Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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ago good morning10:02.07 
  Robin_Watts: I noticed that mupdf is broken with the latest openjpeg. Are you aware? is there a fix?10:02.37 
jogux ago: Robin's in the US at the moment, he may not be online for at least a few hours (or possibly not till next week).10:10.19 
  ago: I'm not a mupdf developer, and I've not been following as to your project, but generally if you want to guarantee compatibility it's best to use the version of openjpeg that is in the submodule under the mupdf repo.10:11.20 
ago jogux: in gentoo we are not using bundled library10:26.03 
jogux I thought that might be the case :-) I don't know what the outcome will be then. From your log it sounds like there's been a major API rework if functions like opj_create_decompress are no longer there.10:27.54 
  although opj_create_decompress still seems to be there in the latest openjpeg git. which version are you referring to when you say 'latest'?10:29.32 
ago jogux: 2.1.1 and 2.1.210:45.43 
  jogux: for reference: http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69717510:46.25 
jogux cool, I'll leave it to Robin to comment. I'm confused currrently :)10:48.34 
ago jogux: are you able to build with the latest openjpeg?10:52.57 
jogux I haven't tried. My main confusion arises because the symbols your linker says are missing appear to be present in the latest openjpeg git.10:53.50 
  Robin update openjpeg on master just two days ago, I don't know if that is relevant.10:54.32 
jogux has my head deep in something else at the moment :)10:54.53 
ago jogux: this may probably come from downstream changes, since we need to touch the makefile....10:57.44 
  I guess would be great have at least a configure10:58.24 
jogux One answer you may well get is: don't do that ;-) (ie. use the embedded openjpeg. but I don't want to pre-guess, particularly as I've not followed the earlier discussions.)11:00.59 
  I'm probably not really help tbh so I should shutup :)11:01.48 
raj_ i need your help13:14.55 
  here any one knows how to create libfontconfig.a file for ios13:15.28 
  i am very new for ios could you please help me13:15.55 
jogux raj_: I think you may be in the wrong place. This channel is for ghostscript or mupdf issues, and I don't believe either of those have a libfontconfig13:25.15 
deekej hello guys, question:14:55.58 
  does the new ghostscript-9.20 also included the changes to Openjpeg2?14:56.20 
  I see you made some changes in the git to update to latest openjpeg2, it was 3 days ago14:57.16 
  and 3 days ago the 9.20 was released14:57.28 
  and on github it says that openjpeg2.1.2 was released 2 days ago14:57.56 
  I can't get a head or tail from this timeline14:58.10 
jogux deekej: I suspect anyone that knows the answer to that question is offline today due to a staff meeting14:59.57 
  deekej: but here's the release branch: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/gs92015:00.04 
  I'm going to say that's not got anything from 2 days ago in it.15:00.14 
deekej okay, thanks :)15:06.22 
Stealth hey there, anyone from mupdf dev team?15:06.23 
jogux Stealth: there likely won't be anyone till Monday.15:10.39 
Stealth oh well15:10.58 
  sounds like I've found DoS issue15:11.26 
jogux Stealth: if you want to make a private bugzilla entry I can help with that.15:13.43 
Stealth yes please, but I think I need to create an account there first.15:14.29 
jogux you will. :)15:17.13 
Stealth let me do that then15:18.39 
sebras ago: Robin: it seems like openjpeg removed a few deprecated interfaces in openjpeg 2.1.0 as outlined here https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/blob/master/NEWS.md15:24.39 
  one of them is indeed opj_stream_destroy()15:24.58 
  is that the reason that the library is rejected and that all symbols are listed as undefined in ago's log in 697175.15:25.37 
jogux sebras: This still confuses me. http://www.openjpeg.org/abi-check/timeline/openjpeg/ says nothing has been removed in the last 2 years. (and it appears to be up to date)15:27.52 
  ah, good, Robin is confused too15:31.50 
sebras jogux: let me check the code, maybe the openjpeg guys are deliberatly trying to confuse us all. :)15:32.08 
jogux I am tempted to suspect ago's problem is some kind of configuration issue.15:32.40 
  (like it's not actually pulling in openjpeg at all)15:34.12 
ago sebras: I admit that the Makefile is not fantastic...so we need to to a massive edit to force it to respect variables....and there is also a patch from debian on openjpeg O_o15:45.51 
inkbottle Some pdf (eg: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~jean/geomcs-v2.pdf), have weird font vertical metrics for some fonts (eg minus sign p95), making highlighting annotations ugly. Would it be possible to amend the metrics of that font?15:46.37 
ago sebras: not hard to understand: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/app-text/mupdf/mupdf-1.9a.ebuild15:47.03 
  sebras: and here you can see that something is suitable to go into upstream master: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/app-text/mupdf/files15:47.17 
  sebras: anyway have at least a configure would be great.....15:47.28 
  sebras: err, is not from debian....is here for any reason I don't know..15:49.52 
jogux ago: I don't understand ebuild at all. It really looks to me like the issue is caused by the changes you make to use a system openjpeg, I don't think those changes are working right.15:53.26 
ago jogux: if 1.9a works with openjpeg-2.1.2 on your side, maybe is a downstream fault...15:54.43 
  but we always used external library15:54.57 
jogux I'm not guaranteeing that, but 1.9a definitely doesn't break like /that/ with openjpeg- 
  ago: I think you need to print out the linker command, check that openjpeg is being linked in, and if it is, check the openjpeg library containis those symbols.15:56.43 
  the most obvious explanation to me just know would be that openjpeg isn't even been linked in15:57.04 
sebras ago: it seems to me that the patch for openjpeg you apply: http://goo.gl/H7Pnsv is already applied in mupdf: http://goo.gl/bfCa7M15:57.31 
ago sebras: ok, I got another error without the patch...15:59.50 
  sebras: https://bpaste.net/show/5babf5ccddd616:01.48 
jogux sebras: that change isn't there in 1.9 though, http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob;f=source/fitz/load-jpx.c;h=6b92e5c8c507336e0cdc4db7c7dea3ab855bf5ed;hb=027860688eafc89ca3d57937a77a43a9bb96f590#l12016:02.28 
sebras ago: wait a minute... are you trying to build the very latest mupdf or 1.9a?16:03.01 
ago sebras: 1.9a16:03.08 
sebras ago: oh, I though you were trying to build the latest git HEAD.16:03.27 
  ago: so my link was to latest git HEAD.16:03.42 
jogux aiui ago is trying to package mupdf 1.9 for gentoo16:03.55 
  1.9a, sorry16:04.01 
sebras ago: so basically you are building mupdf 1.9a with the very latest openjpeg?16:04.08 
ago sebras: 2.1.216:04.16 
sebras ago: right.16:04.21 
ago sebras: does it work for you?16:04.33 
sebras ago: I haven't tested because I use the bundled openjpeg normally.16:07.20 
  ago: as I remember it openjpeg 1.5 used the interface opj_stream_set_user_data(opj_stream_t *, void *) while openjpeg 2.1 introduced opj_stream_set_user_data(opj_stream_t *, void *, opj_stream_free_user_data_fn)16:08.49 
  ago: I haven't checked yet, but I believe that maybe mupdf 1.9a used an older version of openjpeg with the older interface.16:09.20 
  ago: if I'm correct then this is the reason that you are failing to use a newer version of openjpeg with 1.9a of mupdf.16:09.53 
ago sebras: do you know when 2.0 will be released? I guess the latest git head should work with the latest openjpeg..16:10.00 
officergris ago: I have mine working with openjpeg 2.1.0. do you know if there's a major difference with that version?16:10.28 
ago sebras: is there a particular reason because mupdf uses bundle software instead of system libs?16:10.41 
  officergris: with 2.1.0 worked also for me, the problem is 2.1.2 and perhaps 2.1.116:11.01 
sebras ago: yes, I see that the version of openjpeg we bundled with 1.9a wasn't 1.5 as I assumed but something upstream labelled 2.0.016:13.22 
  ago: I think the main reason is that openjpeg changed their interface and mupdf hasn't changed accordingly in 1.9a (but this is the corrected in the upcoming 1.10 version)16:14.09 
  ago: normally the main reason projects keep bundled libraries is that they want known/stable versions of used libraries.16:15.58 
officergris ago: just upgraded to openjpeg-2.1.2 and I am getting a similar problem16:16.06 
ago officergris: yeah..16:16.17 
  sebras: is there a chance to have a configure to manage better the variables on our side?16:16.43 
sebras ago: I'm not the one to make that decision, but mupdf has not had any autotools-based scripts for a long time so I'd not expect that to change any time soon.16:17.39 
ago sebras: just as personal suggestion since in gentoo I see every day similar problems...autotools-based is better and where possibile avoid to bundle, unless you have a --with-system-lib :)16:21.22 
  works end....se you.16:21.34 
sebras ago: I think the reason for you problems is that 1.9a was using a version of openjpeg with the old interface where opj_stream_set_user_data() took two arguments and that worked fine until you upgrade to a newer version of openjpeg where they have changed the interface to take three arguments and then you get a compilation error.16:22.51 
  ago: we adapt to the new interface in the upcoming 1.10 because we upgrade to a later version of openjpeg.16:23.13 
  ago: note that all distributions (each having stable and development versions) may have different versions of system libraries. which ones should we test with? all distributions for all versions? that's a lot. :)16:24.34 
  officergris: I have no idea what the differences are between openjpeg 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 and 
LordNed|Work Hi all. I can't seem to find the documentation on mupdf's "fz_open_document_with_stream" - not entirely sure what it's expecting for magic or how to make an fz_stream20:36.31 
  (We're writing a managed C# rapper around mupdf and want to open the file via C# and convert it to a byte array before going to unmanaged c)20:37.33 
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