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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/10/22)20161023 
sebras tor8 (for the logs): the commit for docs/naming.txt and the two first epub ones LGTM.06:01.42 
Robin_Watts sebras: 3 bugs came in yesterday.09:33.23 
  2 of which are to do with ligature stuff in the stext device.09:33.36 
sebras Robin_Watts: aw, carp. some of that is in code I touched. :-/09:35.17 
  Robin_Watts: I'm not sure what we can and should be doing for cahracters widths when not preserving ligatures.09:40.55 
Robin_Watts sebras: split the width 50/50 between the two chars?09:41.28 
sebras so bug 697236 really is two bugs. one being the extra space being inserted (by whom?), and the second one being the charcter width.09:41.35 
  Robin_Watts: or 1/3rd if it is ffi.09:42.02 
Robin_Watts Or (possibly even better), measure f and i, and split the fi width in the correct ratios.09:42.12 
  We want it to be as clone to being correct as possible, so that dragging selections looks natural.09:42.35 
sebras can the pdf control characters width and by doing so _want_ to get negative space between characters?09:42.54 
  if so measurements of the characters do not make sense.09:43.10 
  Robin_Watts: oh.. and in all the back and forth about the STEXT bitfields I apparently set the default flags both for fz_device and fz_stext_device. but fz_device interprets these as ignoring images and shades I believe.09:46.01 
Robin_Watts sebras: pdf can control the characters advance.09:52.02 
sebras Robin_Watts: so, then it is not a simple matter of asking freetype.09:52.24 
Robin_Watts hence if they wrote stuff backwards, you could get negative advance.09:52.37 
sebras right.09:52.42 
  then I'd opt for doing 1/3rd09:52.50 
Robin_Watts Well, for "ffi", say...09:53.25 
  imagine freetype says 40 for f and 20 for i.09:53.41 
  and the file says to use an advance of 130.09:54.15 
  then you could do 1/3 and hence use 43 43 4309:54.47 
  or you could do 50 50 3009:54.58 
  I suspect the latter would be better.09:55.12 
sebras why wouldn't I do 40/(40+40+20)*130 40/(40+40+20)*130 20/(40+40+20)*130 ?09:56.00 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes.09:56.13 
  (which is almost 50 50 30, I think)09:56.24 
sebras 52 52 26. :)09:56.30 
Robin_Watts ok :)09:56.37 
sebras but it got me thinking you were doing something else. :)09:56.45 
Robin_Watts When writing backwards, (i.e. when advance is -130), then presumably we still output 'f' 'f' 'i'.09:57.12 
sebras we do.09:57.28 
  so it'd be 40/(40+40+20)*(-130)...09:57.47 
Robin_Watts so we'd need to do 'f' and advance 52, then 'f' and advance 52, then 'i', and advance -130.09:58.02 
sebras it depends on who ligatures work.09:58.19 
  are they bidi?09:58.23 
  i.e. can they be?09:58.28 
Robin_Watts I do not believe so.09:59.06 
sebras Robin_Watts: do you know where I can see the general category for each unicode code point?10:25.00 
Robin_Watts http://unicode.org/ ? or in the ucdn tables?10:26.13 
sebras it is in the ucdn tables, but I'd need to write a program to look something up.10:26.33 
  http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/UnicodeData.txt I'm interpreting the 3rd field as the general category there.10:26.57 
  seems to fit with A-Z at least.10:27.03 
Robin_Watts bug 697234 seems to be down to t3 fonts being much slower than before.10:28.40 
sebras ok.. so there is Lt "Letter titlecase" which might have been useful to distinguish ligatures.10:29.01 
  but the ligature ff 0xFB00 is categorized Ll which means "Letter lowercase".10:29.27 
Robin_Watts Not sure about that.10:30.17 
  Lt looks to be stuff like "char + marking line" rather than just "char + char"10:30.46 
  I have a family this this weekend, so must run...10:31.04 
sebras ok.10:31.11 
Robin_Watts The big slowdown one looks like a font cache problem.11:51.25 
  2nd and 7th char are supposed to be the same, but we don't find it in the cache.11:52.11 
sebras Robin_Watts: hm...12:39.57 
  Robin_Watts: I think I see a mistake in fz_add_stext_char()12:40.15 
  Robin_Watts: when we preserve whitespace, or as it was from the beginning expand whitespace, we call fz_add_stext_char_imp() with ' ' to add a space.12:41.06 
  that seems fine to me, but we never return!12:41.13 
  doesn't that imply that we'll add a space and then the character.12:41.23 
  was this really what we wanted?!12:41.30 
  it seems to me like we should return, or simply set c = ' ' and continue;12:43.14 
  Robin_Watts: there's a proposed patch series on sebras/master13:48.45 
  Robin_Watts: it ought to fix the two stext bugs.13:48.55 
  Robin_Watts: I'd like for tor8 to rereview the first one too since it was he who wanted me to rename to PRESERVE before.13:49.23 
  it clusters and I hope I got everything right this time.13:49.46 
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