Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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deekej hello guys, for which component I should report a bug when 'ps2pdf' is segfaulting?10:34.13 
  pdfwriter or general?10:34.25 
  (also, this could be a regression, since it was working with old versions)10:34.45 
Robin_Watts deekej: pdfwrite.10:40.38 
deekej Robin_Watts: OK, thanks10:40.50 
Robin_Watts But the first thing we will ask you to do is to reproduce the problem calling vanilla ghostscript, rather than ps2pdf.10:41.00 
  Try something like:10:41.03 
  gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf in.ps10:41.15 
deekej I have done it10:41.16 
Robin_Watts oh, cool.10:41.22 
deekej :)10:41.25 
  I'm just getting a confirmation from one of our custoers, if I can share the *.ps file that's causing the segfault :)10:41.57 
chrisl deekej: did you check it with the latest release, with our shipping libraries etc?10:52.28 
deekej I download the git repo, checkout the latest commit, unistalled the Fedora ghostscript and rebuild it from scratch (vanilla build)10:53.23 
  we have a backtrace and coredump where it segfaults10:53.42 
  I just need a permission to share it with you :)10:53.54 
chrisl Great. FWIW, we can mark it as private so it won't be publicly available10:54.41 
deekej oh, I wanted to ask that10:54.51 
chrisl If they want to be sure, then you can mail it to me, and I'll attach it as private from the start10:55.30 
deekej http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=697286 - once I get the confirmation from our customer, I will send you the *.ps file causing this11:47.15 
ray_laptop_ darn. Not sure what came thru before a net glitch15:14.14 
sind hi16:42.42 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.16:42.42 
sind where can I find MuPDF which supports android marshmallow16:43.17 
sebras sind: doesn't the mupdf in the app store work in marshmallow?16:43.39 
sind I'm developing an app which supports marshmallow and this app should use mupdf library16:44.54 
Robin_Watts sind: An app that will be released under the ANU AGPL?16:45.26 
sind yes16:47.09 
sebras sind: the mupdf library is meant to work under android marshmallow.16:50.20 
Robin_Watts sind: I can't think of a version of MuPDF that won't work on android marshmallow.16:50.23 
  Certainly the version from mupdf.com will.16:50.31 
sind can you provide me a link with latest version?16:50.50 
sebras sind: if you encounter problems please register a bug report on bugs.ghostscript.com and attach the file you have problems with.16:50.51 
Robin_Watts If you mean "I can't make it build when I import it into my app", then that's a very different questions.16:50.53 
  sind: mupdf.com16:50.57 
sebras sind: 1.9a is currently the latest released version.16:51.35 
sind does 1.9 support marshmallow?16:53.00 
Robin_Watts but if you go to the git link on mupdf.com you can get what will soon be 1.1016:53.01 
sebras sind: just because I'm curious, what kind of documents are you going to render?16:53.03 
Robin_Watts sind: We've answered that already.16:53.17 
sebras sind: 1.9 is should work in android marshmallow, yes. if you see any problems please tell us.16:53.36 
sind I have an error saying- unsatisfiedlinkerror:dlopen failed16:53.37 
Robin_Watts I can't think of a MuPDF version that *won't* support MuPDF.16:53.40 
  sind: Are you the guy that opened a bug saying you were using a 64bit toolchain?16:54.04 
sind libmupdf.so:has text relocations16:54.12 
Robin_Watts sind: The current version builds and runs on marshmallow for me.16:54.44 
sebras sind: what version of mupdf are you using right now? 1.9a?16:54.51 
sind yes 1.9a16:58.11 
sebras sind: ok. have you followed the instructions at http://mupdf.com/docs/how-to-build-mupdf-for-android16:58.41 
  sind: and also the instructions at http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob_plain;f=platform/android/viewer/ReadMe.txt;hb=HEAD16:58.55 
sind gotta look at it now16:59.55 
sebras sind: please take care to check that you are using the correct versions of android studio/ndk/sdk/etc and that you are building for the correct 32/64-bit architecture (this is explained in the instructions)17:01.01 
sind using eclipse to develop android apps17:01.58 
Robin_Watts sind: Follow *our* instructions, and build it as *we* tell you to. If you then have a problem, we might look at it.17:02.36 
  If you use eclipse and it goes wrong, then we aren't going to be terribly interested.17:02.52 
sebras because we are not using eclipse to build our app.17:03.25 
  sind: if it works for you in android studio/ndk/sdk but not in eclipse you know that is _can_ work, you just need to figure out how to make eclipse do what you want.17:04.31 
  sind: if you are working on this app for a customer and you need support then you/your company can choose to pay artifex for support.17:05.59 
sind ok17:06.17 
  thanks all17:06.19 
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