IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/07/30)20160731 
HenryStiles ugh laptop died, disk failure, I've had it with Lenovo, back to MacBook for the laptop00:19.11 
Robin_Watts HenryStiles: SSD time.00:20.59 
HenryStiles I don't like Lenovo for a lot of reasons and I miss the macbook00:23.57 
  they are expensive of course00:24.15 
Robin_Watts Macbooks are style over substance, unexpandable, too expensive, and far to prone to breaking for my taste.00:28.15 
  Your Lenovo is still in guarantee, right?00:28.42 
  (ISTR it's just a bit older than mine, and mine had a 3 year guarantee)00:29.02 
HenryStiles hate it, that simple00:38.29 
  bulky awkward ugly trackpad off center ... on and on00:39.13 
Robin_Watts hmm. I don't feel mine is bulky. The trackpad is central for me too. Different models, plus different tastes etc, I guess.00:48.08 
  anyhooo, bedtime.00:48.32 
fredross-perry I love my Macbook Pro w/SSD. Light and powerful (but expensive). I think the extra $$ pay for themselves in productivity within the first year. trackpad: I use a mouse whenever possible.01:27.35 
sivoais Hi all. I am trying to build MuPDF on FreeBSD and came across the same bug as in <>.03:16.34 
  The patch that removes HAVE_INCBIN works, but I was wondering if that would make it into a future release.03:17.43 
sebras Robin_Watts: but you are fine with us expanding ligatures? it's a pedantic difference, but it is there. ;)04:36.43 
  Robin_Watts: if we leave tabs in the raw text then the only option is to special case c == 9 in fz_copy_selection(), or would you want us to remove the c < 32 comparison altogether?04:39.54 
HenryStiles fredross-perry: 13 or 15?04:43.06 
fredross-perry 13. 500 Gb SSD. 8 Gb RAM.04:43.48 
HenryStiles fredross-perry: went to the store this evening and looked. Little worried that all the models are mid 2015, should have an update soon I guess.04:45.06 
fredross-perry Mine's late 2013 (refurb). good price, works great.04:45.36 
HenryStiles , the 12 is the only one that is "buy now"04:47.45 
  may not need the latest stuff, but skylake would be nice04:48.42 
  off to bed, I'll mull over it. Good night04:49.02 
fredross-perry 'night04:49.21 
  But, you still want compute power, which the MBP has over the MB (I think): 
sebras Robin_Watts: we also do translation of strings containing 0x00 in pdf_show_char() to '?'. shouldn't that be .notdef?05:12.06 
  Robin_Watts: or what am I missing here?05:12.11 
  I have a hard time separating what interfaces we want to return the raw untranslated character ids through and what interfaces we want to do rudimentary translation as a convenience for the applications.05:13.13 
  Robin_Watts: when you have time there are a slew of commits for review on sebras/master. you did look at them prior to tor8's comments which I believe that I have addressed now.06:55.21 
Robin_Watts sebras: In all honesty, no.11:16.31 
  I'm not OK with us expanding ligatures - but that's something tor8 did before my opnions formed.11:17.00 
  I think I'd like either:11:17.14 
  1) for us to give raw data, and then to have helper functions that 'simplify' the data appropriately that we can call later.11:17.51 
  or 2) to have some options to the functions that say whether we expand ligatures, simplify whitespace etc.11:18.11 
  fred, henry: The trackpad on my old macbook is SOOO much nicer than the lenovos one, I'll give you that.11:19.29 
  but it's not so different that it justifies the awful keyboard the mac has.11:19.52 
sebras Robin_Watts: right. I don't really have any opinions of my own on these matters I just want to add code that fits with what is already there. And if we want to make a redesign later we can.13:53.51 
  Robin_Watts: we synthesize spaces between words also but hueuristics from the distance between characters. so you envision that these parts should also be separated out with ligature expansion and possible tab simplification?14:40.07 
Robin_Watts sebras: Hadn't considered space synthesis until now, but yes, now you come to mention it.17:01.33 
  I'd be tempted to have a flags word for options in the structured text device.17:01.55 
  One bit to mean "synthesise spaces", one bit to mean "expand ligatures", one bit to mean "simplify whitespace" etc.17:02.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: right, then I think I understand where you are coming from. :_17:22.36 
  Robin_Watts: what about converting 0x00 to '?' inside the pdf-parser?17:24.09 
  Robin_Watts: 0x00 is a valid PDF string character, but I'm guessing that there are assumptions along the way that assume that strings are NULL-terminated.17:24.43 
  maybe 0x00 should be represented by .notdef if present, I'm not sure how those things work.17:25.09 
  all of this ought to be before the struct text device is even involved.17:25.37 
ray_laptop sebras: (for the logs) I say your comment "0x00 is a valid PDF string character, but I'm guessing that there are assumptions along the way that assume that strings are NULL-terminated.", but doubt that (at least in gs) since multi-byte fonts often have a '0' byte20:53.28 
Robin_Watts sebras: The PDF parser shouldn't change at all.23:20.35 
  It handles all the encoding etc that we want.23:20.44 
  What I am talking about is just the structured text extraction.23:20.55 
  That handles purely the values once then get to the text fz_device calls.23:21.17 
  Whatever coding is used internally (PDFDocEnc, or whatever) doesn't matter before we get to the fz_device calls.23:21.51 
  but after that, we start to 'extract' the text into unicode etc.23:22.02 
  At that point, it matters how we 'sanitize' the results - infer whitespace, collapse whitespace, expand ligatures etc.23:22.27 
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