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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/02/20)20160221 
Robin_Watts sebras: Look good to me.12:03.03 
  One possible idea. Could we have a "get_node_text" function or something that returned a text pointer for a given node?12:03.32 
  That way the code to pick node->content.text, or " " or "" or "-" etc would be hidden in just one place?12:03.55 
  other nodes types would return NULL.12:04.26 
sebras Robin_Watts: I think that seems reasonable. I'll work it into the code.12:08.10 
  Robin_Watts: comments fixed (got a few from tor8 as well)18:03.54 
  tor8: this em which is used when measuring strings in html, is that the _height_ of the letter m in a specific font? how does this change with font size?23:10.01 
  tor8: the reason I'm asking is because in 696004 I apparently have not fully understood node->h and how to measure the height of a box.23:11.02 
Robin_Watts em = width of 'M' aiui.23:29.05 
sebras Robin_Watts: then I'm confused over why em is used to determine lineheight.23:34.45 
Robin_Watts let me look at the code, see if I can see anything.23:36.30 
sebras is reading up on CSS font-size property.23:36.49 
Robin_Watts As far as I can see the 'em' value that is passed around is a global font size scale.23:38.33 
  epub_layout is called with a width and height to layout into, and an 'em' for scale.23:38.59 
  That gets passed down through all the layout and measure functions.23:39.15 
sebras Robin_Watts: CSS defines em as "The 'em' unit is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property of the element on which it is used."23:39.28 
  Robin_Watts: so I guess em takes ascenders into account?23:39.58 
  Robin_Watts: whereas ex would not.23:40.05 
Robin_Watts pass. I'm afraid css is largely a mystery to me.23:42.26 
sebras Robin_Watts: to me too! but I have to learn this. :)23:42.56 
  Robin_Watts: anyway, getting a head ache so I'd better head off to bed. thanks for helping out.23:43.13 
Robin_Watts me too. night.23:43.34 
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