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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/07/18)20160719 
sebras fredross-perry: I just pushed a complete fix for yesterdays issues to golden14:10.27 
fredross-perry swell, thanks.14:10.51 
  sebras - looks good so far.14:46.23 
sebras fredross-perry: excellent.14:48.13 
fredross-perry sebras - do you have a file with links that I can test with?15:12.09 
sebras fredross-perry: has links on page 5 I believe15:13.12 
  fredross-perry: make that 
fredross-perry thanks15:16.55 
  sebras - that file I sent you yesterday (building.pdf) has a link on the first page, that's not found. 15:34.34 
sebras fredross-perry: let me have a look.15:36.03 
  fredross-perry: yes, but it has no link annotation, so mupdf treats it as nicely underlined, blue colored text. :)15:40.12 
  fredross-perry: evince and xpdf also do not treat it as a link.15:41.44 
Robin_Watts acrobat 'magically' spots http://blah things as links.15:43.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: is that something we'd like to support?15:46.17 
Robin_Watts sebras: If we do, it should be done in the app, not in the core, IMAO.15:46.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: if so I'm guessing we'd like that to be part of the mupdf lib proper to the benefit of all platforms.15:46.59 
  Robin_Watts: ok... that means we come from different viewpoints. :) then there should be some app layer where this magic goes?15:47.52 
  Robin_Watts: what about file:// ? or ftp:// or sftp:// ?15:48.13 
Robin_Watts sebras: I have no idea.15:48.34 
sebras basically everything [a-z]*://[^whitespace]\+ I'm guiessing.15:48.36 
Robin_Watts needs to crawl under a rock for a bit and concentrate on mvrhel's problem. Repeated context switches cause me to drop everything in cache each time.15:49.31 
fredross-perry Interestingly, Preview (osx) allows me to click on it as though it were a link.16:05.01 
sebras fredross-perry: yes, I had a check in pdfium which recognizes the link, and they indeed skip any Link annotations and instead go looking for http:// https:// and www. in the page text.16:41.34 
  fredross-perry: I'm trying to determine if the same is true for pdf.js16:41.58 
fredross-perry Probably the same for Preview.16:42.01 
  Might be good to synthesize a link annotation, depending on how we use them. Maybe add a Link member to indicate that it's synthetic. And don't save them.16:43.23 
sebras fredross-perry: something link that. the question is if this is to be done by the app or by the library. if we want to share the same with iOS I'm guessing it will have to be done in libmupdf proper.16:47.22 
fredross-perry I think so.16:48.30 
sebras fredross-perry: we discussed while you were away and there were different opinions on where to implement this.16:49.27 
fredross-perry can you meet me over at #artifex?16:49.48 
sebras fredross-perry: I've put it in my local TODO at least.16:49.51 
fredross-perry sebras: (for the logs) I think that could use an indiction of what "level" in the hierarchy the item is at, so in the UI we can indent.18:36.39 
sebras fredross-perry: I'm guessing that you saw how I did the indentation in Outline.toString() for child elements in Outline.down[] but decided that this was not useful..? just checking.:)19:03.43 
  fredross-perry: conceivably we could decide to add a public int level member and flatten the entire hierarchy (i.e. removing Outline.down[] entirely).19:05.07 
  fredross-perry: but the underlying data structure doesn't look like that so in iOS this would need to be done manually.19:05.41 
  fredross-perry: or we'd need to change the underlying data structure too of course.19:06.00 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: You get the depth by it's position in the tree, right?20:46.04 
fredross-perry Right. I think the recursize thing that builds the final array can just keep track of the "level", and stick that into new member.20:46.57 
  I cannot type well, as you see. "recursive".20:47.37 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: My point is, do we want to do that? Or do we want to just let the callers keep track?20:48.00 
fredross-perry Caller can't (I think) keep track, 'cause loadOutline just builds one flat Array.20:48.40 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: It does?!20:48.50 
  I thought it built an array of Outlines, and some had child arrays....20:49.16 
  I have to step away... sorry. I was expecting a tree like structure, not a flat structure.20:49.45 
fredross-perry Oh wait, NM. I see my mistake. Sorry to have bothered.20:50.06 
  I did not spot "public Outline down[]" inside Outline.20:50.32 
  robin - working now thanks21:04.15 
boris hi21:15.09 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.21:15.09 
boris I have a fix for ghostpdl21:16.14 
  how can I open a pull request for it?21:16.21 
  I had an issue with building without contrib in out-of-tree mode21:26.01 
  patch fixes the problem21:26.17 
HenryStiles I guess chrisl will see that patch in the logs21:56.44 
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