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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/10/27)20161028 
senhai any way to add annotation with smooth signatures?10:38.55 
kens senhai : which product are you asking about, and what's a 'smooth signature' ?10:39.58 
  Canyou reference the PDF reference manual page ?10:40.08 
senhai_ android and ios10:40.11 
kens No, which of *our* products, not which operating system10:40.22 
senhai_ like this http://corner.squareup.com/2012/07/smoother-signatures.html10:40.26 
  sorry, mupdf10:40.41 
kens Right.10:40.46 
  I'm not clear on how the page you've referenced relates to MuPDF10:41.02 
  That seems to be something Android'y10:41.09 
  MuPDF doesn't care how you generate a curve, that's up to you10:41.47 
  I don't know anything about the signature code in MuPDF10:42.12 
senhai_ means i can redraw the annotation?10:42.31 
kens I guess you are referring to the way one of the demo viewers captures signatures10:42.32 
senhai_ yes10:42.49 
kens THat's an aspect of the implementation, not of MuPDF itself (I believe)10:42.49 
  So you could implement your own solution10:43.04 
  Sadly, I have no clues to offer on how to go about that. You would need the engineer who wrote it and he's not online currently10:43.43 
  Oh, well that put him off10:43.49 
senhai_ ok10:44.28 
  seems off....10:45.01 
kens Oh sorry, you were here with 2 nicks, I thought you had signed off.10:45.04 
senhai_ haha10:45.22 
  thanks anyway10:45.38 
kens NP10:45.48 
  If you check bakc in the logs I'll try and get the relevant engineer to make a comment10:46.03 
senhai_ ok, i will check back10:46.57 
Robin_Watts senhai_: For the logs: I believe you're talking about generating freehand ink annotations.12:05.25 
  We support generating those already; basically we feed a path (basically a list of points) into the annotation code.12:05.54 
  You have the freedom to generate that path any way you want.12:06.07 
  If you're talking about "are we going to provide a shiny app in which that's an option", probably not in the short term.12:06.35 
cheng hello,there. i used mupdf these times.and i found another problem is.it seems can support html's table 14:38.15 
  such like <table><tr><td>...</table>14:38.42 
  and aslo i found the same problem in bug http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69631914:39.18 
Robin_Watts cheng: It can? Or it can't ?14:39.19 
  As I understand it, table support is one of the things we are missing.14:39.46 
  table support is not trivial.14:39.53 
cheng sorry for my careless14:40.47 
  it seem mupdf will support the link in epub file14:42.06 
Robin_Watts cheng: What sort of link?14:42.32 
cheng It will be a nice experice14:42.34 
Robin_Watts Internal links *might* work, but I can't be sure.14:43.30 
cheng I found it in the lastest change http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/tor/mupdf.git;a=blobdiff;f=CHANGES;h=13c202a2b4a5554502e59afb7dfa6e3885fc71c6;hp=5e780c3251cb329101d70a1d08ceeff6886a7803;hb=4029b45e494634361a4205f8896ec429d11e990a;hpb=cc54ce0ea012a24e2b2b20da7d6c176eed9b041414:43.32 
Robin_Watts We did some work recently to support it for the table of content stuff, yes.14:43.56 
cheng yes,i can not wait for the new version14:45.34 
  links is too imprt for epub or pdf files.usally these files are wo large to navigte14:46.25 
Robin_Watts cheng: Well, a snapshot of the new version can be had already.14:52.03 
  Having it tested by someone other than us would be good.14:52.13 
cheng so where i can download the new version14:55.23 
  i'd like to test it in my free time14:55.41 
Robin_Watts http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=summary14:56.08 
  The 'snapshot' on the right hand side should work.14:56.22 
  But that won't include the thirdparty libs.14:56.39 
  You'd probably do better to git clone it using the instructions on mupdf.com14:57.00 
cheng thanks for your help,but i used the visual studio 2015 on windows15:00.35 
  it seems the sln file can upgrade the 2015 version15:01.18 
  can not15:01.27 
  microsft change thier soultion file every year15:02.45 
Robin_Watts cheng: hmm. Do you have 2010 express installed?15:05.10 
  You can import it into 2010, and then into 2015.15:05.22 
  I'm vaguely surprised it can't update it directly. let me try here...15:05.44 
cheng thanks,and i will install a 2010 in my another pc later,and have a try15:07.33 
Robin_Watts It updated directly for me.15:07.42 
cheng ah?15:08.22 
Robin_Watts I just opened mupdf.sln in vs2015 community edition and it upgraded everything for me.15:08.47 
  What error do you get when you try it?15:08.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I added regular hyperlinks to EPUB recently15:10.19 
  Robin_Watts: two commits on tor/master. if you got a few minutes over the weekend to polish up the CHANGES file I'd appreciate it.15:10.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: Right. I knew you were looking at that, didn't know it had made it in.15:10.45 
  tor8: Will do.15:11.00 
cheng maybe my problem. i will try to repaire the vs 15:11.14 
tor8 the hyperlink stuff for FB2 hasn't made it in; that depends on some of the other changes and I can't be bothered to rebase it :)15:11.16 
  and I suspect getting outlines to work with FB2 will require a couple of days of tinkering15:11.34 
cheng Thans for your selfless help15:12.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: so outlines have a void * doc now.15:16.46 
  and yet to_Outline_safe takes a doc pointer?15:17.06 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the fz_link has a void* doc, not the outlines15:17.21 
Robin_Watts ah, right.15:17.30 
tor8 I'm not convinced about the void *doc link change; it feels a bit hacky15:17.37 
Robin_Watts links having a doc pointer, but no ref is vaguely worrying.15:17.54 
tor8 yes. but we want to avoid circular reference counting chains...15:18.23 
  I might rewrite that to always include a fz_document in all fz_pages and a fz_page in all fz_links15:19.52 
  so I think we sohuld wait with that commit until post release15:20.03 
Robin_Watts a URI of #10 means "Page 10" ?15:20.22 
tor8 yes15:20.27 
Robin_Watts printf(buf, "#%d", pdf_to_int(ctx, obj) + 1); 15:20.46 
  Ok, I see.15:21.00 
tor8 for XPS and EPUB internal links are of the "subpart.html#fragment" format15:21.33 
  and external links are always a full URL with a schema15:21.48 
tor8 dinners.15:23.49 
Robin_Watts ok, those all look plausible enough to me.15:24.13 
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