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sebras Robin_Watts: tor8: ok. so I have updated sebras/master again after doing the vim wizardry (:%s/\<\([a-z]\+\)_\>/j\1/g) and then renaming jstring jstring to jstring jstr, I conversely changed the naming in the Java code from String string to String str.04:16.52 
  we're talking about Text.showString() here so I guess the String in the method name is the reason the argument was named string. now it's str which matches with the JNI code. :)04:17.47 
  ok, so after this back and forthing, is there anything else or does it LGTY?04:19.02 
Robin_Watts sebras: We now seem to have jcolorspace/cs rather than jcs/cs09:18.08 
  and jshade/shd rather than jshd/shd09:18.22 
  but that's very minor. I say commit it, and we can maybe fix them in followups.09:19.47 
  My objections to PDFDocument and PDFObject still stand, but again, I reckon we should commit and fix it up later.09:21.42 
  and the third commit seems fine too.09:22.15 
  Can we arrange for the font +/- buttons to only appear in epub files?09:22.46 
kens tor8 ping10:33.20 
tor8 kens: yes?10:42.01 
kens coommit on my repo for the XPS thing if you wouldn't mind looking please10:42.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fz_is_reflowable(doc)?10:42.30 
  tor8 there's also a bmpcmp of the diffs if you wold like ot look at that too10:42.59 
tor8 the bmpcmps look like progressions :)10:48.01 
kens for pdfwrite, they are10:48.13 
  seems we only test xps at 72 dpi10:48.31 
  and fo course the synthetic bold doesn't show any differences at such a low resolution10:49.23 
  I did run some test earlier with stupidly large stroke widths, and with filling disabled, just to prove to myself that the code was working as expected10:50.09 
tor8 kens: I confess I have no idea how PDF's separate stroke/fill colours are handled10:50.14 
kens tor8 not as well as I would like :)10:50.24 
tor8 the XPS code only does gs_setcolor for everything10:50.28 
kens Yeah I know10:50.33 
  There's normally no reason for XPS to care, because it doesn't have separate stroke and fill colours, but for text rendering modes involving stroke, we need the stroke colour10:51.06 
tor8 do we need to save/restore the stroke colour at all?10:51.22 
kens I do :-)10:51.27 
  RIght at the ned of the funciton I put it back10:51.39 
tor8 I mean, is that even necessary?10:51.51 
kens Only so that the reference counting works out10:51.54 
  If you don;t then memory handling goes haywire10:52.08 
tor8 ah, right. it refers to colourspaces etc. safer to do so than not.10:52.10 
kens :)10:52.14 
tor8 all LGTM then. thanks for fixing this!10:52.21 
kens Ideally I'd set the stroke colour 'properly' butthat's a lot of effort for such a minor fix. OK I'll commit it then, thanks tor810:52.48 
tor8 my only objection would be invoking the param list read/write on every fake bold text operation10:53.11 
  that does seem a bit wasteful10:53.28 
kens Yeah its icky and rather expensive10:53.29 
  FWIW we do the same thing in the PDF interpreter (from PostScript yet!) and its not too expensive10:53.54 
tor8 you could cache the value in the xps_context, but it shouldn't be too bad. a hundred times a page at most, I reckon.10:54.22 
kens If we encoutnered this a lot it would be something we could carry around, set oncce and consult as needed10:54.31 
  But it seems not that common10:54.41 
tor8 I wouldn't worry about it. using BoldSimulation *should* be punished! :)10:55.12 
kens LOL :-D10:55.22 
  I did consider just always doing a stroke and not using Tr at all, but this seemed nicer10:55.45 
  Well, nicer for PDF output10:56.12 
tor8 yeah, if it comes out as Tr 2 on PDFwrite then that's a lot more in line with what people would expect from the main use of gxps which I gather is converting to PDF10:56.22 
kens It does seem to be, which is slightly worrying....10:56.41 
  OK back to PDF graphcis states :-(10:57.31 
tor8 sebras: will need toNumber, toReal, toInteger, toBoolean, etc as well11:50.44 
  sebras: things that JS doesn't need because of the automatic use of toValue when coercing types11:51.09 
  and toName11:51.25 
Robin_Watts tor8: seems reasonable.12:12.15 
  (the fz_is_reflowable thing)12:12.25 
  rayjj: For the logs: Updated transpose commit on robin/master13:06.12 
  A debug build runs the command line given by marcos in 46seconds for me, rather than the 34 minutes he claims.13:15.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: how can I find out if a fz_document is an epub?13:30.28 
tor8 sebras: I suggested adding a fz_is_document_reflowable type function13:31.29 
sebras tor8: what do we return for pdf?13:31.59 
tor8 sebras: a few more comments from me in the log about PDFObject13:32.06 
sebras tor8: but it is reflowable some times?13:32.22 
tor8 only return true for html and epub13:32.23 
  it is never reflowable. the "reflowable" thing in the android viewer just runs a pdf-to-html conversion and drops in a web view13:32.53 
sebras tor8: but the format itself does provide reflowindicators, no?13:33.18 
  tor8: whether we want to support that in the end is a different matter.13:33.32 
tor8 it can, but we don't do anything about them13:33.36 
sebras I'13:33.36 
  I'm guess no.13:33.39 
  tor8: oh, your comments were quite recent.13:34.50 
  tor8: I'll do an doc->is_reflowable flag that is only set by the constructors of html and epub.13:43.58 
  no need for a functionpointer for that.13:44.09 
  as it never changes.13:44.12 
tor8 sebras: sounds good.13:44.20 
sebras tor8: hm.. toFloat or toReal()?14:10.27 
  tor8: the type will be float, so I'd vote for toFloat().14:10.36 
  tor8: also, toString() is kind of already occupied. how about toStr()?14:10.54 
  also I'm thinking that toStr() should work for both string and name pdf objects.14:17.52 
  that's how I'd expect it to work.14:18.09 
  do we also want a toNull() that returns NULL if the object is a null object and returns non-NULL otherwise? ;)14:18.34 
  on a more serious note we might want to expose PDFObject.isNull() though. similar to PDFObject.isIndirect()?14:19.47 
  that would make sense to me.14:19.50 
tor8 sebras: yes. all of the ones needed for C should be here too.14:24.25 
  rename the current toString() into toPDFString perhaps? not sure. Robin_Watts may want to weigh in here.14:26.04 
sebras tor8: well.. that depends on how you want to print stuff..?14:26.53 
  System.out.println(PDFObject) should print what?14:27.05 
  System.out.println(java.lang.Integer) prints the value right?14:27.54 
  instead of the L[java.lang.Integer@376473 string I'm guessing.14:28.13 
tor8 sebras: hm, right. byte[] toByteString and char[] toUnicodeString then?14:29.08 
  toString should return the byte array, toName should return a java string14:29.44 
  toUnicodeString should be equivalent of pdf_to_ucs2. that's an area where mujs needs fixing though.14:31.01 
sebras for a PDFObject which is a number, say 42, wouldn't we want PDFObject.toString() to return "42"? so that System.out.println(PDFObject) would indeed print "42\n"?14:31.09 
tor8 yes14:31.19 
  toString should turn it into PDF syntax, IMO14:31.29 
sebras ok, so you gave up on toPDFString()?! ok. :)14:31.53 
tor8 sebras: yeah. when you pointed out println I gave up that idea14:33.54 
  sebras: for mujs, toString returns a formatted string and toValue returns an equivalent js type14:34.32 
sebras I'll skip toUnicodeString() for now if that's ok.14:34.34 
  tor8: what does formatted mean in this context?14:34.54 
tor8 pdf_sprint_obj14:35.12 
  sebras: gotta go, be back later tonight (your morning perhaps)14:36.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: you about?15:56.37 
  or tor8 for that matter.15:56.47 
  there is a problem in e.g. NativeDevice_fillPath() where early on it does fz_matrix ctm = from_Matrix(env, jctm); but nothing prevents jctm from being NULL and if it is then fromMatrix() calls (*env)->GetFloatField() which ends up segfaulting. 15:58.14 
  the same issue exists with from_Rect() in e.g. NativeDevice_beginMask()15:58.36 
  I'm contemplating declaring all arguments doing the NULL check for ctx and non-optional arguments and first after that doing the calls to from_*() before continuing with the rest of the function.15:59.37 
  also if e.g. jctm == NULL do want to throw a java exception, or do we want to silently return NULL?16:00.46 
  I _could_ move only the from_Matrix() and from_Rect() calls of course, but that makes argument checking a bit spread out.16:04.06 
  ugh... this patch never ends. :(16:04.15 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes, here now.16:06.58 
sebras Robin_Watts: opinion on theabove?16:10.33 
Robin_Watts sebras: Sorry, too many threads. looking now.16:11.35 
  sebras: jctm == NULL should be equivalent to fz_identity_matrix.16:12.11 
  That's what all (*) the rest of the code does (* for some definition of all).16:12.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, that resolves from_Matrix(). from_Rect() is treated as { 0, 0, 0, 0} in the normal c-code?16:13.18 
  Robin_Watts: doing that gives me a way to resolve this without rearranging too much.16:13.39 
Robin_Watts fz_empty_rect, I believe.16:13.45 
  Well, actually, not sure that we have a sensible default for fz_empty_rect :(16:14.05 
  for rect == NULL, I mean.16:14.17 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok. I think it would be ok to assume fz_empty_rect in the Java code.16:14.42 
  simply because it makes the bindings easier. :)16:15.03 
Robin_Watts I think doing something sane and simple wins when we can't think of a compelling reason not to.16:15.28 
  so yes.16:15.31 
  sebras: With this stuff, feel free to commit it and then refine it. Don't feel you have to shoot for perfection all at once, cos otherwise it will never end :)16:16.11 
sebras Robin_Watts: well... I keep getting review comments, so my shooting is apparently off target. ;)16:22.34 
  Robin_Watts: hm.. in fz_new_image_from_pixmap() if mask == NULL and fz_new_image() fails, we attempt to fz_drop_image() our mask, but this is NULL and will subsequently dereference NULL, right?16:58.11 
  oh, and having a pixmap without a mask is fully valid I presume.16:58.30 
Robin_Watts No.16:58.31 
sebras Robin_Watts: why?16:58.37 
Robin_Watts Every destructor in MuPDF is specced to accept NULL.16:58.52 
  fz_drop_blah(ctx, NULL); is always fine. Makes cleanup code MUCH easier.16:59.11 
sebras void fz_drop_image(fz_context *ctx, fz_image *image) { fz_drop_storable(ctx, &image->storable); }16:59.16 
  how is it ok if image == NULL ?16:59.23 
Robin_Watts &image->storable == NULL16:59.32 
sebras no, no... image == NULL.16:59.58 
Robin_Watts yes. image == NULL. Therefore &image->storable = NULL :)17:00.15 
sebras what?! why?17:00.23 
Robin_Watts storable = a structure at the start of the image structure :)17:00.36 
  &image->storable == image17:01.14 
  it just has a different type.17:01.22 
sebras ok, so offsetof(fz_image, storable) == 0, that's basically the trick here.17:01.33 
Robin_Watts Yes.17:01.39 
sebras right.17:01.49 
psmlbhor I am trying to learn mupdf. I have used ghostscript before. So I want to know whether mupdf supports all the switches that are supported by ghostscript?17:47.52 
Robin_Watts psmlbhor: It does not.17:50.55 
  ghostscript is primarily a postscript interpreter that also does PDF files.17:51.27 
  MuPDF does not support postscript, but it does support PDF, XPS, JPEG, PNG, CBZ, etc.17:52.10 
  mupdf is at heart a portable C library for opening/manipulating/rendering such files. It is built into several example tools.17:52.55 
  For a start you should decide which tool to work with (or whether you want to write your own code that calls the C library).17:53.22 
  If you want a simple viewer on windows or x11, then you want "mupdf". If you want a gl based viewer, then "mupdf-gl".17:53.49 
  If you want to just render to images, then "mutool draw"17:54.00 
  The switches available on each are very different, and are (broadly) unrelated to those available for ghostscript.17:54.25 
psmlbhor Robin_Watts, I want to work with PDF files. I want to take PDF data and convert it to some other data format using C. What might be best thing to do for such a task ?17:55.59 
Robin_Watts psmlbhor: You probably want to take mudraw.c or muraster.c as examples.17:56.25 
  or even look at doc/example.c17:56.46 
  docs/example.c, sorry.17:57.01 
psmlbhor Robin_Watts, I looked at example.c but couldn't decide whether to do it that way or make some command line and execute it. I will take a look at muraster.c and mudraw.c as you have suggested17:57.40 
Robin_Watts That shows how to open a document, and render to memory, which is then written out as a ppm.17:58.13 
  When you say "some other data format" you mean a bitmap data format?17:58.39 
psmlbhor PWG raster format17:58.52 
Robin_Watts OK. mutool draw -o out.pwg -r200 in.pdf17:59.12 
psmlbhor Oh! that seems quite easy. I want to learn more about the options mutool supports. Are they all covered in the man pages ?18:00.49 
Robin_Watts psmlbhor: Run with no arguments, and the options are listed.18:01.15 
psmlbhor Robin_Watts, yes that worked. Thanks for you help18:01.44 
Robin_Watts np.18:01.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: tor8: ok, so a set of revised patches over at sebras/master.18:12.43 
Robin_Watts how did your test go, btw?18:12.57 
sebras I have also removed the PDFOBject.doc pointer.18:13.02 
  Robin_Watts: I don't know yet, but I know I messed up a few things. I'll let you know when I get it back. presumably tomorrow. 18:13.48 
Robin_Watts The doc_is_reflowable one looks good.18:14.00 
sebras pointer?! in java?! I meant reference. :)18:14.05 
Robin_Watts The cleanup looks good.18:14.40 
  All of them look good. Excellent stuff!18:16.31 
sebras Robin_Watts: public const static final commit; commit.push()?18:17.00 
Robin_Watts return true;18:17.19 
sebras Robin_Watts: or as the grammar that I have been taught the last few weeks "today I push not push commit?"18:17.47 
Robin_Watts sebras: There is a promising career ahead of you in writing instruction booklets.18:18.21 
sebras Robin_Watts: :)18:18.46 
  Robin_Watts: learning a bit has at least taught me why certain mistakes are done in English by people who are native Mandarin speakers.18:19.29 
  fredross-perry: my batch of commits has been pushed now. so feel free to rearrange the java code as you see fit. :)18:26.35 
fredross-perry OK swell, i'll get to that now.18:26.57 
sebras yey, all commits passed in the cluster. ok. I'18:58.20 
  m off.18:58.22 
Robin_Watts cu18:59.59 
fredross-perry robin - It looks like caafb37ddf3d58f4d37d8c7b535021ff18d57861 has broken building android/viewer.21:50.41 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: 2 commits on robin/master, 1 of which fixes that. Sorry.23:15.19 
fredross-perry s'ok. I made a commit that fixes that as well. What will happen when we push?23:15.42 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: When we push, nothing.23:16.58 
  When we pull --rebase before we push, we'll get a conflict.23:17.13 
  and whoever is second can do git rebase --skip and it'll just miss our patch out and keep the one that is in golden.23:17.38 
fredross-perry my commit has one other thing in it that's necessary - another API change. (pdf_widget_get_type = pdf_widget_type).23:19.14 
  Can we have a moratorium on API changes>23:19.25 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Sure, once we get the API right.23:19.57 
fredross-perry ;-)23:20.16 
alexcher I have been bitten by 2 GS bugs in a row (see the tracker). What's the current status of bug hunt and bug bounty program?23:21.35 
Robin_Watts alexcher: Hey Alex.23:23.37 
  The bug bounty program is still in effect.23:23.49 
  and we're still bug fixing etc.23:24.21 
alexcher But few bugs has been marked for bounty recently. Fuzzing, memcmp(), and my latest SEGV in tiffsep seem to be good candidates.23:27.45 
Robin_Watts If you think you've found good candidates, prod henry.23:29.40 
alexcher OK23:31.08 
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