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squ good day04:46.10 
  The primary meeting place for the MuJS community is the #ghostscript IRC channel on freenode.04:47.23 
  jni/../../../../thirdparty/mujs/jsdate.c:340: error: undefined reference to '__isfinite'05:08.35 
  jni/../../../../thirdparty/mujs/jsnumber.c:40: error: undefined reference to '__isinf'05:08.41 
sebras squ: good morning!05:58.18 
squ hello05:58.27 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.05:58.27 
sebras squ: someone else reported having a similar issue yesterday. let me check the channel logs to see if someone came up with a solution.05:59.28 
squ maybe it was me05:59.52 
sebras squ: are you Van_?06:00.21 
squ nope06:00.29 
sebras squ: then it was not you. :)06:00.39 
  squ: right, so someone suggested downgrading the Android NDK version to NDK r10e 32bit and it built without errors (using r11 this person saw similar errors to yours).06:01.31 
squ interesting06:01.49 
sebras squ: in case you want to read the full discussion search for Van_ in these two chatlogs: 
squ he is on windows06:04.25 
  this is what he recommends, r10e06:06.28 
sebras squ: yes, do you mind trying it out?06:11.55 
squ I am06:12.05 
  please wait06:12.15 
sebras Robin_Watts_: hm... so android prints "LOCAL_LDLIBS is always ignored for static libraries" and then complains about isinfinite and isinf missing and LOCAL_LDLIBS contains -lm. maybe we _are_ doing something wrong?06:17.31 
squ yes you are06:19.04 
  you also have outdated documentation 
sebras squ: I think the documentation in platform/android/viewer/ReadMe.txt is updated though.06:20.58 
  squ: but thanks for reminding us to update the website.06:22.03 
squ thanks, it has some information06:22.04 
  r10e compiles06:26.37 
  wouldn't be surprised if that's android team fault, because they are total noobs06:27.12 
sebras squ: the warning we get does worry me though. maybe ndk r11 is right in failng to link but it would have been nicer to have one version grace period where you get a warning but still linking.06:30.11 
squ yay, application runs on device, pdf is rendered06:34.06 
sebras squ: congrats! :)06:34.14 
squ thanks06:34.31 
  mind looking at 
  bottom Action section, there is TOC icon06:37.01 
  that what you show as toc icon in your app is not toc06:37.23 
  toc is text --- number *06:37.48 
sebras squ: I can't find the icon you're mentioning (there are too many). what does the caption say?06:38.04 
squ caption say “toc”06:38.15 
  that what you use currently is list06:38.41 
  list is: * bullet --- text06:39.02 
  toc is: text --- number *06:39.12 
sebras squ: ah! I see what you mean now.06:40.23 
squ I can update icons and make empty template project06:44.37 
  because this is what I'm going to do anyway :)06:45.26 
sebras kens: morning kens!06:49.58 
kens morning sebras06:50.11 
squ 17 megabytes - libs/armeabi-v7a/libmupdf_java.so07:00.21 
  embedding pdf.js takes only 2 mb07:02.03 
kens and ?07:03.11 
sebras squ: that size is most likely due to the embedded font files.07:04.23 
squ they are not shared?07:04.59 
kens Perhaps more to the point, pdf.js is a very poor PDF consumer, it gets *lots* of things wrong07:05.13 
squ I've tried it yesterday07:05.33 
  choosing between two, mupdf and pdf.js07:05.47 
chrisl pdf.js is basically just a PDF interpreter - most of the graphics heavy lifting, decompression etc is done in the web browser.07:07.11 
squ do you know about paid solution, PlugPDF, what does it use?07:08.50 
  check out prices, $700 for 1 app 
sebras squ: can I ask what kind of project you are using mupdf for?07:09.39 
squ I want to have native android listviews for pdf selection (1) and listview for outlines (table of contents (2) and then pdf viewer07:10.24 
sebras squ: there is a NOCJK flag that can be used to disable some of the fonts in mupdf making the library smaller, but that may of course cause PDFs using CJK to render improperly.07:10.30 
squ CJK is chinese?07:10.47 
sebras squ: chinese, japanese, korean, yes.07:10.57 
squ that's great07:11.10 
  can try07:11.24 
kens squ are you aware of the licencing for MuPDF ? Are you planning a commercial applicatoin or an AGPL project ?07:11.56 
squ free app07:12.20 
  source/fitz/noto.c|28 col 8| #ifdef NOCJK07:12.25 
  source/pdf/pdf-cmap-table.c|3 col 9| #ifndef NOCJK07:12.25 
kens free isn't enough, you need to be AGPL compliant, and that means publishing your source as well.07:12.59 
squ that's weird07:13.19 
  do you know other pdf viewer solutions for android?07:13.41 
kens Nope07:15.10 
sebras squ: our focus is on mupdf and ghostscript.07:15.36 
  do you know what they use?07:16.34 
sebras squ: I honestly have no idea.07:17.36 
  squ: if you decide that you do want to use mupdf, but do not want to publish the source code for your app then you may negotiate for a commercial license for mupdf by contacting sales@artifex.com07:19.14 
squ :)07:19.34 
  thank you07:19.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: there's a weird line in the "Fix bug 696718" commit; did you review it?08:11.48 
squ sebras: sent e-mail asking how much would cost to pay you08:17.04 
sebras tor8: seems like maybe we should only specify LOCAL_LDLIBS when building the app. but I haven't looks into it in detail.08:18.25 
tor8 squ: for commercial licensing, you should contact Scott at He'll get back to you with a hundred questions, which you should answer as well as you can (many of them will be irrelevant to your case, so just ignore the ones that don't apply).08:18.28 
squ I see08:19.42 
tor8 fredross-perry: (for the logs) in onShowOutline, you do "if (!outline) [outline release]" I suspect you mean "if (outline) [outline release]"08:24.06 
squ you do objc without arc?08:25.47 
tor8 squ: our iOS code predates ARC.08:26.08 
squ that's not excuse08:26.16 
tor8 and we don't feel like rewriting crap every time apple sneezes ;)08:26.39 
squ xcode has automatic conversion utilitiy08:26.47 
  you feel like fixing if (!outline) [outline release]08:27.16 
tor8 fredross-perry: the app icons are all a bit mixed, some have rounded corners others have square. I vaguely remember apple's guidelines saying to use square corners because ios will round them automatically.08:28.10 
squ it was meant for the app store08:28.56 
tor8 fredross-perry: the original icon is in docs/logo/mupdf-simplified-logo.png at 1280x1280 resolution so you can scale that down to get a sharper app icon for 16708:29.43 
squ â€˜#define NOCJK 1’ makes ‘’ 10 megabyte (instead of 17)08:46.53 
tor8 squ: you need both #define NOCJK and #define TOFU, but then multi-language EPUB support will be lacking08:47.28 
squ tofu is what?08:47.48 
tor8 a pun on a pun...08:48.12 
squ ? :)08:48.21 
tor8 define TOFU removes the NoTo fonts08:48.25 
  Noto fonts are "no tofu"08:48.34 
squ which correspond to what language?08:48.36 
tor8 Tofu are the little squares you get when a font is missing characters08:49.07 
squ I see08:49.14 
tor8 named for appearance of the food08:49.20 
squ ok08:49.25 
  square food ? :)08:49.43 
kens2 tofu = bean curd, google or wikipedia will tell you more08:50.04 
tor8 with -DTOFU all of the Noto fonts are skipped (and you'll be missing lots of unicode characters)08:50.16 
squ 2.6 megabyte08:50.36 
  something is wrong ? :)08:50.40 
tor8 with -DNOCJK all of the CJK fonts and encoding tables are skipped (and you won't be able to show *any* CJK PDF files, whether the font is embedded or not)08:50.43 
squ in which Makefile -DNOCJK needs to be added ? Because I'm manually editing these two files:08:51.34 
  source/fitz/noto.c|28 col 8| #ifdef NOCJK08:51.40 
  source/pdf/pdf-cmap-table.c|3 col 9| #ifndef NOCJK08:51.40 
tor8 squ: you're building for android with ndk-build? then Core.mk08:52.33 
squ yes08:52.40 
tor8 squ: -DTOFU -DTOFU_CJK if you want none of the embedded fonts, but still want to be able to display CJK PDF files if the file has embedded fonts08:53.46 
  -DNOTO_SMALL if you still want reasonable unicode support for EPUB, but skip the most uncommon scripts08:54.25 
sebras tor8: if you are going to work on documentation again today, maybe this info ought to be in ReadMe.txt. :)08:54.27 
  gives 2.6 megabyte .so file08:54.53 
tor8 sebras: it's at the top of noto.c ... and we don't recommend building without fonts. it's going to be a crappy user experience to see tofu everywhere.08:55.00 
squ can't fonts be shared?08:56.07 
tor8 squ: yes, that's about right. there's still plenty of data tables that we can't live without. like the base 14 fonts for PDF (about 800k)08:56.08 
  squ: no. because system fonts are very often not available, or the wrong versions, or substituted with another font altogether on linux.08:56.46 
  and we don't want to deal with bugs due to users having the wrong fonts installed; better to ship with the correct fonts that we know work.08:57.13 
squ you may like this reading 
  On-demand resources are fetched into application when they are needed08:57.55 
tor8 squ: That's only going to work on iOS. mupdf runs on *everything*.08:57.57 
squ )08:58.18 
  in real life means doesn't properly run anywhere08:58.40 
kens Not really, no.08:59.08 
squ apple created their own renderer, android will do too it just lags years behind apple09:00.22 
  viewer doesn't handle links?09:24.11 
sebras squ: mupdf the rendering library does, and at least some of the sample viewers do. I'm not sure if the android app does though.09:29.04 
tor8 sebras: it does, but you have to toggle them to active with the links button in the toolbar09:30.06 
squ right09:30.25 
ferter hi everyone! have i understood correctly, that pdf standart defines width for annotation borders to stay in an interval [0, 12]?09:33.35 
kens Perhaps you could quote the page of the PDF Reference where that is stated ?09:34.07 
sebras tor8: oh. I had forgotten that.09:34.12 
kens ferter : I cannot immediately see anything in the specification which limits the width of a Border09:36.16 
ferter kens: the thing is that i failed to find it. i've just realized, that different pdf readers let you set the Width no more than 12 and if i save annotation with width more than 12 it works weird and wrong in different viewers.09:37.08 
kens Well that sounds like a bug in the PDF consumer. I can't see anything in the specification which limits the border width.09:37.41 
ferter it works fine if i keep it within [0, 12] interval. 09:37.42 
kens I suggest you go and read the specificatoin, *I* can't find anything there which imposies a limit09:38.04 
ferter yeah, i failed to find it as well. and decided to ask you09:38.32 
kens Of course, if you want accurate, portable annotatoin appearances you should create an appearance stream for your annotatoins09:38.41 
ferter yeah, i do. 09:39.41 
kens Of course, Acrobat always ignores appearance streams and creates its own anyway, so there is no real way to be 100% certain of the result09:40.19 
ferter yeah, i know.09:40.49 
  thank you. i will dig into that09:41.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: oh, bollocks. we've really cocked up the release this time... int markup_dir:2 means any value other than 0 or 1 will be negative10:10.24 
  so we create a new fz_text span for every glyph10:10.53 
  because 2 != -210:11.00 
Robin_Watts_ unsigned int. balls.10:37.28 
jogux :( slightly odd none of the compilers picked that up.10:37.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: fix on tor/master10:42.26 
  Robin_Watts_: memory wise it's not a huge problem (the number of characters on a page is still relatively small)10:42.46 
  but it does mess up text extraction and search whenever there is glyph cluster mapping involved, such as for ligatures10:43.08 
squ -Wsign-compare10:43.23 
tor8 because the 'null' glyph corresponding to the 'i' in an 'fi' cluster will end up in its own span, and have no actual bbox to use so text extraction guesses wrong and splits the line and makes the highlighted area wonky10:45.34 
squ you don't use any lint-like software?10:47.53 
Robin_Watts_ 1.9b ?10:47.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: yeah, it looks like we'll have to do a 1.9a10:48.13 
Robin_Watts_ squ: Yes. We use lots of static analysis stuff, and regression testing etc.10:48.30 
  tor8: I'd prefer 1.9.110:48.43 
  1.9a sounds like 1.9 alpha.10:48.48 
  similarly 1.9b10:48.57 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: blender does 'a', 'b', 'c' ... 'z' for patch releases like this10:49.30 
  1.9.1 looks like a real release10:49.40 
malc_ 1.9 XP10:49.49 
  or Vista10:49.51 
Robin_Watts_ It is a real release.10:49.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: as in, with new features etc. not just a bugfix release.10:50.07 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: Well, I guess we can get fred ios viewer epub toc fix in too.10:50.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: that would be nice. did you see my ramblings about icons for the ios viewer?10:50.43 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: I did not.10:50.49 
tor8 in docs/logo/mupdf-simplified-logo.png is the original app logo10:51.02 
  app icon*10:51.10 
jogux my preference would be following - the reason for that is that parts of the iOS app store, and cocoapods, use semantic versioning.10:51.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: also, some oddities in fred's other commit. if (ptr is null) free(ptr)10:51.46 
jogux (semantic versions says that the z x.y.z is always a patch release)10:51.54 
squ btw, do you have cocoapods?10:52.15 
Robin_Watts_ squ: But *do* answer with all the details you can. The more details, the closer we can tailor the license, the lower the price.10:52.18 
jogux squ: yes.10:52.21 
tor8 jogux: I guess we could switch to another versioning scheme.10:52.37 
Robin_Watts_ bah. stupid irc/me.10:52.39 
squ why not do similar thing with android?10:52.47 
  dependencies {10:53.29 
  compile 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:0.24.0'10:53.29 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: which strange line in the bug 696718 ?10:53.38 
squ this line in file ‘build.gradle’ adds lib10:53.49 
tor8 if (!outline)10:54.10 
  +[outline release];10:54.10 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: OK, I don't speak objC well enough to know why that's strange :)10:55.09 
squ it call method on NULL10:55.37 
  which, btw, is fine10:55.50 
jogux tor8: I would say it should just call release.10:57.30 
kens jogux see #artifex10:57.47 
jogux kens: ta10:58.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: release is the equiv. of free. I suspect he wants to free if it's set, not if it's null.11:00.05 
  squ: it's not a crash, it's a memory leak...11:00.14 
squ no it is not a leak11:08.44 
tor8 squ: try thinking a bit harder.11:09.28 
squ :)11:09.37 
f77 I know the standard convention is not to ask to ask but just ask. However, would this be an appropriate forum to ask Robin_Watts_ (and maybe jogux) about CVS repositories or is there a better channel for that?12:22.39 
kens No ths is the best place12:23.27 
  We don't do CVS though, we use Git12:23.33 
jogux kens: see #artifex ;-)12:23.46 
kens aha!12:24.00 
  Then I am the wrong person to ask :-)12:24.10 
jogux f77: go for it, if we get too far off topic we can move elsewhere12:24.11 
f77 My dream (and this could just be a dream) is to get matching SHAs in the new git repo as I think that'll make things easier for everyone, it certainly won't make things harder.12:25.46 
  I reckon the best chance of that is to use the same version of the conversion program12:26.12 
  My package manager will give me something based on r5319 (officially labelled 2.4.0-dev), I can download a release from 2012 (not sure which revision that is based on) or I can grab any revision I like from the tigris SVN repo (latest seems to be 5464 from 20th September last year).12:27.13 
  Is there a way of finding out exactly what was used previously?12:28.08 
jogux there may well be. just seeing if I can remember how I login to that machine...12:34.23 
f77 kens: I really wish I didn't have to do CVS :)12:35.32 
jogux I can’t believe you guys still haven’t switched :-)12:35.48 
kens f77 I haven't used it in decades, can't say I'm sorry :)12:36.04 
jogux f77: er, just to check, which tool are we talking about? :)12:36.18 
f77 jogux: cvs2git but most of the files will be labelled cvs2svn12:36.36 
tor8 there are probably dozens of cvs-to-git export scripts12:37.08 
jogux there’s a cvs2svn package installed which is version 2.3.0-212:37.15 
f77 jogux: one python wrapper calling a load of files inside a directory like cvs2svn_lib and maybe cvs2svn_rcsparse12:37.19 
jogux the machine is running ubuntu precise, so it’s probably the default version from there.12:38.02 
f77 kens: Last time I used it properly was converting a CVS repo to SVN before turning my back on it, and that was a long time ago. Then yesterday I got re-acquainted with that particular horror from my past.12:38.43 
jogux f77: I can’t find any locally installed versions, so 2.3.0-2 seems a good bet.12:39.06 
f77 jogux: I'm not installing ubuntu for this, there is only so far I'm willing to go :)12:39.13 
jogux assuming you at least have debian, you could try dpkg -i on something from 
  it’s dependencies look trivial so that would probably work12:40.48 
f77 jogux: does apt tell you any more about the exact version and when they packaged it? I'm more of a yum person but maybe apt-cache show cvs2git12:40.55 
jogux f77: has links on the right hand side (‘Download Source Package’ to the original upstream tar.gz and the patches they applied12:42.34 
f77 We're a redhat/fedora/centos shop - looks like I can get close enough though12:42.57 
jogux the patches look entirely uninteresting, so I’d say you could build from that tar.gz and the result would be equivalent.12:43.31 
f77 All seems to be working fine from that download, I guess I'll wait to see what kind of SHAs pop out the other end13:10.00 
jogux f77: cool, thanks. It may not matter if the SHAs don’t match as we can probably still use git rebase to pull stuff across so long as the resulting source trees at the point we diverged end up roughly equivalent.13:13.42 
f77 Yeah, I think that's probably good enough but matching SHAs would be pretty awesome as then some proper git magic could happen should you want to just cherry pick specific fixes to any current branch you may have. I doubt it'll happen but worth a shot.13:23.09 
jogux indeed13:23.23 
Robin_Watts_ sorry, was out on an errand. back now, reading logs.13:27.55 
  f77: Hi. Sounds like Jogux has you sorted.13:29.47 
f77 I think so Robin_Watts_ unless you have any recollection of using a different version of cvs2git than the one he found.13:30.21 
Robin_Watts_ I don't.13:31.42 
  I have root on that box, so I probably did: sudo apt-get install cvs2svn13:32.02 
f77 Ok, I think what I'm using is as close as I'll get without installing ubuntu on a physical machine13:32.34 
Robin_Watts_ Actually... given that rewriting the commit messages changes the SHAs, I think it's very unlikely that we'll get exactly the same SHAs.13:33.39 
  Cos I may not have all the rewrite operations recorded there.13:33.55 
f77 By the looks of it, though, there is an initial import which should have a load of SHAs (i.e. all CVS commits to the point you had) then the commit re-writes happened inside of git so unless commit history was re-written we might have some overlap. I'm kind of hoping for the best and expecting the worst here.13:36.34 
  Given I had to run it anyway, it seemed to make sense to use the same version since it can't make the situation any worse.13:36.55 
  Nice to meet you, BTW13:37.49 
Robin_Watts_ and you.13:52.04 
  f77: The point of the commit message rewrites is to change the commit history.14:07.30 
  The Picsel review system using i-spec templates etc means that every CVS commit message starts: "Description:"14:08.06 
  so when you look in gitk, every commit is called "Description:". It's not hugely helpful :)14:08.30 
  So that's why we rewrote the messages.14:08.38 
  And in git, if you change the message you change the SHA.14:08.56 
  I can't argue with your logic for using the most equivalent version possible though.14:11.28 
f77 I'll see what I get and maybe a combination of the commands I have from you coupled with you just giving me a few examples of what your comments look like should let me reproduce the same process. I've not seen any output yet so I have this fear that I'll need to make a directory called /home/robin and run the whole thing again :)14:38.07 
rayjj somehow my chatzilla window got made so small that there wasn't even room for the "X" shutdown button ???15:50.47 
  I had to shut it down from task manager and when I restarted it was at least big enough to resize back to normal.15:51.24 
  Windows 10 has too many weird shortcuts and hotkeys that I trip over when I bump a wrong key sometimes15:52.18 
  and I still have the issue that windows ofthen don't come to the top when they get focus15:52.55 
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