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fredross-perry Robin, tor8, sebras - several commits on my master. One of them is the ones that moves the java sources into a sub folder.00:18.56 
aiena ow do I render pdf to images properly I used this command "gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -r250 -sOutputFile='%00d.jpg' ./SILVER\ QUEEN.pdf" to render out jpg's pf each page but some embedded fonts render poorly06:26.14 
chrisl aiena: Well, I wouldn't use jpeg, since the quantisation will blur high frequency color changes (like the edges of glyphs). You might get better perceived results by using -dTextAlphaBits=2 or -dTextAlphaBits=4. Finally, use a higher resolution: 250dpi doesn't give many pixels for details objects like glyphs06:29.46 
aiena so what dpi do you recommend ?06:30.30 
chrisl Well, the higher the better, but *bare* minimum I'd use would be 30006:31.18 
aiena chrisl: so its better to render at high dpi and then scale down the images06:32.43 
chrisl aiena: it is better to use a higher resolution: whether you render at low resolution, or scale down afterwards, you're losing detail with will always make text harder to read06:34.33 
  However, TextAlphaBits effectively renders text at high resolution, and downsamples to an antialiased representation which *some* people prefer06:35.50 
Timmy Hello06:39.33 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.06:39.33 
Timmy I was wondering if someone could help me understand the scaling that is involved with the placement of an annotation unto a pdf.06:40.51 
aiena hmm my computer froze and I lost the flags specified they are not in my irc logs too06:41.07 
  can someone pplayback previous conversation a bit for me06:41.19 
chrisl aiena: 
aiena thanks06:41.56 
chrisl aiena: I'd like to be able to give a clearer, more definitive answer, but it's all about trade-offs, and what's the best trade-off in one situation may not be the same as in others........06:43.02 
aiena I agree06:43.15 
  this is for rendering of pages on mobile06:43.27 
chrisl Rendering *on* mobile, or rendering *for* mobile?06:45.32 
aiena chrisl: for mobile / tablet06:48.34 
  chrisl: hmm stil have a problem06:48.42 
  I rendered at dpi of 500 some fonts are not rendering correctly06:48.56 
  so its not a resolution issue06:49.05 
  in the pdf the render fine06:49.12 
chrisl Okay, can you be more specific about what's wrong?06:49.36 
aiena chrisl: I'll make a screen shot06:49.58 
  maybe you will understand image magick doesnt give the same problem I think imamgemagick also uses gs06:50.28 
chrisl What versions of gs are you using, and does it give any warning/error messages?06:50.47 
aiena I am using Ghostscript 9.18 (2015-10-05) and no errors it just says "Processing pages 1 through 145.\n" then "Page1\n" ... "Page145\n" and cleanly terminates.06:55.12 
  chrisl: see left is gs output right is pdf view06:56.08 
  in okular06:56.14 
chrisl Oh, looks like a bad Truetype font......06:56.39 
aiena yes rest of pages seem ok06:57.09 
chrisl Try adding -dGridFitTT=0 to your command line06:57.16 
aiena chrisl: rerunning same command will just overwrite files on linux right06:57.54 
chrisl Yeh06:58.14 
aiena gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -r500 -dGridFitTT=0 -sOutputFile='%00d.jpg' ".SILVER QUEEN.pdf" 06:58.15 
alexcher aiena: How does this file look in Acrobat?07:02.05 
aiena not sure dont have it07:02.20 
  but if okular renders it fine Adobes product should work better07:02.34 
chrisl Okular uses poppler which, IIRC, renders TrueType fonts unhinted, whereas we default to using the hints in a TTF07:05.13 
  With Acrobat the experience I have is conflicting on that front.....07:05.39 
aiena chrisl: I checked on another system Acrobat renders the same pdfg fine07:07.16 
chrisl aiena: that doesn't mean the PDF or the embedded font is correct - Acrobat is hideously tolerant of breakages07:08.10 
  meant it in small forgive me07:08.55 
chrisl It does, but in this case I suspect it either doesn't apply hints, or only applies a subset of hints - being closed source, and Adobe being notoriously tight lipped about such things, it's very hard to know07:09.56 
  aiena: Anyway, did the GridFitTT make a difference?07:12.01 
aiena yes07:12.06 
  it did the font rendered correctly07:12.14 
  so pdf looks awesome as image now07:12.31 
  is it safe to include that param for all pdf's07:12.46 
chrisl Pretty much: you'll get the same kind of output that Okular produces07:13.12 
aiena :)07:13.32 
  Well acrobt seems to produce same kind of o/p as Okular too07:13.45 
  so I was like gs is so good am mature so why was it rendering it weird07:14.03 
chrisl It's possible that there is a bug in the Freetype hinting code, but I've also seen plenty of TTFs that the hinting really does produce output like you were seeing07:14.37 
aiena what exactly is hinting07:15.07 
  I really dont understand how pdf works. JUst use it on a day to day basis07:15.23 
chrisl This isn't really PDF, it's fonts.07:15.40 
aiena hmm yeah got it07:16.20 
chrisl Hinting is a guide to the rendering engine how best to fit the points in the outline of a glyph to the physical grid of the of the pixels in the output medium07:16.29 
aiena its how fonts are rendered07:16.31 
  thanks so hinting is a vector to raster guide07:17.03 
chrisl Yes07:17.15 
aiena but rasterisation is the engines job07:17.18 
  is the hinting stored in the document itself07:17.45 
chrisl It's in the font07:17.53 
  in TTF, hinting can be global to the font, specific to each glyph, or both07:18.21 
aiena ok07:19.33 
chrisl The problem is the way TTF hinting works is, urm, really poor :-(07:19.59 
aiena Ok07:20.22 
  chrisl: is there a flag to change jpegs quality07:20.59 
  e.g. I want each jpeg at 90 % q07:21.06 
  what is gs default07:21.14 
chrisl aiena: 
aiena thanks07:22.04 
  chrisl: which png device should I use07:24.50 
  I am unclear as there are several options07:24.57 
  e.g. what would gimp use07:25.15 
  suppose I were to render out to png07:25.30 
  I dont want alpha07:25.42 
chrisl Probably png16m07:25.52 
aiena png16m is 8bit png right by default07:26.13 
chrisl 8 bit per sample, RGB07:26.29 
aiena ok07:26.36 
chrisl So, 24 bits per pixel07:26.40 
  Being lossless compressed, the PNG files will be larger than JPEGs, but will give more readable results for text07:28.43 
aiena chrisl: but my findings are peculiar07:38.32 
  for pure image pages the pngs are larger07:38.43 
  for pure text pages png's are smaller than the corresponding jpeg07:38.57 
  I m trying to understand why that is the case07:39.07 
  is it becuse gs converts from truecolor to gs etc per page07:39.35 
kens jpeg is a lossy format, it achieves compression by discarding data which is 'indistinguishable' to the human eye07:39.36 
aiena for png but jpeg is always RGB07:39.53 
  kens: but my pngs are smaller then jpegs in certain cases07:40.14 
kens SO for image data, particularly photographs it will acheive good compression. For data with a lof oof high frequencies (black white transitions, like text) it will achive a poor looking result and comrpress badly07:40.24 
aiena about half the size07:40.25 
  kens: Ah07:40.44 
kens latrge areas of white/black compress well with compression schemes which work in other ways.07:40.53 
  You need to choose a compression scheme which owkrs well for the kind of data you expect to get.07:41.19 
aiena Ah thank you. SO for books png is a better format07:41.23 
chrisl Sorry, I had assumed pages of mixed content07:41.26 
aiena chrisl: yes it is mixed content07:41.37 
kens For mostly text data, png will compress better, and will give nicer looking output, so a double win07:41.46 
aiena probably from books on wildlife etc jpeg is better07:41.53 
  for literature png will give a cleaner result because of kens explanation07:42.10 
kens For mostly photographic data (JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group) jpeg will compress better07:42.15 
  The lossy nature of JPEG means that black/white transitions turn into gray blurry transitions, so text is a bad thing to apply JPEG to07:42.53 
chrisl Of course, the best option is to use some sort of container file that allows you to use the best format for each individual type of data - like, um, PDF........07:44.17 
aiena chrisl: ah09:31.25 
chrisl Ah?09:32.42 
aiena urm I meant I understood09:49.03 
  I was under the impression pdf stores data as vector and raster09:49.21 
chrisl It does, that's the point.09:49.45 
  Generally, things like text are smaller when stored as "text" rather than as rendered bitmaps of text, they also remain scalable. Similarly with line art. OTOH, photographic images can be stored as JPEG, for the most compact representation.09:51.40 
kens It also can use different compression strategies for differnt kinds of image data. So monochrome images (which are black and white and do not compress well with JPEG) can be compressed with JBIG2 or CCITT g4 fax, while colour images can be compressed with JPEG09:52.01 
aiena kens: How can I make gs use png for black and white and jpeg for color10:57.10 
kens select different device10:57.25 
aiena kens: can gs detect which pages of a pdf are plain text and use png for that and pages with color use jpeg at q90 ?10:57.53 
kens Not really10:58.07 
  You would have to interpret the page to dicsover whether it is colour or not. And even then it could be incorrect10:58.32 
  THere's no provision for changing device in the middle of a job. You could write a device which tracked oclour usage and wrote the output file with different compression11:00.14 
psmlbhor hello. Is there any provision with MuPDF to read input from stdin like the '-_' option in ghostscript?11:02.39 
Robin_Watts psmlbhor: Using what tool?11:05.02 
  Mupdf (the C lib) will read from any source you want.11:05.12 
  mutool etc are a different kettle of fish.11:05.50 
chrisl And it still won't *stream* from stdin11:06.12 
aiena kens: ok I have decided to use png for everything it seems like a better option every choice you pick involves some tradeoff. Besides sticking to one standard format makes things easier for apps too11:08.50 
kens Yeah I would use PNG I expect11:09.20 
psmlbhor Robin_Watts, Does mutool draw or convert support something like that ?11:11.12 
Ebras Tor8: i think dealing with writeByte wouldn't be a problem?11:11.34 
  tor8: even if .length changes.11:11.50 
  tor8: but it is also writable for the world and that just feels wrong...11:12.14 
chrisl psmlbhor: reading PDF from stdin is a rather pointless exercise, because the format isn't streamable.11:12.49 
Robin_Watts psmlbhor: No, mutool draw does not, because PDF needs to be accessed randomly.11:13.16 
psmlbhor chrisl, Robin_Watts : thank you. That will help11:13.45 
Robin_Watts psmlbhor: If you want to handle streaming (so processing while data is still arriving) that *can* be done.11:14.09 
  but that involves cunning buffering code.11:14.35 
psmlbhor Robin_Watts, how can that be done?11:15.13 
Robin_Watts Read docs/progressive.txt11:15.28 
chrisl psmlbhor: for the vast majority of PDF files, you just end up buffering up the entire input file to temporary storage.11:15.56 
Robin_Watts Even with linearised files you'll still end up buffering the whole input file to temporary storage.11:16.35 
psmlbhor yes I was thinking the same11:16.59 
chrisl At best, even linearised files only allow accelerated display of the first page11:17.04 
Robin_Watts The key difference is that a) you might be able to process the early pages faster, and b) if you have control over the fetching mechanism, you can arrange to get the bits of the file you need earlier.11:17.21 
  chrisl: No, our implementation is better than that.11:17.31 
chrisl Then it's random access, not streaming11:17.56 
Robin_Watts Yes. If you have control over the fetching mechanism, then you can do better than streaming.11:18.24 
  and often you can get accelerated access to pages other than page 1 even with just streaming.11:18.58 
psmlbhor Robin_Watts, chrisl : Ok, I'll read progressive.txt. I think it is relevant to me11:20.04 
Robin_Watts psmlbhor: My advice would be to get it working with simple 'download the whole file, then decode it' first.11:20.52 
  Then worry about using progressive mode as an enhancement.11:21.17 
psmlbhor Robin_Watts, ok. Thanks11:22.00 
tor8 sebras: yes, matching java's List with .size() and .get(i) methods seems like a better idea.11:22.55 
  Robin_Watts: new trick I learned today ... 'git rebase --whitespace=fix' to fix up whitespace errors in a commit12:32.09 
  Robin_Watts: might be worth passing on to fred when he shows up12:32.28 
  fredross-perry: (for the logs) you may also want to run 'git config' since your commits are currently signed by Fred-Ross-Perrys-Computer.local :)12:34.58 
fredross-perry tor8 - thanks gfor the git tips15:09.28 
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