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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/09/23)20160924 
ago Robin_Watts: around?16:12.04 
Robin_Watts aye.16:12.29 
ago Robin_Watts: hello, I sent a mail to sebras about the fix on mujstest which I'm not convicend at all....can I forward it to you if you have a minute to check?16:13.17 
Robin_Watts Sure.16:13.41 
ago Robin_Watts: sent16:15.43 
Robin_Watts ago: Ah, right.16:22.38 
  I am not familiar with the issues involves.16:22.56 
ago what do you mean exactly?16:23.17 
Robin_Watts I do know that clang/gcc have some cunning checking for strcpy etc16:23.19 
  but I also know that it can be confused by standard C idioms.16:23.37 
  For example, if you have something like: struct { int length; char string[1]; } counted_string;16:24.17 
  and if you do: int len = strlen(string); struct counted_string cs = malloc(sizeof(*cs) + strlen(string)); cs->length = len; strcpy(&cs->string[0], string);16:25.45 
  then that's entirely valid.16:25.49 
ago Robin_Watts: so you think that is right revert the changes on bugzilla?16:26.03 
Robin_Watts The strcpy overrun stuff in gcc and clang gets confused by that kind of stuff.16:26.29 
ago mhm..16:26.51 
katu Robin_Watts: even for char[0] ?16:27.19 
Robin_Watts katu, no, it copes for the 0th char, but then thinks every successive char is an overwrite.16:29.03 
  ago: So bug 692020 avoids ever doing the strcpy, cos the filename is never used.16:29.29 
  So that's clearly safe.16:29.32 
katu bug 692020 of what?16:30.19 
  that number is suspiciously high for gcc16:30.57 
Robin_Watts bug 697020, sorry. Of MuPDF. On bugs.ghostscript.com16:31.24 
  ago: If the files still fail for you in address sanitiser, please attach new logs to the bugs and reopen them.16:31.53 
  If you have different files that fail, please open new bugs.16:32.05 
katu Robin_Watts: 697020 seems to be trigerred because #define LONGLINE 409616:36.32 
  ie it has nothing to do with aliasing in strcpy, its just plain buf ovf16:36.49 
  granted, the buffer sizes are pretty convoluted, so even if buffer sizes are fixed, asan is likely to trip on this16:37.15 
  *the relations of buffer sizes16:37.29 
  as for asan tripping on char[1] idiom, never encountered this (unless you flagrantly violate const qualifier somehwere)16:38.32 
Robin_Watts I didn't say it was asan, necessarily. But I've certainly hit it with at least one of gcc or clang in debug builds on linux. Without violating const.16:45.08 
ago Robin_Watts: I just meant that the concept of duplicate is different17:20.25 
  this is a different issue addressed by the same commit17:20.39 
  Robin_Watts: anyway, a bit OT, if I compile with address sanitizer, the build fails because of -Wl--no-undefined, could you remove it when address sanitizer is enabled?17:22.30 
  do I need to open a bug to remind, if it is fine?17:22.40 
Robin_Watts ago: open a bug please. Thanks.18:21.51 
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