unless tor wants to bagsie it.23:58.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I was thinking more of separate AndroidDrawDevice.newNative and AndroidDrawDevice.init calls, and the AndroidDrawDevice() { super(newNative()); init(); }23:58.22 
  the problem is you can't use any object fields before calling the super()23:58.48 
Robin_Watts We could do that. Means 2 calls across the JNI boundary.23:59.03 
tor8 sebras: cool. will take a look soon.23:59.12 
Robin_Watts I am tempted by the NativeObject idea you had a while ago too.23:59.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: same as setPointer.23:59.25 
  Robin_Watts: you mean save on all the destroy() boilerplate?23:59.45 
Robin_Watts super(0); setPointer(newNative(....)); is only 1 JNI call.23:59.58 
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