IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/02/08)20160209 
sebras chrisl: good morning!09:08.42 
chrisl sebras: howdy!09:16.27 
  (sorry, needed coffee)09:16.50 
kens ah damn, I forgot to reference the branch name11:01.21 
  Robin_Watts : you there ?11:01.26 
Robin_Watts I am11:01.32 
kens Can I amend the commit message for the commit I just made, and how ?11:01.45 
Robin_Watts kens: You've pushed it to golden already?11:02.02 
  or just locally?11:02.19 
kens Yeah I didn't realise till after that I forgot to reference the branch its under originally11:02.20 
  I pushed the branch and the squashed commit11:02.35 
  But the commit *should* say that it was originally the named branch11:02.49 
  So the history is still available11:02.59 
Robin_Watts kens: OK, so on your local machine git commit --amend to fix the message.11:03.10 
  then try to force push that.11:03.20 
kens OK one second11:03.26 
  Don't anyone else push anything for a moment :-)11:03.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: kens: I think kens uses git-gui, and that has a very hand "amend last commit" checkbox that I use all the time.11:03.39 
kens I use command line too :)11:05.03 
  Well that seems to be OK l;et me check the web interface11:05.22 
  Yep that's all good now, thanks Robin_Watts11:05.42 
Robin_Watts kens: Now I get to fix the cluster :)11:05.52 
kens Oh drat sorry :(11:06.03 
chrisl notes: this is not a procedure to be used lightly!11:06.28 
Robin_Watts OK, hopefully that should be it.11:09.23 
kens fingers crossed11:09.32 
Robin_Watts kens: my last commit has thrown up a lot of warnings, none of which are mine.13:30.32 
  They look like they might be yours, and the cluster warning checker might be confused because of the force push?13:30.54 
kens If you mean the ones in pjpare.c they are not mine either. Marcos's script just htnks they are new13:30.55 
  I did have one new one in plpar,s.c and I was about to push a fix for it13:31.16 
  I was trying to figure out what the compiler was complaining about in pjparse.c first13:31.32 
  Robin_Watts : sorry, see above in the logs when it becomes available13:32.09 
  Robin_Watts : did you see my comment in the log ? Are you getting different warnings ?13:39.41 
kens Well I've fixed two compiler warnings, missing prototypes and an unchecked return. I'm not fixing two more because I reckon the unused functions are reasonable. That leaves tghe 'discarding const' which I can't fathom13:46.35 
  Robin_Watts : THe protottypes should be OK now13:47.01 
  I'm leaving the unused functions deliberately13:47.13 
  pjl_impl_get_envvar is defined and used and the unused ones make sense.13:47.41 
  FWIW none of those warnings are actually new13:50.18 
Robin_Watts kens: Cool.13:50.34 
pipl Hi. I don't know if this is the right place to ask. I have a PDF file which is encoded with Identity-H and use CIDFontType0c. It is in German. I cannot extract the text. It comes without a ToUnicode Cmap. Please tell me if the ToUnicode CMap can be recreated (manually). Here is the link to the QDF mode version of it. 
kens Basically, no it can't14:15.12 
  You could manufacture a ToUnicode CMap by pretending that 00xx is hte same as xx and hoping that those values are ASCII14:15.38 
  But that definitely won't work for some glyphs, such as DoppelS and accented characters14:16.00 
pipl In the QDF, there are clues that it use Warnock Pro Light. Still no chance ? 14:17.00 
kens Well no.14:17.10 
  The ofnt is a subset14:17.25 
  Normally that means that the first character encountered gets a character code of 1, the second is 2, and so on14:17.44 
  SO Hello World would be 01, 02, 03, 03, 04, 05, 06, 04, 07, 03, 0814:18.31 
  01 = H, 02 = e, 03 = l, o4 = 0 etc14:18.45 
  Without a ToUnicode CMap thjere's no way to know14:19.00 
  PDF is not a doument/editable format14:19.43 
  Its intended for *viewing*14:19.53 
tor8 given that it's a CIDFontType0C (raw CFF file) there's no way to automatically create a cmap font from the embedded font14:20.09 
  especially not since it's a subset font14:20.17 
  with a bit of manual work you could assemble a tounicode CMap by hand, by looking at the glyph indices and figuring out which one is which ascii character14:20.51 
  but just running the document through OCR is bound to be easier14:21.03 
kens Yes, as I said above :-)14:21.07 
  Well I was going to suggest OCR14:21.15 
  I suspect that the character codes *may* be ASCII, the first two characters are 0x0026 and 0x005314:21.47 
  Which would be &S so maybe not14:22.15 
tor8 kens: oddly enough, with mupdf on the pastbin/raw/ download we fail to load the font but the text still shows up...14:22.29 
kens I didn't try to copy the file14:22.47 
  I suppose I should try it14:22.57 
tor8 so I suspect it may be using a common glyph ordering. mupdf still extracts the text as '?' though, so it's more of a lucky accident.14:23.18 
kens Did you just paste it into a file ?14:23.18 
tor8 I clicked on 'raw' and saved it14:23.30 
kens Yeah I see the button now14:23.42 
pipl I copied it from the already-QDF version of it.14:23.46 
tor8 pipl: what is "QDF"?14:24.06 
kens Acrobat can't extract the font either14:24.06 
pipl QPDF has the QDF mode to easily read the info inside the pdf.14:24.29 
kens pip I suggest you put the original PDF file in DropBox or something14:24.35 
tor8 we enter repair mode, and freetype barfs on the font stream14:24.36 
kens I thnk ths one is broken14:24.42 
pipl sure. a minute14:24.54 
kens GS complains mightily about incorrect offsets and lengths and substitutes the font14:25.35 
  I suspect pipi means QPDF not QDF14:27.35 
pipl here is the complete page of that with full text. 
kens QPDF has what it grandly calls a 'QDF mode' whch seems to be essentially a decompressed PDF file14:28.28 
pipl a sixth page extracted from the full pdf file.14:29.20 
kens Well the glyph indices are unchanged. As far as I can tell there is no practical way yo add a ToUnicode CMap to this. Your best bet is to OCR it. If you really wanted to you could manually deduce the Unicode value of each chracter code and construct a mapping. However it would only be good for ths file (and maybe only ofr ths page of ths file) so if you have a lot to do its not going to be worthwhile14:30.53 
  Why do you want to add a ToUnicode CMap ?14:31.02 
pipl the ToUnicode CMap maps CID to Unicode values. But I wonder where would I get those CIDs from. >>Kens, I would like to extract the text out to learn german.14:31.50 
kens I'd consider buying a German text book instead.14:32.11 
  THe CIDs are the <xxxx> values in the file, they are 2 byte values in hex in ths case (because '<....>' is a hex string and the encoding is Identity-H)14:32.47 
  So you know the CIDs all you have to do is figure out which CID maps to which letter in the document, then you can construct a ToUnicode CMap.14:33.13 
pipl I thought those were character codes and the CMap mapped those character codes to CIDs.14:33.44 
kens No those are CIDs14:33.54 
  Sorry they are character codes, but its an Identity mapping14:34.07 
  So the character code maps directly to a CID14:34.16 
tor8 pipl: in the case of an Identity-H encoding, the character codes *are* the CIDs.14:34.17 
  like kens just said :)14:34.29 
pipl Oh thanks. So much confusion when reading PDF specs.14:35.04 
kens Yeah but I was a bit sloppy in my phrasing.....14:35.06 
  It would be hard to figure out which CID maps to which glyph, as the content stream is not simply ordered, the text jumps around the page14:36.05 
tor8 kens: well, if you extract the embedded font file and open it in a font editor like fontforge you can just look at the glyhph index (which is the CID here) and the outline to create the mapping14:37.23 
kens Yeah I guess that would work14:37.37 
  Its all more effort than I would be prepared to go to14:37.46 
tor8 but in the pasted file, the font stream looks like it's broken so...14:38.00 
  yeah, much more effort than I'd be willing to expend.14:38.26 
kens The real file is OK14:38.30 
  Or at least GS doesn't complain about it which is a reasonable bet14:38.46 
pipl when I used Adobe Reader DC, I tried to copy and paste single character out (like just a letter 'a') and looked at the hex representation of it using 'od -H'. It was something like (not exactly) 8384804f. Do you have any clues to what it is ?14:41.55 
kens Garbage I would thnk14:42.17 
  You are not going to be able to cut and paste from that file without first constructing (by hand) a ToUnicode CMap14:42.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: commit on tor/master for fixing the mutool clean -s bugs14:42.47 
kens The effort involved is much more than I would consider going to unless I needed the file like that for an extremely good reasson (like being paid a lot to make it so)14:43.21 
  There's plenty of free German text on the web, but I would not attempt to learn German (or any other language) by reading randomg text, I'd go on a course, or at least buy a language learning book14:44.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I've got a bug fix commit for you to review on tor/master14:45.32 
  BT acting up again?14:45.41 
kens Might be the weather I had ths problem yesterday and this morning14:45.59 
pipl Big thanks to everybody helping me on this. Thank you.14:48.50 
kens chrisl would you mind double checkign the SHA and MD5 on the downlod stire please ? just in case15:13.29 
  That's the source tarball15:15.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Other connections on my broadband are rock solid.15:16.14 
HenryStiles wow how could the source release be corrupt? it's been out there for a while15:16.36 
Robin_Watts and I am only with BT for the last mile :)15:16.39 
kens HenryStiles : I doubt it is, I just want to be certain15:17.01 
  Note theat the reporter says the archive works 'with warnings'15:17.16 
HenryStiles kens: his tar output says the file is broken15:17.43 
kens I get no warnings so I think their download is corrupted15:17.47 
Robin_Watts Sounds like a classic truncated download.15:18.04 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts: 3 times?15:18.16 
kens I did say that, and they denied it could be the case15:18.19 
  I just downladed the .gz and it decompressed with no problems or warnings15:18.35 
  But I don't have SHA1 or MD5 installed15:18.46 
Robin_Watts HenryStiles: Sure. If they have a transparent web proxy in the way, a bad version can get stuck in the pipe.15:18.47 
HenryStiles Robin_Watts: ah didn't think of that.15:19.06 
Robin_Watts kens: You have md5sum - it's part of msys git.15:19.07 
kens Ths is on my Linux VM :)15:19.22 
  I could do it on Windows I guess15:19.32 
HenryStiles yuck lcms2 tars up .DS_Store...15:19.44 
kens Well the md5sum I get matches what they report15:20.48 
HenryStiles 10 minutes to the meeting, need coffee.15:21.12 
Robin_Watts tor8: Both those commits look plausible to me.15:21.13 
kens realises chrisl is not here15:21.24 
  The md5sum I get from ghostscript-9.18.tar.gz doesn't match what's in the MD5SUMS file I must admit15:23.35 
HenryStiles kens: I did that too, same here15:23.48 
kens Mine came out at c7ae6e2....15:24.03 
  One for chrisl I thnk15:24.09 
  But if Etienne comes here someone can cofirm that there is some problem there15:24.28 
  quick coffee, brb I forgot the meeting15:24.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks.15:25.05 
HenryStiles the tar.gz download is corrupt for me.15:25.30 
  trying again.15:26.23 
kens It wasn't corrupt when I downloaded it, or at least the archive manager did not complain15:27.17 
jogux seems to download okay for me (tar ztf is happy). md5 is 33a47567d7a591c00a253caddd12a88a15:27.42 
kens Well that's different to what I get :-)15:27.58 
jogux 33727053 bytes long?15:28.11 
kens dunno, just a second15:28.19 
  35,746,456 bytes15:28.38 
  So no, different size15:29.03 
jogux the one I get from is the same size as yours15:29.18 
kens I'm not sure where mine came from, I grabbed it off the downloads at ghostscript.com15:29.39 
jogux links to github15:29.50 
kens I'd have expected them to be the same though15:29.54 
jogux I get c7ae6e26c456f53edcf4cd003dfc0c1b for that one. and it decompresses okay.15:30.17 
kens Yep that's what I git15:30.42 
jogux but it seems wrong that github and apparently have different files.15:30.51 
kens SO it appears.....15:31.07 
  The MD5 matches the github one15:31.18 
HenryStiles I went to And got ghostpdl that should be corrupt right?15:31.19 
kens No it should not be corrupt15:31.31 
HenryStiles it is for me.15:31.50 
kens Not for me, or jogux apparently15:31.58 
jogux let me just try ghostpdl. we were talking about ghostscript.15:32.16 
HenryStiles you aren't looking at ghostpdl 15:32.21 
kens The report was against ghostscript15:32.43 
  But I'll try ghostpdl now15:33.32 
  106 MB :-(15:33.48 
jogux so ghostpdl from github (which is where henry's link points) is 111250935 bytes, md5 2bb62e3a35fbbcde6b93eafae9808c48 and corrupt according to gzip.15:33.56 
kens OK so that is bad.15:34.10 
  But not what the report was about15:34.17 
HenryStiles I know15:34.30 
kens We appear to be getting two different source archives for Ghostscript15:34.39 
jogux is 41505764 bytes, md5 d10949bdec3dd0eca40826047eecc03b and seems intact.15:35.14 
kens That's different again isn't it ?15:35.39 
  Oh wait that's GhostPDL15:35.55 
  And yeah the ghostpdl one from Github is comprehensively broken 'not in GZip format'15:37.03 
jogux on, the MD5s for ghostscript/ghostpdl 9.18 tar.gz's seem to match the MD5SUMS15:37.16 
  so in summary, both the ghostpdl and ghostscript on github appear to be gubbed :-(15:37.32 
kens Bad :-(15:37.41 
marcosw jogux: morning, there seems to be an issue with the router that separates the ats machines from my home network. when I ssh to toast, muffins, or scones the connection drops randomly (and sometimes I can't connect at all). The router is the only part common to the ats that's not shared with any other machines, so I've ordered a replacement and will be swapping it out later today.15:38.45 
  I mention it in case you've had connection issues as well.15:39.16 
jogux marcosw: oh, funky. It's been okay for me.15:39.49 
Robin_Watts sebras: Can you come to #artifex?16:04.30 
ao0r hello guys, again me. :) I installed newer version of mupdf, but i can´t find where it is. Because this is not my default pdf viewer.16:21.09 
  i am ignorant guy from yestarday :D16:23.28 
tor8 ao0r: if you ran 'make install' and that succeeded it should be in /usr/local/bin16:23.56 
ao0r yes! tor8 you are geniuos. just not sure what to select - mupdf-gl, or mupdf-x11?16:25.20 
tor8 ao0r: mupdf-gl is the newer viewer; mupdf-x11 is the old one which we keep in case you can't get opengl working16:26.42 
ao0r Wow, answer is greate. Thank you tor8 . regards :)16:27.24 
  and just one thing- i try to open uncomplete pdf, my cpu goes 100 when open with mupdf. I upload this, just to check and i will send.16:29.30 
tor8 ao0r: please create a bug at and upload the file to an attachment16:31.55 
ao0r I would do that but not now, but tonight will (about 2 or 3 hours later). Thank you again tor8 . Goodbuy to all.16:33.40 
  sorry, goodbye :D :)16:34.15 
sebras Robin_Watts: that was the intention. But I mixed up the timezone stuff and times again. :-/16:36.46 
HenryStiles sebras: no problem, everything okay with miles? Let me know if you need anything.16:38.24 
sebras HenryStiles: yes I think so, but it would be nice to have a final confirmation from him though.16:41.05 
Robin_Watts sebras: Can you check that you can join #artifex please?16:41.21 
sebras HenryStiles: oh, and yeah I do have a reminder in my calendar now. :)16:41.26 
HenryStiles sebras: I'll talk to him, thanks16:43.32 
sebras HenryStiles: currently I'm spending most of my time on reading up on wordwrapping, but I guess you've picked up on that from the logs already.16:49.37 
HenryStiles sebras: yes16:49.54 
kens Goodnight all17:04.45 
Robin_Watts rayjj, chrisl: Either of you want to look at the revised copy_alpha 8 bit stuff, or shall I just push it?17:22.16 
  It tests out on the cluster with no diffs.17:22.27 
  tor8: OK, so there was tidyup to do on the harfbuzz stuff...17:23.44 
  just trying to pull the repeated code into support functions, yes?17:23.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: primarily, yes17:24.06 
chrisl Robin_Watts: We probably don't want the "Makefile for Android MuPDF" commit17:24.11 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yeah, I've rebased that onto the tip now.17:24.26 
  I'm keeping it around in my local repo and not meaning to push it.17:24.37 
chrisl Hopefully, after the next release, you can drop it altogether17:24.52 
Robin_Watts chrisl: possibly.17:25.21 
chrisl Well, I have something *very* close to working using configure for cross compiling17:25.45 
  Robin_Watts: one thing: I wonder if there should be a universally accessible: gx_device_is_high_level() or similar17:27.27 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I wonder that too.17:27.36 
  Possibly my function could be turned into that.17:27.46 
chrisl Anything that reduces the need to arse around with param lists is a good thing!17:28.13 
Robin_Watts Amen.17:28.24 
chrisl Well, I see nothing glaringly wrong with your commits - but the last time I looked at this area was on a flight back from the US, so......17:29.22 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ta.17:29.34 
  As soon as I can coax a clean cluster run out of the final one I'll push all the supporting ones.17:30.05 
chrisl Notice I got my disclaimer in there ;-)17:30.11 
  So, my task for the outward flight will probably be to revisit the Freetype anti-aliased rendering......17:33.53 
derderder I have cross compiled ghostscript for android, with the default setting. When I run it with gs, I got the error **** Unable to open the initial device, quitting. 17:54.25 
  Unrecoverable error: unknownerror in .special_op17:54.26 
  Unrecoverable error: unknownerrorer in .special_op. The default devices is bbox. I got this error too with gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=test.pdf, which is a valid postscript file. Any Idea17:56.15 
Robin_Watts derderder: What is the default device?18:00.53 
  It should be listed somewhere in the output.18:01.00 
  oh, bbox, sorry, I can't read.18:01.10 
derderder the defaulr device is bbox18:01.12 
Robin_Watts Is the bbox device enabled in your build?18:01.18 
  gs --help should list the devices it knows about.18:01.35 
derderder yeah, i configure it with with-drivers=ALL18:02.15 
  and gs --help give bbox in the list of available devices18:02.51 
Robin_Watts derderder: So what's the exact command line you are running?18:05.15 
  oh, the one you gave earlier?18:05.37 
  Are you sure that you have write access to test.pdf ?18:05.58 
  derderder: And what version of gs are you using?18:06.23 
chrisl Robin_Watts: possibly worth pointing at your Makefile and arch.h for android?18:07.19 
Robin_Watts chrisl: possibly.18:07.38 
chrisl is really going now.....18:07.43 
derderder Sure for the access of the file, I am root and I chmod the directory to 777. I use ghostscript 9.1818:08.23 
Robin_Watts derderder: I have used the following makefile and arch.h file to allow builds to work on android:;a=commitdiff;h=cae8a315704f2bdfe514d1f61e0a8e4125901e9118:08.46 
  Note that the selection of devices is *very* cutdown in that version.18:09.35 
  You want to edit the DEVICE_DEVS lines as appropriate.18:09.54 
derderder ok thank you, i will test it18:10.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: actually, system harfbuzz works just fine... the hb_free etc are simply not called.19:32.11 
  Robin_Watts: there's a makerules fix to pick up the system harfbuzz if the thirdparty module is missing19:32.24 
  on tor/master19:32.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah, but there are problems with other options too - like NO_MT etc?19:35.07 
  I reckon it's a bad idea to put in code that will take the system harfbuzz module without requiring the user to do something.19:35.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I expect the system harfbuzz to be configured and compiled with the proper threading library primitives (NO_MT) etc.19:38.10 
  picking up the system library in case of missing thirdparty modules matches what we do for all the other thirdparty libs19:38.31 
  this just adds what I forgot to test for. I did a test build and run with the system and it came out okay.19:38.55 
  system harfbuzz19:38.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: well, if you want, go for it. I have reservations about it, but it's at least consistent. Personally, I'd MUCH more be in favour of needing a "use_dodgy_system_libs=1" build option before we pick such things up.19:41.52 
  That way when people build and it all falls over, and they come to us and complain we can say "well, we did warn you"19:42.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: well, anybody building from our tarball releases or git checkout will pick up our thirdparty modules in the first place19:42.42 
  since we changed to shipping with batteries included :)19:43.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes.19:43.08 
a0or Hi, again me. Just now I add bug to Bugzilla (Bug 696577). Also, have new problem with my 1.8 version: can not go to next page. Anyone knows what is problem? :)19:43.10 
Robin_Watts a0or: What key are you pressing to get to the next page?19:43.34 
tor8 a0or: to go to the next page, press space or pagedown19:43.37 
  the keybindings in mupdf-gl are different from mupdf-x1119:44.01 
a0or Left and right is this call on english.19:44.06 
  Wait, i will try space or pagedown.19:44.20 
tor8 a0or: left and right keys mean different things in different languages. japanese and arabic books are read right to left... so using left and right to mean back and forward was not the best choice for mupdf-x11.19:45.04 
a0or Sorry to bother, spsace works tor8 . Also PageUp &PageDown.19:45.09 
tor8 a0or: space and 'b' go to forward and back. or pgup/pgdown19:45.26 
a0or Confirmed that tor8 , just try.19:46.06 
  Can I said suggestion about shortcut?19:46.26 
  Example: maybe to possible to go to next page using touchpad (cause I am on laptop). And also, maybe to add shortcut to close Mupdf - Ctrl+W or Ctrl+Q.19:49.18 
a0or Sorry, I didn´t know about that. Thanks tor8 19:50.54 
  I think that´s all. Good luck with programming.Regards.19:51.27 
sebras tor8: yup, :$USER:$PASS as password to the irc servers worked well.19:54.42 
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