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sebras tor8: have you had time to look at sebras/master?10:46.17 
  tor8: robin had some comments about the gif patches that I intend to address, but nothing about the other commits. do you?10:48.06 
Robin_Watts sebras: So TIFFs are restricted to subsampling no more than 4 in any given direction?10:56.39 
  and U and V are always subsampled the same?10:57.02 
  actually, I see from your comment that the latter must be true.10:57.57 
  Can we not have 0x81 say?10:58.06 
  or 0x88 ?10:58.46 
sebras Robin_Watts: nope, that's true.10:58.47 
  Robin_Watts: at least from reading the spec.10:58.53 
  Robin_Watts: and the rgb2ycbcr tool10:59.15 
  the output from the tool that is.10:59.28 
  Robin_Watts: oh and as I read the tiff spec bitspersample == 8 at all times.11:02.36 
Robin_Watts sebras: Final commit seems OK to me. I think there are optimisations to be had, but whether it makes sense to put effort into what probably will never make a difference I don't know.11:03.21 
tor8 sebras: I have no comments. if Robin has LGTM'd the commits I'm happy to have them in before the release.11:04.04 
  Robin_Watts: sebras: one commit on tor/master that probably ought to make it in as well11:04.17 
Robin_Watts The reload one?11:05.41 
tor8 yes, the reload one.11:05.47 
sebras tor8: the reload one looks ok to me.11:05.49 
tor8 the other one is still in progress11:05.54 
Robin_Watts I hate the fact we're going all staticy again, but sure.11:06.08 
  If you reload and the document is broken, does it crash?11:06.23 
tor8 yes, it will bail11:06.33 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, there certainly are optimizations to be had.11:06.37 
tor8 the gl viewer has always been full of globals11:06.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah, I know (about the globals).11:07.00 
  The non gl viewer, doesn't crash (or exit), it invents an empty file, so that subsequent reloads (when, say, the file finishes being regenerated) work.11:07.43 
sebras Robin_Watts: are you thinking about some more elaborate one's than not using -> in for()?11:08.00 
Robin_Watts so it lgtm, but I predict it will get people whinging about it.11:08.02 
  sebras: possibly.11:08.09 
sebras Robin_Watts: Re: reload: I think there's a but about make_fake_doc() not working though..? causing a sigsegv.11:08.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: how about we add a new document type: fz_new_error_document(ctx, "message")?11:08.39 
Robin_Watts but as I say, let's wait until it's an issue.11:08.50 
  tor8: Possibly, yes. Would be nice to ensure that the page is kept too.11:09.18 
tor8 when we get the eventual complaints11:09.22 
Robin_Watts dives into gs bug.11:09.44 
sebras tor8: if we do faz_new_error_document(ctx, msg), we should make sure we don't keep any info about the previous document being dirty so we can accidentally save it though.11:10.24 
sebras is really grateful that the normal length for a fz_try() apperas to be no more than 20 lines of code.11:35.06 
  for some, e.g. the one in pdf_load_hints() it might be a bit difficult to determine what is dropped when and why.11:35.50 
  we seldom nest fz_try(), and when we do, never more than two levels, thankfully. makes my awk script easier. ;)11:36.29 
tor8 sebras: ah, checking that we don't return in the middle of a try or always block?11:39.51 
sebras tor8: kind of, I'm fearing that we make more mistakes in the longer fz_try() blocks so I tried to find out where they are.11:41.25 
tor8 sebras: I'd say flag any nested try blocks too. might as well simplify or rewrite those.11:42.17 
sebras tor8: hm... would it make sense to do dp->xres = sp->xres; and the same fo yres in fz_convert_pixmap()? we already assume that their sizes are the same, right...?11:42.18 
  tor8: at some places we do assign xres/yres before/after the convert call, in other's (the one's I wrote? :) ) we dont'.11:43.10 
tor8 sebras: considering how and where fz_convert_pixmap is called, it might make more sense to change its functionality11:43.55 
sebras tor8: or maybe just a fz_new_pixmap_from_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *desired_colorspace)?11:43.59 
tor8 to fz_new_converted_pixmap(ctx, destination_colorspace, source_pixmap);11:44.08 
sebras tgmta.11:44.30 
  but your naming is better.11:44.40 
tor8 we almost always drop the original pixmap, so a wrapper fz_new_converted_pixmap_drop (like the pdf_dict_put_drop functions) could possibly also be helpful11:46.11 
sebras mmm, after fixing a few I think the logic for freeing is easier and requires less code with such a helper.11:47.44 
  tor8: though we need to know if alpha is desired too.11:47.56 
  how about fz_new_converted_pixmap(ctx, cs, alpha, pix)... or does pix come before cs and alpha?11:48.16 
tor8 fz_new_converted_pixmap(ctx, pixmap, colorspace, alpha) then?11:48.18 
sebras ok.11:50.10 
  tor8: oh, pixmaps have x/y?!11:52.01 
tor8 yes. an offset to keep track of tiles and bands and overlays, etc.11:55.31 
  and glyph pixmap origin offsets11:55.44 
sebras tor8: oh, then I'll copy x/yrex, x/y and interpolate when doing conversion. assuming that's what one would want.11:56.10 
tor8 copy everything, pretty much11:56.32 
  copy x,y,w,h,interpolate,xres,yres11:57.08 
  if you end up calling it with ...(ctx, pix, cs, pix->alpha) everywhere, also copy the alpha11:57.52 
sebras tor8: in fz_draw_fill_image() we seem to allow model to be == NULL and in that case we assume alpha. 12:04.47 
  I'm not sure I get that, what does NULL mean in this case?12:04.57 
  oh, alpha only right?12:05.37 
tor8 alpha only, no color12:05.44 
sebras tor8: I think I know why we often see "soft mask should be grayscale"... if (tile->n != 1) { ... if (tile->n != 2) fz_warn("soft mask should be...."); .... }12:11.59 
Robin_Watts sebras: That's probably a hang over from when we always had alpha.12:18.23 
sebras Robin_Watts: mmm, are fz_image->n supposed to include alpha or not?12:19.01 
Robin_Watts image->n includes alpha.12:19.17 
  (as it always has).12:19.43 
  It's just that now we can have 0 or 1 alpha planes (as indicated by image->alpha)12:20.00 
sebras Robin_Watts: fz_new_image() just picks n from the input colorspace, but that is without alpha, right?12:20.04 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes.12:20.15 
sebras Robin_Watts: and if there is no colorspace (i.e. alpha-only) then n == 1.12:20.42 
  Robin_Watts: so alpha is included if it is the _only_ compoment, but not otherwise.12:20.59 
  Robin_Watts: there is no image->alpha.12:21.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so... all the PDF image specific fields in fz_image (bpc, decode, color_key, etc), shouldn't they be put in a subclass like fz_raw_image?12:47.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: Probably, yes.12:57.03 
  sebras: sorry, I was thinking of pixmap.12:57.31 
  tor8: I've been moving the fz_image stuff towards being more subclass orientated, but haven't got all the way there yet.12:58.20 
sebras what is fz_alpha_from_gray() meant to do with the luminosity parameter?13:28.58 
Robin_Watts sebras: hmm. Nothing now, it would seem.13:29.49 
  I think possibly previously it determined whether we worked on alpha or gray?13:30.03 
sebras it used to be if (!luminosity) sp++; in fz_alpha_from_gray().13:31.12 
  Robin_Watts: so yes, that seems plausible.13:31.19 
  Robin_Watts: that means we can now remove the luminosity argument as I see it.13:31.31 
Robin_Watts yes.13:35.06 
tor8 sebras: if luminosity is true, we should use the gray and discard the alpha; otherwise use the alpha only13:54.30 
  that may be possible to guess based on the properties of the incoming pixmap though13:54.52 
sebras enough for today. until tomorrow I bid you farwell!17:00.55 
Robin_Watts night.17:03.01 
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