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tor8 Robin_Watts: wouldn't 'policy' or 'intercept' be a more apt name for your proposed 'heuristics' function pointer table?08:40.20 
  though, I can't help but think a few more device hints would be more helpful and easier to use for integrators08:41.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: "policy", or "tuning" might work, yes.08:55.48 
  I'm not sure that device hints give the required control.08:55.59 
  (And we don't have a device in the place where I'd need some of them, I think)08:56.44 
kens Hmm, I can't build MuPDF from the current golden on WIndows.08:57.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ah, yes. those functions are helpers called by the device itself.08:58.03 
kens Its failing to open "../../thrdparty/....."08:58.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: or just a 'configuration' struct with various global settings08:58.20 
Robin_Watts kens: What target ?08:58.31 
kens Umm win64 I htink, let me check08:58.48 
  No win3208:58.59 
tor8 kens: did you 'git submodule update --init'?08:59.14 
kens Building entire solution08:59.15 
tor8 Depends on whether you've built since we added 'harfbuzz' to the project or not.08:59.35 
kens No, I forgot, I'll do that now08:59.37 
  I defintely haven't no08:59.45 
  Looks like this will take a minute or two09:00.30 
  Hmm, "Error your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout (all kinds of jbig files)09:03.45 
  "unable to checkout <hash> in submodule path 'thrdparty/jbig2dec'09:04.10 
  Any idea how I cna fix that ? I certainly haven't changed jbig2dec myself09:04.55 
Robin_Watts kens: cd thirdparty/jbig2dec09:05.08 
  git stash && git stash drop09:05.16 
kens OK09:05.20 
  I did that already for my conversion of the solution :)09:05.44 
  submodule init again ?09:06.00 
Robin_Watts yeah.09:13.03 
kens No luck :(09:15.25 
  Now its complaining that changes to, jbig2_halftone.h, memento.c and memento.h woudl be overwritten09:15.51 
Robin_Watts tor8, paulgardiner: So, there is a problem with mupdf 1.9rc1 for android.09:16.25 
  Sebras spotted it last night.09:16.32 
  If you open a 3+ page pdf, and add an ink highlight on page 1, the highlight appears until you click the tick to commit it to the document.09:17.12 
  Then it vanishes.09:17.16 
  No amount of zooming or panning that page can make it appear.09:17.35 
  If you flip forward 2 pages, then back again, it appears.09:17.45 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts: Do we know if this happens on iOS as well?09:18.03 
Robin_Watts I do not.09:18.09 
  I've traced the code a bit and discovered that:09:18.34 
  addInkAnnotationInternal is being called.09:19.12 
  The last thing that does is to call dump_annotation_display_lists();09:19.24 
  That sets page->annot_list to NULL.09:19.33 
  We then get asked for an updatePageInternal.09:20.14 
  That spots that annot_list == NULL, and tries to regenerate the list.09:20.29 
  That runs through the annots on the page, and does indeed find that there is one.09:20.52 
  Nothing actually appears in the displaylist though. (The displaylist length remains 0).09:21.26 
  That makes me wonder if the matrix or bbox for the annotation are off the page.09:22.10 
  tor8: Does this sound like something related to the annotation problems you were seeing when you tweaked the device interface recently (beginpage/endpage)09:24.15 
  It looks to me that although we call fz_run_annot, we never actually call pdf_run_annot in the case where nothing appears.09:25.45 
fredross-perry I see that iOS does not build currently. Working on that.09:26.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the beginpage/endpage errors in the stuff I tweaked I think were due to the pdfwrite device coordinate space flipping matrices gone wrong09:28.57 
jogux fredross-perry: I got as far as removing errant semi-colons and changing pdf_write_document -> pdf_save_document. but then hit something else that I forget I think.09:29.03 
fredross-perry yes, it’s pointing to some png files at the old location of the android viewer.09:29.40 
kens Robin_Watts : deleted thirdparty, did a submodule update, and it will no attempt to build, but throws *many* fatal error 'cannot update program database...\libmupdf\vc90.pdb', which is weird as the file existed. Deleted that and built just 'mupdf' and it got further09:30.52 
  pdf-clean-file.c is throwing a error 'PDF_NAME_Last' undeclared identifier09:31.19 
jogux fredross-perry ah, yes.That's in. I think you'd decided to copy those into the iOS folder? I remember a conversation about it but I guess it never happened.09:31.21 
fredross-perry yes that was the plan. I think I did that but it got lost in the shuffle.09:31.55 
tor8 kens: delete the 'generated' folder... that one doesn't seem to trigger regenerates properly with the windows build system09:31.56 
kens More errors of the form 'PDF_Name_****' undeclared identifier09:31.59 
  tor8 right,m thanks09:32.05 
  sigh... 2 suceeded, 7 failed09:33.11 
  same error PDF_NAME_Last undeclared identifier09:33.52 
  I'll delete the object and generated and start from clen09:34.03 
tor8 kens: when in doubt, I delete everything but the .git and 'git reset --hard' :)09:34.19 
kens THat gets cross about the untracked files because I'm using a newer versionof VS and had to convert the solution09:34.55 
chrisl Given you have nothing in the tree to worry about, I'd close VS, and do "git clean -x -f -d". Then update everything, and try again09:36.02 
kens Yeah I could do that, got 3 success and 2 failed ths time :-(09:36.21 
fredross-perry jogux: in the morning09:36.28 
kens Its refusing to build libmupdf basically09:36.34 
jogux fredross-perry: :)09:37.04 
kens OK finally I thnk it all built.....09:43.19 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: See my rumblings from 10:16 onwards.09:56.54 
paulgardiner will look09:57.22 
Robin_Watts Yeah, we're calling fz_run_annot, but annot->run_annot is null.10:00.18 
paulgardiner I don't know if it's practical to do so, but it would be good to perform the same test with a checkout from the point the ink annotation was first added.10:00.58 
Robin_Watts I see the problem.10:02.24 
  pdf_create_annot and pdf_load_annot use different code to actually make the annot, and one doesn't set the method pointers.10:02.49 
  One was changed in december, and one wasn't.10:04.56 
  tor8: Would you object to a pdf_new_annot function, so I can use the same code in both placs?10:05.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: go ahead.10:08.50 
Robin_Watts Ta.10:08.59 
sebras tor8: how do we handle issues where system libraries and thirdparty library snapshots differ in their interfaces?10:09.49 
tor8 sebras: you better include the correct headers and link against the correct ones!10:10.24 
  where they actually differ in API, we have some #ifdefs10:10.45 
sebras I've found a bug where someone is pointing to a bugzilla patch which is needed if you are using your system's openjpeg 2.1.0 but which is not needed for the bundled openjpeg 1.5.0 (or whatever we are using)10:10.49 
tor8 see the freetype ifdefs10:10.50 
  sebras: if our thirdparty is out of date, we should upgrade it10:11.15 
Robin_Watts sebras: I believe we are using 2.x now.10:11.21 
sebras clones again to make sure.10:11.50 
chrisl Looks like 2.0.0 in mupdf - strange10:12.26 
sebras but it sure looks to me like chrisl's update to openjpeg 2.1.0 was never really checked in.10:12.27 
  well, it was for the thirdparty git of course, but not into mupdf proper.10:13.28 
  chrisl: where do you see that 2.0.0 is used?10:14.15 
tor8 sebras: we do the same subtree extraction from ghostpdl to create our openjpeg.git submodule like we do with jbig2dec10:14.54 
chrisl sebras: opj_config_private.h:#define OPJ_PACKAGE_VERSION "2.0.0"10:15.02 
tor8 sebras: so the mupdf submodule is one commit behind ghostpdl's version10:16.46 
sebras chrisl: in a completely clean master tree I get 4c7d23d for openjpeg where I see PACKAGE_VERSION "1.5.0"10:17.00 
  tor8: yes indeed. oh! and the version number in that commit is 2.0.0 and not 2.1.0 as stated in the commit message.10:17.41 
tor8 sebras: oh, don't forget we have a hacked opj_config_private.h in mupdf/scripts/openjpeg/*.h10:18.11 
  which needs to be updated in sync with our thirdparty module10:18.40 
sebras tor8: right.10:18.54 
tor8 unlike gs, we don't use autoconf to build anything :)10:19.16 
chrisl Hmm, odd about the version number.....10:19.35 
sebras tor8: why is the subtree extraction thingy (why is is needed?) not done on a branch from master on a mirror of the upstream tree?10:21.27 
  maybe they were not using git before, but they appear to be doing that now.10:22.00 
chrisl It mirrors the gs openjpeg, not the opj git10:22.25 
tor8 sebras: their git includes all the openjpeg thirdparty dependencies, but inline.10:22.28 
  we only care about the actual library, not all the extra tools and tool dependencies10:22.45 
sebras tor8: that makes sense to me, but why is it difficult to address that on a branch?10:23.31 
Robin_Watts sebras: We don't use submodules in gs.10:25.33 
sebras anyway, I'll try to update to the latest master and see if I can make it build.10:25.34 
chrisl Hmm, I bet I cherry picked the opj_config_private.h from an earlier commit....10:25.50 
kens tor8 Robin_Watts FWIW that guy with the jp2k file (for whch he has just uploaded a new file, and of course its a different problem) I canreproduce the error on the current master code debug and release 32-bit. But all I get is 'error son page' dialog, no idea how to find out what was actually wrong.10:26.11 
Robin_Watts kens: Let me fight my way out of the current tar pit, and then I'll have a look :)10:26.45 
kens THere's no rush I'm sure, just thought one of you might lie to take a quick look before release10:27.05 
  Oh and although he *still* hasn't said what platform he's using, its clearly windows 10 from the screenshot10:29.00 
tor8 it's "only" a 5k x 7k image10:30.13 
kens Well, MuPDF pealk worming set reaches 1.1Gb10:30.29 
tor8 I still suspect that may cause out of memory problems with openjpeg10:30.35 
kens GS is 27k10:30.43 
tor8 since openjpeg uses a full 32-bit integer for each color component10:30.44 
kens But both GS and MuPDF are using OpenJPEG (I@m using the GPL release)10:31.09 
tor8 but that's still only 500Mb10:31.31 
kens Well, the peak working set may not be relevant10:31.46 
Robin_Watts 27k ?10:31.53 
kens Working is at 402Kb and Memory at 383Kb for MuPDF10:32.04 
  Robin_Watts : yeah I'm suspicious of that too, but its what task manager says10:32.26 
Robin_Watts Possibly that's the exe rather than the DLL.10:32.54 
kens It usually reports the whole lot10:33.06 
  ah no I have *2* gswin32 open10:34.12 
  was looking at the wrong one10:34.18 
  currently its at 278Kb and peaked at 1.4Gb10:34.34 
  So pretty comparable10:34.46 
  Gs renders both pages without increasing the peak workign set10:35.27 
  The size difffgerence may be because GS was a debug build and MuPDF was release10:36.00 
Robin_Watts MuPDF caches, so the peak values may be higher than required.10:46.05 
  Try using -L to get low memory mode.10:46.15 
kens Hmm, ok10:46.25 
tor8 kens: -L only works with mudraw, IIRC10:46.36 
kens Oh well, can't do that then....10:46.53 
Robin_Watts Sorry, I obviously missed something key here. What is kens doing ?10:47.13 
kens Nothing really10:47.20 
  I just tested the bug report10:47.25 
  THe original report was bogus10:47.31 
Robin_Watts What does the bug report do if not mudraw ?10:47.38 
kens Mupdf10:47.54 
Robin_Watts oh, right.10:48.03 
kens The original report claimed tha t'master' on 'all' hardware couldn't open the file. I was able to open it on 32-bit windows wioth everything from 0.6 onwards10:48.40 
tor8 kens: I suspect the error is openjpeg malloc failing, and us catching and sort of recovering from that10:49.11 
kens The user is (from the screenshot) on WIndows 8 or 10 I can't recall exactly what a windows 8 screen looks like10:49.19 
  tor8 I wouldn't be surprised, the size of the image, and peak memory usage made me suspect that towld be the likely culprit10:49.51 
Robin_Watts Running as mudraw rather than mupdf would enable you to see a warning about such on the console I suspect.10:50.11 
kens I can tryit, but I've no idea what would be sensible parameters10:50.31 
Robin_Watts Don't sweat it. Will look in a mo.10:51.15 
kens Like I said, no rush, just thought it was worth someone knowledgeable looking at it before a release, just in case10:51.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: Some commits on robin/master then.10:51.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hm. assert and warning patch-over... if (existing) fz_throw() instead perhaps?10:54.03 
  the first two LGTM and should go into the next release candidate; which it looks very likely we'll have to redo10:54.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: It should never happen, hence a runtime check for it in release builds is wasted time.10:54.44 
kens Using mudraw -o out%d.png -smt completed with no problems, but the peak memory use was 5Gb10:55.31 
Robin_Watts kens: For a 32bit binary?!?!10:55.46 
kens SOrry no 500 Mb10:55.51 
Robin_Watts Phew!10:55.54 
tor8 #ifdef DEBUG?10:56.01 
kens Dropped a 1010:56.03 
tor8 kens: that looks in line with what I'd expect from that file10:56.17 
  12 bytes per pixel for openjpeg + 4 bytes per pixel for mupdf10:56.29 
kens total memory usage was just over 1Gb10:56.33 
tor8 twice over, for both pages10:56.48 
kens That's from the mudraw reported figures10:56.51 
Robin_Watts tor8: The assert is effectively #ifdef DEBUG. The code would be messier with that than with the void line, IMAO.10:57.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fine :)10:57.25 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ok, so we need to talk about the partial image decode stuff I've done.10:59.30 
  I believe that what I have on my repo now works.11:01.44 
  Possible drawbacks are:11:01.52 
  1) We redecode the entire image every time to extract just the sections we need.11:02.21 
  2) If we request a section A from an image, the caching is not smart enough to return a ready decoded version of the same image for section B, where B is a superset of A.11:03.40 
tor8 So, this partial decode is only used in banded mode right?11:04.33 
  in which case, we care primarily about memory not performance. I don't see an easy way to extract just the section we need without messing with the decode filters *a lot*11:05.36 
  maybe for jpeg, but none of the other filters will be able to start decoding in the middle11:05.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: Currently it's always used.11:06.02 
tor8 but the partial decode is of the full size image in the non-banded case?11:06.26 
Robin_Watts Yes.11:06.33 
  For normal page by page rendering, it's only ever a saving.11:06.35 
  For interactive pan/zooming, then it's potentially a cost.11:06.50 
tor8 with potential to save memory if the image is clipped away11:06.53 
  ah, right, because when we render a subview we won't cache the decoded pixmap11:07.20 
Robin_Watts (we can expect lower peak memory use, but we expect more decoding).11:07.37 
  For banded operation, we'll get much less memory use, but more decoding.11:09.23 
tor8 I think that's a reasonable compromise.11:10.20 
Robin_Watts So the question is, what do I need to do to get this to the stage where we're happy to commit it?11:10.24 
  (<chrisl>after the release</chrisl> :) )11:10.47 
chrisl thinks: "Not my problem....."11:11.15 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I updated the task list for mupdf11:11.27 
  Robin_Watts: there's a section there with some ramblings on "Non-AA rendering"11:11.40 
  our non-AA rendering is a bit lacking in terms of quality11:12.10 
Robin_Watts It is.11:12.16 
tor8 and with all this talk about printers, I think it's time we did something about it11:12.19 
  I think it would be helpful to have a 'pixel perfect' rendering mode11:12.23 
  where we never touch the same pixel twice for abutting objects, so we don't get strange anti-aliasing artifacts11:12.41 
Robin_Watts but that's "next job" rather than "what is left to finishing this job", right?11:12.49 
tor8 and I think a big part of that is our image rendering11:13.10 
  especially now where we might render images in parts11:13.25 
  this might tie into your changes, but if not, I think I'm happy to have it go in as it stands11:14.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think it's probable that doing 'pixel perfect' will require changes in the draw device that overlap with the changes I've made here.11:14.40 
tor8 though there are some quirks with the order of arguments. standard_image_get_pixmap has the w,h arguments in a different order than everything else11:14.46 
  Robin_Watts: I'm fine with committing this, and then starting on the 'pixel perfect' work after that11:15.12 
Robin_Watts But I don't see that putting this in first, will be a retrograde step.11:15.16 
  yeah, cool.11:15.19 
tor8 I suspect we'll have to drop image grid fitting and adjust how image scaling works11:15.33 
  and that might necessitate us doing type3 font anti-aliasing using supersampling11:15.45 
  which would probably be a step up in quality anyway11:15.51 
  currently when we set the aa level to 0, we lose anti-aliasing on paths *and* text. it would be helpful to keep text anti-aliased while having pixel perfect rendering for all non-text11:16.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: Given that both gs and Acrobat do grid fitting in at least some circumstances, I'm not hopeful that we can get rid of it completely.11:16.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it could be a device hint11:17.05 
Robin_Watts I think a device hint is too blunt a tool in this case.11:17.30 
  but we can experiment.11:17.42 
tor8 I think grid fitting should only be done for when images are less than 1 device pixel wide/tall11:17.55 
Robin_Watts We *could* make the fz_aa_context have separate text and line art values.11:18.08 
tor8 so we don't drop stupid latex table borders which are done as 1-pixel images11:18.19 
Robin_Watts Cos the 2 parts of the code are completely separate.11:18.25 
  tor8: That would still not cope with some of the cases that gs and acrobat use it for.11:18.45 
  (if memory serves).11:18.58 
tor8 our image rendering does not AA edges any more, does it?11:19.14 
Robin_Watts I *did* use to use grid fitting for just 1 pixel high things, I think.11:19.15 
tor8 it might be possible that's the case, yes11:19.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: I don't believe so.11:19.28 
tor8 I'm very fuzzy on the details of this code by now11:19.37 
Robin_Watts We have: fz_set_aa_level to set the number of bits.11:20.09 
  We could have fz_set_gfx_aa_level and fz_set_txt_aa_level11:20.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we should also probably enable freetypes autohint module for non-aa text11:20.25 
  fz_set_aa_level(gfx, txt)?11:20.46 
  and -A4 would set both, but -A0/8 would set gfx to 0 and text to 811:21.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: I was hoping to keep fz_set_aa_level as was to avoid breaking callers code.11:21.32 
tor8 or what you suggested, I'm really not bothered11:21.38 
Robin_Watts This is a trivial change.11:21.55 
  The most difficult bit would be handling -A0/8 :)11:22.10 
tor8 indeed :)11:22.16 
Robin_Watts I'll do that now.11:22.24 
  But, you're happy for the partial image decode code to go in as is, even though it potentially slows down viewers (like the android/ios viewers and gsiew) ?11:23.12 
  The alternative would be to add either a device hint, or a "tuning" thing to disable partial decode.11:24.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: random thought .. is it possible to detect if we have already cached the full pixmap of the image we want a subarea of?11:24.21 
  in that case, we could extract the subarea from that (or just return the full thing)11:24.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: Not the way it's currently written.11:24.46 
  That was issue 2 in what I had above.11:24.56 
  It's to do with the way stuff goes in the store, and we search for it.11:25.11 
tor8 isn't image->pixmap the cached decoded thing?11:25.12 
Robin_Watts No.11:25.17 
tor8 or is that just used for non-compressed images?11:25.20 
Robin_Watts Yes, that.11:25.25 
tor8 Ah. Nvm my idea then.11:25.29 
Robin_Watts We *could* drop the subrectangle from the hash calculation.11:25.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: merge the aa and style contexts into a 'config' context, and add the subarea flag there?11:26.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: I can imagine that callers might want to allow decoding of 'small' images in toto, but for 'large' ones to band.11:27.13 
tor8 gah, I don't really like global statefulness but I can't see a cleaner solution11:27.16 
Robin_Watts And I can imagine that they might want to try it one way, and if it fails, to rerun in a 'low memory mode'.11:27.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: disable subarea of anything smaller than a hard coded size?11:27.50 
  that we can tune with a #define at the top of the file11:27.58 
Robin_Watts That doesn't allow runtime choices from the caller.11:28.13 
tor8 true, and it doesn't take into account general memory pressure11:28.33 
Robin_Watts The nice thing about the "tuning" functions is that that caller has runtime control (and we can have sensible defaults to keep things simple for 'dumb' callers)11:28.49 
  At the moment, for instance, we choose to always smooth downscale images.11:29.28 
  but never to smooth upscale.11:29.33 
  A caller might want to change that decision, so that's another "tuning" function.11:29.52 
tor8 yeah, upscaling only uses bilinear filtering11:29.53 
  Robin_Watts: adding too many choices is going to mean we have untested and bitrotting code though, which is worth keeping in mind11:32.49 
  picking good defaults is better, IMAO.11:33.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: Well, our defaults would be implemented using the same mechanism.11:33.31 
  (i.e. fz_new_context would fill the tuning section with our default functions, and the caller can override them later).11:34.16 
  Thus no possibility of bitrot.11:34.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, in this one case everything would get exercised by the banded mode.11:34.44 
Robin_Watts Let me throw a quick version together for you to look at.11:35.00 
  tor8: First version on robin/master. Cluster testing/bmpcmping now. Going to grab some lunch.12:18.01 
sebras tor8: btw, two patches to review over at sebras/master13:21.50 
  i.e. premultiplying worked fine.13:22.14 
Robin_Watts sebras: Presumably we are holding off on those until after the final 1.9 release?13:25.24 
  (not that that prevents them being reviewed)13:25.49 
sebras that's up to you guys. they are neither invasive nor important for the release. :)13:31.09 
Robin_Watts Are gifs always rgb?13:35.08 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes13:35.59 
Robin_Watts In gif_read_image...13:36.14 
  What's the point of the fz_try/fz_catch around the fz_new_pixmap ?13:36.26 
  We don't do any cleanup there, so no need for it ?13:36.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: correct.13:37.31 
Robin_Watts Other than that, both commits look good to me.13:38.43 
sebras Robin_Watts: oki. I'll think a bit more about the error handling in there.13:39.02 
Robin_Watts sebras: I think just removing the try/catch should be fine, shouldn't it?13:39.22 
sebras Robin_Watts: I'm afraid that those pesky gif_read_*() functions may throw.13:39.45 
Robin_Watts oh, wait... the info->mask allocation needs to clean up the pixmap if it throws.13:40.12 
sebras exactly.13:40.24 
Robin_Watts I'd extend the later fz_try backwards a bit.13:40.34 
sebras mmm, that would likely help.13:40.43 
Robin_Watts And you don't need an fz_var(info->lct) because 'info' has already been passed out of scope.13:41.08 
  So I'd have the fz_try just after the pix = 13:41.24 
sebras Robin_Watts: are there any stylistic reasons for not having the pixmap creation inside the try as well?13:44.23 
tor8 sebras: yes. if you assign 'pix' inside the try, you cannot use it in the always/catch without using fz_var13:49.42 
Robin_Watts sebras: What tor8 said.13:53.46 
  essentially if you do your first malloc outside the try, you can avoid some hassle.13:54.14 
  (cos if the first malloc fails, there is generally no cleanup to do)13:54.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: s/fz_default_image_decode/fz_default_image_decode_tuner/ perhaps, other than that looks fine13:56.27 
  Robin_Watts: commit on tor/master for adding a high level document writer interface13:56.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: Will rename, but won't commit yet, obviously.13:57.00 
  tor8: What other stuff do we need to fix before doing an rc2?13:57.17 
  (do we need an rc2? or shall we just release?)13:57.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: will need to fix the ios and android stuff13:58.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: Android stuff is fixed, right?13:59.10 
tor8 ios doesn't build, and the annotation crash on android is fixed with your current commits I believe13:59.18 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes, have pushed those.13:59.53 
  so I can't do ios. I guess we need fred for that?14:00.36 
tor8 fred or jogux, I reckon14:01.57 
jogux fred is fixing iOS to build, and doing the release. I think I'm then updating the cocoapod.14:02.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: looking over your commits now.14:16.26 
  I note that we have a load of enums in html.h that don't have the FZ_ prefix.14:16.48 
tor8 html.h is not included by default; and should really go in source/html/14:17.22 
  much like xps.h14:17.31 
  but it's conceivable that someone might want to play with the html structures directly14:18.03 
Robin_Watts "Rename int32be to int32_be to be consistent". To be consistent with what?14:18.43 
tor8 fz_read_int32_be14:18.51 
Robin_Watts Ah. fz_read_int32_le :)14:19.37 
  We could do with some more comments in the .h files at some stage. We used to be nicely documented and we're slipping.14:21.21 
  muconvert claims to support both pdf and cz, but fz_new_document_writer only appears to do cbz ?14:22.26 
  We have an svg output device, right?14:22.58 
tor8 oh, right. should update that (or add pdf support)14:23.00 
Robin_Watts Can svg do multiple pages?14:23.05 
tor8 it cannot :(14:23.13 
Robin_Watts Is there a cbs format? :)14:23.27 
tor8 that would have been useful...14:23.47 
Robin_Watts Other than that, those look good to me.14:23.53 
tor8 will update the comments and usage line14:24.05 
Robin_Watts SVG 1.2 can do multiple pages.14:24.20 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, about the output options14:24.22 
  Robin_Watts: oh, it can!?14:24.28 
tor8 should fix the svg parser then :)14:24.40 
  there are two issues that I need to resolve14:25.10 
  one: multi-page or multiple single-page outputs, I guess the presence of a %[0-9]*d in the filename should trigger that14:25.54 
Robin_Watts I wonder if SVG 1.2 has been withdrawn...14:26.22 
tor8 but for formats that are multi-page by nature, would it make sense to split to one document per page if a %d is present, or should I just make that up to each document output type?14:26.22 
  I suspect it has14:26.28 
Robin_Watts cos it dates from 2004 and they still say 1.1 is the latest.14:26.36 
tor8 or never adopted14:26.39 
Robin_Watts You mentioned some args being in odd orders in my commit earlier. Can you be more specific ?14:29.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: standard_get_image_pixmap has w,h before subarea; all the others have the subarea before w,h14:30.11 
Robin_Watts which would you prefer ?14:31.10 
  cos I'll move them all in line.14:31.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: put the ones that are most optional at the end14:42.19 
  if they're both equally optional, I have no preference14:42.29 
  Robin_Watts: so, the other issue with options is how to communicate the various pdf write options14:42.53 
  and image resolution and sizing14:42.58 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts, tor8 - same annotation bug in iOS btw.14:43.17 
tor8 I was thinking a string with 'option=value,opt2=value2' type thing14:43.19 
  it would be nice to have the same option language for mutool clean and mudraw and the JS bindings, etc14:44.25 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts, tor8 - I see you fixed it while I was sleeping. ;-)14:49.18 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Yeah, turned out to be easy enough.14:49.56 
  You're fixing the ios app, right? Cos once we've got that, we can do an rc2.14:50.16 
fredross-perry sweet. I’ve got changes on my master for the iOS app. Who wants to look?14:50.33 
jogux I can14:51.04 
fredross-perry thanks14:51.08 
jogux stuff like14:54.16 
  if (!pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Standard, obj) != 0) is deliberately written like that, right? it makes xcode warn 'warning: logical not is only applied to the left hand side of this comparison '14:54.36 
  fredross-perry: your changes LGTM.14:55.44 
fredross-perry ok, thanks.14:55.56 
Robin_Watts Urgh.14:56.16 
  My poor head can't parse that.14:56.30 
fredross-perry OK the iOS fix is pushed.14:56.31 
jogux Robin_Watts: there's loads of them14:57.04 
Robin_Watts Can't we have if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Standard, obj)) ?14:57.13 
  pdf_name_eq returns 0 or 1, right?14:57.42 
  So using pdf_name_eq or !pdf_name_eq seems fine.14:57.53 
  That seems like something that should be globally fixed unless there is a good reason that I'm too myopic to see ?14:58.14 
tor8 jogux: Robin_Watts: these are the consequences of search and replace14:58.21 
jogux Robin_Watts: git blame fingers you for one of them ;-)14:58.24 
tor8 it used to be we used strcmp instead of pdf_name_eq14:58.31 
  and I write if (!strcmp()) whereas robin writes if (strcmp() == 0)14:58.53 
Robin_Watts jogux: I'll take the blame if we get to fix 'em.15:00.15 
jogux :-)15:00.23 
  it was f533104d6e66b3fc6d3b63b98ec7fe4fb175b366 probably15:00.31 
  I'd certainly be happy to see them fixed15:01.05 
Robin_Watts OK, so I'm going to look at a fix.15:01.11 
jogux do you want a list of htem15:01.22 
Robin_Watts jogux: If that would be easy, yes please.15:01.36 
jogux robin: actually there's not as many as I thought (or some have mysteriously vanished)15:02.52 
  ah, there's a few, but everyone is printed out 3 times during the build which makes it look like a lot.15:04.38 
  Robin_Watts: there's only 3 then. just emailed your the file/line numbers.15:05.33 
Robin_Watts Ta.15:05.58 
  tor8: Fix on robin/master. I think we can do an rc2 now?15:55.11 
  tor8: separate text/graphics AA code on robin/master too.16:28.18 
  oh, actually, better do the mudraw change too.16:29.06 
mvrhel_laptop lunch time18:50.27 
  I may be off for a bit too. A usb connector came off on my laptop and is rattling around inside. I am going to have to open this thing up and see if I can fix it18:51.02 
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