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sebras hm, fz_new_image_from_pixmap() keeps the pixmap supplied as argument, but doesn't keep the mask. I wonder why...08:19.10 
  it _does_ however drop the mask in the case of error, suggesting that it propagates the mask reference to the fz_image if a mask is given.08:23.14 
  fz_new_image_from_compressed_buffer() on the other hand _doesn't_ drop the mask, suggesting that it doesn't intend to propagate any mask reference to fz_image.08:23.55 
  this seems contradictory.08:24.02 
  Robin_Watts: you around?10:36.34 
Robin_Watts I am.10:37.14 
sebras Robin_Watts: so I'm seeing a file that causes a call to fz_fill_image().10:38.48 
  now this call has alpha set to 110:39.07 
Robin_Watts fz_new_image should have a try/catch in to drop the mask in case of error, I think.10:39.29 
sebras but as we progress through fz_draw_fill_image()10:39.30 
  we notice that pixmap->colorspace == rgb10:39.44 
  and the desired model is == NULL.10:39.58 
  that doesn't seem healthy, does it..?!10:40.06 
Robin_Watts That seems odd.10:40.23 
sebras Robin_Watts: why shoudl fz_image drop the mask when it doesn't drop the pixmap?10:40.54 
  I might have caused this issue myself somehow, but I don't understand how. :)10:41.22 
Robin_Watts sebras: fz_new_image does: image->mask = mask;10:41.35 
  which means it's *taking* the reference to the mask.10:41.44 
  Either that is right (in which case it should ALWAYS take the reference, which means dropping in the case of an error), or it's wrong (in which case it should be image->mask = fz_keep_blah(mask)10:42.30 
sebras Robin_Watts: yeah, I'm leaning towards the altter.10:42.43 
  the reason being that fz_new_image_from_compressed_buffer() does not handle mask being dropped.10:43.08 
  in case of error, but fz_new_image_from_pixmap() did.10:43.21 
  I'm thinking that it is easier to understand if fz_new_image() does fz_keep_image(mask) and whomever calls fz_new_iamge_from_{comrpessed_buffer,pixmap}() have to sort out dropping the reference themselves (turns out this happens in a single place).10:44.23 
  that way pixmap and mask supplied to fz_new_image_from_pixmap() are being handled in the same way, i.e. here, look at this thing _I_ own, if you want to keep it take a reference yourself.10:45.09 
Robin_Watts We want it to be consistent, yes.10:47.59 
  Either it's consistently "here are some things I own, take references if you want", or it's "I'm passing these to you. They are your responsibility whether you succeed or fail."10:48.36 
sebras mm, in this case half of the arguments were of one type and half were of the other. :-/10:49.00 
  though I disocvered that fz_compressed_buffer is not fully reference counted (the fz_buffer it contains is though!)10:49.35 
  so there is a fz_drop_compressed_buffer() but no corresponding keep...10:49.49 
  Robin_Watts: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/sebras/mupdf.git;a=blobdiff;f=source/fitz/draw-device.c;h=fd74474edc5550efe6cf365f367c2611c4eb6ebc;hp=f587d38e67ef422d7b5a041a4c404891eed010b8;hb=ef2611940d27ee109ec40d20397b6127b38f5a54;hpb=a6e9ef25ae235c177427e2f1602a7e413ec066cd10:50.30 
  Robin_Watts: in this change I elimited 'after' as I assumed that model would never be NULL.10:50.48 
  Robin_Watts: why would model be NULL?10:50.59 
  Robin_Watts: http://pastebin.com/raw/4ds1nQU410:52.59 
Robin_Watts The purpose of after is to ensure that we don't do extra work.10:54.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: I know, I just eliminated the variable, not the check. :)10:54.51 
Robin_Watts consider the case where we are plotting to an rgb destination, and we have a greyscale input...10:54.57 
sebras it was only used once.10:54.58 
Robin_Watts oh, right...10:55.02 
  Ah, right, so if I'm reading that backtrace right, we are in a softmask definition.10:56.15 
sebras Robin_Watts: mmm, but somewhat surprisingly mask_colorspace == rgb! :)10:56.38 
  in begin_soft_mask().10:57.13 
Robin_Watts There are 2 types of softmask; one of which takes the alpha value of the rendered thing, the other one takes the luminosity (i.e. converts the rendered image to a greyscale and then uses that as alpha)10:57.43 
  Also, I don't entirely trust that badly formed PDF files (i.e. ones that pop more/less than they should) won't cause strange nestings of colorspaces in the draw device.10:58.54 
  I think we should cope with such cases, but not be surprised if the rendering doesn't make sense.10:59.17 
sebras if they do, shouldn't we detect that early on and bail?10:59.17 
Robin_Watts in the drawing functions? probably, yes.10:59.34 
  ideally we should pop back to sanity and continue with drawing the rest of the page though.10:59.53 
  OR, in cases where we run out of memory when allocating pixmaps etc.11:00.12 
  but I assume the file that shows this doesn't show an errors or warnings.11:00.32 
sebras Bug691289.pdf page 1, and the xobject being rendered it x611:01.06 
Robin_Watts Just as a note, for each function that you figure out the "ownership" details of, it would be good if we could make sure the comments document it clearly.11:01.25 
sebras no, because I removed the after variable it crashes later on because I don't handle model being == NULL.11:01.38 
Robin_Watts (like "This function takes ownership of the references passed in.")11:01.39 
  sebras: Right.11:01.50 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, I agree. I try to specify this by making the functions be suffixed _drop().11:02.17 
Robin_Watts mask_colorspace = the colorspace of the mask definition.11:02.25 
  sebras: I'm not sure I agree that all functions should be named _drop. In some cases it's a normal thing to expect.11:02.49 
sebras Robin_Watts: right, but I haven't encountered problems where _drop() didn't make sense yet. :)11:03.21 
  Robin_Watts: and if it _does_ make sense to use _drop() I prefer that to having a comment in a header because of the visibility of the function name.11:03.48 
Robin_Watts fz_new_image_drop() would be bad, IMHO.11:03.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: absolutely!11:04.03 
  Robin_Watts: so in this case I'm opting to have fz_new_image() not swallow the mask reference it might be given.11:04.38 
Robin_Watts IF that makes the calling code simpler, sure.11:08.52 
sebras Robin_Watts: in this case we already had callers that had made mistakes beacuse of this.11:09.57 
Robin_Watts I have to take my doggy to the vets for a post-op check. bbs.11:11.31 
sebras Robin_Watts: oh! I hope both are doing well.11:12.07 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yeah, she had a syst taken off her eyelid earlier in the week. Seems fine after that, but dislikes wearing the cone of shame.11:12.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: have you tried this? http://i.imgur.com/vGGnFCo.jpg11:15.10 
Robin_Watts haha.11:51.32 
  tennis balls.11:51.35 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, so I see a mistake I did.11:54.55 
  Robin_Watts: in my 'after' change I messed up a check.11:55.58 
  though, it revealed an interesting case that we don't handle.11:56.14 
  because of this mistake we call fz_convert_pixmap() which attempts to create a pixmap with colorspace == NULL (because the destination is the alpha-only softmask), but also with alpha == 0 (because the original image has no alpha).11:59.14 
  Robin_Watts: and so fz_new_pixmap() calls fz_new_pixmap_with_data() which asserts.11:59.30 
  Robin_Watts: but I guess it could be argued that we should be able to handle this case as we could conceivably guess what the alpha value ought to be.12:00.31 
  Robin_Watts: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob;f=source/fitz/pixmap.c;hb=HEAD#l39 -ve... it took me quite some time to realize that this was not a typo.12:25.47 
  tor8: Robin_Watts (for the logs): there's a whole slew of commits on sebras/master for different issues I've found and that have been pending.18:41.01 
  I only noticed that the UCDN we had as old today, it could have been included before 1.10.18:42.19 
  oh, and we have duplicates of the data, both in harfbuzz and in fitz itself.18:42.34 
  maybe we ought to include thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-ucdn/unicode_data_db.h instead so we don't have to update both.18:48.18 
  I have more leaks pending, but they'll have to wait until a later time.18:49.45 
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