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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/10/19)20161020 
cheng hello,there. these day,i used mupdf,and there 's a problem.when open a large epub file.it tkes too much time to wait the window shown14:16.21 
  and,i found the mupdf once load all htmls in the epub file.14:17.05 
  will there a soultion like delay loading method14:17.44 
  just like the bug http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=696471 description 14:18.54 
Robin_Watts cheng: Are you a commercial customer of mupdf ?14:26.06 
cheng sorry about that, i am a free user14:29.39 
Robin_Watts Then yes, it's something we want to do, but no, we can't give you a timescale.14:29.58 
cheng thanks for your reply14:32.23 
  mupdf now supports the epub allready vey good14:34.31 
sebras cheng: nice to hear! :) if you have problems with specific epub files, please do report bugs at http://bugs.ghostscript.com14:35.28 
  cheng: don't forget to attach any problematic epub files.14:35.55 
  cheng: are you using mupdf to view any other type of file too?14:36.34 
  tor8: where did we end up with my patches last night?14:37.21 
cheng yes,except the epub file.i used mupdf read the pdf files in my ipad14:38.57 
  it loading pdf files so quick14:39.15 
tor8 sebras: the header change stuff from y'day, still don't see a commit that zaps the forward decl's in font-imp.h so maybe you didn't push the latest?14:54.06 
  Robin_Watts: I've got a commit to fix epub links and outline targets that aren't <a> tags, but it sits on top of a not completely finished link reworking commit14:54.51 
  anyway, I'm leaving in a couple of minutes14:55.05 
sebras tor8: fcbec57 removes the forward declarations. maybe I shouldn't do it in the same commit?14:55.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'm hip deep in gs at the mo.14:55.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: then it can wait :)14:55.30 
  sebras: ah, I see it now. I obviously can't read diffs :)14:56.27 
  sebras: all but the colorspace pixmap thing LGTM14:56.43 
sebras tor8: ok, is there some problem with the colorpsace thingy or you just haven't looked at it yet?14:57.16 
tor8 just haven't looked yet14:57.33 
sebras tor8: np.14:57.40 
  tor8: then I'll push my patches.14:58.40 
xiaoqiang hi15:42.09 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.15:42.09 
xiaoqiang how can i get text content from a text annotation ?15:43.35 
  i use the pdf_annot_contents function, but it seems only return one charactor15:44.19 
  is the anyone can help?15:44.28 
Robin_Watts Not if you don't hang around for long enough to get a reply, matey.16:16.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: I even tried whoising him just now to see if he was still around, but no.16:17.29 
  Robin_Watts: given his name I'd guess his in my time zone though and it is past midnight so I can understand why he logged out. :)16:17.53 
  Robin_Watts: before I push them, is there something in the patches on sebras/master that you think I need to fix?16:32.24 
  Robin_Watts: tor8 already LGTMed them, so a cursory glance is likely all that'16:32.48 
  s needed.16:32.51 
Robin_Watts sebras: I'll trust you and tor8. Still in shading hell in gs.16:38.26 
sebras Robin_Watts: cool. I will you well! I remember fighting with those quads once... eep.16:40.20 
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