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deb75 Hello, I use mupdf on android, I make hand written annotations on pdf with it, nevetheless I do not understand how you manage afterwards annotations, how to remove them ? also is it possible to tune the pen width ?08:20.34 
Robin_Watts deb75: Annotation functionality is not quite as complete as we would hope at the moment.08:30.57 
paulgardiner deb75: if I remember correctly, the app used to allow deletion of annotations. You could just tap to select and then a delete button would be displayed.08:44.22 
  Though the app has changed significantly since I last used it.08:44.57 
deb75 thanks, annotation removal works well, anything about configuring the pen width ? not yet ?08:46.49 
paulgardiner Width and color control is supported in the library but not yet in the app. We are currently in the process of completely rewriting the app. I believe that feature and many other new ones will be present08:51.32 
deb75 Thanks for your complete answeer, I look forward to using the rewritten app ! Regards.08:58.49 
sebras Robin_Watts why is it not enough to use the size of the store entries and only evict once the reapable size is over some threshold?11:06.16 
  I think the entries already keep their size..?11:06.38 
Robin_Watts sebras: The issue is that we want the store to be able to clear 'just in time'.11:07.19 
  i.e. if someone tries for a malloc, and it fails, we want to be able to ditch as much as possible, quickly.11:08.04 
  Also, for cleanup purposes, we don't want stuff (however small) hanging round for an arbitrary length of time.11:09.17 
  I have a plan, and I may have avoided the need for a semaphore...11:09.32 
sebras_ Robin_Watts: right. 11:12.32 
Robin_Watts All but the last 3 are fine.11:36.21 
  3rd from the top, the change in svg_parse_transform...11:37.20 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes..?11:37.36 
Robin_Watts Could we move first = 0 to be done unconditionally after the if ?11:38.14 
  I reckon we could.11:38.19 
sebras Robin_Watts: absolutely.11:38.33 
Robin_Watts Which would then mean we could take a load of common code out of the if and lose the first clause.11:38.47 
  i.e. if (!first) {skip , skip whitespace }11:39.07 
sebras and a preceeding skip whitespace before that.11:39.48 
Robin_Watts yes, the "common" bit of the code before that.11:40.18 
  Is () a valid transform?11:41.10 
sebras no.11:41.46 
Robin_Watts cos as I read the new code, it will accept that.11:41.47 
sebras Robin_Watts: they must be something like matrix(1,2,3,4,5,6) or skewX(42)11:42.02 
  separated by whitespace or commas. if there is a comma there must be another transform11:42.24 
Robin_Watts keyword() would be accepted though with the new code ?11:42.53 
sebras no.11:43.08 
  the nargs check will catch that.11:43.17 
Robin_Watts I don't see a nargs check in the patch.11:43.38 
  Maybe that's outside the patch?11:43.47 
sebras could be.11:43.51 
  else if (!strcmp(keyword, "translate"))11:44.16 
  if (nargs != 2)11:44.19 
  fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "wrong number of arguments to transl11:44.19 
  this happens after the nargs loop.11:44.33 
Robin_Watts Right, so each individual thing checks it has the right number of args.11:44.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: correct.11:45.11 
Robin_Watts so we could in theory have: identity() and it would get through the top loop.11:45.14 
sebras Robin_Watts: the longest one accepts 6 arguments, and e.g. skewX() accepts only one.11:45.34 
  no, becuase there is a finite list of different transformations and we do if (!strcmp(keyword, "matrix")) {} else if (!strcmp(keyword, "translate")) {} ... else fz_throw()11:46.14 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes, but in future if the list was every extended. Not important.11:46.57 
  That commit looks good to me too then.11:47.05 
  (with the optional optimisation if you feel like it)11:47.18 
sebras yeah, that one reduces the amount of text so I'll take that one.11:47.41 
Robin_Watts the jpx one is good too.11:47.46 
sebras unless it produces some cluster issues.11:47.49 
  Robin_Watts: for %lu fz_print("%lu", 0); would print "0u11:48.17 
Robin_Watts I don't understand the last one at all yet.11:49.31 
  %ll = long long = 64 bit signed. %lu = unsigned long. %llu = unsigned long long, right?11:51.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: can you write just %ll without %lld or %llu?11:51.58 
  or %lli.11:52.03 
Robin_Watts Ah, probably not.11:52.15 
sebras printf(3) says that the conversion specified (d, u, i, ...) must be there.11:53.06 
Robin_Watts ok, so %lld = 64 bit signed, %llu = 64bit unsigned, %lu = unsigned 32bit, unless we are on 64bit linux, in which case it's unsigned 64bit.11:53.08 
  so length = sizeof(long)*8 would appear to be better?11:54.12 
  (rather than length=32; ?)11:54.20 
sebras is %lu 64 bit on 64-bit? hm...11:54.34 
  I changed this error messages as so: fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "wrong number of arguments to matrix(): %lu", (unsigned long) nargs);11:55.00 
  error: wrong number of arguments to matrix(): 1u11:55.16 
  with the patch: error: wrong number of arguments to matrix(): 111:55.25 
Robin_Watts sebras: AIUI, on 64 linux (not on 64bit windows), longs are 64bit.11:55.47 
  Hence %lu should be 64bit.11:55.54 
  (and %ld, %lx etc)11:56.15 
sebras correct.11:57.06 
  Robin_Watts: ok, after your suggested changes it still clusters. want to take a final look before I push to golden?12:10.47 
Robin_Watts fetches12:11.26 
  lgtm now, thanks.12:12.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: pushed.12:25.39 
Robin_Watts sebras: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=f12c089b455f43f73e9a8cc78d75565c97d582b013:13.17 
  Better version: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=c7737e7a7a4ba23fdd402b4df923c694b10cf19213:14.51 
Robin_Watts foods. bbs.13:15.09 
sebras Robin_Watts: can fz_defer_reap_start()/_end() throw?14:06.52 
  I have only read the documentation for the functions as of yet.14:07.13 
Robin_Watts no.14:07.17 
sebras good.14:07.23 
Robin_Watts Generally speaking, destructors shouldn't throw.14:07.38 
sebras maybe we should document that (ideally also for all _drop() and _free() functions).14:07.54 
  I know.14:07.55 
  but I wonder if we should underscore that this is the case.14:07.58 
Robin_Watts Yeah, maybe.14:08.02 
sebras maybe it is implicit and client (and we) should just know this.14:08.18 
  but it wasn't apparent to me.14:08.29 
marcosw chrisl: 9.20rc1 regression testing is almost complete, I'll have final results this evening (PDT). so far everything looks good.14:09.16 
Robin_Watts Hi marcosw. How's the new job going?14:11.26 
chrisl marcosw: thanks. And thanks for doing the testing14:18.13 
sebras Robin_Watts: in fz_store_item() you check if size <= store->max14:18.23 
  after having reaped.14:18.28 
  what is it that updates size?14:18.39 
  wouldn't you need to do size = store->size + itemsize after reaping?14:18.48 
  because you can no longer want the old value for store->size..?14:19.01 
Robin_Watts sebras: D'Oh. Good catch.14:19.52 
  I was thinking that store->max would have changed, but it's store->size of course.14:20.10 
sebras yup.14:20.19 
  Robin_Watts: one thing I don't get though is why only images need the reaping callback.14:20.56 
  Robin_Watts: I think this has to do with only images being used as keys..?14:21.08 
  Robin_Watts: what is used for pdf objects?14:21.14 
  is that the object number?14:22.03 
  when applying your patch, rebuilding and running on Bug693416.pdf I get "Attempt to release lock 0 when not held!"14:24.21 
  let me nuke and retest.14:24.34 
  Robin_Watts: nope, reproducable.14:24.50 
  fz_drop_key_storable() is unlocking FZ_LOCK_ALLOC.14:26.39 
Robin_Watts sebras: WTF? Why isn't that showing up for me?14:27.50 
sebras but do_reap() has already unlocked it.14:27.53 
Robin_Watts cos I tested exactly that file.14:27.59 
sebras Robin_Watts: on linux?14:28.18 
  Robin_Watts: or windows?14:28.25 
  Robin_Watts: maybe the mutexes are recursive on windows?14:28.41 
Robin_Watts Shouldn't affect the debugging.14:28.59 
sebras I'm not sure why you cannot see it. I get it after 2-3 seconds of rendering.14:29.36 
  dodrawpage() -> fz_drop_display_list() -> fz_drop_storable() -> fz_drop_display_list_imp() -> fz_drop_image() -> fz_drop_key_storable() -> fz_lock_debug_unlock() -> fprintf()14:30.35 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes, I can see that I should see it...14:30.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: actually that ties into my next question about the code. you are only adding fz_defer_reap_start() to pdf_drop_document_imp() but as you can see that function is not in my backtrace so I'm thinking that deferal (sp?) should be done in drop_display_list() too..?14:32.28 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes, probably, will fix.14:32.59 
  I tested that file, and it completed in less than 2-3 seconds for me.14:33.22 
sebras gdb --args ./build/debug/mutool draw -s t ./Bug693416.pdf14:33.47 
Robin_Watts Windows for me.14:34.26 
  but I've spotted a negated test here, so...14:34.38 
sebras Lock ordering violation: Attempt to take lock 1 when 0 held already!14:34.38 
  Attempt to release lock 0 when not held!14:34.38 
  those are the two first errors.14:34.45 
  oh.. in fz_defer_reap_end().14:36.57 
  if reap_count == 0 we should be reaping, not otherwise.14:37.08 
Robin_Watts yes.14:45.01 
sebras even if I change that I still get the locking issues though.14:45.40 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yeah. Stupid error here.14:45.54 
sebras Robin_Watts: I wish I would pick up on that in the review. :-/14:46.47 
Robin_Watts ok, NOW I get the locking order stuff.14:48.33 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, why didn't you see it?14:48.48 
Robin_Watts stupid error. running the wrong binary,14:49.01 
sebras :-D14:49.13 
  when testing the luratech stuff I'm in constant fear of doing exactly that.14:49.48 
Robin_Watts I *could* defer start/end around every fz_drop_storable.15:05.27 
  That now runs with no warnings for me.15:06.59 
sebras Robin_Watts: are we allowed to unlock ALLOC and REAP in arbitrary order?15:13.45 
  in defer_reap_end() you lock first alloc and then reap then, in case of reaping, unlock alloc and then reap.15:14.04 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes, unlocking can be done in any order.15:14.05 
  The only restriction that we apply is that locks should always be taken in decreasing order.15:14.43 
  (i.e. that lock n should never be taken if lock m is already held (for m <= n))15:15.04 
  And that is sufficient to guarantee safety.15:15.15 
sebras ah, this is why you moved REAP up a bit..?15:15.23 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yeah.15:15.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: nothing clears to clear store->needs_reaping15:17.29 
  I guess that should be done somewhere close to unlock = 0; ?15:17.40 
Robin_Watts sebras: ooh.15:17.42 
sebras or possibly inside do_reap().15:17.44 
  I think inside do_reap() makes more sense.15:17.57 
  now I can't find more. :)15:18.53 
Robin_Watts No, not inside do_reap.15:19.30 
  actually, yes, why not.15:19.54 
  sebras: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=db3db17a3c5b3a8c721ffcaf0abf38fbba634a4a15:27.24 
sebras Robin_Watts: LGTM.15:30.24 
Robin_Watts Thanks.15:30.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: I missed the check for needs_treaping in fz_defere_reap_end(). I should have realized that one.15:30.56 
Robin_Watts So... why when I run my tests through the cluster does it tell me that Bug693416.pdf has *Started* timing out ?15:40.53 
  hmm. But only in the non displaylist modes.15:41.26 
  Urgh... I see why.15:42.51 
sebras Robin_Watts: what did we miss this time?15:43.08 
Robin_Watts sebras: Nothing. It's just that with PDF files inline images are created, rendered, dropped when no displaylist happens.15:43.50 
  So they don't get batched.15:43.55 
sebras Robin_Watts: right.15:44.05 
  Robin_Watts: so we batch around the content stream processing?15:44.19 
Robin_Watts mmm.15:44.26 
sebras the fact that we can't figure out all these cases worries me.15:45.09 
  what other cases exist that we haven't thought of/tested yet?15:45.18 
Robin_Watts sebras: Well, this area has been a massive thinko for ages.15:45.53 
  That passes the cluster now.15:57.27 
  sebras: And http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=352efd644b2398f11f74e267f262f05969752141 (my bmpcmp shows the progressions)16:02.29 
  lots of problems with the files still, but the corners look right.16:02.44 
sebras Robin_Watts: still bandwidth constrained so I'll refrain from looking at the bmpcmp16:03.06 
Robin_Watts pops out. back inna bit. thanks.16:03.28 
sebras Robin_Watts: code LGTM.16:04.09 
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