Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/10/15)20161016 
sebras Robin_Watts: tor8 (for the logs): on sebras/master I give you: two minor fixes for checking digital signatures, following robin's advice of dropping super in all locations, checking gif boundaries, fixing a bug in gif rendering, plugging leak in tiff, adding support for ycbcr tiff.05:35.46 
  it clusters well with a progression for ycbcr-cat.tif05:36.20 
Robin_Watts sebras: It feels like: x < info->image_width && info->image_left + x < info->width should be able to be 1 condition.10:14.53 
  i.e. outside the loop you should be able to figure out the max value for x and then just use that as a loop bound on a single test.10:15.22 
  decode_tiles now looks like it has a risk of leaking "data"10:18.03 
  no, ignore that, sorry.10:18.31 
  Other than that, all looks good apart from the final one. I need to be more awake to understand that.10:21.18 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, I never bothered to eliminate -> from the gif code as I did with the tiff decoder.11:21.18 
  Robin_Watts the ycbcr patch did require quite a lot of effort to get correct, so I imagine it will be equally difficult to review. :)11:23.30 
ago Hello...12:50.51 
  Robin_Watts: for the issues I reported, the next release will be 1.10 or 2.0 ?12:51.16 
ktrbnwp Hello all! I found this IRC chat page on mupdf.com. I have a question regarding the mupdf PDF viewer for Windows.14:35.07 
  Is there a way to search for strings containing characters such as (äöüß) with in PDF files?14:36.13 
sebras ago: this one http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=697017 e.g. is destined for 1.10 which might be released the coming week.14:39.43 
  ktrbnwp: I assume you are using the mupdf x11-based PDF viewer?14:40.41 
  ktrbnwp: if so, I think it might not work currently. at least I cannot enter åäöÅÄÖ in the search field.14:41.47 
ktrbnwp sebras: Thank you for responding. I am running mupdf program on Windows 7 and I am able to enter the (äöüÄÖÜß) characters in the search field, but mupdf doesn't seem to produce any results with it. It would be very nice to be able to search with these characters. Is this feature already planned to be implemented? 15:56.22 
SpaceRobot hello! I cannot seem to figure out if mupdf can display a multi-page PDF as one scrollable document23:26.21 
  currently it "jumps" to the next page when scrolling to the end of one23:26.36 
  I'm using mupdf via Homebrew on OS X23:27.28 
Robin_Watts That's what the standard MuPDF viewer does. It's page based.23:29.23 
SpaceRobot Ah. So I would need to use a different viewer or client?23:30.22 
Robin_Watts Yes.23:30.33 
  The core of MuPDF is plenty able to do it.23:30.42 
  GSView for example uses MuPDF.23:30.47 
SpaceRobot Thanks! The one feature I really like in mupdf is the ability to press <r> to refresh the file, without it jumping to the first page.23:37.40 
  I haven't come across any viewer which can do this (Preview on OS X will jump to the first page, and Adobe's reader wont' reload at all).23:39.02 
  I cannot see anywhere in GSView that tells it to reload the file23:39.31 
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