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timofonic Robin_Watts: What about International Digital Publishing Forum and it's members ( What about a crowdfunding for full EPub support within MuPDF (what would be the estimated cost plus maybe extra devs to accelerate it?)?10:32.23 
Robin_Watts timofonic: I'm not sure we want to get into crowdfunding. I can't believe we'd raise enough.10:33.32 
timofonic Robin_Watts: I see10:34.40 
Robin_Watts When you say "full EPub support", what do you mean?10:35.46 
  There is a difference between "filling in the gaps in Epub v2" and "Doing Epub v3"10:36.30 
  Epub v3 is moving towards fixed layouts.10:37.12 
  Rather than the benefit of Epub v2 which is reflowability.10:37.31 
timofonic Robin_Watts: I see10:44.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: did you see the new coverity warnings from the signed/unsigned changes?11:06.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: I did not.11:08.09 
  tor8: Various fixes etc on robin/master11:08.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: all LGTM11:21.09 
  Robin_Watts: okay, I've got 'lang' tags being parsed and fed through to the fallback font selection11:21.48 
  but the actual tag used is the question -- do we reuse harfbuzz's language tags so we can easily pass them on to the opentype shaping as well?11:22.23 
  I had to bump the 'markup_lang' bitfield to 16 bits from 811:22.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: how come?11:23.16 
tor8 8 bits is not enough to hold even 2-char language codes11:23.53 
Robin_Watts 27*27*27 = 19683, so 15 bits.11:26.09 
timofonic Robin_Watts: I wonder why they are so interested in the useless fixed layout, anyway. I consider certain features to be interesting, I understand many of this would require a very major effort: XHTML (MathML, Images (jpg, png, gif), video (local apis? webvtt, ttml for captions and subtitles), audio (with remote sources?), epub:trigger ), SVG, Multimedia Overlay, JavaScript (with somewhat iBook Author11:26.41 
Robin_Watts Adding the 6 (?) extra special ones need not make that 16 bits.11:26.41 
timofonic compatibility), CSS3, pop-up footnotes, dictionary (Android has a few ones, ColorDict was the "standard API" and some apps like GoldenDict use it), strikethrough, TTS, annotation.11:26.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I wonder if we could limit ourselves to ISO 639-1 and get away with needing only 10 bits11:27.12 
Robin_Watts timofonic: Images are not really a problem.11:27.16 
  SVG is similarly getting there.11:27.33 
  Some of the other stuff is just batshit crazy.11:27.59 
timofonic Robin_Watts: But I consider MathML, SVG, CSS3, pop-up footnotes, dictionary APIs, , TTS, annotation, audio and video the most interesting ones. But that's subjective :P11:28.21 
  Robin_Watts: I see11:28.23 
  Robin_Watts: MathML is batshit crazy too? :P11:28.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: If it was me, I'd have the special case ones at the low end, then the 27*27*27 after that.11:28.46 
  That way we can cut back to fewer bits by just ignoring the end ones.11:29.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: at the moment I just hacked the special case ones to be 'zhs' and 'zht' (which are unused in the iso 639 lists I've looked through)11:29.25 
Robin_Watts tor8: ok.11:29.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: commit on tor/master11:31.14 
Robin_Watts 1+1+7+15+8 = 32, so we're still good.11:40.39 
  In *fz_load_fallback_font what's with the 150, 151, 152, 153 ?11:41.26 
tor8 the font context caches loaded fallback fonts11:43.41 
  we used to cache based on script only11:43.47 
  but we need to cache on script+language for the CJK variants11:44.03 
  magic numbers; sadly there is no macro for the last UCDN script11:44.23 
Robin_Watts Can we define our own: enum { UCDN_EXTRAS_JA = 150, ... } ?11:45.10 
  Or we could extend the UCDN table ourselves - that's probably better.11:46.02 
  That way, if we ever upgrade UCDN, code will fail to build rather than appear to work.11:46.29 
tor8 I can add a UCDN_LAST_SCRIPT #define and base the numbers off that11:46.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: Cool.11:47.05 
  script is used to lookup the noto font, right?11:47.46 
  I can't see where these new values are ever used.11:47.54 
  oh, it's just for caching, so the numbers just need to be unique.11:49.06 
tor8 yes.11:49.11 
Robin_Watts Seems plausible to me then.11:49.20 
tor8 Robin_Watts: updated commit on tor/master11:50.25 
  Robin_Watts: there's a sample file, paste it into cjk-lang.xhtml11:51.56 
Robin_Watts Looks good to me.11:52.05 
  tor8: Am in the middle of fighting SOT at the moment.11:52.22 
  Do we use the loca thing?11:52.29 
tor8 no. that's the next step.11:53.36 
Robin_Watts ok.11:53.42 
tor8 we can't use 'loca' lookups for PDF fonts11:53.57 
Robin_Watts Indeed, but we can for epub.11:54.08 
tor8 yes. so there the question becomes one of whether to use hb_language tags so we don't have to map back and forth11:54.36 
Robin_Watts hb_language tags are 32bit, IIRC.11:56.15 
  and we need a tag on every fragment.11:56.31 
  Our mapping back and forth should be fast.11:57.05 
tor8 each fragment currently has 3 pointers, 4 floats and 35 bits of bitfield flags11:58.01 
Robin_Watts 35?11:58.13 
tor8 yes. 3 bits of type, 1 bit of expand, 1 bit of linebreaking, 7 bits of bidi-level, 8 bits of script and 15 bits of language11:58.45 
  oh, I can't even count :(11:59.02 
  no, I can. I'm just having monday morning issues :)11:59.53 
  hence my question if we can drop the language tag to ISO 639-1 only and use only 2 character codes12:00.15 
  with 2 specials for zh-Hans and zh-Hant12:00.23 
Robin_Watts Ok, so if we could get language down to 12 bits we'd be OK.12:01.23 
  How many bits do we need for script?12:01.46 
  8 I guess.12:01.53 
tor8 8, there are 131 scripts12:02.04 
  we could probably drop bidi level a few bits though12:02.14 
Robin_Watts tor8: I wonder if we could move to a table for iso 639-3.12:04.25 
tor8 7847 entries in the iso 639-3 list12:06.22 
Robin_Watts Only 535 in harfbuzzes list.12:06.59 
Robin_Watts but 7847 would fit in 13 bits.12:07.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the ot_languages list?12:10.33 
Robin_Watts Yeah.12:10.45 
  You have to figure that if harfbuzz doesn't recognise it, there is no point in us recognising it :)12:11.35 
tor8 yeah.12:11.41 
  too bad they use a full opentype 4-byte tag12:12.11 
  though we could cheat, since the 4th byte is always ' '12:12.20 
  but using 24 or 32 bits makes no difference12:12.41 
  I'm leaning towards promoting the markup_lang to a full integer (not bitfield) and just using harfbuzz tags12:13.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: Can't we have a copy of the tags from their table, and just bsearch it?12:20.25 
  Maybe I'm wrong to be bothering about the size of this given the overheads in the rest of the structure.12:21.10 
tor8 Robin_Watts: huh. the harfbuzz api takes iso-639 strings and not opentype tags12:23.31 
  so yeah, just a list of codes that harfbuzz supports would be sufficient12:23.46 
  Robin_Watts: rats. harfbuzz supports language tags outside of their list.12:47.09 
  if the language code is 3 characters long, they use it as is as an opentype tag12:47.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: I would be inclined to just us the extra bits for now.13:16.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: agreed.13:17.01 
  I've got an updated commit on tor/master that sets the language for shaping as well13:17.35 
  just need to find some way to test it...13:17.40 
  Robin_Watts: ahah! it works :)13:19.52 
bonjour hello13:45.22 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.13:45.22 
bonjour Does anyone know what is the source of the error "ghostscript failed to convert document" when using seclection extraction in GSV 6.0 ?13:46.14 
kens The input file was probably corrupted13:47.06 
bonjour The input file can be read without problem in ghostview 5.0 and also it can be converted in eps13:48.07 
kens Its not possible to give any opinion without seeing the file13:48.25 
bonjour the problem exists only with the selection extraction in GCV 6.013:48.30 
  do I need ghostscript to have GSV working fine ? If yes, what is the recommended version ? thx13:51.30 
  for GSV 6.013:51.44 
kens Seems I put bonjour off....14:02.15 
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