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kens On the move chris_x250 ?08:21.33 
chris_x250 I've got some work being done on the house - so I was either stuck *in* my office, or stuck *out* of the office - I chose out.....08:22.21 
kens Seems reasonable08:22.32 
  Can I bother you for a sanity check ?08:22.38 
chris_x250 Sure08:22.58 
kens assuming you have access to the GS source ?08:23.01 
chris_x250 I do08:23.06 
kens OK in base/gxshade.c, line 37408:23.22 
  for (ci = 0; ci < pfs->num_components; ++ci)08:23.44 
  On the first pass through that loop, what is the value of ci ? 0 or 1 ?08:23.57 
chris_x250 008:24.10 
kens That's what I thought, then I confused myself and couldn't figure it out, thanks08:24.28 
chris_x250 I'd be tempted to change that to the more conventional postfix increment08:24.54 
kens Well it is slightly confusing that way (says the confused bear)08:25.18 
chris_x250 Exactly, yes.08:25.38 
kens In any event, the Coverity warning is a false positive, so I'm happy, thanks08:25.56 
chris_x250 A bit concerning that coverity would be confused by that......08:27.06 
kens sorry, network hiccup08:28.04 
chris_x250 I just sais: A bit concerning that coverity would be confused by that......08:28.23 
  or even said08:28.27 
kens The Coverity problem is that 'ranges' is set based on the type of a CIE space, and can be arrays 3, 4 or a single pair depending08:28.34 
  It sets tanges to the address of a pair, then uses that as if it were an array in that loop. So if num_components wasn't 1, it would overrun08:29.11 
  THat's what it warnign about08:29.18 
  Of course we cannot get here with num_components != 1 if its a CIEBasedA space08:29.33 
  So its a false positive08:29.44 
chris_x250 Right - I suspect there will be a lot of those.....08:30.07 
kens Surprisingly few so far, though I have skipped a number that may well be like ths. The confusion was entirely mine when I wondered if ci could be > 0 and tehn tied myself in knots trying to figure it out08:30.44 
  And we don't have a file in the test suite whch exercises ths path apparently08:31.13 
  I guess CIEBasedA shadings are kind of unusual :)08:31.38 
chris_x250 That is another problem - I've found a fair few like that....08:31.43 
kens Henry has expressed concern about it, it would be possible to write test cases I guess. I certainly could for ths particular one08:32.41 
chris_x250 There are some in the font code we definitely can't write cluster tests for.....08:33.20 
kens I guess that's less surprising08:33.37 
chris_x250 Well, for consistent results across machines we cannot allow gs to do "clever" font substitutions08:34.24 
kens Yeah I know, sad but true.08:34.47 
chris_x250 I guess we could probably do it for weekly tests: I think those always run on a single machine08:35.34 
kens I'm not sure its really worth it. There are so many options in GS we can't test them all anyway08:36.12 
chris_x250 Actually, for testing the font substitution stuff, we probably just need to run the normal cluster tests without disabling the native font usage.08:37.10 
kens I guess we have enough PDF files with missing fonts ? :-)08:37.34 
chris_x250 Oh god yes!08:37.46 
kens Ah I thnk Coverity has found a real bug here.....08:37.54 
  Actually I take back that comment about test files. I was looking at the wrong regression report (I have so many....) Turns out it *is* tested, 4 files from the CET08:39.52 
chris_x250 Well, I cannot work out why authentication with freenode isn't working on this laptop - so I'm not going to be able to see our other channel for a while08:52.02 
kens chrisl yeah that's why I pinged you here when you came on, I'd already done so on the other side08:57.45 
sebras tor8: I fix the makefile for cmapdump over at sebras/master09:34.10 
tor8 sebras: LGTHM.09:42.23 
chris_x250 I'm guessing we don't use any more.....09:44.37 
kens Never heard of it09:51.25 
sebras tor8: to humble me?09:56.09 
Robin_Watts LGTHM? Is that like LGBTQCI ?10:42.50 
chris_x250 I might start using: LGTMBTBQHIHGAFC10:45.23 
Robin_Watts My mail server is down. Apaprently ix had a series of drives in the RAID unit fail :(11:00.07 
kens All you're missing at the moment is my dull series of Coverity commits11:02.28 
sebras chris_x250: Looks Good To Me But The Boneheads Question Html in Hashtables Going Against Function Calls?11:03.04 
chris_x250 sebras: "Looks Good To Me But, To Be Quite Honest, I Haven't Got a F***ing Clue"11:03.32 
sebras chris_x250: oh...11:04.04 
chris_x250 Specifically to be used when asked to review some changes in area you've never even looked at before......11:05.04 
kens I think I need that acronym11:05.29 
  But its too long, I'd never remember it all11:05.49 
chris_x250 Possibly can be shortened to: "yeh, whatever......."11:06.14 
sebras kens: btw, is ready for gs now.11:06.17 
kens I'll assign it to me to look at then11:06.36 
  Probably you should put in a comment saying its fixed for MuPDF first though11:06.54 
Robin_Watts chris_x250: I've been using "looks plausible" for that for years.11:07.16 
kens LP ? I two letter acronym I can probably live with11:07.40 
sebras kens: done.11:08.39 
kens RIght then I'll assign it to me, it'll be something to do this afternoon11:08.56 
sebras kens: I hope the fix for gs is as easy as for mupdf11:09.58 
kens I have no idea yet I'm hopeful though. Although nothing is ever easy when you are talking about Ghostscript, and in particular its PDF interpreter........11:10.41 
  Drat a stupid change that was so small I didn't test it has caused problems, of course.....12:14.18 
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