Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/09/27)20160928 
ray_laptop I have bin/gs working to x11 with the Windows 10 bash Beta. had to install quite a few packages, but it looks handy00:47.11 
  It works GREAT with the Xming X11 server00:47.47 
  (that I also use to get X11 display from peeved and peeves00:48.14 
Robin_Watts sebras: For the logs, couple of commits on robin/master05:45.18 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok. I have a few over at sebras/master too..09:09.09 
  Robin_Watts: the header documentaiton commit you'd better run by tor8.09:10.36 
  I fear doing documentaiton commits. ;)09:10.54 
  Robin_Watts: hm... is it better to move the stm = fz_open_memory() outside the fz_try() and thereby avoiding the initialization and fz_var()?09:12.56 
  Robin_Watts: other than that it looks plausible to me up to 696870. the jpx-info one I'm still working on.09:14.11 
dpsn Good day peoples. I have a question if anyone would be so kind to help me out. (im not sure if this is the right channel to ask so) Is there a possibility to get a list of strings based on a set of rectangles? Im working with the old winrt8.1 port09:14.58 
sebras oh, and mupdf is under 200 open bugs! :)10:54.26 
  Robin_Watts: tor8: 3 commits for review at sebras/master11:45.05 
  tor8: why is xps_open_document() and pdf_open_document() in include/mupdf? doesn't it suffice with fz_open_document()?13:50.42 
  if there is good reason for this I can understand why {pdf,xps}_drop_document() are also there. OTOH there is nothing similar for epub/html/gprf/etc.13:52.30 
nahLir hi there having a problem14:17.42 
  installed the linux-binary on a centos system14:17.50 
  when running getting "segmentation fault"14:17.56 
  any ideas?14:17.58 
sebras nahLir: mupdf?14:18.13 
  nahLir: or ghostscript?14:18.19 
nahLir ghostscript, sorry14:18.23 
  i cannot build it from source because of missing gcc and other tools14:18.38 
  so i had to deploy the built binary directly14:18.46 
sebras nahLir: ok. I'm not a ghostscript developer so I'm not sure how best to help you.14:19.15 
  nahLir: I think it is best if you file a bug over at bugs.ghostscript.com14:19.44 
nahLir i'm kind of in a trouble situation rightnow14:19.47 
  okay thanks14:19.49 
  i'll have a look on it14:19.55 
sebras nahLir: because most of the ghostscript developers are travelling to a company meeting.14:20.03 
  nahLir: please state the exact version of the linux-binary you downloaded.14:20.34 
  nahLir: and if the issue only happens with a specific document, please attach that to the bug report.14:20.50 
nahLir okay thanks a lot14:21.08 
  it happens on all versions, i tried around 5 different versions14:21.15 
sebras nahLir: I have never used centos, are you sure it provides all the libraries that the ghostscript linux-binary depends on?14:22.57 
  nahLir: then again, it is unlikely that this would cause a segmentation fault.14:23.13 
nahLir in the downloads section there are no additional librairies listened as required14:29.14 
  and i'm also not sure if this could cause a segmentation fault14:29.27 
sebras nahLir: normally it wouldn't, but if the code were to load a .so as a plugin, this failing, and then still continuing it might. I'm not sure if gs does that kind of trickery. I hope not! :)14:30.51 
nahLir I just checked again whether there are some requirements listed14:31.15 
  but i don't see any... so don't know14:31.22 
sebras nahLir: don't forget to provide all output you get from gs, and if you know how to I think it might be helpful if you provide a backtrace from valgrind or gdb.14:32.10 
nahLir i just filed the bug14:34.22 
  additional problem here: there is absolutely no log or anything14:34.35 
  i just get "segmentation fault" and not anything more from the binary14:34.46 
  maybe it's a known bug14:34.53 
sebras nahLir: mm, I saw that. are you really using 9.19? 14:34.55 
  nahLir: http://ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html provides 9.20 for download.14:35.04 
nahLir yes i tried that as well14:35.18 
  o i see, forgot to mention 9.20 in the ticket14:35.50 
sebras nahLir: do you mind trying to run "valgrind ./gs" if you have valgrind installed?14:36.46 
  nahLir: maybe it can provide some clue.14:36.52 
nahLir okay one sec14:41.32 
  it's not available14:41.47 
  you know the problem is that the whole server is provided by a hoster14:41.59 
sebras nahLir: is gdb available?14:42.08 
nahLir so it's a server environement with cut down permissions14:42.09 
  no, neither gdb14:42.26 
  i know, not a lot of informations :D sorry14:44.22 
sebras nahLir: I assume that "ulimit -a" says that core file size is 0?14:45.53 
  nahLir: you might be allowed to run "ulimit -c unlimited", then run "./gs" and get a file named core.14:46.16 
  nahLir: if you are able to do that, then please zip and attach that to the bug report.14:46.29 
  nahLir: other than that I'm stumped. :)14:46.38 
nahLir ejah exactly core file size 014:47.33 
  okay i did that now14:48.12 
  now i got an additional file14:48.19 
sebras nahLir: if you can collect a core file it is important that you tell _exactly_ what version of the gs-binary you used.14:48.20 
nahLir okay i'll try the following: deploying the newest version again14:48.36 
  and collecting this core.-file14:48.42 
sebras nahLir: you forgot to actually attach the core file.14:55.55 
nahLir jeah its uploading14:56.04 
sebras nahLir: oh, sorry. :)14:56.24 
nahLir it's up now14:56.32 
  i hope that's okay like this14:56.39 
  i forgot to mention that is 64bit version of the os, maybe i should add that as well14:56.52 
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