IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/06/02)20160603 
faman HI I was just wondering if its possible to use MuPDF in Xamarin Forms?07:07.33 
  Hi I was just wondering if its possible to use MuPDF in Xamarin Forms?08:09.45 
psmlbhor I need some help regarding converting raster image to postscript. Can anyone help me with that?10:53.35 
chrisl_x250 psmlbhor: we're all in a staff neeting just now. If you have specific questions, just ask them, but be prepared to wait a while and/or check the logs for a reply10:55.29 
psmlbhor chrisl_x250, ok. I want to convert a raster image into PS. Should I convert it into ASCII hex format or ASCII base 85 format ?10:56.50 
chrisl_x250 psmlbhor: Well, if it were me, I would offer the option of both. We've seen printers where one is much, much slower than the other (when chained with one of the compression filters)10:58.33 
psmlbhor chrisl_x250, Where can I get details regarding this (except the postscript language referenece) ? I would help me a lot11:01.58 
chrisl_x250 psmlbhor: both the mupdf and ghostscript sources have implementations of both filters11:04.06 
psmlbhor chrisl_x250, can you please tell me which files/folders to look at specifically?11:04.48 
chrisl_x250 psmlbhor: mupdf's is, I think, in mupdf/source/fitz/filter-basic.c11:05.50 
psmlbhor chrisl_x250, Thank you.11:06.11 
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